Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


How To Control Everybody, Part 1: Machiavelli’s Covid

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB One man can control millions of people. In 1505, Niccolo Machiavelli, who is sometimes called the father of political science,...

No-ethics Case, Part 2: Public Expectations, A Trial and 33...

by Dee McLachlan (Apologising to readers in advance as this is but another of many articles in a series.) This is a follow-up on Part 1 on...

Fuellmich — The Australian Aboriginals Fighting For Survival and Their Land

Introduction by DM Today's post is a video of ICIC with Dr Reiner Fuellmich talking to David Lurnpa Cole, an Aborigine from Australia, well-known blogger...

Judy Wood’s 9-11 Thesis and How We Can Deal with Our...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Judy Wood's 20006 book "Where Did the Towers Go?" is a masterpiece. I am only up to page 78 so...

JFK Assassination, Putin, The Anti-Christ and The End Times

by G5 RFK Jr. Explains Why JFK's Assassination Has Not Been Declassified All correct. And as he indicates; and as I have written and spoken many...

Covert War on Global Food Supplies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOH9RkTKLOY&ab_channel=IceAgeFarmer Comment by DM, Another Ice Age farmer video -- a video that mentions the state I live in: Victoria, Australia.

The Covert War on Old People

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor Decades ago some passing Melbourne Uni student wrote on a wall in Carlton, “We are being farmed”. The truth is...

Tipping Points, Resets and an Unknown Future

Introduction by DM, Earlier this week, my swimming friend was telling me about how she was trying to close her account and transfer money from...

We Conspiracy Theorists Were Wrong about Nine-Eleven

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Today, by the grace of God, I turned 76. For some time, I've been hoping it would all end soon,...

The Sequel: Bragg & Stormy’s Excellent Adventure (2023)

Some commentary on the possibility of Trump being arrested through the actions of DA Alvin Bragg. The title is a parody of the 1989...

New Swabia (Neuschwabenland)

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor Fascinatingly, many Useless Eaters seem more au fait with the monetary aspects of the Great Reset than they do the...

Prolonging the Agony — the Book To End All Wars

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Please play this game with me for a moment. Pretend there is a bloke named Johnny living in Blandland.  He...