Dee McLachlan
The Exposing of Genocidal Plans
Editor's note: Today a series of videos leading us to the agenda.
The first by Harpaxo:
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Rumble("play", {"video":"v12tvq1","div":"rumble_v12tvq1"});
Infowars -- Mike Adams and Dr...
A Message From Slovakia — The EU Economic Suicide
Editor's note: A geopolitical view from our Slovakian contributor, Ivan.
by Ivan Hecko
This was inspired by an article at Moon of Alabama on May 18th....
Amazing Polly Exposes Monkey Business Over Monkeypox
!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r||(r=function(){(r._=r._||).push(arguments);if(r._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m),l.async=1,l.src=""+('.''')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(.slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");
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Intro by Dee McLachlan
I've been a fan of Amazing Polly for a long time as she is an excellent researcher...
Australian Foreign Policy Unlikely to Change With Any Change of Government
By James O’Neill*
By the time you read this the result of the election will be known. The polls suggest a narrow Labor victory, but...
Rolling Out The PLANDEMIC TREATY To Control Humanity
by Dee McLachlan
When I first heard about the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty, I was shocked to the core. I consider it the very worst...
Lingo, Part 2: Liberal, Fascist, Progressive
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In Part 1, I tried to demolish the new term, "the world together," mainly by arguing that it's a...
Will Scomo and Sharma Abandon Australia on Election Day (21 May...
Intro by Dee McLachlan
One of Gumshoe's readers sent the letters below to Australian MP, Dave Sharma. After getting no reply to his first letter,...
Lingo, Part 1: “World Together” (As Announced by the W.H.O.)
by Mary W Maxwell LLB
It was enlightening to watch the speech by Dr Joad Madjeur in a film that James Corbett captured into his...
Australia Continues to Make the Wrong Choices in its Geopolitics
by James O'Neill
It is rather sad to realise that one cannot rely on the daily newspaper for an accurate reflection of what is going...
Political Traitors Leading Us To The Gates of Hell (On Earth)...
Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Whilst travelling south to Jindabyne, NSW, today (11 May 2022), I received an urgent call from a Gumshoe reader alerting me...
The War In Ukraine Points To a Changing World
By James O’Neill*
The Western media has this amazing capacity to describe events around the world without the slightest reference to the truth. This is...
Putin’s Liberalism Means a Wider War Is In the Cards
Another Paul Craig Roberts article.
by Paul Craig Roberts
Vladimir Putin, demonized in the West for his “depravity,” to use the words of Defense Department spokesman...