Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


Jean-Luc Brunel, Close Associate of Epstein, Murdered in Cell in French...

By G5 Brunel; a close associate of Epstein; was just murdered in his cell in a French prison. He was to give evidence that further...

Brice Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Bob Hope, and The Council

 by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I'm always keen to share my knowledge of mind control, for two separate reasons.  The first is to help the...

Police and Military Lost Credibility in One Filthy Adventure To Oblivion.

by G5 We are pleased that; Turdeau, Ardern, MoMo, Macron, Biden, NegraCõno, and others, have graciously volunteered to participate in human clinical trials, to further...

Government IS The Enemy of The People

by Dee McLachlan I have a suspicion that a government department was using some sonic non-lethal weapon to disable a mother -- to make her...

133x Risk of Myocarditis Post Vaccination

Introduction by Dee McLachlan A young lad, a member of my extended family, had to go to emergency after his vaccination. The doctor, after examining...

Comedy Theatre — America Threatening Russia

Introduction by Dee McLachlan: This was reported on the 14th February 2020 in the techregister, "...'Boris Johnson has warned an invasion of Ukraine could...

Grand Jury Day 2 – Dr Reiner Fuellmich

Several expert witnesses give evidence on the historical and geopolitical build up to the Covid Hoax. How did the NWO get the power to...

Thank Goodness We Have Brave Political Leaders (Satire)

By G5 Clearly just a few hundred anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists. Thank goodness we have brave political leaders, following the science, and doing everything they can to...

Eutopia, Part 8: Turns Out Cops Have Hearts, and Brains

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB At GumshoeNews.com, we know a lot of bad things about cops. This is mainly because they go along with bad...

Important Information At These Times of Disguised Orchestration of Totalitarianism

by G5 Russia moving on Saturday (12/2/2022) to stand off Ireland, is a genuine issue. It dramatically shortens the already astonishing and unique missile flight...

Trudeau Returns to Parliament: Recalcitrance Crystallized

Editor's note; It could not be more obvious, but Trudeau seems trapped... like a deer in the headlights or a fox in a bear...

Millions Coerced Under Mandates — Scott Morrison, Hypocrite and Liar

Editor's note: Elizabeth is an independent researcher investigating the gross over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy. Her website is...