Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


A Book about The Melbourne Response and Cardinal Pell’s Lack of...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Dear Readers, our GumshoeNews community...

The Party of “Bait and Switch”

The Repbulicans are challenging the Dems, the "Bait and Switch" party with Flip-flop Harris.

Authority Addictions

Fall of the Roman Empire by G5 The trial and...

Trump and Rogan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMoPUAeLnY Comment by DM Is this the game changer? 129,000...

Punishing the Rescuers

https://vimeo.com/1023103282 Comment by DM It is extraordinary that only two men were charged for...

Climate Change Simplified: the End of Cheap Oil

A petroleum-era car graveyard J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor As...

“Sane People Make Their Own Decisions”

by G5 I announce this about once a year. All...

Urgent Interlocutory Appeal Requires Your Attention

Comment by DM Court Of Criminal Appeal, Urgent Interlocutory Appeal --...

Elon: “Californication, but much worse”

Comment by DM Elon offers some very interesting discussion ("Strangulation...

Who’s Who and What’s What

Adopted after full privatisation, claimed to be a representation of the southern cross, and described as a diamond...

Pitchforks and Tribunals, Anyone?

Peasants War 1798 and modern weaponry by Joachim Hagopian As...

Government Theatre for the Deluded

(G5 letting off steam in various emails) by G5 Viral Australian...