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Dee McLachlan


Australian Politicians Complicit in Desperate Coercion For Risky Jab Whilst Denigrating...

by Dee McLachlan Australian politicians are selling us a disaster. The Failed Experiment I'm sure Dan or Gladys are aspiring to the levels of vaccinations in Israel....

Autism Ideas – Part 9:  The Secret Lavender Liquid

By Mary W Maxwell, PhD Enter at your own risk. This article may look scientific, but it's written by an amateur. I am going to...

Letters by Elizabeth Hart Questioning Coercive COVID Injections for BHP Employees

by Elizabeth Hart Coercion to vaccinate is denying Australians the right to properly consider the risks, benefits, and unknowns about covid-19 injections in their own...

Truck Protests — Citizen Speculates on Uses of QLD Military Bases

by Mark Wilhelm I have been trying to figure out why Queensland won the rock, paper, scissor selection process in relation to rolling out the...

Even Silent Objection Banned — Humanity Has Been Captured

by Dee McLachlan I believe we are at the edge of the cliff. Most of the lemmings have been herded over already -- and we...

Natural Immunity, Pfizer Ingredients, and a Mainstream Reporter

by Dee McLachlan A collection of three views today. The Israeli Study -- Natural Immunity Trumps Vax The title of the Science article: Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers...

Vaccinated in Israel Hospitalized While Ivermectin Rolls Out in Japan

Editor's note: A selection of items for today. JAPAN An extract from an article on Cracknewz, entitled: "Japanese medical association chairman tells doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for...

ANZACS, Will Your Governments Dissolve Themselves on 31 August 2021?

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Karen Brewer is a New Zealand-born Australian who has been leading a fight via YouTube for about a year,...

What Rhymes with Comirnaty? (and No, THE FDA DID NOT APPROVE...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB You may recall that when Ahmadineja was president of Iran (2005-2013), newscasters could be expected to have trouble pronouncing his...

“Listen” Carefully To Both Sides of The Vebate

Introduction by Dee Mclachlan A huge bonus for the vaccinated. A quote from the governor of Cell Block B, Gladys Berejiklian: "From the 13th of September... ...

Incessant Propaganda Driving the Psychosis of Government Addiction

by G5 Fwd: Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab. I like...

Peter Hartcher’s Description of China and its Leader Reaches New Heights...

By James O’Neill* It is probably fair to say that most political commentators writing as journalists make at least a modicum of effort to write...