Home Australia Australia’s Foreign Policy Badly in Need of a Rethink

Australia’s Foreign Policy Badly in Need of a Rethink

Seven past Australian prime ministers (gumshoe adaption of the Punch and Judy show)

 By James O’Neill*

When I came to Australia nearly 20 years ago, the Howard government had just involved the country in the American-led invasion of Afghanistan. We were encouraged to believe that the invasion was in response to the attacks of 11 September 2001 in which civilian airliners were flown into three prominent buildings in New York City and Washington DC. A fourth airliner had crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks were said to be masterminded by a Saudi named Osama bin Laden. The Taliban government, which was sheltering bin Laden, refused to give him up to the Americans, who used that refusal as the main justification for the invasion that occurred the following month.

That almost none of that story was subsequently proved to be true has not received the intention it should have. Bin Laden, at the time a very sick man, denied any involvement in the events of “9/11”. His denial was not accepted by the United States government. What Americans did not tell the world was that the invasion of Afghanistan had been a topic on the agenda of the Bush cabinet from the very beginning of that regime in early 2001.

It was only one of many relevant facts that we were not told. One of the more significant was that bin Laden was terminally ill. He died at the end of 2001. The New York Times even published his obituary. All of that was, of course, conveniently overlooked when the later fiction of the capture of bin Laden, his execution, and oh so convenient burial at sea, occurred several years later.

By then the United States had achieved several of its objectives in Afghanistan. One of the most important was the restoration of the heroin trade which had been largely eliminated during the rule of the Taliban. A second goal was control of a strategically important country that shared borders with a number of other countries, including China, against whom the Americans nurtured multiple ambitions. We have seen the consequences of some of those ambitions, including a propaganda war against the Chinese over their alleged ill-treatment of the Uighur population in the strategically important Xinjiang region of China.

An eager involvement in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was not the end of Australia’s subservience to United States Imperial ambitions. It was followed in 2003 by the invasion of Iraq. Again, a wholly spurious justification was advanced. This time it was Iraq’s alleged possession of “weapons of mass destruction”.

That this quickly proved to be yet another total fabrication did not lead to the United States and its loyal lacky Australia apologising and immediately withdrawing with profound regrets and compensation. Instead, 17+ years later we are still there, having refused the demand of the Iraqi parliament in January 2020 to leave.

Iraq is a neighbour of both Syria and Iran, with the former also being occupied by United States troops and a sustained effort being made to overthrow the Syrian government. It was also not my chance that the United States continues to occupy Syria’s oilfields, thereby depriving the Syrian government of much needed foreign revenue. That is never mentioned in the Australian mainstream media, just as the involvement of Australian troops in that wholly illegal war on Syria is never mentioned either. Had it not been for the intervention of Russia in 2015 the Syrian government would almost certainly have fallen to be replaced by a stooge government whose allegiance would have been to the United States.

The terrorist threat in Syria has largely been defeated, although it is proving to be more difficult to remove the United States troops from continued occupation of part of the country (the oil-producing part) and they show no signs of being willing to leave. Just as heroin provides a useful source of illicit income to the United States, so too does Syrian oil. The arrogance of the Americans has to be witnessed to be believed.

Rather than learn lessons from these disastrous involvement in United States wars of choice, recent weeks have seen two further signs of an almost complete capitulation of Australia to the United States. The first of these was the resurrection of the Quad group of nations, consisting of the United States, Japan, India and Australia.

The United States aim was clearly to set up yet another anti-China grouping. In this it is unlikely to be successful. Only Australia seems willing to participate in that scheme. India, which is a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and has strong historical links to Russia is less than enthusiastic about becoming a target of Chinese anger. Japan, despite an uneasy relationship with China has very strong trading links with that country. It is also unwilling to become cannon fodder (or worse) in a full-scale war with China.

The second development was the creation of yet another grouping AUKUS, who once again seems directed against China. As the Australian role seems destined to use its submarines to control China’s access to the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the submarines to do the job are at least 10 and more likely 20 years away, it remains to be seen whether this alliance will actually amount to much.

It also seems to assume that over the next 20 years the Chinese will be doing nothing to ensure its own security, which is a dangerously myopic view. The reaction of some of Australia’s neighbours, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, to the AUSUK scheme should also give Australian planners pause for thought. One seriously wonders how much longer Australia can continue the fiction of being a European Lackie given the compelling reality of both its geography and its trading relationships.

Amidst the chaos and capitulation to the United States one might have expected a response from the Labor opposition. Alas no. It seems the United States inspired coup d’état of November 1975 has left a lasting imprint on any notion of a Labor-led independent Australian foreign policy.

Ironically, the strongest Labor voice for re-capturing some measure of foreign policy independence comes from former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating. In two recent articles in the Sydney Morning Herald Keating has persuasively argued that the present foreign policy of Australia is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, his argument are likely to fall on deaf ears. Australia will be all the poorer for ignoring his warnings.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. That’s nice. James has finally caught up on Afghanistan history and filled in the missing bits. Took only three tries, too. Well done James. Don’t forget to hand in your exercise book for a gold star.

    Back to more pressing issues, have you had your jab yet?

    • it is amazing the number of people that still cant cope with any disagreement with the official account of 9/11.. that is not James fault.

      the more pressing issues of today would not be occurring if the truth of that day wasnt so conveniently suppressed.

      of course, there have been many many false flag events documented and admitted, throughout history, that lead those with an enquiring mind and a slightly sceptical viewpoint to understand the habitual mendacity of most so called governments, but to sit and watch those towers exploding day after day after day ad nauseam, should have been enough make everyone sit up and ask themselves .. REALLY?

      the fact they could pull that off and not suffer any consequences despite the best efforts of many truthers.. has them laughing in our faces thinking they can do whatever they want.

      if people understand the truth of 9/11 – it might help them better understand a heck of a lot more, including whatever else they have planned for us next.

      • i only spotted one typo i think..
        “That almost none of that story was subsequently proved to be true has not received the intention it should have.”

      • F D
        Patience, the executed one has presented it on tape/video in exchange for some historic dignity.
        As I have heard and I hope.
        We await and see.
        No promises😎

        • no promises? well Ned, i wont hold you to anything then.. but as pessimistic as I am usually, i do remain ever hopeful that even just a few, that once were blind, can someday see, regardless of where that enlightenment comes from.

          if i live long enough to see a bit of that.. ill be happy enough. 🤪

  2. Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’?
    “We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

    “Some call it Marxism (Communism), I call it Judaism.” – Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise – The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. (Judaism is nothing but disguised, camouflaged Communism, therefore, Zionism is nothing but Communism) !!!


    Our Cultural Decline Follows (((Communist))) Blueprint

    • And when China sneezes? Oops sorry they just have!

      I suggest that people catch up on developments in the US that appear imminent.
      The whole game is about to change, that I suggest James is either denying or has no idea of.
      Look up the lates X22Report.com ……. The one with the military machinery depicted on the front and listen to all of it, particularly the last five minutes or so and note the three year deltas from the 2018 Q drops.

  3. I have to take issue with the headline.
    Australia doesn’t have a foreign policy, and it’s never going to get one.
    Here’s a video from the baldy friend of the Fish who is at last making sense.

    Always keep USD (Federal Reserve Note) hegemony uppermost in mind when considering US motivations. Federal Reserve is under BIS (Bank of International Settlements), Basel, Switzerland.

    So, looks like the Russians are going to cash in on another pipeline after their very successful just completed one under the Baltic sea (direct to Germany).

    • BIS Basel, UBS Zurich, UN & WHO Geneva, Swissy’s branch offices Vatican City, London and since Bretton Woods, NY.
      Beirut, Baghdad, Libya, Beijing, not allowed to start a new club.

      UBS funded the Chinese input for US election fraud bloodless coup 2020.

  4. Thanks James

    This is a most excellent podcast/interview. Much of the testimony here echoes my own journey of awakening.

    • Video & Audio: Interview Frederick Blackburn 911 show: Jews & the Perfect Triangle

    (Don’t be put off that it is almost two hours in duration – it is worth it – I download the audio and listen offline at x 2 speed)

    Another for those interested in reading between the lines and joining the dots … some fascinating insights into what the Ukraine (and all things related since 2014) is all about. The shift in focus from Israel to Ukraine could well explain the withdrawal from Afghanistan – after all, it has nothing to do with ‘America’ OR ‘Australia’ – both occupied vassal entities.

    • ACH (1613) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The Barnes Review Rothschild Double Issue

    I forget which of those two podcasts also mentions Rita Katz (reader’s homework).

    Meanwhile, back in Syria:
    “The terrorist threat in Syria has largely been defeated … “

    • MI6 forced to admit that Assad is key to peace in Middle East – Vanessa Beeley – The Wall Will Fall


  5. Somewhat off topic but important domestic policy.

    This is a fair dinkum bursta! Everyone with functional concerns should watch it to the end! I’ve never given such an enthusiastic endorsement to anything before!

    I thought it should be interesting to have philosophically and theologically ignorant Ric Bosi chatting with an avowed high up, card carrying, Communist trade union executive (retired) John Wilson. Well, it’s not just interesting; what ole Wilson revealed is a real shocker!

    I’m not clever with computers and all that and there might be a better way to access the chat but here’s the link from A1:


    You can view the talk anonymously if you don’t have a Microsoft account by taking that option in the links. They had some trouble getting started but if you go to about the 33 minute mark it’ll save you a half hour of nothing.

      • Can’t help you there, Terry.

        I rather suspected that the secretocracy would “quarantine” it quick as. If I find it reposted somewhere I’ll give a link.

        • Its a bit of a hassle but can get to it through DuckDuckGo/redirection-Fifth Estate Press/Microsoft Teams/Join conversation. Move timer indicator to about 30 minute mark for the video to work.

    • Old David,
      “….. philosophy…..ignorant ‘ric’ Bosi.
      You appear to be misinformed on Ricardo Bosi.
      Do some more work and update your philosophy.
      While you are on it await further practical information sent to Dee today with his interview with Charlie Ward at beforeitsnews.com (via DuckDuckGo.com)
      I have just finished the interview over an hour long.
      You may have to face some reality very soon…. As many others will have to.
      Tell me what a baby’s body is worth in the market when murdered at the breach.
      In part as to bits or whole💰💰💰⚖️⚖️

      • Don’t worry, Nedsy. I’ve already seen the Charlie Ward “interview”.

        It’s common enough for those that get their “spirituality” off Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards and seances to be pompously ignorant of the constraints of logic (the scientific rules for coherent, consistent reasoning) and propose just about any self indulgent fantasy as a “philosophy” or “spirituality”.

  6. Sorry mate,
    If you have never experienced such things you have no apparent experience to judge.so do not try.
    Ignorance, uninformed and arrogance have no concept to compare with personal experiences.
    Sorry.cannot help those who do not wish to know


    • Ps old David.
      You want to debate me on tarot cards?
      I spent a few years in the practice and gave it away. Because It was to disturbing. Now up yours in your ignorance.
      Do not opine if you are ignorant and therefore judge in ignorance, you appear as a ognorant uninformed judgemental fool.

      • Don’t be daft Nedsy! You’re practically saying that I have no business telling anyone not to stand on the highway because high speed trucks will flatten you if I haven’t been flattened by a truck on the highway.

        Yair, orrite, I’ll argue with you about occult gnosis and all that if you like.

        • O D . s s start, go ahead, put up your personal knowledge of what you refer to as the occult.
          Then we can go from there
          As a start define your understanding of the occult.

      • I have to add, too many arguments are of the “5 blind men and an elephant” type. If people could shut down their ego and realise the world MIGHT BE big enough and weird enough for two opposite things to exist at the same time, there would be less quarreling on the way to the truth.

    • What a mess.
      We are supposed to appeal to senators to stop this, senators presumably appointed by Mr Global if Mathias Corman is anything to go by, they don’t care if they lose their job, they are appointed by the party anyway, and they will go to their new corporate job. Adding to that, Clive Palmer ( who is at least taking on John Skerritt’s TGA for blocking the massive HCQ shipment Palmer ordered at the start of last year, ) is trying to shut down the state parliaments to leave us with even more centralised control. I believe people should have to live in the city they are running and face those people every day, not hide away in the mountains, not even living in any state but in a territory, and going to their private pubs and clubs, only ever coming out for MainStreamMedia performances.

  7. De facto Oz government (Berry thank you),
    ‘Coles and Woolies stores may close due to Covid.’
    If you thought these creatures had hearts, think again.

      • If society had any terrorists in it they would probably do something by now but society seems to be all sheeple and terrorists seem to be all sponsored by various states.
        States are good at organising mass death, I refer to all the wars and also lesser acts of negligence. States seem to have no issue whatsoever with condemning numbers of people to death, even for the most base pecuniary advantage. The sheeple do as they have been manipulated, controlled and even bred to do.

    • Re: ALP led foreign policy, the ALP does indeed have a foreign policy, it’s international socialism kowtowing to Swissy (Mr Global).
      Lima declaration can’t be ignored, though the average Joe-bag-of-donuts knows nothing of it. The giant pyramid flagpole over the new parliament house, commissioned under Bob Hawke also can’t be ignored, though nobody suspects anything. “We are young and free” is just a nonsense. I could go on and on

      • Australia definitely doesn’t have any foreign policies, the question should be does Australia have any policies at all, I would say they only have one policy, that is to keep the red or blue party in power to continue with career and business opportunities for the members.

  8. All seven celebrities, rubbing shoulders in above photo, freemasons and Rhodes graduates.
    “Who’s your daddy, what school did you go to?”
    Always been that way here, ‘movie stars’ compromised and corrupted.
    Malcolm Fraser, towering above them the exception,
    exposing all of them in later years.
    Dee thank you, always.

  9. @crisscross767
    The Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 passed both Houses on 08 Dec 2020 and received Royal Assent on 17 December 2020

    Some interesting points from the Debates:

    “As a consequence, there is now a firm statement that all references in the bill’s provisions to assistance in relation to a natural disaster or other emergency relate only to Defence assistance to the civil community and thus, as a consequence, does not authorise the use force or other coercive powers. There is also a confirmation the proposed immunity provisions apply only to individual Defence members and not to the Commonwealth, so there is still an avenue for remedy should a member of the public suffer loss or damage as a result of assistance rendered by Defence. It is also explicit that immunity is not automatic for both foreign and domestic forces.”

    “What is also clear is that if defence personnel or foreign forces act in bad faith in any way
    then they would lose their immunity immediately and would be subject to prosecution under
    Australian law”.

    • Where “disaster or emergency” translates to “virus hoax”,,,, roll on SPARS 2025, they will build lots of gulags between now and then to protect the public from the dirty non-va666ers.
      These weasels can do anything with words.

  10. Bulletin in passing …

    Just a quick follow up to my China links

    • China Kidnapped Americans!

    Now that I have got your attention … I am not promoting Winston Sterzel (aka Serpentza) – you decide who is the debunker …

    • SerpentZA Exposed as a Fraud! – Nathan Rich

    • China Hate Racist Youtuber Update – A follow up on Laowhy86 & SerpentZa (ADV China) – Daniel Dumbrill

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