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Dee McLachlan


Bill and Melinda Gates Predicted Saving the World (Problem, Action, Solution)

Commentary by Dee McLachlan Bill calls for "Germ games"... What a term! 2018 -- Business Insider wrote this report: "Bill and Melinda Gates think a weaponized disease...

CHRISCRUTCH Explains Vaccine$ and the Predicament Facing Us

This video director makes one of the best videos explaining vaccines and our present predicament.

Satirical Open Letter to ScoMo

Introduction by Dee McLachlan 16 September 2020 on the ABC: "When Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Melbourne radio station 3AW a COVID-19 vaccine would be "as...

AUSTRALIA DAY — Third of December

Hey! Why 3rd of December? On 3 December 1854, hundreds of Australians and immigrants attempted to install genuine democracy in Australia. The British Empire was determined...

Deaths After Vax Reported by Berlin Old Folks Home Whistleblower

Introduction by Dee McLachlan The biggest human experiment in history is well underway. Allegedly, more than 199 million doses of the experimental vaccine have been administered...

Welcome to the Grand Solar Minimum

Editor's note: One has to wonder whether the Texas freeze is a Deep State geo-engineered punishment event... or simply the first signs of the...

Ivermectin — A Doctor’s Plan to Eradicate Covid-19 in Belgium in...

Introduction by Dee McLachlan Gumshoe has written much about Ivermectin (articles here). What is most disturbing about this debate is that clinical trials and research...

The “Maybe” Society, Mentally Addicted, Fauci and Pay-offs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmEDAzqswh8&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=AbsoluteMotivation by G5 Fauci just collected a million dollars as a payoff from the Dan David Foundation. The only connection to Israel which it touts; is...

“Call to Arms” — Vaccines Arrive in Australia

Introduction by Dee McLachlan Above the headline in the Herald Sun newspaper (in Melbourne, Australia) announcing that the vaccine roll-out will start on Monday 22nd...

Deep State Coup and The Last Checkpoint

by G5 The Deep State Coup From 3 November 2020 Cheyenne Mountain mentioned in the video below is the US Central Military Command, not The...

Wendy Hoffman to Mind-Control Survivors: You Can Reclaim Your Life

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Wendy Hoffman was born in Forest Hills, NY in 1943. She had two notable careers – one as a choreographer...

Ice Age Farmer Reports on War on Global Food Supply and...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojA9Ed7EYLs&feature=emb_logo&ab_channel=IceAgeFarmer Introduction by Dee McLachlan In Victoria, Australia, we've noticed dramatic rises in prices in some food supplies, especially vegetables. The Ice Age Farmer's 29 January...