Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


Paul Craig Roberts’ “Requiem For Donald Trump”

by Paul Craig Roberts Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving...

The Real Climate Story, Part 6: The Climate-Change Hoax Explained

by Gil May Global Warming/Climate-Change is a massive hoax sales gimmick for carbon-trading that sadly the gullible swallowed in entirety. Quick History This was organised like...

Who’s Stealing America — 2020 Election Investigative Documentary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mw58r0FkNo&ab_channel=athlenex Documentary by Epoch Times and Joshua Philipp. Link to Epoch Times.

Does the Number 33 have Anything to Do with Anything, Regarding...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB You will have heard of the fact that many headlines appeared this year of Covid with the number “33.” For...

What Are the Priorities for Intellectuals at This Moment?

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB There are many issues that need the attention of thinkers, and some of them feel very urgent. A given writer...

The Alice Computer, The Military, and Saving The Republic

Introduction by Dee McLachlan Was it always a plan to draw out the other side? To allow the Dems to win? Simon Parkes describes what his...

The Real Climate Story, Part 5: Climate Scientist Caught Lying To...

by Gil May This article, part 5, is about a Climate Scientist caught lying to the Australian public. (See video below.) IPCC Predictions Not one of the...

Freedom versus Communist Dictatorship, the US Military and Barr

by G5 The US Military being carefully run down during The Soetoro Occupation of The Executive Branch. Trump doing what he could to restore it,...

87,000 Nurses, $218 Million in Compensation and a Study Showing Unvaccinated...

Introduction by Dee McLachlan With the prospect of governments across the world pushing for mandatory Covid vaccinations, it may be a good idea to revisit...

Wrap-Up of Maxwell’s 2020 Articles and Activities

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Needless to say, many of Gumshoe’s 2020 articles had to do with Covid, the lockdown and vaccination. Then there were...

The Real Climate Story, Part 4: Cycles, Magnetic North and Sunspot...

by Gil May Climate Changes are part of the earth’s natural cycles, 31,487 Scientists including 9,029 with PhDs (in the USA alone) say NO to...

The Manchurian Candidate Coup and The Insurrection Act Deadline

by G5 The Manchurian Candidate Coup, with the allied Fifth Column (including Deep State actors) and Fourth Estate, have until 7 January 2021 to cease...