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Beard, Saleeby, Kelley, Gonzalez, Isaacs: The Enzyme Theory of Cancer and the Persecution of Doctors


kelley-gonzale2s(L) William Kelley, DDS,  (R) Nicholas Gonzalez, MD

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD

This article is in memory of Nick Gonzalez, MD who died suddenly last year, at age 67, during the “Let’s kill 50 Holistic Doctors” rush. But he had three predecessors in the curing of cancer who also suffered persecution. The founder of the theory in question (which has to do with pancreatic enzymes) was Edinburgh zoologist John Beard around 1900.

Somehow the word about Beard’s cure reached a dentist in Texas, William Kelley, who used it successfully on thousands of patients.  I will begin with a statement made by Beard’s colleague, Caleb Saleeby, MD, to demonstrate how far back the persecution of cancer-cure doctors goes:

From Caleb Saleeby’s book, The Conquest of Cancer:

“I know, as a matter of repeated personal observation, that the articles which have brought me so much abuse from the Powers That Be in this country, have directly led to such boon to a few stricken patients as perfect ease instead of uncontrollable agony …

“If this book serves even in an infinitesmal measure to hasten the end of this most damnable thing, my life will have been worth living, though it should end upon the gallows amid universal execration.”

What? Life end on the gallows because he cured cancer patients?  Now guess when he wrote that – in 1906. A mere 110 years ago. (Note Saleeby’s book is free at archive.org.)

As I said, a dentist – William Kelley, DDS, was the major proponent of Beard’s theory. He was able to prescribe, legally, the appropriate substance, which is related to trypsin. Most of Kelley’s patients had heard of him on Christian radio.  Kelley claimed a 93% cure rate, of which two types of cancer were his best cures: pancreatic cancer and liver cancer.

In the 1970s, Nick Gonzalez — a medical student who had previously been a journalist – heard of the Kelly phenomenon. He went to Texas to discuss it with the good dentist. Eventually Dr Gonzalez became a cancer specialist in New York City.

A memorial service was recently held for Gonzalez, at which a letter was read aloud – something he had written for the family archives. I now quote:

“To me, the greatest blessing is, of course, life itself, the great gift God has given us all. In a very practical sense, I have chosen, with God’s guidance, a difficult career path for sure, taking on it seems at time the entire conventional medical world. Though I am a very small David in comparison to the Medical Pharmaceutical alliance, I and my treatment still survive, I still have many patients told they were going to die turn around and live and achieve excellent good health.

“It is indeed a great blessing, to witness these patients survive and succeed, over and over again, during the past 27 plus years of my medical practice. And with God’s help and blessing, my work continues to grow in prominence, silencing or at least minimizing the complaints of the critics.”

(Well, it didn’t exactly “silence” the creeps who killed him, did it!)

John Beard’s Enzyme Theory

My 2013 book, Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cancer Cures and Their Legal Status, delivers a sort of folksy chat from cancer doctors who are now long gone (the oldest being William Coley who had the thing down pat around 1894). This is what I pretended Beard was saying:

Hi. I’m John Beard, DSc. I died in 1923. I believe the thing that causes cells to replicate wildly in cancer is the same thing that was used by the conceptus to burrow into the wall of the uterus to secure the placenta there.

Because embryology – in any animal – is my specialty, I made some discoveries that a practicing physician would not be likely to make. I know that when the human embryo reaches the age of 2 months, it develops pancreatic enzymes. These always turn off that conceptus-burrowing mechanism; after all, the action is no longer needed.

Later in life, a person may become deficient in pancreatic enzymes and by golly, the old item, which had been turned off in his pre-natal days, may kick into action again and start a cancerous growth. For a cure, all you need to do is give the patient a particular combination of pancreatic enzymes. I have shown many doctors how to do it.

Let us note how scientific – not medical – was his approach. Beard was a thinker who was curious about the transition in the animal kingdom that had been made, eons ago, from asexual to sexual reproduction. He figured he should start by studying fish.  In 1888, he found something in fish nerves that helped him figure out how life on earth passed from asexual reproduction to the plan we all know and love: featuring sperm and egg.

He then had an urge to look at marsupial mammals, the ones in Australia that evolved separately from the placental mammals. The kangaroo “joey” is born while still in an early stage of embryonic development. It has to crawl to the pouch and start getting milk from the nipple, at an age when the corresponding placental embryo is having life easy with nourishment supplied internally.

Beard’s cancer cure, you recall, has something to do with substances produced by the pancreas. He was aware that the pancreas develops from the seventh week of pregnancy.

Beard contends that even though we get rid of our asexual apparatus at this point, we keep bits of it; these lie dormant. He said that cancer cells appear very similar to trophoblast cells and that they probably are precisely that! If a few of them got left in the body, an event later in life (he mentioned “an electrical event”), or aging, could bring these wild cells out.

In his 1911 book, Enzyme Theory of Cancer, Beard moaned about persecution.

“The reception given to the new conclusions in Great Britain was as I we had been attacking some of the most sacred and deeply rooted religious and moral convictions of mankind concerning cancer or malignant disease. The physical martyrdom was lacking; but there are, as I can testify from experience, many more ways than one of burning a man at the stake.”

Is that outrageous or what!

Note: when dentist Kelley and physician Gonzalez used Beard’s cure (consisting of a specific combination of trypsin and amylopsin), they also added a dietary regime.

Oh, and did I mention that Kelley’s house was burned down?

Oh and did I mention that when Gonzales got his “clinical trial” going it was sabotaged? He wrote a book about that called What Went Wrong. Can you imagine.

An Amazon reviewer said this about the book:

“This remarkable book is an amazingly well-written and detailed account of the failure of a Government sponsored clinical trial comparing the conventional treatment of pancreatic cancer using chemotherapy, with the nutritional-detoxification and high oral enzyme treatment protocol of Nicholas Gonzalez MD. After a pilot study done by Gonzalez which involved 10 pancreatic cancer patients who were treated using his methods showed that the median survival times of these cancer patients were well beyond the survival of cancer patients in the National Cancer Data Base for inoperable pancreatic cancer, Dr. Gonzalez was offered an opportunity to do a clinical study in 1998.

“Like many others in the integrative medical community, I was thrilled that such a study would be done. Much to my dismay, I learned several years later that the trial would not be completed. I wondered about what had happened. Using amazingly detailed documents, E-mails and other materials, Dr. Gonzalez documents how and why this clinical trial turned out to be useless. He shows how the biases of those favoring chemotherapy resulted in management decisions that would assure that the Gonzalez arm of the trial would fail. None of his allegations have been shown to be in error.

“I am truly amazed that Dr. Gonzalez and his colleague and partner Linda Isaacs MD were able to stay involved in the program as long as they did. Over and over again, Dr. Gonzalez, with the help of logic, common sense and facts shows how the powers that be designed the trial to fail.”

As to Gonzalez’s perseverance, I’m quoting again now from the letter he wrote for family archives:

“I have learned that hard work, determination, refusal to give up when the going gets rough, and above all, sticking to one’s ideals make for a successful career and a contented life. As Mary Beth [his wife] will say, I never compromise ever, and have no intention of compromising, my ideals or my devotion to truth.”

Well, there you go. A great human being. Thanks, Doc!

– Mary W Maxwell is an advocate of various cancer cures such as the aforementioned one by Gonzalez which is now practiced by his professional partner Linda Isaacs, MD.




  1. Speaking of examining our fish ancestors for clues to human biology, Neil Shubin’s book “Your Inner Fish” (which is as funny as its title) is an absolute Don’t miss. Get a copy for your university-age kids, as well as getting Dalia’s books (see second column of this website) for your age 4-10 set.

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