by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I have just been re-reading the story of the Dutroux affair in Belgium and the related Brabant “supermarket massacres,” as I will describe below. Author Hoang Phan has given this such excellent treatment that makes our own cases of government racketeering more visible.
First, a quick sketch:
Marc Dutroux of Belgium was caught running a house where girls were found in the basement. Do you remember it from 1996? Police went down to look, and though the girls were screaming, the cops said the noise was coming from outside. At that time, Dutroux was in prison for car theft. Paroled, he then kidnapped and raped six girls and killed four of them (two of them by starvation).
Dutroux’s trial in 2004 did not lead to arrests of any members of the ‘network,’ although his wife, Michelle Martin, who had driven around with him in a van to help him grab the victims, was convicted. His sentence is for life, hers was for 30 years, but was reduced to 16 and she is now out.
Bernie Weinstein was also a possible witness, but according to Wikipedia:
“Dutroux decided to kill him to prevent his capture. He kidnapped Weinstein and held him in the dungeon at his house in Marcinelle between 13 and 20 November. … After feeding him food laced with Rohypnol, Dutroux placed hose clamps around Weinstein’s testicles until Weinstein told him where his money was hidden. Dutroux then buried Weinstein alive on his (Dutroux’s) property in Sars-la-Buissière.”
Do you also recall the massacres in Brabant? I said this in my 2011 book, Prosecution for Treason:
“Even more amazing was the terrorism in Belgium known as the Brabant massacres. People standing in line at supermarket check-outs were shot by several men wearing masks and carrying machine guns. One of them was oversized and so was named ‘the giant.’ This occurred on several occasions, yet the men were never caught. The purpose must have been to put the community into disarray, (this is called ‘strategy of tension’) to soften it up for introduction to the EU. Brabant is a suburb of Brussels, the European Union’s Headquarters.”
Now, a dozen years later, I see in The BrussellsTimes.com of January 2022:
“Many people have been suspected of involvement in the Brabant Killers case. Three main suspects, nicknamed “The Killer”, “The Giant”, and “The Old Man” have never been identified. The case remains a mystery to this day, despite various leads. Investigations are still actively underway into the case. Earlier this month, in a potential lead in the case, Belgian magnet fishers appeared to find an Uzi submachine gun used by the Brabant Killers in a daylight robbery at a Colruyt store in Nivelles in 1983.” [classic sidelining of the real evidence]
Reducing It All to a Global Game
Sorry to have given you all that drama. I want to get to the point made by Hoang Phan, a professor of English at UMass/Amherst, in his July 20, 2021article entitled “Belgian Gladio and the Dutroux Affair.” He credits Daniele Ganser, historian of Gladio, and Joel van der Rejiden, as his two main sources of the data.
To overdo Phan’s summation, I would put it this way: The pedophile murder of random kids by Dutroux, and the murder of random shoppers in Brabant supermarkets, has little to do with mentally disturbed criminals. It’s all connected to men in the upper circles of society whose goal is a global takeover. (Wait, then I guess it does involve mentally ill criminals!)
In Australia, we’ve had child trafficking, and psychopathic murders — consider Rachel Vaughan witnessing the amputation and killing of Louise Bell in 1983 — and the random killings by the gun of a sharpshooter (not the patsy Martin Bryant) at Port Arthur in 1996.
In the US we’ve had numerous school-shootings, including the wholly fictional one at Sandy Hook in Connecticut in 2012, and so-called terrorist attacks, such as the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — not to mention the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, which was surely done by hi-tech weaponry.
Government, High Society, the Military, NATO, etc.
Hoang Phan found it easy to envision the real culprits, or at least their offices. Although it’s unlikely that you need to know the particulars for the Belgian case, I will list some of them, to create a template which we can then use on our home nation.
“Dramatis Personae”
Important people (per Phan’s analysis) with likely connections to Gladio:
Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, aka the “Black Baron,” a member of the Opus Dei who would play a vital role in fundraising for Boeynants, and would fund the creation of the Front de la Jeunesse, a fascist organization formed out of the NEM-Clubs.
Gendarmerie officer Martial Lekeu said he and Madani Bouhouche, (a suspect in the Branabt massacres) were members of a fascist organization inside of the Gendarmerie known as “Group G,” with intentions of destabilizing the Belgian state and securing power for the far right.
General Leon Francois had founded and served as the initial head of the National Bureau of Drugs with the support of the CIA, and was named by Lekeu as a key leader of Group G.
Victim-witnesses (who were, of course, ignored) accused these persons:
former Prime Minister of Belgium, Paul Vanden Boeynants,
NATO Secretary General Willy Claes,
Minister of Justice Melchior Wathelet,
Jean-Michel Nihoul night-club owner — an informant for the Bijzondere Opsporings Brigade, a branch of the Belgian Gendarmerie that functioned as a rough equivalent to the FBI.
Note: Nihoul actually got convicted. He got out of jail in 1999, and in 2001 he said to Der Spiegel:
“I control the government… everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation,” even offering off the record to provide a video tape of Belgium’s King Albert II assaulting a teenage girl for a six figure sum.”
As for the Sec’y General of NATO, Willy Claes, a Belgian who served from 1994-1995, you may remember my 2018 article on the 1996 Dunblane school massacre, in which I accuse Britain’s Lord George Robertson of involvement. From 1999 to 2003 he served a Sec’y General of NATO. I said in my article:
“I see that Lord Robertson has sued The Sunday Herald over the fact that a commenter indicated Robertson was responsible for the Dunblane massacre. It didn’t get a court judgement, as the newspaper paid an out of court settlement 25K pounds. The Guardian wrote: ‘The case in 2004 forced internet publishers to re-double their efforts to ensure internet users posting on their message boards do not libel people’.”
George Robertson, a Labor MP who attained the peerage
At the website cohengroup.net, where Robertson is senior counselor, we read:
“He was the first leader of NATO to invoke the Article V mutual defense provision, responding to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States…. He oversaw the successful involvement of NATO in Afghanistan, deftly managed the crisis over whether to provide Turkey with defense assets as the [2003] war in Iraq approached…. President George W. Bush presented him in November 2003 with the US Presidential Medal of Freedom….. [In 2005] he was made one of the Knights of the Thistle, chosen personally by Her Majesty The Queen, which is the highest honor in the UK, equal to the Order of the Garter. He has the highest national honors from Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands and many other countries.”
I wonder what he actually does.
Keeping a Lid on Things:
Professor Hoang Phan notes that 29 people died suspiciously in relation to attempts to bring Dutroux to justice. This is a pretty familiar range of whistleblowers, witnesses, etc:
“It was abundantly clear that the Belgian government was engaged in a massive cover-up of the extent of the Dutroux case in order to protect the political and economic elite who were implicated, with officials going out of their way to delay the trial and avoid the inclusion of different pieces of evidence. …
“Among the strangest deaths were those of Jose Steppe, who was found dead two days before he was supposed to testify to the police with important information about Dutroux with Rohypnol in his asthma inhaler, and
“Anna Konjevoda, whose body was found in the Meuse river, apparently having beaten and choked to death, some time after she had contacted the police about Dutroux’s connections to pornography rings in Eastern Europe.
“Gina Pardaens, a social worker who worked with child pornography victims, claimed she had seen a snuff film in which an acquaintance of Michel Nihoul murdered a child, and had called the police saying she had been threatened with death via car accident shortly before dying in a car accident.”
Consider that even the jailed have trouble. In regard to the Brabant massacres, “West Newland Post leader Paul Latinus would supposedly commit suicide in 1984 under mysterious circumstances, dead from strangulation with his telephone cord wrapped around his neck, with other members of the Westland New Post expressing skepticism that this had really been a suicide.
And even the ex-prisoners must keep silent: According to flandersnews.be:
“Michelle Martin enjoyed an early release in August 2012, but under conditions: she had to accept psychological counselling, could not make any statements in the media and was not allowed to seek contact with the victims’ friends or family.” [Maybe she’d harass them like Lucy Richards harassed “Noah Pozner’s” parents?]

Michelle was the wife of Dutroux who helped him capture girls on the street. I notice that the recent death of Ivana Trump (Donald Trump’s ex-wife, not to be confused with his daughter Ivanka) may have been a murder rather than an accident. She is said to have fallen down the stairs in her building. Conceivably, someone (and I emphatically do not mean Pres Trump) may have wished to save her from being called to testify in one of the Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits.
Conclusion, for Now
Having read Hoang Phan’s report, I felt that it’s obvious, worldwide, how the “club” (or whatever you want to call it) does what it does and avoids blame, no matter how many witnesses there are. Ah, but Brabant was well before the Internet. The following is now plain for all to read about:
- Random killings are carried out by the insiders (probably using military-supplied weapons) for the purpose of shaking people up. God forbid we should have some years of peace!
- The same dramatic violence can serve as false flags to start a war, as surely was the case with 9/11.
- Upper elite feel entitled to use children for sex. In fact they feel entitled to “love them to death.”
- Governments get tied into “official” groupings such as NATO, but also have secret organizations such as Gladio.
- The Church is in on the pedophile action, as Australians know from the Royal Commission report of 2017. And Opus Dei is highly illegitimate in term of Christ’s gospel.
- The persons who really operate a Brabant supermarket blast, or a Boston Marathon bombing, do not get caught. Even if a citizen (not mentioning any names, Mary Maxwell) can bring a perfect case against the perps, the government and the courts will manage to keep it locked up. When a judge taps the gavel, everybody says “Oh well, it’s over. We lost. Better luck next time.”
- When a witness does not look silence-able, the boss sends the Grim Reaper to pay him or her a call.
- The public is able to swallow every suspicious death as “natural causes” — rathe than risk being called a nutso conspiracy theorist. (Although today, the low uptake of booster shots for Covid is a way of our observing that covert conspiracy theorists may exist in droves!)
- No national leader ever points the finger at another nation, not even its worst “enemy,” with an accusation about pedophilia or fake violence. (China’s leader Xi knows about 9/11 doesn’t he?)
- Media coverage focuses on the patsy and concocts all sorts of explanations for his behavior (e.g., Jahar Tsarnaev was imitating his brother. Martin Bryant held a grudge against the owners of Seascape Cottage.) But if they push things too far, as when the people of Brussels learned that the cops who went into Dutroux’s basement only pretended that the girls were not there, folks may “take to the streets.”
That has led to new “laws” to curtail the spread of truth. But, oh come on, we don’t have to buy into that, do we? Can’t we Foul when a “law” is malicious, heretical, blasphemous, and criminal? Of course we can.
Foul! foul! mammothly foul! Lock up those law makers! Knock down those judges!
How dare they? How DARE they?
They throw one under the bus occasionally but the big fish always gets away
Lots more if you search
Biden killing 10’s of 10’000’s of Americans with Fentanyl
Actually fentanyl addiction overtook heroin under Trump’s watch; it’s a cultural issue that never going to be fixed via party politics
Snuffing the losers is the fix they want
That is a policy for the useless eaters forecast by Dr Day in his address in 1969. As recalled by Dr Dunegan in the late 1980’s.
All planned. Are you just in on it? Just like all the ‘terrorism”….and the ‘new diseases’, as FORECAST AS POLICY, By Dr Day
Ref: “NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER’ at rense.com and here at GS by MM in about 2015.
Why are so many people so stupid and have not researched and realised what the WHO, DAVOS, IMF, WEF, UN et. al., AND OUR POLITICIANS ARE DOING……..
TO US….. that’s you, me, our families and progeny.
They think, once they have done their jobs, that then they will become useless idiots and be dispensed with…. Including the idiots of the mass media. Have they forgotten Hitler?
You can go back to Nostradamus “time of troubles” or The Revelations or “Les Sages Des Sion” if you want to go back, or Jesse Ventura or Dr Rima or Mahathir if you don’t want to go so far back, I don’t think Mr Trump will be having all that much effect since he is endorsed by the freemasons but he’s a funny guy, when he gets back in IT MAY BE AUSTRALIA’S TURN, ouch.
The idea that the State should stymie a personal choice such as substance abuse just plays right into the Big Brother ethos
Hi Joe,
Look up at that awful beforeitsnews.com people powered news
“Derek Johnson huge Intel March etc”…
I was disturbed at the end of my snooze ( yes, Derek does that💁)
HOWEVER NOTE FROM 48 minutes for awhile, even the normies might also be awakend – AGAIN, IF THEY BOTHER.
Derek knows his uniforms and regs and has filled the white board with so many dots for over a year that would dazzle an average fire truck dog.
Still, the dumbos of Canberra, the ABC SBS and fake globalist media cannot wake up…..NO, THEY ARE AWAKE, they are just serial LIARS DECEIVING THE PUBLIC.
Well, their days are numbered🤪⚖️💀
Well Texas Governor Abbott has been shortlisted for Trump VP that’s why.
My view is that after the election they will want to weed out all these illegals so everyone will have to carry their papers and cell-phone ID for a long time. A few murders and rapes and everyone will agree. Then Lord Muck will come up with a better alternative than carrying your phone everywhere and doesn’t need charges constantly and there will be takers !!! Like the injections, “Get your Neuralink or you are a menace to society” etc etc.
Latest X22Report.com from 38 mins.
Going to war!
Congressional speech.
Well Joe, all the way with Joe?
Note the Q drops after.
Note from G…. USSC chaps did not attend….. (they know Joe is a fraud…. Thus the msm is BS) …. Epoch times.
The singularity
Seems that there will be a third Pearl Harbour after the last on 911.
The bankers are desperate to close off the books and steal what they can per the usual play.
Seems that the forecast ‘Near Death Experience’ is the only way to wake up stupid, … after all.
Calling Commander Thaw.👻
BTW Joe, do you believe that Joe is the Commander in Chief in the US?
Atom bombs are tech from 80 years ago, who is commander of the DEWs, it seems the freemasons are
I think you missed the question.
“Do you believe that Joe is the Commander in Chief in the US”.
A opinion, if you do not know!
I have trouble with forming beliefs, Mr Plodgers is your man there, he is high on hopium maybe OD’d by now
Not even a opinion?
A theory perhaps?
There is ample material to cause some ides. Surely?
The Q posts keep appearing ….. someone is ‘VERY good’.
Be it only when they paint their naked Mum
You reference to T. O. , and vilification (‘constable plod’ )
He drove commenter Sandra away very quickly and effectively didn’t he, she was a very good content provider, and Plodgers’ parting remarks were all about his hurt feelings and it was everyone’s fault and nothing by way of apology for vexing others so intensely, he was such a pest. I told him repeatedly to take his insults somewhere else but he would not. Now we have DdV complaining there are too many men on this forum, I agree, there are too few women, the Gumshoe News in my opinion should be stacked like the ALP, 2/3 women and have a relentless focus on the family court and related matters. If the doings of Mein Trumpf can be proven all well and good but RealRawNews deliberately undermines the Alt-news with it’s 100% fiction policy, for some reason it comes up as a source on S___U____ as well as Plodgers materials. How did you like the “Little Switzerland” video I posted, real in-the-field investigative journalism from Sean Hross who is totally obsessed with exposing “Swissy”, not just another studio guy.
Third time. Do you believe that Joe is the Commander in Chief in the US?
Perhaps Sandra might give her insight to the question?
It is an important question considering the report by Dave at X22Report.com today.
We have to be cognisant as to how they sacrifice our children into the coalition of killing fields per propaganda and historic false flags to sucker in the idiots.
So for lady commentators…… who are the real women who have nurtured sons to be used by the bankers to be sacrificed.
Let them speak ….. matter for the real mums. They are welcome…..why do we not hear more from them…. Matter for them.
My Mum never tolerated alleged bullies……she could handle them…….. that is my history…. Listen to the mums.
As for Swissy, yep let Australia lean from the Swiss bankers, we should learn, keep out of it and open up here to be a safe haven for the bankers…… collect all the stolen gold and registrar all the pharmas here.
Let the cookoo clock sing along with the kookaburras and let the northern hemisphere just disappear.
I don’t know what x22 said because you haven’t quoted it
I have no intention of typing out half of the X22Report.com when you could spend about 20 mins listening and noting the Q posts.
Matter for you to skip and not know…. Not my problem.
As a article contributor has often opined elsewhere, ‘those who know, know, those who do not know need not know.”. Or something similar.
The club of ignorance is full of devotees, thus they have nothing to contribute of any significance and are of no significance.
Well if you think it’s important or interesting you could tell the reader, I listened as directed to the other one at the time you specified and learned Governor Abbott preferred Trump’s company to Biden’s, but I prefer to listen to Sean Hross who goes into great depth about the deeper dynamics of things, such as that Mein Trumpf is from the Scandinavian royal bloodlines, via Scotland I would say not Germany. How far back, I wish I knew. The old vertical rule intersects with the NWO horizontal rule ( freemasons etc ) quite neatly in Scotland, a sort of a bloodlines flashpoint – even the name Scotia comes from the Princess of Egypt who was up there somewhere, long ago. Will Mein Trumpf save us from Lord Muck and the NWO ??? I will answer with a quote from Pike (?), “when the people need a hero we will supply one”. We are sorely in need of a hero so we have two, Muck & Trumpf, who, I suppose, will both combine to woo us into surveillance communism, perhaps with Governor Abbott in the back seat.
Do you believe that Joe is the commander in Chief in the US?
If you do not believe so, then is there a Commander in Chief and have you any opinion as to whom is the Commander in Chief?
For other readers, any ideas?
The most confronting thing about Dutroux was that he embodied a graphic “possession” portrayal, an uncanny reminder of He “who’s constantly seeking whom he may devour”
The most populous “now” manifestation of such devourment is that there are, quote: “men in the upper circles of society whose goal is a global takeover”
It goes without saying that whipping up such whipping boys is nothing more than a means of evading the Requirement of the Hour.
Proof of the pudding being that it’s never been known to free anyone from anything
All to obtuse for my simple mind.
Do you believe that Joe Biden is presently the Commander in Chief of the US?
If so, from when and how?
It is a simple question, is it not, considering all the available evidentiary material?
I do not mean to suggest that such a question is a means of evading THE REQUIREMENT OF THE HOUR.
Rather, it is a basic foundation of what is required, is it not?
To seek freedom.
As we clearly see, Biden has close ties with WEF, the proof are his raving lunatic speeches at their meetings where Schwab’s “mini me” Harari says that “we can become gods.”
These idiots in high places are leading a world of lost souls to think that satan is the Almighty. St.John says this system will be miserably and utterly destroyed and that the perfect kingdom of Jesus will endure forever.
This new world disorder is a total scam, like the tell lie virus projected on all screens, in order for all to be boosted to the pits of abombingnations.
Our governments are riddled with parasites and traitors whose agenda is to build their totalitarian communist hell, run by banksters with fellow korporate pigs, all owned by Zionists, they will fail.
At this point in time,constantly meditating on the idea that there are, quote: “men in the upper circles of society whose goal is a global takeover” is by far the most populous means of evading the fact that the only way of making any real difference is to change our own kitchen sink habits.
Strike me if said concept is “obtuse”
Like it or not, the direction of the World is determined by the conduct within micro societies:
Yep, been to Alice, reminds me of many towns out west and up north. Flies, boarded up windows and fences, flies, drunks, flies, fights, did I mention flies?
Hey Ned. did that video remind you of any place you visited on circuit?
Long time since I have been out there on circuit.
Things were developing way back.
I recall being in Moree (or Narrabri?) I think Moree.
I booked into a motel in town not far from McDonalds with indigenous kids running around and seniors yelling from balconies opposite the motel.
I set up by the pool towards sunset to work on my brief.
Indigenous were yelling at me through the fence.
The motel owners had warned to lock the car.
I booked out and moved to a motel out of Moree…… too far for them to walk.
It was obvious then as to how it would develop.
So how much has our government and lefties done since…… yea. They wanted a voice……BS, They have not done what we have paid the ministers for decades.
As for Alice Springs way back…. We were in a camper van picked up at Alice Springs doing the NT.
We were leaving early A S to go to Uluṟu….. but could not buy a bottle of wine before Midday, Coppers outside.
So where have our indigenous minister been for over two decades.
Lefties, government and ABC . Go f yourselves, you lot are BS.
We spend millions on champagne leftie bureaucrats based in Canberra….. every one of them should be sent out to Australia to do what we pay them for.
Dutton, are you listening.
About sums it up.
Indeed, they are presently failing …… but some cannot see what is in plane sight before them. No matter, not our problem.
Latest from Clif
Calling out TWC(The Wellness Company)and those promoting/profiting
UFO uptick this year-Mass sighting event
ZPT-Zero Point Technology
Elohim Worship Cult
Thanks Sandra, I was just getting ready to post that last link of Clif’s language analysis. It will be very interesting to see if Clif’s forecast of what is happening this summer comes to past. If it does, Crikey, there is going to be some seriously confused people.
One needs to build a kitchen to see how it works, hopefully getting something from the effort.
Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibbon discuss Elon Musk’s involvement with key globalists groups.
Mike Adams
Joe Biden -State of the Union
Military in NYC subways
False flags
Xylitol nasal spray-I use it and find it very effective
9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group
Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source i…
9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group : The …
h ttps://archive.org/details/nwnw20210422
9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group Video Item Preview … 9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group by The Corbett Report. Publication date 2021-04-22 Usage Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Topics news, robots, covid, 9/11
Crikey, ya gotta wonder how much more bullshit the normies are going to swallow.
They are so stupid, let ‘em choke. They are not needed…..just give them more boosters.
After all, the globalists want de-population (genocide and war as required per their admissions)
We must assist them, let them lead, WEFers and media running dogs, be good, just do it!
Disappear. Take the ABC and SBS with you.
Thanks for that CC. Welcome back.
I followed the Sillycow from about 2004.
A evil exercise to protect mass murderers and warmonger killers and thieves.
With all the other major events happening, only one journalist still rages against TEPCO, and nuclear energy, on the13th anniversary of the Fukishima disaster and the release of irradiated waste water into the Pacific ocean. Australia’s Dr Helen Caldicott wilted long ago. Will it eventually prove to be an extinction event, at least for the Pacific Rim? How long for radiation cancer to take effect, accelerated into tubo-cancer by the “Jonestown Jab”?
Research who did Fukishima …. Try Ben Fulford, who lives in Japan.
It was an economic hit against Japan in his opinion …… by the usuals for the usual reasons.
Well, I watched, listened and noted today’s situation update at beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
The title includes “…? Joe LIE-DEN ……”
Most will not spend the time to examine all the dots on the whiteboard that is so being filled it is almost black.
At least listen to Ben Fulford commencing a bit before the hour for about ten minutes and the a bit from Trump. Normies will be shocked with Fulford’s partial weekly report……..and have some hope… note the list of the Generals. ( also laid out in his full weekly report).
So who does not believe Q when he said years ago the Israel will be left for last?Just look around the world.
The naysayers can bleat whatever they like ….. THEY will not change a thing. It is not all Baxter.
Someone knows something.
Gold over 3,300.00 and silver over 37.00 $A.
Billionaires dumping billions in stock…..investing in bunkers and moving to NZ.
Pull your bedcovers over your heads normies and invent sweet dreams.
Then from other reports:
The UN is financing the invaders with cash and debit cards,
No identity required to buy guns.
The democrats want the invaders to serve in the US army.
Bugger it, just look around yourselves. Do you really think that if the US goes down we will not be next……? IT IS ALL PART OF THE GLOBALIST PLAN….RESEARCH IT. Look at Europe.
What must we do, slap you with 5kilo cold fish?
A nice NZ snapper, that size, will be delicious on a banksia nugget barbie on the grill, with a few pure blondes to wash down the meat white,, or maybe some dark red for extra juice.
I like snapper, also octopus, but on reflection a LARGE live octopus WOULD BE THE GO. IT HAS THE TENTACLES TO STRANGLE THE AVERAGE Swissy.
Then it can be on the BBQ for one’s culinary delight, rewarded in heaven for a job well done to free us, till re-United with our creator.
It’s easy talking about the beast system, for now, but not so easy to stop feeding it.
Here, like elsewhere globally, the medical system is soo corrupt it’s beyond repair. During Covid, hospitals were paid $40,000 US for each patient put on ventilators!
Solid information, these days is contrary to the official narrative, simple minds stuffed with bs, simply cannot process it.
As truth tellers are labelled whacky conspiracy theorists, because trusted idiots on TV are proclaiming truth that must be true, if that’s what the evening news says it is!
I’m so over it, this could be the most stupid generation in history. Our parents and grandparents built Oz, all we had to do was maintain it!
Now we have CCP elite, driving Porsche SUV’s with p plates, buying the lot with cash as we’re replaced and trashed by usual victims who won’t have it any other way.
Krown kabal komunizm, BSWL4 labs in Geelong and Wuhan sister labs, with head of octopus ‘not so bright’ pilgrims the eye in every iPhone.
It has been a long process, the bastards have conditioned our kids to be indoctrinated into globalist banker slavery.
Our politicians and controlled globalist corporate media have been bought off…..they are traitors to our fallen.