Comment by DM
This is the news today: “Joe Biden has lifted the ban on Ukraine using long-range missiles to fire into Russian territory by permitting them to be used against Russian and North Korean forces in the Kursk region. The US president will allow Ukraine to use US-made Atacms rockets, which have a range of 190 miles (300km) – a decision being justified by the presence of North Korean troops fighting alongside Russia against Ukraine….Though there was no public comment from the White House…”
Did smiley Joe really lift the ban just after his meeting with Trump? This does not make sense. I’d suggest that the (insane) powers manipulating the White House patient might have lifted the ban for Joe. But many are alleging that Joe and Gill voted red, and if so maybe it’s a ploy to help Trump “solve Ukraine”.
Scott Ritter is interviewed by Clayton Morris…
On vaccine manufacturing — scam about 37 min
Dr Melissa McCann:
“What I found interesting about the argument for dismissal of the class action is that the argument is not that the carefully detailed scientific particulars and factual allegations are false, but rather that these leaders essentially did not owe the group members a duty of care”.
When will people learn the court is not there to dismantle the establishment.
This is a handy news feed anyway I didn’t notice it before
So, ‘Sanctuary Cities’ won’t cooperate with Trump’s ICE, no problem, let them rot. Here’s a prediction, if the illegal immigrants know that a city will protect them, they will quickly migrate there. Great, deal with it…
In my opinion these crackpot leaders(?) can’t comprehend that illegal migrants are not citizens. What is it about illegal that people in leadership positions don’t understand?
Kickbacks ?
Crackpot leaders are doing illegal stuff all the time… becoming multi multi millionaires from influence. So Illegal migrants are no threat. Citizens are.
attack ims, still looks like put-ins cia
let them ‘ol skool Gemini’s rip, bet we still be here tomorrow
A few years ago and discussed in these pages the Russian Mach 17+ rockets were observed on Google Earth by a certain commenter Kevin Woodman if memory serves, one which I saw on Google Maps went from north Russia area of White Sea as I recall, it went through the friendly skies of China, straight over Wuhan, past Perth not too far off the coast and stopped in Antarctica, this would be about one hours travel time I suppose, and despite all the radars and equipment at the North West of WA no mention on the TV news, though they did find bits of rubbish planted in the sea from the Malaysian plane.
The idea of these events had occurred even to an humble bogan some years before the reality, that a missile could be fired towards Antarctica to accelerate and continue on to anywhere at maximum velocity.
Putin is going from 1 to 10 in a single jump because he is lacking in the 2-9 area and re-acquiring the Crimea is part of the redress.
All the same he could have handled things differently if he had wanted to.
He rolled out an election in the Donbass after several years of proxy fighting and did not take much trouble to break through the fake news about it. His invasion was timid and protracted. For someone who only has the ability to go straight to a 10 and almost no media coverage in the west, all this should have been avoided if a different outcome was sought.
Obviously then, this is the outcome that was sought. Lahaina was a damp squib compared to what Putin is offering.
Biden is already hanging out in the Amazon, sending a signal that the Bidens will be relocating to Brazil.
What will it take to wake us up !!! The local residents of Perth have been overheard saying “if they hit Garden Island we will be upwind”. A minor concern compared to ground zero. Premier McGollum, an ex-Navy man, has sold up out of Rockingham and moved to safety across the river, from upstairs at his new digs should be able to observe the mushroom cloud.
re: Kevin Woodman, note that conspiracy-cafe.com also seems to have disappeared from the internet, along with ice-age farmer, and incidentally that Sean Hross said Brighteon asked him not to upload any more of his sensitive material.
David Dubyne -Adapt 2030 and Christian Westbrook-Ice Age Farmer were always my go to channels for all things climate related until Christain was scrubbed some 2 years ago.
They iced out Ice age farmer
Bloody brilliant. Go ‘BIDEN’!
Gold rebounding and silver peasants… with the change.
Scott Ritter : Biden Suddenly Relevant as He Begins WWIII.
Scott Ritter says it how it is.
This is a revolution by Trump.
Tulsi Gabard as DNI was appointed to brief Trump every morning about the reality of the world he lives in.
Many picks were appointed to satisfy donors, for example Miriam Adelson re Marco Rubeo.
Seymour Hersh article referred to in the video.
It’s a story out of the tabloids of the 1920s
I recall way back when you wanted to leave GS ….. bloody cultists🙀💁🤪
Welcome to the club💁🤪
What’s Behind These Global Floods and Droughts
Floods and droughts cover our planet, so what is causing more floods, is it cosmic ray increases, Hunga Tonga volcano eruption or something else like cloud seeding? Droughts are another thing being seen massively across Earth, what is causing a disruption in rainfall? I do believe a massive cycle is here again in the civilization cycle
Patriot underground with Mike king18/11 at BIN.
What fun💁🤪🤷♂️
Whom is who Mm?🐀
I wish he would go through and clean out “Our ABC”
Catherine Austin Fitz said there was a survey in Cleveland Ohio of 18-25 year old voters and they found 4% enrolled as red and 4% enrolled as blue and the rest (92%) enrolled as independent
I refer all gumshoe’ ers to the last 2 comments I added on the previous articles
In recognition of 2 Australians who need to be listened to and supported in their endeavours Rachel Vaughan and Dale Holmes
Let’s take back the ownership of Gumshoe news as it was originally envisioned
Well that explains Bosi’s usual reference to ‘THOSE …………..FILTH’.
I am going to replay Dianne’s contribution to a few and risk being vilified and shunned. As usual🙀💁
Thank you Diane.
Full Tim Roy interview.
8 Aug 2016
Tim Roy joins hosts Fiona Barnett & Steve McMurray to talk about his experiences as a victim of VIP Sexual Abuse & Ritual Abuse. Tim is the author of two books ‘Little Tim, Big Tim’ and ‘Switch Me Off’. Tim has also served in the Australian Army’s elite Special Air Service.
3 other Pedos Down Under Radio with screen shot with 40+ familiar faces
Pedos Down Under Radio: Episode #2 with Debra
I listened to all of Deb.
Most of this is known/suspected and surely the public must be at least suspicious…….. but FA is done.
Clearly the evil transcends every level of our whole society.
There is only one name mentioned, of those I already ‘suspected’ that was a surprise and disappointing. Shit!!!!
Nothing will happen unless the public are put on notice.
Where are you lot, FAKE MASS MEDIA?
urrr Codgee bear and that freddo
think it cuts across the 44hertz gulf if only just a nice cannon
‘The Antarctic is Showing Two Suns on Their Webcam’ ( Gina Maria Colvin Hill ). – Just type this in.
The concept of a “second sun” is not supported by astronomical evidence. Our solar system has only one sun. However, there are atmospheric phenomena that can create the illusion of multiple suns. One such phenomenon is known as a sundog, which is caused by the refraction of sunlight by ice crystals in the Earth’s atmosphere1. Sundogs typically appear as bright spots on either side of the sun and are part of a larger family of optical illusions that include sun haloes and moon haloes2.
These effects are more common in colder climates, where ice crystals in the atmosphere can bend the light in such a way that it creates the appearance of additional suns. It’s a fascinating display of atmospheric optics but does not indicate the presence of an actual second sun1.
i welcome your orbit, as always bro. I’m GS only, did they scrub your site, you choose or its still up?
Well, Ricardo Bosi let’s go with another broadside today at
On everyone starting with Jones and soon after; THEM🙀💁🤪
Anyone noticed some suicides.
Even the coockoo bird gets a spray.
Not finished due to link failures🤷♂️
Worth the entertainment….. got a lotto ticket?
Matt Hoh : [Live from Israel] :
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Biden and Wider War
The Alex Jones Show
Former Top UN War Crimes Prosecutor Dr. Francis Boyle Joins Alex Jones
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden For Illegally Bombing Russia Drafted After Republican Senators & House Members Call For Biden’s Removal
It weird.
I posted a reference to real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE and cannot find it.
I referred to about 24 or 34 mins re the orders for IS military to use lethal force against citizens and where it ended with Greg Reece and a bit about screaming noises coming from shipping containers.
I mentioned that I had sent the link to Mary Maxwell LLB, it might be a distracting story🙀🤪
Anyway I am back having to note 42 mins flouride, referred to by Kennedy. Ray Hadley of 2GB dumped on Kennedy today.
Anyway time for posting this is 10 pm plus or minus a minute. or so
Oops, me silly.
My comment found in the next article …. Without the fluoride🙀🤷♂️
It weird.
I posted a reference to real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE and cannot find it.
I referred to about 24 or 34 mins re the orders for IS military to use lethal force against citizens and where it ended with Greg Reece and a bit about screaming noises coming from shipping containers.
I mentioned that I had sent the link to Mary Maxwell LLB, it might be a distracting story🙀🤪
Anyway I am back having to note 42 mins flouride, referred to by Kennedy. Ray Hadley of 2GB dumped on Kennedy today.
Anyway time for posting this is 10 pm plus or minus a minute. or so
For the Record
Gunshoenews.com is now becoming another informative news authority to replace the lying failing globalist overpaid media.
The many contributions are making it so.
Cannot fix stupid.