Home Awakening Big Brother throws the Dice

Big Brother throws the Dice


Sorry – Bad news folks. The criminal gangs that are running things (like banks, the mainstream media and governments) are wielding their powers to silence dissenting voices. And yours could be next. Maybe they’ll flip the switch on this site one day.

I have been a fan of Mark Dice – author and activist – for some time, and he has produced some very funny and very powerful videos. He had a channel with 800 plus videos (YouTube.com/MarkDice) and Youtube has SHUT HIM DOWN – claiming “Severe Terms of Service Violations” which Mark claims is a lie – plus they have disabled the dispute feature, which usually allows users to file a dispute when videos get removed. With over 55 million views, 265,000 subscribers the powers that be have decided to SILENCE an anti-Illuminati researcher and author. Well the days of free speech are rapidly fading as powerful corporate entities (and rich families) race towards a New World Order, and a world under ‘Utopian financial and corporate fascism’.

Mark_diceDice writes on his site: “And all this happened less than a week after YouTube granted authority to 200 “super flaggers,” many of which are government agents, who now have the power to remove any video or channel they want to for any reason”.

Yes folks – 200 super flaggers – now have the power over your freedom (sorry – what freedom?)

I suggest you visit http://www.markdice.com/


  1. […] or social media site in the US or Australia can be ‘deleted’ for a small infraction. I wrote about Mark Dice some time ago when his primary Youtube channel, consisting of over 800 videos with 55 million views, was just […]

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