by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
It seems we are in for some big changes.Β Some say there will be real physical changes made to the human being by design — our DNA will be deliberately fiddled with. I am not able to foresee what may happen in that regard. In this article I am addressing only the way in which the forces of biology are acting upon us.
I have always been interested in morality and law on the one hand, and exploitation and war on the other. My PhD dissertation, “The Moral Relationship of States” [states as in nation-states], followed the sociobiology of Richard Alexander in his book The Biology of Moral Systems (1987). He believed that Homo sapiens has moral restraints on individual selfishness, thanks to war. Yes, war.
Alexander says: Tribe A fights with Tribe B for resources, and if Tribe B possesses great skills for cooperation of the team and obedience to the leader, it will prevail.Β Those adaptive traits will result in reproductive success for the B’ers — meaning more B’s will get born. As for the A people, their chaotic selfishness may cause them to have no future. The genes of B have come down to us. There are no A populations anymore.
I published my thesis in 1990 as Morality among Nations, proclaiming that there is no such thing as “loving the whole human race” and therefore we shouldn’t look forward to an emergence of “international law.” Law is something a group conjures up to keep in-group relations under control. If there is any “moral principle” as to how to treat outside groups, it is “Decimate them” (unless you need them as neighbors or trading partners).
Our Civilization Became Unfit for the Environment
Mammals have to spend their day seeking water, food, warmth, and security (and possibly “a mating experience”). Humans, being mammals, do this, whether they live in a primitive society or a high-tech society. It is biologically required; there is no way around it.
You say that you don’t spend your day seeking water and food? OK, the water comes to you from the town’s main supply to your taps, and the food is already on a shelf for you in the shop without your having planted it, harvested it, or hunted it.
The warmth could come by a gas pipeline or from the electricity grid. The security against local attackers comes to you by, say, religious rules and if necessary, by police. Security against a competing population comes to you by your society’s army, or by concession if the other group is stronger.Β As Thucydides said “The strong exact what they can and the weak grant what they must.”
But things are not going well.Β I will speak of the country where I live, the United States. Five problems jump out:
- The high standard of living has become everyone’s expectation, but the economic basis of it is collapsing (possibly by design) and the financial system is thought to be a chimera, so there is personal insecurity, with many likely consequences that are yet to manifest themselves.
- This high standard of living is a burden on the physical plant. We have harmed the environment by such means as pesticides, fracking, overfishing, GMO foods, pollution of the air and waterways, and by depleting the aquifers. Did we think we could do this indefinitely?
- In-group morality has changed. It is a premise of sociobiology that persons are willing to follow rules when they perceive their neighbors doing so. But there are free riders who don’t obey. (They jump the turnstile, so to speak.) If a certain percentage are free riders, or are even just rumored to be free riders, we, too, stop paying the fare, as we don’t want to be “chumps.”
- There is another issue regarding in-group morality. Many players, including members of the professions, are no longer impressed by the morality that they dutifully followed a few decades ago. I have written a lot about this, usually framing the problem as the protection of criminals at the top, such as by the DoJ. When we see the most famous people getting away with murder, we don’t necessarily imitate them (we don’t jump the murder turnstile) but we stop adhering to the noble ethics of yore.
- A separate matter is that many once-moral people have had their brains tampered with, such that they think of the immoral things they are doing as right and just. What an achievement on the part of the jubjub birds who invented the technique for this!
I see all five problems as making a social collapse quite probable in the near future.
The Enemy Is (Mostly) Us
I suppose all of those five problems could have come about with no foreign influence. I became American at birth in 1947 (baby boomer time) and saw all that was happening as being the private affair of my nation. The thing about our food and electricity being delivered to our door was considered very positive. (Heck, I don’t want to be a drawer of water and a hewer of wood — just watching the log-chopping contest at the state fair makes me exhausted.)
The stuff about overfishing and pollution was understood by my generation to be naughty. perhaps after Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in 1962. (The spring season would be silent because no birdsong, because of a major destruction of Earth’s ecology by the use of DDT.)
But we thought some activists would take care of it, maybe with a lawsuit or two, and maybe the big fishing companies would become conservation minded. As for the change in morality, as seen in the downgrading of character-building, it seemed to follow from the trend of the Sixties wherein we learned to scoff at authority. I found the Sixties atmosphere very liberating.
Perhaps it was when conspiracy theory started to get popular, after 9-11, that we got wind of an unfriendly force within the American government. This was frightening. Remember: security is one of our mammalian needs. A lot of people can’t handle the idea of bad government leaders and so they deny the problem.
I will now mention the hunt for the enemy, but please note that while there is apparently an enemy causing numbers 4 and 5 above, our civilization may well collapse from numbers 1 to 3.
Searching for an External Enemy
Who would want to make mincemeat of America? History tells us that when Nation A and Nation B compete, they would each be happy to make mincemeat of the other. Although I indicated above that it’s competition for resources that makes a tribe’s meanness rise to great heights, it can sometimes be a competition for glory.
Or it could be in response to an insult.Β By the way, although I lived outside the US for half my life and am aware of our lousy reputation, few Americans know of it. They think we are admired.Β No joke. Remember when President Bush 43 said “They hate us for our freedoms”? He was believed. Never mind that we decimated the Iraqi city of Fallujah for no reason. That wouldn’t matter, would it?
Still, it’s worth trying to identify the outside enemy.Β Many people name Israel.Β Anton Chaitkin, in his Treason in America, names Switzerland. I generally name the Brits. At least they got down to stating their plans for world takeover.Β Fancy wanting the sun to never set on your empire!
The group that met at Oxford in 1890, led by Lord Milner, with shades of Cecil Rhodes’ will, was called the Roundtable.
The Roundtable created the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the RIIA, which met at Chatham House, London. In 1921 those guys created the US’s Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR. And that Council has undermined our republic like mad. Many presidents, vice-presidents, and Cabinet members have been CFR members. Look especially at the Secretaries of State and of Defense; it’s amazing. Traitors in plain sight.
Their treason consists in their willingness to undermine America’s national sovereignty, which would inevitably throw the US Constitution in the dumpster. By 1990, President Bush 41, addressing a joint session of Congress, felt bold enough to announce a New World Order.
How could an American president say such a thing? We aren’t in charge of the world, are we?Β Um, is the world in charge of us? Pardon me for reading the UN Charter of 1945 to say that there are separate independent nations. (There were 56 nation-states at the time that charter was signed, and over 190 now.)
It has to be admitted though, that ol’ man Rockefeller, a super-globalist, donated the land for the building of the UN headquarters in New York. And soon into the UN mix came the Bretton Woods invention of the World Bank (to help currency stability, you know) and the International Monetary Fund, the IMF (to assist poor nations, you know.)
The brains behind that financial takeover of the world must be given credit. I call it sensational. A total wow, without a shot being fired. Millions of people killed by starvation, maybe, but not a shot fired. Ingenious, ingenious.
I should mention that in 1919, at the Treaty of Versailles, the Powers That Be sat at a table and carved up parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, gerrymandering territory as they pleased. And in 1975, in Peru, their Lima Declaration carved up the world economy, according to a private scheme that had the unmitigated cheek to determine which commodities would be produced where and sold where.
Recall that one of Dr Richard Day’s 1969 announcements (from his Rockefeller base) was that Detroit — Motown — would start making slightly faulty automobiles so that Americans would get disgusted and start importing Japanese cars.Β I remember when these “compact cars” were a novelty and won people over. “As planned!” Little did we consumers know.
What Will Happen Biologically?
Please note that I’m pretty sure the aforementioned claims are accurate. But now, in the rest of this article, I’ll be speaking of the future, so I can only make guesses. I ain’t got no crystal ball. And I ain’t got no mimeographed copy of Rockefeller’s, wishes, as Dr Day did. Let me use my education in sociobiology as a way of theorizing what could happen.
At the moment, there are more than 8 billion humans on this planet. They are all mammals with the above-listed needs such as food and water. There is no way all of them can enjoy the high lifestyle of Americans.
Neither can Americans! An internal enemy is destroying our access to food even as we speak. Publicly controlled mains water and the electricity grid are perfectly vulnerable to a shut-off. And if the bridge to Crimea can be blown up, so can the Brooklyn Bridge.
Water reservoirs could be poisoned with ease. I may live to wish I were a drawer of water and a hewer of wood. As for security, look at the bizarre plan of the Democrat Party to defund the police.Β Or look at the headlines in the Daily News for the latest weird violence. “Woman cuts grandson’s foot off,” or whatever.
The United States cannot survive as a civilized place.Β The party’s over. As I said, the professions — including academics and clergy — no longer act as though Conscience comes first. I think they are mind-controlled.Β Or maybe all people have a capacity for what Orwell described as self-hypnosis. It makes doublethink a breeze.
Major Demographic Influences
The big change that has happened in our species involves three demographic factors:
- Nations (“tribes”) became so large that it was possible for wrongdoers to hide from punishment, and the tenor of morality couldn’t be kept up, because you need to be able to know your community and keep an eye out for breaches. We’re all atomized now.
- It became possible for a “globalist” band of leaders, to exist outside the moral agreements of any society. Thus, they could be much more ruthless than you or I. And for a century or so, while acting behind the scenes, they placed their servants in office via bribes or intimidation. So, instead of having a national leader who will pull us together, we have one whose task is to pull us apart. How’s that for amazing?
- In any case the stress on the environment of 8 billion people is too great. I think there is a genocide going on, and it could well be what ecologists call “a population crash.” This sometimes happens to bird populations. They overbreed, use up the entire available supply of resources, and then fall flat. All starve.
For all of these disasters to happen, no genetic change in the human species would be needed. Yet on top of all such goings on, a few members of the jubjub set are intent on turning the human species into something other than the one we know and love. Noah Harari, from Klaus Schwab’s WEF — World Economic Forum — is gung-ho for this to happen, and boasts about it.
If you want to reject WEF’s plans, or want to correct some of the other problems listed here, go ahead and try. The world is waiting for your intelligence, your moral sensibility, and most of all, your enlightened self-interest. I believe you will also need anger, aggressiveness, and the lack of moral restraint that we possess genetically for the attacking of enemies.
That is how God made it. Thank you, God.
Maybe this is all part of evolution in a creative (designed?) species when ‘greed’ is part of the DNA. And that is part of the globalist plan… alter the DNA. With mRNA etc and mind-washing 6G control the Homo sapiens 2.0 will own nothing and be happy. Mmmm.
Dee, that’s the first I’ve heard of 6G. I think we had better dismantle the 5G towers lickety split, as the cat is now out of the bag revax malice.
By the way, I just clicked on the website statesattorney.org which is for US Attorneys (part of DoJ) who work in each state. This is a howl, re vax:
“For instance, prosecutors in states across the country say that criminal battery charges could be filed against COVID-19 positive people who knowingly infect others with the virus, including their intimate partners in domestic abuse situations.”
Well, there you go. Infecting someone is the crime of battery. Please see yesterday’s Gumshoe article and excellent comments: https://gumshoenews.com/its-all-about-the-blood-evidence-in-plain-sight/
I think 6G to be rolled out in ’24 or ’25.
genes+memes or so they say
New World Order – Communism By The Backdoor – Part 7 The United Nations
New Age Agenda:
β1. Merge God and nature
β2. Eradicate male/female distinction (androgyny)
β3. World peace dan nuclear disarmament (yeah right)
β4. One world government
β5. One world religion
β¦ and much, much more β and this is just episode 7 of 22.
I think you’ll agree, Julius, that calling the takeover “communist” or “Marxist” or “socialist” was always a deception. It was takeover for takeover’s sake.
Nonetheless, look at how many people were enthusiatic about the sharing of wealth, when they thought that is what Mr Marx meant. (OK, even discounting those who were doing it as part of the deception.)
The multi-dimensional Cult that is the head of the snake.
The 7 laws of Noahide.
Where does Australia the great southland fit- after 100 years of Tavistock
Poly-fragmented –run by corporate cults/businesses/machines
Have only watched a little of this but first 5 minutes a
Christian Warning: How Zionist NWO is Occurring, Trump, Chabad, Noahide Laws π₯LibertyResearch, levistrasser, barbbruce, Helecon, G5ntl5Giant lengid79, jsmunroe59, ChrisLaw1, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd
It is to be noted that these criminals pushing an agenda of genocide to save the planet never guide the ordinary people, by themselves, giving up their lives and that of their families. However in the not too distant future if our courts do the right thing maybe the required result will be achieved via a different approach.
foffa gremlin October 18, 2022 at 9:45 pm
Dee, I wish I knew the answer.
In the meantime, I will look for a piece of music to help me forget.
James McKinney
1 year ago
One feels the music and Camille’s soul as, as it appears, she becomes one with the cello…So beautiful, so spiritual!
Superb. Iβm going to come back as a stringed instrument
β’ Moranbong Band – Zigeunerweisen
How come when Justin Turdeau does blackface it’s not ok but when North Koreans do Euro stuff it is, shouldn’t we be condemning them too ?
In any case here’s something more authentic, German hippy Christian music Popol Vuh from last century
and a bit more
Not available here, hopefully available in Australia or look it up yourself
das hohelied salomos popol vuh (album)
The whole album is a nice listen
& that saves me looking on vimeo
( I doubt it will stay up forever )
Those girls in Julius’ link above are a perfect example of what I said many decades ago: “It’s astonishing how well those Asian types embraced and reproduced diatonic music when it was introduced to them almost as if it was an eruption from the soul of their culture”. It’s even more apparent now that European culture, art and music has “biologically evolved” into “democratic” anarchy, debauchery, ugliness and the kind of “autonomy” or “personal sovereignty” that admits no moral or temporal authority other than an out-of-control ego “informed” by cunning perversity.
I still think that Christianity will revive in Asia and that Chinaman and Russiaman will have to re-evangelise the World, particularly the decadent Judaeo-Masonic “West”.
Peter Way shared the link to the movie/documentary “The Real Anthony Fauci” in the previous thread. I shared it with family and friends as follows:
This can be watched comfortably at playback speed x2 if you choose to watch it
Robert F Kennedy Jr (son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of JFK β both assassinated) wrote the book and it has been turned into this movie/documentary.
You will simply need to register with your name and email to receive a free viewing β only available for ten days.
I have a few issues/challenges to some of the information and presenters (especially Vera Sharav) β and maybe Fauci is just being thrown under the bus (as he so well deserves) while making sure we donβt notice the huge elephant in the room – but much information to consider.
A few supplementary short videos/articles
β’ Tao Of Anarchy β Harari compilation (5:34)
β’ Tao Of Anarchy β Fauci compilation (4:16)
β’ Pfizer CEO Bourla Claimed Vaxx Was 90% Effective, Now Almost Useless
β’ βStunningβ Link Between Albert Bourlaβs Pfizer Vaccine and Myocarditis in Teens, Study Shows (RFK Jrβs site)
Louis Farrakhan Warns Africans Not To Take Bill Gates Vaccine
Minister Farrakhan knows without doubt that the same group that ran the Atlantic slave trade are behind the COVID genocide conspiracy.
Bill Gates β The Banned Video
80 times more deadly. Is this (the new Boston job) what Bill meant when he said, with a crooked smile to Melinda ” The next one, they will notice”?
(From the RT: A new virus developed in Boston (US).
Donβt Ever Forget or Forgive These People β Winter Watch
Human DNA is fairly robust. Want to identify Neandertals? They have larger skulls and brain and shorter stocky bodies. Cromagnon? Not so stocky.
Declaring that there were none of these humans still alive is an example of non scientific method. Deep valleys protect the denizens from Solar flare activity that alters the DNA and epigenetics of those exposed.
There have been many experiemnts on humans. Some have been revealed and reviled. Others are ongoing and secret. A goal of ‘improving’ the human species is admirable, but doing it in secret suggests biowarfare.
80% lethality of covid? My my, what a surprise!
The Jewish Encyclopedia says that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.
Since there are no boundaries on this ‘universal topic’ regarding the ‘future of the human species’ …
β’ Russian Regulator Pitches Full LGBT Propaganda Ban for All Ages β¦
The natural rainbow has 7 colours. The queers rainbow has 6.
I recall the missing one being Indigo. Could that be intentional?
Paging oldavid and other genuine thinkers
The Ontology of Death: Patristic Philosophy against Nominalism β Matthew Raphael Johnson
β’ The Orthodox Nationalist: Dr Johnsonβs New Book β TON 101222
Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson talks about his new book on Orthodox philosophy.
Dr. Johnson’s highly anticipated book, The Ontology of Death: Patristic Philosophy against Nominalism is finally published. This book is the first of its kind. It is about the metaphysics of the church fathers and their enemies over the most fundamental aspects of reality: the eternal struggle between Nominalism and Platonic Realism.
Man before the Fall did not require concepts or logic to participate in the universal grace (Logos) present in Creation. God and man communicated by intuition and the eternal archetypes of creation within Logos were plainly seen in the natural world.
Once man fell, the presence of the archetypes instantiated in the natural world gradually began to fade as mankind lived in sin. Matter appeared to be increasingly βdeadβ and meaningless as man degenerated. The intuitive connection between Logos and man was severed, so over time, Logos became almost invisible. The result was a degeneration from idolatry to ideology to nominalism.
Dr Johnson’s new book can be purchased HERE (via link above)
(Incidentally, I have procured and read two of MRJ’s books and have just been reading a bit of Turgenev (nihilism) and Chekov (many themes) – very relevant)
I did try to respond in a fairly lengthy comment but it vanished and I presumed that I had been deleted from a list of “authorised commenters”.
Perhaps I’ll try to reproduce my comment if there is some interest in what an opponent of cunningly contrived “New Age “evolutionary biology” wisdom” might present.
In response to a post by Crisscross (I forget which thread)
(Satire – but serious)
“Female Russian Soldiers Gang Rape Gay Man who was put in the Women’s Division”
Thank you for inspiring with articles true.
Faith in the Almighty and His Kingdom come, as truth reveals itself, day by day, in sincere hearts.
Dear ant56, my mother thanks you.
βSo we may be facing in the 21st century a completely new kind of inequality which we have never seen before in human history; on the one hand the emergence of a new upgraded elite super humans, enhanced by bioengineering, brain-computer interfaces and things like that – and on the other hand a new massive useless class, a class that has no military or economic usefulness and therefore also no political power.
The biggest question maybe in economics and politics in the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless peopleβ¦ How will they find some meaning in life when they are basically meaningless – worthless.β
Good to see he admits democracy is a big nothing
All this talk about homo sapiens
When the show is so obviously being commandeered by homo stultus, homo imprudens, homo demens, homo morologus, and homo baceolus
Berry, I get the stultus, imprudens, and the demens, but I don’t ken the morologus and the baceolus.
There are 16 BSL4 labs in Ukraine, all financed by US department of defence (using taxpayers blood sweat & tears).
American people like Aussies donβt want war, yet weβre there every time since ww1.
We people have absolutely no say in the matter ever.
So, βsmartβ we line up for booster injections, made here in the same 5 BSL4 labs, that taxes also finance.
MAD, if Putin bites the bait, mutually assured destruction.
We moved on from MAD now with the mini nukes
“All Options Are On The Table !!!”
It should be apparent to anyone that is awake that the Earth’s population is in a WAR. There are people that intend to kill you. Whether it is the jabs, starvation, bogus medical treatments, freezing to death – they are out to kill you.
OK, if you are in a war zone, do you dig yourself a foxhole, stack sandbags, collect extra food and ammunition – OR, do you send letters, march in the streets, chant slogans, wave banners at the very people that are trying to kill you?
Your move…
ββSexuality in the Culture War: For the Socialist Restructuring of Humansβ (1936) was written by the Freudian psychologist and Marxist socialist Wilhelm Reich in praise of the Soviet Sexual Revolution, which took place under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin.β
Read on β¦
Leftism, Pedophilia, and Sexual Revolution | βSexuality in the Culture War: For the Socialist Restructuring of Humansβ
A bit of M$M for variety
Resident Biden the slow motion train wreck (4 min)
BRICS goes global
Clintons’ va666ine push
JABBERWOCKY by Lewis Carroll
From “Jews, Jurats And The Jury Wall: A Name In Context” page 123 – “….In York, the street name Jubbergate, recorded as Jubrettegate as early as 1287, derives from Middle English Jewe:…….” [gate is an ancient name for street. A synagogue stood on Jubbergate]
“…Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The fruminous Bandersnatch!”
In Ezekiel (i. 10, x. 14) the eagle is mentioned in connection with the throne of God. In rabbinic parlance “nesher” is used as a title of distinction; e.g., to denote the Roman government ( Sanh. 12a ). Reverse of Copper Coin Bearing an Eagle, Attributed to Herod the Great. (After Madden, ” History of Jewish Coinage .”)
This leaves no doubt about Americaβs choice of its emblemβvery biblical, reflecting the godliness of our forefathers. The eagle carries the character of a mighty warrior, and at the same time it is the protecting fatherly manifestation of God. Indeed, the last two letters of the Hebrew word βne-sherβ mean βa price,β βa mighty warrior.β
Eagles are also not uncommon on synagogue accoutrements, such as the silver crowns … Even in exile, the Jews maintained these symbols of their homeland.
Gate is Norse for street, just as Gard means some type of town fortress or somesuch hence the Russian Novgorod and Stalingrad etc., apparently they switched it round a bit
No prizes for guessing what bogan has been involved in over in Thailand β
β’ Thailand: US-backed Opposition’s Violence Intimidates Critics, Paves Way for Regime Change
… unless of course it was just a βluv-me-long-timeβ trip
Your feeble jibes aside, interestingly of the six cities I have transited so far the only one with a visible virus problem is Bangkok where the air is arguably worse, but not noticeably worse. There is a lot of “cough-cough” in Bangkok so it’s the tail end of the virus and you get a cough for a few days then it’s all over, I guess.
Either that or they are all just programmed by some herd mentality response, however, I got the cough-cough one afternoon too and I treated it just by buying a small salt shaker at 7-11 for about 40 cents and swallowing a few doses.
The advice I and others were sharing about getting a spray bottle with saline water in it ( at sea water strength ) was misappropriated by the M$M and crooked health advisers and convoluted into gargling salt water, instead of spraying it and inhaling up the nose, where it dissolves the mucous and foreign elements be they pollen or any types of bacteria, virus whatever, out of the sinuses and right down to the back of the throat where the nasal passages open into the throat, this is where the infections lurk.
So anyway lacking a spray bottle just plain ingested salt seemed to help because my cough-cough was gone in the morning. Bye bye Covid and bye bye credibility of politicians and lying scum medical fraternity with their bans on HCQ and IVM and all their other lies about most things, ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching
wink, watever u do don’t cough,
check-ping, Uall
UAP candidates for Victorian Elections
What is your choice
Red – all out communists with storm troopers and economic destruction
Blue – wimpish real-estate-agents too weak to form alternative leadership
Green – fully on board with the 21C depopulation ( injections) agendas
Teal – telling us we will burn up with ClimateChangeβ’ when it’s getting cooler
Yellow – speaking out against all the bullshit to bring back normality
Klaus Swab’s Social Credit Score (1 min)
Vaccine Centres are being closed down by the UK by patriots
How to shut down your local va666ine centre using the law (4 min)
Quite a compelling video and featuring QE2 at 0:14-0:15