Home News Chemical Attacks in the Schizophrenic Age

Chemical Attacks in the Schizophrenic Age


[Editor’s Note: This article is a reaction to the US firing missiles at three facilities in Syria on April 13, 2018.] 

by G5

Trump was politically captured by the bullshit momentum of the Douma non-event False Flag. Do you remember the big International consensus serenade concerning the Iraq WMD Lie, or the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and the Humidicrib “evidence” in 1991?

Israel and the Golan Heights

There is unrevealed consensus from the US, the UK, Syria, Russia, and France, that Israel was involved in a number of incidents in Syria, from 2012.

Israel is concerned that Syria will retake its oil-rich Golan Heights, which Israel occupied in 1967. And there is a very strong possibility that that will occur. Syrian tanks are amassed at the edge of Golan for that very purpose.

Israel is nether able nor equipped to conduct any sustained engagements, with any major player. Its Samson Option is as absurd as the Iron Dome. It may hide behind Holy Lands, but that would not save any of its military assets. If Israel is disarmed, it will never be permitted to return to its prior state — which would resolve many issues, concerning regional rogue activities.

The evolved Israeli culture of hit and run is not conducive to turning into any evolved reality. In the wake of the Douma Engagement (April 7, 2018), Israel took the opportunity to conduct its second strike on the Airbase. It was by Israeli F15s firing missiles from Lebanese airspace — not The Mediterranean, as reported by MSM, which would again implicate the US. Israel fired 8 missiles, 3 reached the Airbase, and 5 were over-ridden by Russian Satellites, and dropped.

The days of the push-back of Israel are rapidly approaching. Throwing rocks is not going to prevent or destabilize a push on Golan. And no parties, beyond lip service, will come to the aid — America included. This would reignite The Palestinian Issue.

Iran was always going to develop in Syria. They have a mutual defence agreement — which has been inconveniently forgotten. The current Syrian Military is not going to be a walk-through, as Israel previously experienced with its incursions in the destroyed Lebanon.

America is not going to put through any major challenge to posture for Israel. It’s believed that any direct engagements between Syria and Israel, will be swift, and the face saving negotiation table always a short distance away. Israel has a share in the Leviathan Field, and has been drawing from a Russian pipeline crossing to the north of Israel. So everyone is reasonably friendly, and not as postured.

And if IS and its various permutations and combinations were in fact the enemies of Israel as claimed, why were there no attacks on Israel?

More on Chemical Weapons

There are parallels with the False Flag Khan Sheikhoun attack of April 2017, and the subsequent failed Cruise Tomahawk Missile attack of Shayrat Airbase by the USS Ross and USS Porter in the Mediterranean. Both vessels were EMP disabled by the Russian Airforce flying from Latakia. Some 5 missiles, more or less, struck their target — destroying a refueling facility. The remainder of the 100 fired were over-ridden by Russian satellites and dropped in The Mediterranean. Subsequently, all Syrian assets at that airbase were flown to the Russian Stronghold of Latakia.

If they knew of the Chemical Weapon plants, why didn’t they hit them after August 21, 2013 (Ghouta 1)?

Israel signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Agreement, but did not ratify it. Therefore it is not signed. If the current round of Anglo-American-Franco-Israeli War Crimes and Acts of War in Syria are not as I write, then why didn’t Russia drop the missiles as they are able.


Putin has been kissed to the point of being unable to sit after the recent ‘permission’ to hit three empty warehouses.

If it was anything beyond an agreed theatrical posturing — a non-existent military relevance — the 6th Fleet would have been raised to the sky by one Kinschal SA-N-9 with a Tsar Bomb RDS-220 attached. But of course the Bear has not been stirred and the 6th Fleet plays hide and seek close to ports and in tourist lanes.

A number of reports have appeared concerning Douma (April 7, 2018), from various sources, with their own various agendas. The Union of Medical Relief, reported that 70 people died as a consequence of a Sarin attack. The standard fare of fake videos was released showing alleged lifeless bodies with alleged Chemical Weapon symptoms. Children being treated is always an emotive grab. I am reminded of the infants and children struck by Napalm in South East Asia. That was an enduring reality that cannot be revised away.

The Syrian-American Medical Society advised that allegedly some 60 bodies were reported. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has sent an investigation team.

The Syrian Red Crescent reported that there was no Chlorine used, as had been claimed with the parading of alleged affected children, and the pretended smell of Chlorine. The US-Syrian Human Rights Organisation claimed 14 bodies at the Airbase — which is correct.

The recapture of Douma is the largest Syrian Military victory since the recapture of Aleppo in 2016. By agreement between the Syrian Government and the Jaish al-Islam rebels, some 48,000 people (including some 8,000 former combatants) were bused from Douma. They were living with their families in Douma. Hardly a place from which ‘rebels’ would launch fighting. There was no doubt that a settlement would be negotiated, after exchanges that left some 1,600 of their number dead.

The Schizophrenic Age

America should have left Syria alone after Russia settled it. Not to return to pounce as it did. Theresa May of course is a cretin-at-large, Emmanuel Macron is owned by Groupe Rothschild, and Trump has been captured by the forthcoming election. (Macron will be in Australia on May 1, so get ready for BS overkill by Big Mal.)

We are now emerging from The Post Truth Age and entering The Schizophrenic Age. As you look around you, you can see the herds sucking it all in, and delivering appropriate conditioned reflexes. The prognosis is not good, and they are fighting for us to retain terminal velocity stupidity.




  1. “Trump has been captured by the forthcoming election”

    I would re-word that to:
    “Trump has been captured by what the media will do to subvert the various Congressional elections in November 2018.”

    It would not be correct to say that the US public is baying for blood in the Middle East. The US public, as far as I can see, does not bay for anything.

    Furthermore, the election isn’t determined by a proper counting of citizen’s votes, so the media hype must be for another purpose.

  2. One can be sure they called ahead to warn Syria/Russia the targets. As G5 says a theatrical stage show with a multi-agenda gain.

    • What did I tell u? There are not 25 leaders in this world, or 4 (such as, Putin, Trump, May and Qi) — there is only one.

      And everyone is the spectator thereof.

      And that person sees everyone as his enemy, but we are too polite, or shy, to imagine that he is OUR enemy.

      Australia has 24 million Lemmingtons.

      The world has 7 billion Lemmingtons.

      I have just written a song called “Seven Billion Lemmingtons Going off the Cliff”

      (sung to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies).

      • Too polite or shy my Too polite or shy my arse.
        I realise gutlessness is invariably passed off as such but that simply goes to the fact that the condition is the most pernicious form of dishonesty.
        And the focus has to be on oneself; judging others won’t change anything.
        I realise gutlessness is invariably passed off as such but that simply goes to the fact that the condition is the most pernicious form of dishonesty.
        And the focus has to be on oneself; judging others won’t change anything

        • For once I am in disagreement with Berry.

          Take the Port Arthur thing or 9-11. While it’s true that we are generally gutless, another factor does kick in (I believe) to prevent identifying the enemy.

          Some nice friends of mine in the US ought to understand that the government did 9-11, but if their awareness goes anywhere near that notion, their brain runs a mile.

          Pretty sure it is a deep animal habit of ours. If something upsets our worldview we don’t let it in. And that worldview is partly innate — we are born to expect protection from parents (hence, protection also from the Village Chief or the head of the hospital, or any such).

          That’s why I like to emphasize the “up” side of identifying the enemy. So I say we need two things simultaneously: punishing the bastards and celebrating a return to belief in a good Mama and a good Papa.

          Gumshoe writers, particularly Dee, have done a superb job of demolishing “Canberra.” Some readers may think the solution is to deprive the Canberrites of their cushy job and paycheck. i say they need far harsher punishment than that.

          They also need to be replaced with good people. I hereby call for a people’s parliament, and for a bunch of Pretenders to the PM throne. Good Mama’s, good Papa’s type thing.

          • If you don’t want to be ruled by the law of the jungle you have to stop behaving as though your a mere animal

  3. 2018 Economist Front Cover–illuminating
    Earlier ones show Trump as the Pied Piper-leading “lemmings” off the cliff–control through sound frequencies–mesmerizing– subliminal messages

  4. Ah the hypocrisy emmanating from the Western leaders knows no bounds whatever. So Trumpf has got his testicles in a knot because of ALLEGATIONS of chemical warfare, and can’t sleep at night because of all the kiddies being gassed. How heart wrenching. So he BOMBS the crap outa Syria, butchering the Mums and Dads as well as all those kiddies to save them from the gas . Despite no evidence ever being put forth to sustain his claim. Now if that’s the Democracy we are expected to live by, you can keep it. What an astounding champion.
    It wasn’t to long ago we had the anniversary of the Vietnam War Crime, a country that was DRENCHED with chemicals, which are still killing and maiming the Vietnamese people today, we had depleted Uranium spread far and wide in the Yugoslavia War Crime, and again in Iraq, despite the knowledge, using depleted uranium contaminates everything and lasts for generations, we have Israel using phosphorous against defenceless peoples with the sanction of the U.S. and the supply of same, and now with the evidence coming to notice, the terrorists in Syria being supplied with the chemicals to manufacture gas by none other than the U.S. and it’s partners, then the release of same, (if actually real ) being blamed on Syria, which we were told the so called Western coalition disposed of all it’s chemical warfare themselves and no stocks were left.
    So how many times was America and Israel punished for utilising chemical warfare against innocent people’s and contaminating their lands for the fore see able future ???????
    BUT, if a terrorist compiles a make believe event, claiming it was real, despite no factual evidence on the ground, the biggest war criminal nation on the planet, takes it upon it’self to be the Judge, Jury and Executioner on the basis of an empty allegation, at the same time, butchering more of those innocent kiddies that he claims he’s so upset about ????????????????
    And the COWARDLY Western nations just stand by without a whimper and allow this to happen ????
    Clearly, the World deserves what’s coming down the track, whole heartedly.

    • Well said, Eddy.

      Just a couple of stats on memory… 200 tonnes of depleted uranium spread across Iraq, 12 tonnes across Yugoslavia, and an unknown quantity released in Australia. When I researched the latter, automatically suspecting the Yanks, I was told it was by our own Australian Defense personnel.

      But on the world being to blame for all these inhumanities… let’s face it, we, the people, were never consulted. The banker-led corporations control all. The same applies to global pollution.

      I don’t think its fair to say we Aussies are now gutless.

      When Pauline Hanson made her Parliamentary maiden speech (written by John Pasquerelli, not Hanson) 94% of Australians agreed with her. Later, as she and her followers were ridiculed and publicly vilified by politicians, academics, and journalists, with supporters losing their jobs and some even being beaten up in the streets, ordinary Aussies realised that we were no longer free. Howard introduced his amendments to the Sedition Act, which made opposition to repressive government even more dangerous than committing a criminal offense… they very quickly realised that protection of family comes first. Who can blame them?

      People now are looking in the wrong direction for support. They imagine university students and graduates will one day make a stand. No chance of that. All academics are now elitist, selfish and anti-patriotic. It will be the young disaffected working class who will one day fight for reclamation of our freedom, but only after older and wiser heads have told them what is going on.

      How can that miracle of cross-generational communication be achieved?

      I have no bloody idea.

  5. A statement of the obvious for anyone with a functioning brain.

    The Australian government and associated bureaucracies are criminal operations actively acting against the interests of the Australian people.

    To quote the late Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, from Dee’s last interview with the man:

    “That a major power (like Australia,cough, cough) when it believes it’s vital interests are involved
    (or criminal prosecutions may ensue) will sacrifice ANY NUMBER OF ITS OWN PEOPLE to preserve that vital interest. And that says something about the power”.

    Oh yes, it sure does. It confirms that “The Power” is a murderous, satanic, self-serving criminal operation in need of exposure, prosecution and removal.. But what should we expect, given Fiona Barnett’s revelations about a multitude of Australian politicians, judges,media personalities, members of the clergy and many other in the elite circles of our society being involved actively in satanic pedophilia and ritual abuse..

    A government that will orchestrate the Port Arthur massacre and murder 35 innocents and critically wound dozens of others. Not to mention traumatising millions of its own citizens and blaming the whole charade on a feeble minded innocent.

    The same government will either participate in or allow the aerial spraying of its population with dangerous and debilitating chemicals in their geo-engineering programs.This is a subtle form of chemical warfare against all of us. Sort of like a slow kill. See this.


    Chemical warfare in the Schizophrenic Age seems an appropriate title for this article, given that we are ALL being subjected to it, whether we live in the Middle East or in any “civilised” Cabal-controlled criminal Western democracy.

    Given the reputed release on the Dark Webb of the much anticipated Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin video sex tape, which was discovered by the New York Police Dept when conducting a raid on the husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner for soliciting underage girls, it only seems appropriate that the single piece of evidence which may finally shock the sleeping masses out of their “terminal stupidity” may be the most vile crime against a child, all caught on videotape.

    The only piece of humour in this sorry story is the guys last name. Wiener. How appropriate that a Wiener may just be the key to taking down this Cabal of monsters and this whole tragic chapter in human history.

  6. Thank you, Eddy. Thank you, Phil.
    Today appears to be Ballsization Day. Way to go, boys!

    RE the SGT movie, if you haven’t watched it yet and need to save your Wi-Fi pennies, just look at the last few minutes where a girl is interviewed.

    The other 13 minute build-up is disgraceful, in my opinion — the narrator telling you to rev up your emotions, and telling you that a piece of evidence is at hand,.

    We won’t know if that is true till we see it, someday.

    After all, a SWAT team killed Bin Laden and threw him in the ocean, right?
    And for the record (again) I don’t think Q-Anon is legit. Even if it is, we need to proceed as if there is no Q-Anon savior on the horizon.

    Do what Phil did — wear a Free Martin Bryant Tee shirt. Annoy the hell out of somebody at least twice a week.

  7. As a musician that has travelled the world many times playing many different countries l still find this song the most menacing ever written and and oh so prophetic. Mary as you are American you could relate to the lyrics no problems. Jello Biafra and Canadas’ DOA doing Full Metal Jackoff.
    Subtitles included. I urge people to watch this clip and understand that what we were talking about in the 80’s was a precursor of what is happening now. Buckle up for 19mins of we told you so…


    • Mr. Black,
      Scroll down the above link to the section titled.
      Sex and violence inculcated through entertainment.
      Go to the second and third sections.
      Now you know who is being used and the role in the destruction of civilization.

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