by G5
One of the major problems that Trump discovered, was not just Deep State, but all that over which he has no control. And as I have previously written — he is not being ‘protected’ — but is under permanent House Arrest with all his family by the Owners of America.
Induced Turmoil
American induced world turmoil is only partly understood. Its repercussions are everywhere.
It’s easy. Just find two or more disparate groups that hate each other. Or invent them using ideological, racial, or religious differentials. Plant some media personnel. Accuse one or other of wanting to slaughter the other. Run up some False Flags and some Hoaxes. Being sensible or logical is not required. It’s actually an encumbrance. You gather, radicalize, train, arm, and pay them. And off it goes. Then you raid the banks and destroy what you don’t want. Steal the natural resources, drug manufacturing, and anything of real value. When you have finished — just move on to the next mission.
Guatemala began with the CIA stealing bananas through United Fruit and Chiquita. El Salvador began with the CIA stealing coffee. Nicaragua and Honduras was the CIA stealing drug shipments. And of course, civil wars are a natural progression from such meddling.
Oliver Stone is a film maker, not an analyst — and has been dramatically wrong more often than not. His ‘JFK’ for one. He furthers the problems, not the cures. When Stone dabbles with morons, he produces what he does. When he works with the experienced, he is correct. Richard Boyle sought out Stone and collaborated on ‘El Salvador’. Stone’s is close to events of Central America (video below). The Boyle scene is interesting, and he predominantly stayed under the radar. But the real Richard Boyle was killed in The Philippines in early September, 2012.
CIA is not just another little spy shop. It is a monolithic international force with many factions. It kidnaps and assassinates with impunity. It operates private gaols around the Western World. It operates armies and covert tactical special black operations. It is a parallel world. It has diplomatic immunity wherever it steps in the Western World.
America has never had any shame in destroying any domestic economies it can, to maintain its own economic and militaristic insanities. The CIA has over 300 major corporations fronting its activities. It is funded by unlimited reserves, ‘reports’ to no government, and is unaccountable. It has over 600 Stations in the Western World.
CIA operates under Deep Cover in lands where America is not believed. Which is actually most of the world and growing. If exposed, the assets are variously dispatched.

The FA-35 Grand Lemon is an absolute GRU – SVR Legend. The Pentagon fought with its own USAF over it. But the economic thievery won over the USAF reality. The recovery cost was America pretending to its dopey ally sucklings that The FA-35 was an essential tool against the concocted enemies.
John F Kennedy
It was out of control when JFK wanted to disband it in 1963. So it killed him. In open light, before all the world. 53 years later and the truth will never be ‘officially’ revealed. And very few know what really happened. Because people will not listen and will not think. They are either consumed by MSM [mainstream media] or the deceptions of Alternative Media.
Even at the time of the alleged final report — 26/10/2017 — not only has the Bureaucracy continued the lie, but the MSM has gone quiet by the diversions of; North Korea, Catalan, and the Russian Collusion Delusion.
And from the alleged Alternative, opposing MSM — the fictional truth seekers have again been infiltrated with Conspiracy Theorists, who serve no truth or reality, maintain division by deceit, and further the ineptitude.
Trump tumbled to hide the truth, since The Republicans had heavily colluded with the CIA, high-end Democrats and allied Banking, Military, and Oil interests, to sacrifice JFK. Nothing would have been served by parading GHWB for prosecution in the conspiracy.
Albeit, CIA James Angleton orchestrated The JFK Coup d’Etat. And Pentagon Dov Zakheim orchestrated The 9/11 False Flag.
Nazi Arrivals, JFK Files
Then of course there was the lying Chief Justice of The US Supreme Court [Earl Warren], and the lying and pardoning President [Ford]. And the problem of the nation state with no credibility, pretending it holds the moral high ground. And of course Hitler has appeared in The JFK Files. We knew there would be a penny in the pudding scenario.
The Nazi number one tier had a pass straight to the US. The second tier ended up sunning in South America.

But they were proven Fascists. And America was Anti-Communist. So one plus one equaling thirteen — brought The Nazis to be bosom buddies of America — all fighting ‘Communists’. The Nazis being stashed where? Yes. You guessed it. In The CIA. Now that should answer a few questions.
The final JFK shot did not come from high right, but low right. Even the manufactured Zapruder shows it. The perpetrators don’t care, because the consumed can’t see anything but the road, when they look down. Therefore the focus became the grassy knoll.
The only other shooters were on The Dal-Tex Roof (Police HQ). The narrative of there being eight shooters is ridiculous. There were eleven shots fired from the rear. Three struck the two [Kennedy and the Governor]. The low shot was from the large water drain at gutter level. Deep enough for Jack Lawrence to stand and take the shot after the car was stopped in position. The Train Guard (in the tower) and the Deaf Mute (on the overpass) saw Lawrence come up from the drain in the rail yard, and give the rifle to Rosselli, Badge Man. The locals heard the shot and ran up the Knoll. Later there was a cop there holding a rifle.
One Ex-FBI Forensic ‘Expert’ even wrote that the shot was from the Overpass. Not worth commenting on.
Rational and Critical Thought
I wrote what actually happened some years ago. The incessant deceptions through Alternative Media manufactures are stubbornly wrong. As bad as the Oswald Lie.
People no longer believe the MSM. So they reach to Alternative for truth, and are confronted by futher fictions. But they have nowhere to turn for Thruth. Try correctly studying and use Independent Media, those who have been correct throughout, and for many decades. Even before the manufactured digital age.
Jones, Drudge, Zero Hedge, et al, have been wrong and misleading, consistently. Cross check the Mandalay Bay reports for one. Jade Helm is a classic. They work on posture, capturing the MSM exiles, manipulating short attention spans (as MSM), and selling concoctions. They are both numbers games. Independent Media has a different agenda. Life was not meant to be easy. Which is why we have Rational and Critical Thought.
Tentacles of the CIA
I moved from being very trusted to feared and persona non grata. Because what I wrote was correct — ad nauseam. So my relationship with certain government agencies, slowly dissipated.
Yamashita’s Gold and most of the world’s illicit drug operations, fall under CIA control. It has proxy armies and runs operations outside the control of Congress or the President.
Ideological illusions and civil wars are follow-ons with the Military Industrial Complex naturally flowing through. Until the next target catches the attention. America intervened in every state south of its border and in The Caribbean. Some are still recovering.
And if Stone was not producing predominantly inert propaganda, or gathering posts, he would not be with us. John Belushi was gone as soon as he mentioned that Kissinger was ‘Deep Throat’. He was warned. He lived in The Chateau Marmont where we did. Since the Belushi days, Saturday Night Live became a parody without venturing near reality. The incessant anti-Trump Serenade, has lost it its credibility as a satirical format.
These people do not perpetrate their own crimes. Intel Special Ops Teams ‘Protect’ the ‘Institutions of Government’ in America. The people who were ended around The Clintons, Obama, and GWB, for example, were not by those people delivering orders.
Britain has a slightly different system in place. Heath (paedophile and murderer) was protected as Prime Minister — as are David Cameron and Mark Thatcher, who were gun runners about The Middle East. Diana was ended over an issue of MIC land mines in Cambodia still murdering children. Mountbatten and five other Pedophiles were ended in two blasts.
MSM is the straight agent of Government Propaganda. Alternative Media is where people live with induced imaginings. It’s where the religions of major events escape reality and become independent life forms. Alternative is manipulated by the same invented trails. As Whistle-blowers, they are used as gathering posts. If Assange and Snowden were real, you would never know their names.
Snowden was fed by the CIA in its war with the NSA. Assange fronts what he is given by a CIA faction. Manning and others are unwitting covers. Both live, as they are allowed. Neither is ‘Safe’ or immune. To believe so is nonsense. Being ‘Known’ is not ‘Safety’. Did you know of The Kennedys. And if you think ‘People’ would know who was ‘responsible’ if they were ended — think again.
[DISCLAIMER: At Gumshoe we are unable to verify facts from some contributors, and we do not necessarily agree with the views of the material published by them.]
The phrase “Oh shit” comes to mind.
So, apart from fear mongering, what exactly is the point of this article?
What’s the point in publishing stuff that’s unverifiable?
Berry, much of what we purvey at Gumshoe is unverifiable.
I keep saying the FBI did the Marathon but how can I verify it? By its fruits ye shall know it. The court case, the stupid lies about carjacking, etc. That’s the most we can come up with.
Of course G5 is limited by his sources. If one of those has lied to him and he passed it on to us, oh well. But we are big boys and girls and can accept some errors into the mix, no?
Berry, it impossible for me to state whether the CIA has 300 major corporations fronting its activities or just 50. A few of “us” have met G5 — and only report a fraction what he discloses..
What we are doing is joining dots.
But with regards to fear mongering. Very good point. Did you not think that I paused on the publish button several times before getting it out there. I believe that is the reality.
I have lost count over the past few years when I first started Gumshoe — random people would say
“But you shouldn’t be saying that”.
I’d say “why not?”
“Because it will cause you trouble — even if it’s true”
I came to realise the average joe believes that exposing government crimes will get you in trouble. They believe its best to let sleeping dogs lie. What a terrible position it has put us. It means these corporations / powers can decide the fate of humanity with impunity. Also, I have found that to overcome fear, you first have to understand what one is fearful of.
I had hoped that you would’ve picked up the disclaimer as a point of some legal protection.
I very much doubt that fear is something that can ever be completely overcome but if you refuse to take it on board it invariably rebounds onto those at the helm.
The last two judges I appeared before both emanated palpable terror. Does make you wonder what goes on behind closed doors.
William Blake — ‘Truth can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed.’
Now look what you started, Berry:
Matthew 7:16-20. (King James Version):
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I kinda like 19.
I put that very same quote in Judge McKechnie’s face back in 2007
Re the Marathon bombing &Port Arthur:Failing to meet the prerequisites for pronouncing somebody guilty & putting them behind bars far out weighs any other crime on the face of the earth and there’s no question as to who is culpable.
Mary then there is The Tree of Life The Kabbalah and I recall reading how Reverse Kabbalah-the shadow dark side is used in ” training ” programs in satanic cults. There is a chapter in Alison Millers book Healing the Unimaginable. Treating Mind Control and Ritual Abuse. And yes it is related to CIA and Military Intelligence training –Operations Paperclip. Bluebird MKULTRA projects, Operation Monarch Artichoke–the list goes on.
Off-topic. The Sue Neill-Fraser case has been adjourned til March. The Mercury newspaper mentions that hers is the first case that could win on the brand-new fresh-and-compelling evidence law.
But frankly, Martin Bryant’s case would be the first if some barrister would put the case. The Gumshoe team will help that barrister.
Hi! Are you out there, O Barrister? We will love you. We don’t have cash, but we have good will.
[…] initially served as a platform to report on the documents released by Edward Snowden.” [G5 says ‘Snowden was fed by the CIA in its war with the […]