Home Australia Climate Change Simplified: the End of Cheap Oil

Climate Change Simplified: the End of Cheap Oil


A petroleum-era car graveyard

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

As always, don’t pay any attention to what they say, instead watch what they are doing. Their lies come in various flavours, to suit the tastes of their base. Most often, nothing will happen, and in other cases the desired outcome will counter-effect some other outcome. In other cases the knock-on effect undoes whatever good was being attempted. In so many cases, government is simply over-funded and therefore over-regulates. The finance minister keeps below the radar, doling out money while the treasurer makes the apologies. A good treasurer has a grovelling demeanour, otherwise sometimes portrays as a clown.

Here’s the Melbourne cup result one month ahead of time:

Front page of The Australian newspaper this week, and on mainstream news elsewhere, the IMF has come out saying Australia and Slovakia have the most inflation in the world, inflation over 3% according to their statistics, and therefore interest rates will potentially rise in 2025, but not go down anytime in 2025. This outcome has been the published opinion of this writer throughout 2024.

Slovakia tops the “inflation” index list.

Remember the recent, attempted assassination of Robert Fico. 

“On 15 May 2024, Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico was shot and critically injured in the central Slovak town of Handlová, in front of its House of Culture after a government meeting.” He had been rejecting the WHO mandates and things of that nature. So development funds will be more expensive in Slovakia.

Second on the list, Australia presumably has been judged to be saved from a major recession by a commodities boom, so our mortgagees can afford to pay extra to the banks, a form of privatised taxation, which could be described as “trickle up”.

Demographically speaking, less advantaged Australian residents are being driven out of Melbourne and Sydney, towards the outlying areas.

In Australia, some years ago now, Gina Reinhart told us we were only worth $2 per hour. Eventually we have to go on world parity, $2 per hour, and this will be achieved by reducing the value of the dollar to something closer to the Chinese Yuan or Malay ringgit. International travel will soon be prohibitively expensive and other commodities from petrol to building materials, likewise. The only future you will be able to afford will be virtual, since you will be physically impounded.

To confirm the pretence, according to The Australian newspaper’s shortlist of major countries, the winner with only 1% inflation and resultant guaranteed low borrowing interest rates is … Switzerland, where the world’s money, er, credit, is originally created.

Not Switzerland, Lebanon this week. Beirut has always attempted to become a regional financial centre.

Along with record high petrol prices, gold prices, house prices, chocolate prices, we also see incredible shrinkflation where the price of chocolate raises the price per gramme of confectionery up to more than double, even though the amount of chocolate is a small fraction of the total inputs. Once again, higher interest rates for mortgagees are touted as the solution. It’s impossible to explain this intelligibly so nobody attempts to. The political parties and private economists have a variety of lies, tailored to their base, which in combination produce a totally incomprehensible cacophony of nonsense.

Graduate of Klaus Schwab’s academy of Young Global Leaders, Claire O’Neill, recently demoted to Housing and Homeless Minister, is instructed to tell us the government has produced a surplus for the last two years. But it’s not a surplus when you’ve simply lowered the bar to a height that suits your ability to jump over it.

Nonetheless this lie is rolled out at every opportunity. It’s almost like the captain of the Titanic saying he has the finest moustache in the empire, while the ship is going down, except that it’s a lie, his moustache is stuck on with tape, having come from the magic shop.

Zali Steggall is on a campaign to stop lies in political advertising, the irony is mind boggling. The entire premise of the Teals’ Party is that Carbon Dioxide induced global warming will destroy us all. They apparently have been tipped off that Climate Change will be heavily and incessantly promoted in the controlled media for many years, scaring the children. Zoe Daniel and Allegra Spender were caught out trying to do favours for their financier, Simon Holmes a Court, but spin the story so that they were only trying to disentangle themselves. I have witnessed nautical disasters similar to this in nature; incompetence is nothing to be proud of.


Allegra Spender, what a bizarre case of nominative determinism, a brisk, lively spender, with an intensive background in UK higher education and economics, another lower grade blueblood of some description, running as effective Teals’ Party treasurer and finance minister. We note the UK domestic economy is (probably uniformly) in tatters.

It’s a great time to get out and stay out.

Spender, y’know, wants to replace, y’know, stamp duty, lower the, y’know, income tax for her base (y’know, young green-minded, y’know, conservatives), but none of this will have any effect because it is simply rearranging the deck chairs. 

Stamp duty is already cancelled for first home buyers. Removing stamp duty will make house-buying speculation much more attractive. There will be a new wave of house flippers and prices will shoot up. What the government needs is a new city or two. Look at Canberra! Built around a few well-funded government agencies, now the richest city in Australia. Imagine a new city that actually produced something of value. Gladstone in Queensland springs to mind.

Lowering income tax is a magic pudding. We need to make ministers accountable, such as for repaying the billions that former Health Ministers spent on their corrupt and incompetent pandemic response. Borrowing money from the Reserve Bank has to stop. The interest bill on the trillion dollars already borrowed, probably approaching a billion dollars per week. This is your tax at work. Are we supposed to print our way out of debt like the Weimar republic? Our government handed over the money creation when they split the RBA out of the Commonwealth bank. This borrowing is virtually theft, for pork-barrelling purposes.

Nobody seems to have addressed the fact that most industry operates during the day so solar panels should go on the rooves of all industrial buildings and workplaces. Instead all sorts of whacky ideas are put forward, doomed to fail wave energy projects, undersea cables, vast solar arrays waiting for a hailstorm to destroy them.

Corruption has not been not addressed, it’s like asking the cat to bell itself.

Allegra spender wants more R&D and to improve our pitiful productivity. Using what, horse whips? People need to be able to buy houses to keep them working, not hear the same tedious ideas slightly rearranged, from ineffective politicians like the Teals.

Freezing the building codes was not addressed. This was a marvellous suggestion, coming from conservative quarters, which surprisingly got a bit of air. One specific way to cut down on red tape would be to simply stop tweaking the rule book, which has become so overweight it is due for cardiac arrest. Much of it is nonsensical.

Allegra Spender specifies growth, intergenerational equity and energy transition.

The Greens would not touch growth with their bargepole, and intergenerational equity is a nonsense. Of course you have assets at the end of your working life. The problem with housing is incompetence. “Energy transition” is part of the incompetence. Previous governments have sold the gas to China. That’s our problem, there is no solution.

Beirut under the multinational redevelopment plan

More photos of destruction:


In the same day we saw the IMF doom Melbourne to a recession, we also had the bombing and 9-11 style pancake demolition of dozens of banks and related sites in Beirut. Al-Qard al-Hassan banks offered microcredit in a country where the traditional banking system collapsed five years ago.

Price inflation in Gaza is spiralling out of control, fresh produce increasing in price by a factor of ten is hardly unusual. The residents of Gaza are being tortured to death while officials like ANthony Blinken fly around the world in Lear jets, pretending they are tyring to help while covertly working for arms dealers, and enjoying luxuriant menus and service all the way.

The entire project is based upon a pretence that the Hamas group in Gaza is holding hostages, nobody questions this even though it would be an absurd strategy.

Now Turkiye is being attacked by “terrorists”, they cannot be attacked directly because they have been in NATO for a long time, however they have joined BRICS economic union after years of delays and rejection from the European Union.

So forget all the contradictions, of our self-serving leadership, let’s keep thinking “Green Energy”.

Fortescue abandoned hydrogen some weeks ago, while electric cars are fading somewhat in popularity because of price, charging issues and flammability.

Origin Energy has abandoned Hunter Valley hydrogen, though various local government entities have been persuaded to buy hugely expensive, experimental hydrogen buses as part of this initiative.

Opposition leader Dutton’s pet project, seven nuclear power sites around Australia may be planned with data centres in mind, which are getting bigger and bigger, as the surveillance increases. From the ABC: “Just one large data centre can consume the same amount of energy required to power 50,000 homes. Morgan Stanley estimates that data centres are currently using 5 per cent (1,050 MW) of the electricity on Australia’s power grid and that is expected to grow to 8 per cent (2,500 MW) by 2030”.


WIth talk of gold backed currencies and new financial systems, the Zimbawe gold backed dollar is plumbing lower levels already:


Meanwhile the BRICS are continuing with their Swiss based alternative system:

New Development Bank headquartered in Shanghai, has since 2019 provided development scaled loans in non US dollar denominations, namely Euro, Yuan, Rand and Swiss Franc. The martyrs, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, did not die for nothing, Putin has made their dream a reality. However, there is no escape from the Bank of International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland.

The underwriter of this global power-split is Putin with his massive military arsenals and global reach. Putin speaks softly and carries a big stick. Nonetheless he has a backup plan, if everything falls apart for him, he will no doubt get a makeover, a new ID and continue his life in … Switzerland.

Putin’s anchor baby was born in Switzerland in 2015:




  1. I love some of these:

    “none of this will have any effect because it is simply rearranging the deck chairs. 

    “Corruption has not been not addressed, it’s like asking the cat to bell itself.

    To go to a previous post… Pastor Paul’s appeal was refused. He asked the court: “How is it fair that I (and Dr Katelaris) are the only people charged for naming a child (s105) — when tens of thousands of other people did including mainstream media organisations.. they all named the child…?” (or words to that effect)

    • Tens of thousands of other people & mainstream media organisations might have all named the child, but how many of them called out the child theft racket ? How many of them were seen as posing any real challenge to the PTB?

      • Once upon a time it was just the Commonwealth Employment Agency: these days the counter of each and every government affiliated”service” is adorned with an array of notices that translate to “there-are-consequences-for-taking-our-wonderful-dedicated-staff-to-task-about-anything”

        Why would the justice system be the exception?

        The bad news is that all the members are every bit as brain-dead as the bureaucrats they mentor
        The good news is that all Departments consist of members who hate each other’s guts:

        So it’s just a matter of playing one off against the other

  2. On day one of his administration , Comrade Biden immediately stopped all domestic drilling , thereby rapidly raising the price of gas .

    Come election time he drains the National Reserve to get those prices down , then afterwards back up they zoom .
    But the electric car will save us .

    As long as we don’t want to go too far .

  3. “The end of cheap oil” – That’s it in a nutshell. Wrap your head around that issue and virtually everything else makes sense.

    I researched oil production back in the 1990s. It was clear that production was going to peak around 2006, it actually peaked in 2005. Knowing the impact that a reduction in liquid energy would have on society (trucking, shipping, flying, etc.) it spurred me to help find a solution. The only avenue I felt I might make a contribution to was BIODIESEL.

    I eventually developed a small, simple processor that would produce between 5 and 15 litres of fuel. It was cheap and bonehead easy to use, just find a quantity of used vegetable oil or fat and the device would produce that quantity of feed stock into fuel.

    As soon as I put in a patent, the government banned the production of biodiesel unless you paid excise tax. I approached Canberra and the Treasury Department. They smirked at me as they said “See what you can bring to the table”. – It is all ‘pay to play in Canberra. To hell with creating solutions to problems, just pay the crooks for the opportunity to do something useful.

    Besides the useless politicians, the Australian culture also stood in the way. I gave a demonstration to about 30 people where I now live in 2007. They all made their one litre of biodiesel to try in their own equipment. They knew it worked, so they wanted me to help them put together a proper small production unit.

    I had been involved with three biodiesel projects in Sydney. In each case I ended up doing most of the work while others took the credit and used the fuel. Instead of a culture of being proud of what you have accomplished, I found a culture of being proud of taking credit for other’s work and stealing the production.

    I wasn’t going to repeat those experiences again, so I donated $100, provided written diagrams and instructions and offered to assist them – I WAS NOT GOING TO DO THE WORK! – Not surprisingly, nothing happened and two years later the $100 was returned to me.

    They could have started with used vegetable oil and then later created a small abattoir of organic, grass fed beef that was trimmed of excess fat. Of course, the reason the excess fat was trimmed was because they could make biodiesel from that fat.

    Anyway, here we are 17 years later…

    Most people are reactive, not proactive. Just like telling people to buy gold at $550 (and now it is over $4,100) or silver at $4.50 (and now it is over $51). The locals could have been producing their own fuel for years and would be in a much more secure situation.

    Fuck it, protect yourself, nobody else will…

  4. Because I’m graphics based, how much for the graveyard. think these old eyes spotted a Datsun. Possibly we then share the turkey, long as its not me

  5. Hell a lot of deck chairs to juggle, too much for me.
    For some great ‘deck chair mulling’ topics discussed today by Jim Willie, listen at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
    Controlled hurricanes, dew weapons, militia v FEMA, 30,000 bodybags handy, civil war localised, gold and silver and fiscal developments for currencies and BRICS EXPANDING.
    Some mention of child trafficking.
    Ooops, I dropped a deck chair on my head…… I have now been adopted by a Pygmy tribe in Africa searching through the tall Savannah grasslands, whose call sign is ‘WEARE THE Fucquari’ !
    I think only Boss-I has a clue.

    By the way Terry, per Charlie Ward, oil is not a fossil fuel, it is a mineral and there is no peak.
    Someone tell Allegra….. should have started up a fashion gig! Her dad moved my admission as a solicitor and on another occasion, after I exited his vehicle, raised the passenger window and started to drive off with my tie with me following.

    • “per Charlie Ward, oil is not a fossil fuel, it is a mineral and there is no peak.” – Go ahead and rely upon Ward, I’ve looked at the actual science and facts. – Have you noticed the price of fuel rising? The fracking approach will only extend production so far, then it’s lights out.

  6. Dear Terry,
    CW received that info, what the hell do I know.
    I had a cousin working for an oil exploration company 50 years ago (including Bass Strait) and he told me also all that fossil science stuff.
    One aspect he did not explain was the absence of fossils in the oil findings.
    Anyway it is all probably irrelevant as I have been hearing for a long time from Real Mary at;
    WTPN situation update today.
    Most will not bother to consider, well they apparently do not want to know some possible imminent outcomes and solutions.
    For fun just watch the opening pussy discourse then bounce along to about 58 minutes for five or so and puzzle over 3 – 6 – 9 and the Tesla concept.
    So do we really need oil, windmills nuclear and solar panels?
    Of course you would have studied Tesla and know most.
    But this is something for the lazy normies and governments wasting our financial futures.

    • “One aspect he did not explain was the absence of fossils in the oil findings.” – That’s because coal will give you fossils, like the impressions of ferns. However. oil is a product of ALGAE. The inland seas filling up with algae and then depositing the remains on the sea bottom.

  7. This video from Walter Veith in 2008 shows how the climate agenda will be used to
    bring back the reunification of church and state in the US at the direction of the papacy leading to the implementation of the mark of the beast (Sunday legislation) as per Revelation 13:16-17. The papacy claims the power to change God’s laws as evidenced by their change of the day of rest from the last day of the week (Saturday) to the first day of the week (Sunday). This represents their mark of authority vs God’s mark of authority. Lots of other interesting historical evidence showing that the UK “crown” is rented from Rome and is the Templar crown. All roads lead to Rome.


    • “The interview will take place on Friday at Rogan’s studio in Austin, Texas, but it isn’t clear when the episode will be released to the public” – I thought his podcasts were live. Anybody have any information?

      Normally I wouldn’t have this much interest in a Rogan podcast. I do find his podcasts always interesting, but with the Clif High reference to it. I really would like to watch it, even if I have to stay up late at night.

    • The Dick Allgire RV drawing re Trump /Rogan from 2020 with the questions to be asked as discussed by Clif in “notification from UNIVERSE” above.

  8. Horse walks into a bar, complete with the 10 gallon hat

    Barcomrad “why the long face cowboy, you know we serve equininity and inclusion”

    Horse “I just saw the cost of oil, if its worked out then believed – how all the grand buildings in and around foundational cities were built. Won’t be long to peak horse”

  9. Putin’s Russia is soon to implement a digital currency proving the communist brand of fascism is as efficient as the capitalist version of fascism in the dialectic race to the bottom.
    Queensland’s Joh Bjelke-Petersen trialled a hydrogen car many years ago and was laughed at by Dutton’s liberals. Highlighting the difference between country and city; creativity and mimicry; innovation and education. Obviously being city green wasn’t fashionable in 1980 when Australia had industry which needed fuelling with Texas tea. That was a time when people presenting to a doctor with a runny nose were sent home with only an aspro because nothing could be done about a ‘virus’ infection.
    Joh also had a cancer cure. So it’s easy to see why his time was from then on limited.
    Hawke’s Labor took care of Australia’s industry but Joh’s removal would need a stronger hand because unlike Australia’s current Labor government he had more than 32% of the vote. Enter the short lived Brisbane Sun(Zion) newspaper.
    There is a possible connection between Putin and Joh. Goodness knows what it is though. Perhaps the now retired bankers of Beirut can help.

  10. “of course you have assets at the end of your working life”. Well, I came into the world with nothing and at the end of my working life I’m happy to report I still have most of it.

  11. Max Blumenthal interviews Hamas spokesman on October 7
    The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal interviews Dr. Osama Hamdan, veteran politburo member and spokesman for Hamas, on October 7, 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey.

    Blumenthal questions Hamdan on Hamas’ goals in Gaza and beyond after a year of military conflict in which many of its leaders and constituents have been killed by Israel, and massive levels of destruction have been visited upon Gaza’s civilian population. Hamdan discusses the transition in the leadership of Palestinian resistance factions and provides his perspective on the role the US has played in negotiations for ceasefire.

    This interview was conducted before Israel’s killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

  12. Well all Nitwit Networks- SMH, Telegraph, affiliates with all other fake controlled foreign owned mass media AND THE ABC.
    Eat your assets out.
    How can you fakes compete with a news/discussion/information news site as here at GS?

  13. Get this, went to timber yard to buy 2 lengths WR cedar 2400.19.13mm glazing bead, that’s three quarters by half inch thick total amount $100! Oz the most expensive banana republic globally in ‘24.
    1 million dollar debt to the banksters, is 3 million $ in repayments over thirty years.
    The oligarchs that have crucified all here need to be dethroned asap, otherwise our children will be homeless in the nation our forebears built.

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