Introduction by DM
Foundation and Vaccines
Sourced from Wikipedia: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a private foundation was founded by Bill and melinda in 2000 and is reported as the second largest “charitable” foundation in the world, holding $69 billion in assets as of 2020. …In May 2002, the foundation purchased stocks in pharmaceutical companies Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer. …In December 2013 Susan Desmond-Hellmann, president of product development for Genentech before its acquisition by Roche Pharmaceuticals (Sue Desmond-Hellmann was Chief Executive Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from 2014 to 2020. In March 2024 she was elected as a board member of OpenAI.) …2006, Warren Buffett pledged to give the foundation approximately 10 million Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares.
The following table lists the top receiving organizations to which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed funding, between 2009 and 2015.

Then jump to 2019 — EVENT 201
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 — the high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
2020 … the roll out of the planned “pandemic.”
Circular Control
You would be familiar with the Problem/Reaction/Solution theory of control. But Bill has got this to a fine art.
Problem … Reaction … Solution … Solution creates a further problem … Further reaction … Creates DEPENDENCY.
But now Florida has closed the gates on Bill.
The logo rip-off:

Some of the articles on Bill on Gumshoe:
The Dark Side of Modern Leadership
What does Bill’s Skin tell us?
“When I look at recent photos of Bill I see a man with facial skin, not of a 66-year-old, but that of someone in their 80s. He doesn’t look the picture of health. And by the way, I don’t think Bill’s skin condition is due to sunlight. If anything it looks like he needs some sunlight. We all get wrinkles as we age, and I know many very healthy older people that are wrinkled, but they do not look like Bill — they are vibrant and healthy. Their wrinkles might be sun exposure, genetics or long-term swimming in chlorinated pools. But Bill does not look healthy, nor vibrant.”

The Bill Gates story a life of horrific GREED which now is showing on his shortened life.
Mal, “greed” doesn’t even come close; you’re right. Like a vampire-rapacity (plunder of humanity). There’s no English word for this type of behaviour.
I think Greed is the correct word. It probably is an offshoot of our need to put something away for a rainy day. (Another offshoot is horading, where a person can’t give up any of her possession, including clothes that she will never wear again as they are out of style.)
But a different trait is the need to have power over others. Bill was trained into that, and if he noticed the way money could assist that, what’s to stop him from pouring money into the job of controlling others?
And since “money goes to money,” he — or anyone — would soon find that one’s “worth” (geez) quickly accumulates to marverlous amounts.
Thus, to stop an outcome such as the one that is happening today, society needs to outlaw the possession of billions. (A billion is a thousand million.)
Elementary, my dear Watson.
I think Bill may have invented his own face-cream and has been using it too much.
On the WEF, they are all playing innocent now trying to rehabilitate it with the masses.
WEF Young Global Leader Andrew Bragg of the Australian Parliament blue party has been playing innocent saying it’s just the world meeting place, this is how lies are told, when two things can be true at the same time you pick the thing that suits you.
Parliament infiltrating WEF YGLs Sarah Hanson Young and Clare O’Neill and Andrew Charlton would never dare mention it. They get themselves scrubbed from the internet. These vested interests have connections to try to block sites, even this site, with fake security certificate “back to safety” notices. They aim to keep the stoopid, stoopid, and if possible to make them more stoopid.
De Santis is a zionist shill (signatory of the US senate’s intimidation letter to ICC ).
Its the policy not the party in AIPAC’s own words:
De Santis is just giving up the easy target for kudos. Meanwhile he is still allowing Bill’s GMO mozzies to be released in his state.
He is in good company as the US gvt has openly admitted to having tested bioweapons on the unsuspecting public hundreds of times before covaids as per
the US General Accounting Office Testimony on Human Experimentation (1994):
SGANON interview at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news from about 15 mins after the flying ‘dicks’.
Recently I mentioned the ‘drill’ and TO reminded me it should have been ‘VRILL’ a parasite that enters via the eye socket.
Please open your eyes and listen to the interview.
There is mention of the third strand of DNA exhibited at a Liz celebration in lights on palace grounds. There were questions at the time.
SG anon explains the exhibit .. in short.
Ready it is a must to understand why we are controlled, by and for what😱😱💁🐛🐛
“Ready” …should be REALLY.
EB, some bible stuff from SG there just for you.
Heaps of fun for you too💁🏼🤣🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛
Just plugging on💁🏼🙀🤣
Could this be why they are so SCARED OF IVERMECTIN, the horse
It’s like a little sim card, cute, next level Mind Kontrol
at 17:30 you can see they are poking it with their finger
And it does not bite back either:
Clearly a suitable pet for a woke lefty and a politician.
They say that the master often reflects the appearance (and character) of their dog or other pet. Just look at Klaus and Henry.
At least a worm is self sufficient in its residence and one does not have to walk it daily.
Ta for the link, I hope you did not miss the flying pricks video before the worm came on stage and later SG clarifying the NESARA dreams.
Simon Parkes had a go at nesara in another bin report above at the top of the site. He made some sense at last.
Thanks Joe for the link- 29 mins —37 mins three strands of DNA very relevant to my experience knowledge- Is there a fake third strand ?–Did humans -originals have a Divine third strand?
Wish I could post one of our paintings–re dna-and the third strand
Glad you realised Simon Parkes “made some sense at last’ Ned
We all have much to learn.
Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections
Evidence of VMAT2 Deletion in the shots
Dr Philip McMillan is a practising physician and has been on the front line combating COVID and monitoring it’s evolution in the setting of highly vaccinated populations(Australia unfortunately is on that list).
He collaborates closely with Geert Vanden Bossche who has been able to unravel the complexity of the outcome of vaccinating with a non sterilizing “vaccine”(gene therapy)during a “pandemic”.
I have read his book and seen the movie so to speak and am convinced by his conclusions.
We are not done with COVID and the dire warnings being presented need to be heeded.
They are pushing their products on TV now, currently the scare campaign concerns “RSV” which means respiratory virus or similar. It seems every little bug floating around requires a new injection until we are all pincushions, bankrupted and barely alive. No other form of medicine or preventative treatment is offered, only their patented government funded injections.
They will tell you their injections only cripple 1/100,000 but it’s probably between 1/1000 and 1/100 by the time you’ve had about 50 of them. Really why would anyone want to be such a junky when there are lots of alternatives, some not even banned yet !!!
Mark this date in your diaries.
October 24th, 2024 an extraordinary celestial event will occur, the four outer planets will create a square potentially causing unprecedented shifts in Earth’s magnetic field. These changes could alter our perception of reality in ways not seen for thousands of years. Is there a connection between celestial phenomena and significant terrestrial events occurring in cycles?
Listen to the last 15′ at least.
I had thought the same about the paddock rotation.
As for people don’t know, ( nobody told them ), exactly right
Also they don’t want to hear