Home News Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2024 to remove AG’s Prerogative

Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2024 to remove AG’s Prerogative

Parliament House
Parliament House. Photo: Wikipedia

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB (Adl)

Here is something easy to deal with. And the deadline is 66 hours away, so please pick up a pen and do it now. Senator Lidia Thorpe has submitted a bill and public submissions are invited.

Yo don’t have to be well informed about genocide or war crimes to participate, as all that this Bill does is amend the Crimes Act of 1995, removing the right of the Attorney General to interfere, when the crime is genocide or war crimes.

Come on, make a contribution to this worthy cause, for free, and for quick.

(I’d also like to say it’s risk-free, but what do I know, they may have troops out there to kill anyone who sends a submission.)

If you have never made a submission to Parliament, you first need to set up a page by filling in simple info at https://www.aph.gov.au/Help/Register

Your actual submission must include your real name and real address (“on the beach” is OK, I guess, if that’s your home). You can make the submission online to aph.gov.au.  Be polite. Or be not-polite if that is what you feel.

I make this sample for you:

“My name is Glenda Gatsby. I live at 23 Martin Bryant Boulevard in Hobart. I believe the Bill which is now in Senate Committee, from Sen Thorpe, on the matter of amending the Criminal Code should be enacted. The attorney general should have no special statutory right to interfere if someone wants to bring charges for the crimes of genocide or war crimes.”  [Add more if you wish].

Hurry, do it now. Get it over with. Be part of the real world of Sturm und Drang. Go for it!



  1. To be more specific:
    “Amends the Criminal Code Act 1995 to: provide that the consent of the Attorney-General will not be required for proceedings relating to genocide and related atrocity crimes; and remove the restrictions on review of decisions of the Attorney-General to give or refuse consent to institute proceedings for such offences.”

    • Mary – this country has been under American Military Administration since January (17), 2024.

      One may write, email, telephone, even send a carrier pigeon if they wish to, but those pretending to be government are playing roles in order to prolong their lives, so none of what one may choose to send, will have any affect whatsoever, on those one may wish to send, which ever way, they choose to send to.

      Save your ink.

    • The best link here, the APH is almost incomprehensible
      You need to write a short submission ( as already written above by MM ) and save it to pdf then upload it via the link here I have posted

      This bill is about the current, ongoing genocide
      The A-G probably owes something to the Zionists I can’t guess exactly how or what and maybe purely intangible ( social debt etc ) but in any case should not be able to veto, the office of A-G is very hush hush and close to “the top”, these people are all about not creating ripples for themselves while they get up to all sorts of things, such as in WA legislating forced injections for you and your kids.

  2. Terrence Odgers you are working under the assumption that what is rumour on the internet is fact. Nobody has provided any evidence that these rumours are anything more. Dave of X22 Report has told that many lies, don’t count on him. He is only an agent of propaganda for Trump.

    I advise people if they are so inclined, follow Mary’s advice.

    • Aussie – my sources are genuine. I verify with suitable folk I know I can trust as to their presentations. X22, Report, while providing some good info, in this instance, is not one of them.

      You assume way too much about my sources.

      And I invite anyone who believe’s MM puts out good advice, to follow your advice.

    • Aussie Mal,
      You refer to; ‘…. rumour in the internet. Being assumed as fact…’
      That is trite and bloody obvious.
      Therefore of little assistance, even Hanzard produces crap and it is an official parliamentary record on the net plus there is the NSM and ABC in the net pretending to be factual ‘news’
      One has to assess each SEPARATE report.
      There are many that have a concreted factual basis, too many to bother you with.
      Just two examples: try the ‘citizen’ vedi reports in Washington on the net in January 2021 together with other reports such as , the second example. That if Derek Johnson’s military based observations, especially on the fake hoax insugeration of the Biden.
      Again I note that I have not noticed MMs report on any analysis of Derek Johnson’s reports… nor from anyone else.
      Do you want dozens if other examples? I could not be bothered to expand on dozens of other reports on the net, that you may have missed.
      I suggest that attend to the gaps in your general claim.
      MM, as a lawyer, ‘theoretically’ defending the person charged, refused to explain as a lawyer why she would ignore her client’s DEFENCE when all the proof’ was presented by Michael Rivero , that others were responsible. It was on the internet … FANCY THAT.
      No way would I follow MMs ‘ADVICE’.you may of course, matter for you and the consequences if you are so confident in it.

      • To pre-empt what MM DID WAY BACK, she only posted about three photos of the ‘Operatives’ all dressed with blacktop and khaki trousers. She did not post the photos of one arriving at the site showing the insignia on his back pack that matched the remains of the back pack with the same insignia. Did you do your own analysis of that material raised by me way back whilst MM was defending her ‘Theoretical’ client? OR did you believe the partial non factual account published by the msm net media?
        Do you believe the government official 911 theory? If so why, considering all the factual scientific analysis found on the internet?

  3. Aussie Mal
    Further to your opinions above, by ‘chance’, did you consider THE FACTUAL MATERIAL ON THE US GOVERNMENT’s inquiries at the situation up date by Mary addressed to Dianne me yesterday at 6.17 with video timeline and the link. Placed by Dee beneath?
    Or was the evil of the Seeyea activities just rumours.
    If you bother to consider the material can you explain why the msm does not report it?
    0r do you opine it was not factual? Just because it was on the net?
    Is telling that few here at gs appear to be bothered with those activities.

    Sandra: as a matter of interest, did you watch it?

      • Most interesting they stacked the audience with the “Va666ine-reluctant” or whatever they are calling smart people now. Kerryn Phelps’ lesbian friend rips the mRNA people a second *hole, all up it is about 3 goals to 1 using soccer scoring. Seems like KP chose her moment, as did the SCOTUS, both quivering like jelly before they dipped their toe in the icy water. Maybe Mein Trumpf told the SCOTUS to hold off, let’s hope so for the sake of their credibility. If the Americans get their country back good luck to them, not sure what will happen here. Far as I know Graphene Grek Hunt is still on the loose and Dodgy Dicktator Dan has a medal and some new jobs as does Slippery Brett Sutton. The invisible girl, Jane Halton remains invisible, probably got some more reward jobs by now.
        As for internet sources may I say x22 and RRN provide their own disclaimers, “one man’s opinion” and “satire”.
        The ship of state must be seen to sail on, even if it is a ghost ship floating over the waves with no visible means of support. If heading for the iceberg, the winners will move the iceberg in order to maintain the stately passage of the ship they now control. There are too many treaties in place to do otherwise.

  4. Crooked Elbow wanted a Muslim in the senate until the Muslim voted against genocide of Muslims in the former Palestine, now he wants the Muslim out. He wants a new Muslim, a crooked Muslim who is ready to sell out all the other Muslims in order to advance their career with crooked Elbow and the crooked ALP. If he can’t find a Muslim who is crooked enough then anybody will do. Really can you imagine a Muslim who would vote for a Muslim genocide, the retribution could be terminal. Stoopid crooked Elbow asking the impossible, thinks everyone is a sucker like him.
    ALP and Elbow are a bunch of frauds, they should genocide themselves.

    • Looks like crooked Elbow will lose his senate seat until 2028 at least, serves you right Elbow for being rubbish, you can see BS virtually drooling as Elbow goes under, BS wants to lose his 3rd election and probably even dreams of losing a 4th. Throw them all out and throw out half of LNP and all of Teals and Greens too they are also frauds.
      Global warming and cooling comes from the sun, nothing to do with CO2 – AND THEY ALL KNOW IT

    • True to bogan tradition, you fail to get the fact that“genocide”means the annihilation of a particular genus, that it has nothing to do with standing up to the tactics of a particular empire that’s adopted a religious shop-front, a “religion” that, by the way, reveres a paedophile:

    • Fatima Payman’s reference to, quote, “the state of Palestine” simply proves that, just like all her colleagues, she’s so Green she can’t even figure out that Empire is the nemesis of Statehood

      • E.B. Every religion will undergo introspective soul searching come the planned for EBS – Emergency Broadcasting System – no religion will be exempt from how and why, such religion was established for, in the first place.

        This world is changing for the better, but some will never accept what will be exposed to them, come the EBS.

        • If, by “changing for the better”, you’re referring to everyone being confronted by his/her demons, a process that totally belies the
          “age-of-aquarius-harmony&understanding” manifesto, I’d have to agree

          • It will be the bed rock of the religion itself that will come into question, by those who can at last think for themselves and use the courage, they will gain, to reject the crap they have been fed by their so called, Pastors, Priests, Rabbis. Imans etc, etc.

            The spirit of God dwells within all of us – what has been termed the ‘junk DNA’ is the God particle in all of us that the jab was attempting to destroy.

            Think about it.

  5. GOOD LUCK FOLKS — I’ve locked out of Gumshoe News WordPress back end.
    What the hell… maybe the articles posting is over???? We’ll see

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