by Joachim Hagopian
This short article emerged from my head and heart…. It’s no surprise that the World Health Assembly consisting of 194 United Nation members predictably moved one step closer this week in favor of following their puppetmasters’ orders to formally establish by November 2022, for the first time in history on this planet, one world governance through technocratic, totalitarian, medical dictatorship.
As the true stake-holding stewards of this earth, We the People never gave our consent to relinquish either our individual or national sovereignties to an unelected corrupt authority, yet these Satanically controlled UN bureaucrats meeting in Geneva, Switzerland don’t care about our well-being.
Not when just 265 miles away in nearby Davos the World Economic Forum elites were gathered to ensure the Pandemic Treaty greenlight goes through, declaring that as the self-anointed earth stakeholders smugly endowed with both the power and will to centrally dictate their draconian vision, exercising their Lucifer-granted right to rule over both earth and our bleak-looking future. At the annual Davos meeting opening address this week, the classic villain Schwab asserted:
“The future is not just happening. The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room. We have the means to improve the state of the world. The first [condition] is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities. That’s what we call ‘stakeholder responsibility’.”
Schwab was later joined onstage by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who spent the first ten minutes carrying on how charitably noble his Big Pharma company is, giving away [or otherwise dumping] at cost value his poison to the poorest 45 nations on earth, many in African nations that are the least trusting, having already suffered through years of philanthropic damage by Bill Gates’ vaccines.
Additionally, Africa was where four national leaders who rejected Covid-19 as a real threat then suspiciously died, replaced by pro-vaxxers. Bourla explained how the West is also “benevolently” giving away its kill shot oversupply prior to expiration date to Third World countries. This was the result after less people in the West were willing to go back for more poison, refusing to play Russian roulette with their lives.
As smug and confident as the two death ghouls appeared, they nervously, mockingly joked about the “angry conspiracy people,” deflecting their growing concern and fear of the global population’s wrath catching on to them….
With the elites’ depopulation objective to kill off at least 90-95% of us, obviously the world would be far more manageable for their super surveillance and control agenda.
But after over two years of the COVID debacle, the elite is increasingly aware that the masses are soon reaching their critical mass boiling point, and the global number of dissidents are rapidly turning against the controllers, with defiant legions around the globe resistively engaging in civil disobedience and noncompliance.
That’s another reason the globalists are ratcheting up world tensions with Russia in Ukraine, sacrificing the suicidal West to bait Putin into igniting World War III. With death, mass starvation, global war raging, with the world totally imploding all by elite design, Schwab’s Great Reset hinges on attaining one world government control on or near the end of this year.
In late March 2022, 25 of Schwab’s global dictator puppets officially signed off on the Pandemic Treaty. Regardless of running roughshod flagrantly violating all existing international human rights laws, including the Nuremberg Codes, guaranteeing all individuals’ the right to informed consent and free choice, the WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus went on record last year with the goal that by “mid-2022” at least 70% of every nation’s populace will be vaccinated with a proven genocidal bioweapon poison, against our will and free choice.
On the positive side, Florida politicians Senator Rick Scott and Governor Ron DeSantis have voiced opposition and plan to block the Pandemic Treaty.
Acting unilaterally as our unholy gods rushing to impose their Beast System of absolute control over us, they plan to enslave humanity into digitally shackled madness, enforcing QR coded IDs, passports, world bank digital currency (WBDC), Chinese modelled social credit scores, and a dystopian police state nightmare for the jabbed depopulation. This is the certain future humanity is facing if we continue to allow these soulless devils to get away with murder.
Among those of us who seek the truth no matter what, to at least exercise our God-given right and will to resist and fight our powerfully aggressive, overreaching enemy presently out to kill us in a David versus Goliath epic battle of the ages, as spiritual warriors, we have no other choice.
What kind of world will we leave our children and children’s children if we don’t fight for their future? All of us have friends and family members who may see us as crazy conspiracy nutcases, either too ignorant or choosing to pretend everything’s “not that bad,” or openly admitting that life is already so burdensome a struggle to survive that they simply can’t take on additional stress. …Who can really blame them? Ultimately, I respect each person’s free choice.
Many people are simply too sensitive, vulnerable or highly susceptible or prone to crippling fear, overwhelming anxiety and depression, thus too frightened and unable to cope with such horrific large scale negative forces operating beyond their already stressful personal sphere.
Having written five books documenting the evils of the bloodline overlords responsible for the trafficking and sexual abuse of the global pedophilia network, I’m fully aware of how dark and distressing this reality is. As a licensed therapist for many years working with child abuse victims, I can totally understand why so many individuals shy away from reckoning with so much looming, highly disturbing madness.
Obviously, we all can’t be fighters or warriors or able to grasp the precarious, dire straits the world is in. On the other hand, if everyone was either too oblivious, timid or afraid to grapple with our current dilemma, the evil earth controllers waging genocidal war against us would already have won by now, and we would all be already living in their transhumanist, AI controlled, hell on earth.
During these upcoming months of trauma and severe stress that lay ahead, where every family is affected with the tragic loss of loved ones, as a human family, we must never lose compassion even for those who aggressively, psychotically turn against us, afflicted with debilitating mental illness and mass formation psychosis.
In the coming months and possible years, massive food shortages at this point are unavoidable virtually throughout the world, and starving people are willing to kill to feed themselves and their families, especially in urban areas where a complete breakdown of civil disorder also seems certain.
Try to align with likeminded others that you trust and can count on for mutual security. Know your neighbors and participate in a community watch if available. There is safety in numbers if you have community support you can rely on. Be as locally resourceful, independent and prepared as is humanly possible.
Harrowing life and death experiences automatically bring out the best and worst in humanity. The most difficult times of our life in America are extremely likely, do your best to keep the faith. Rely on God and a supportive social network to mutually help navigate through the adversity.
The upcoming “perfect storm” that the criminal elite has demonically engineered and laid for us as the ultimate trap to try and kill us off could last for months, perhaps even a year or two. Hardship appears unavoidable.
Reach out to loved ones. Get to know your local sheriffs and police officers. And if you have close contacts in the military, reach out and remind them that they’ve all sworn oaths to protect and defend the Constitution against both internal and external enemies, and that it is also their constitutional duty to not follow unlawful orders, like mistreating, injuring or killing their fellow citizens. Preparing for the worst but hoping and praying for the best is not a cliché.
Outnumbering our killers a million to one, together, united, humanity can beat the enemy.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation. He is the author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, available for free at the late Robert David Steele’s website https://pedoempire.org/contents/.
Basically, BRICS and the African Unity alliance told Krazy Klaus where to shove it.
Others will follow.
As he and his cronies have no mechanical or scientific knowledge they can hardly be called “technocratic” . Purveyors of a faulty religion perhaps, but that’s not exactly something that can be voted out
The faulty religion of the high priests who are well-funded and given exclusive powers over “medicine”, in many cases not far removed from incense-burning, human sacrifice and so forth, exactly as it was up to 2500 years ago when Hippocrates came on the scene, and spent 20 years in the slammer for daring to debunk them. Those must have been very liberal (open-minded) times, normally he might have been expected to be tortured to death. The Caspian Sea was very full at that time and salinity only about 1/3 of sea water so the Greeks went over to Asia and got their ideas, this is probably what helped to reinforce Hippocrates revolutionary convictions ( food = medicine ). He was from a rich family so only got 20 years. If you defy the medical establishment right now, you lose your job, and ultimately become a homeless, under a bridge. They all get their instructions from their popes, Tedros, Fauci etc. Sacrilege, blasphemy etc, all punishable as always. Will our current high priests tell you you have vitamin or mineral deficiency ? Just in passing if you’re lucky, but they won’t prescribe that. HCQ & IVM ? Totally banned by their pope, Tedros, even to save your life. People still believe, because BELIEF is fundamental to religion, it woud fall apart without belief. They demand you suspend rational thought and instead switch everything to belief, various threats follow the unbelievers. People now can hardly believe that a guy with a big hat standing on top of a pyramid was the doctor back then, and he might burn stuff on a fire up there, while ranting at his god, in order to fix your health problem, be it cancer, poxes, insanity, or whatever.
But look where we are now.
Human nature hasn’t changed since Adam & Eve turned to dabbling in the occult: the theory of evolution is the ultimate deception, without it the likes of Schwab wouldn’t hold any sway
Perhaps Schwab’s sway over Africa has been thwarted because“primitive” cultures proffer a tad more insight into the unseen realm than the standard “western” worldview?
The same worldview that relegates the Old Testament to a mere allegory?
Africa was confederating under Gaddafi so Gaddafi had to go. The Globalists have ebola, AIDS and so forth in preparation for Africa. Globalists want to go big game hunting so they need to eradicate vast numbers of Africans but they seem to want to control the airwaves and all of our do-gooders first. Under Gaddafi they maybe had a chance but ordinarily they can’t seem to get beyond corruption. Globalists will just spray Africa with whatever they want, the solution for Africans would be for Africa to spray the Invisible Kingdom of Swabia ( corners of France, Germany & Swissyland ), do us all a favour.
” How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?”
ISAIAH 14:12 – 17
On the theme of soldiers disobeying illegal orders, here is my June 2020 piece:
One of the comments under it came from Tony Ryan:
“Phoenix: That project, run jointly between the CIA and South Vietnamese military, was an intelligence-gathering operation to expose identities of Viet Cong and Viet Minh. It was quickly found that the most efficient tongue-loosening technique was to torture babies and children in front of their parents. Some 30,000 victims perished in this way.”
I wonder how many disobeyed, and if they did, how many of them were killed? (My guess: 100%)
Good news. He won. This is from justthenews.com:
Navy Lt. Billy Moseley, who has been an officer for 22 years, could have chosen to retire from the military when he was ordered to receive the COVID vaccine. He also could have submitted a Religious Accommodation Request, since he objected to the vaccine for religious reasons.
Risking his retirement, Moseley chose instead to take his case to the administrative separation board after learning “that the Navy and the other services intended to implement a blanket denial policy,” according to a press release from his attorney, R. Davis Younts.
Moseley consulted with legal and medical experts and “became convinced that as an officer he had an obligation to take a stand against the unlawful order and be a voice for thousands of enlisted Sailors,” the press release continued.
Younts told Just the News Moseley is one of the first Navy service members — maybe even the first officer — to go to the board over the COVID vaccine mandate.
Any service member who has been in the military for more than six years is entitled to the board for due process. In the Navy, the board’s recommendation on whether to retain or separate (another term for firing) a member of the service is binding.
Younts argued at the board hearing that the mandate for the experimental COVID vaccines was not a lawful order since the military has not made fully FDA-approved versions of the vaccines available to military members.
The military defense attorney told Just the News that the attorneys for the Navy agreed with him that there are no FDA-approved vaccines available, only interchangeable vaccines. Younts added that if there are no FDA-approved vaccines available, then the president would have to authorize the experimental shots that are currently available, which hasn’t happened.
I have just received a message form NationalFile.com that says:
“Climate change activist throws cake at the Mona Lisa.”
(I dont’ quite get the meaning of that activism. Perhaps Simon knows?)
It’s all turned into a batman comic
21 years after 911, most kids under that age probably don’t know it even occurred let alone the perpetraitors involved, who are still in control stronger and more stupid than ever with AI at their fingertips.
The level of insanity beyond measure, it probably will come down to Siri pulling the trigger.
Klaus is a pedophile faggot, who parades in knickers and stilettos at gay events. Everything inverted and perverted, now presenting total destruction as their only solution.
Have faith in the system, look how we all knew it would be a hung parliament and then Elbow got a one-seat majority in the lower house !!! Stability in troubled times. They only had to “lose” 1/4 of the votes, was that the number we heard ? And next Elbow will undoubtedly get just enough Greens support in the senate to govern without those troublesome minor parties and opposition. It’s plausible !!! And then Australia will get all the legislation through by fixing the world’s ClimateChange™ problem with statistics !!! We are going to get so much free credit from Swissy’s SDRs we will all be able to afford an injection every week, and if we can’t make it to the clinic don’t worry, there will be free home delivery by qualified international staff, probably 4 of them. The communists will look after us very well, everyone will have a desk job monitoring everyone else, utopia is coming. Not only will you own nothing and be happy, but you will never grow old !!!
A lot of vote fraud coming out of Georgia, USA
Bill Barr thinks Biden will throw Hillary under the bus
What’s the point in barking on about Satanic this and Luciferian that and topping it off with
“humanity can beat the enemy”?
The blueprint for salvation is spelled out in the New Testament: any sort of humanly-devised resistance plays right into said enemy’s hands
(Off the record. The Henry Higgins matter is in adjournment. I think the Parties will reach a settlement.)
glad that got sorted Mary/Dee
Something to ponder
Thank you for your work Joachim Hagopian –you have helped those survivors of MKULTRA programs , torture, Mengele/CIA Monarch programming child trafficking understand and see what was done to them and enable them to be heard.
“Archangel Michael” shares 5 things to expect from THE EVENT, the transition to get to 5D Earth. “When we think in terms of energy and vibration, we unlock the keys to the universe”. He is very positive and uplifting IMO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDH_IGBd3yY&t=0s
Dersh makes intersting remarks about SCOTUS.
Poor guy.
Really bad news. Trudeau says “No more guns.”
Don’t worry they will get in by drone so the mafia will still be able to operate
( mafia is a capital-raising arm of the deep state octopus )
It’s Memorial Day here so I’m posting a Nam thing. But if it is too much for you, just skip it.
Has anybody else thought that maybe the “powers that be” will not get their way with the WHO deranged ruling. Don’t forget there are five United Nation countries with the power of Veto. They being US, UK, France, Russia and China. I don’t think Russia and China would be in favour of this sick plan. Have done a little research on UN as shown below.
According to Article 10 of the UN Charter which defines the Functions and Powers of the GA, “ The General Assembly may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for in the present Charter, and,…may make recommendations to the Members of the United Nations or the Security Council or to both on any such questions or matters.” In other words, resolutions adopted by the GA on agenda items are considered to be recommendations and are not legally binding on the Member States. The only resolutions that have the potential to be legally binding are those that are adopted by the Security Council.
This explains why Member States consider it so important to adopt a resolution that has the widest possible agreement among Member States. Before taking action on a draft resolution, they spend hours discussing every word in the resolution in the hope of reaching agreement on the text. When consensus on the text is reached all of the Member States agree to adopt the draft resolution without taking a vote. Adopting a draft without a vote is the most basic definition of what consensus means. If 192 Member States agreed on the text but there is just one Member State that requests a vote, then consensus is not reached.
If a GA resolution is not legally binding then the best way to encourage all Member States to implement the recommendations expressed in a resolution is to get all of them to agree on the same text. When a resolution is adopted by a simple majority, those that did not vote in favour of a resolution on a particular agenda item will be less likely to implement the actions on an agenda item that are recommended in a resolution.
When you adopt resolutions by a vote, you only need to get a simple majority to agree on the text of a resolution. You don’t need to care about or try to understand the perspectives of the minority who disagree. This process is divisive.
Given the dramatic increase in Member States over time, reaching the widest possible agreement is more vital today than ever. Because the General Assembly’s resolutions are recommendations and not legally binding on Member States, reaching consensus has evolved as a way to ensure the widest possible implementation of GA decisions.
Sounds too easy, so will they try to expel Russia and pay off the CCP ?
or is it a game
Sputnik ingredients:
Composition for 1 dose.
Component Ⅰ contains:
Active ingredient: recombinant adenoviral particles of serotype 26 containing the S protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in the amount of (1.0 ± 0.5) × 10 11 particles / dose.
Excipients: tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane – 1.21 mg, sodium chloride – 2.19 mg, sucrose – 25.0 mg, polysorbate 80 – 250 mcg, magnesium chloride hexahydrate – 102.0 mcg, EDTA disodium salt dihydrate – 19 .0 mcg, ethanol 95% – 2.5 mkl, water for injection – up to 0.5 ml.
Component Ⅱ contains:
Active ingredient: recombinant adenoviral particles of serotype 5 containing the S protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in the amount of (1.0 ± 0.5) × 10 11 particles / dose.
Excipients: tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane – 1.21 mg, sodium chloride – 2.19 mg, sucrose – 25.0 mg, polysorbate-80 – 250 mcg, magnesium chloride hexahydrate – 102.0 mcg, EDTA disodium salt dihydrate – 19.0 µg, ethanol 95% – 2.5 µl, water for injection – up to 0.5 ml.
Подробнее на Medum.ru: https://medum.ru/sputnik-v
(10 11 means 10 to the power of 11 that’s 100 billion particles of S-protein gene)
Sputnik application:
And if the crooked TGA likes it, that means it’s toxic shit
A WA government skunk barefaced lying for Gates, Tedros, Fauci
Just talking to a guy tonight about his gall bladder went gangrenous after he ate some bad fish. Not the injections he says. The doctors were great, pulled his rotten gall bladder out, were not interested to discuss why it might have gone bad, it was making his lungs go rotten too – sounds a bit like spike proteins to me but he is certain it was some bad fish. It gave him full on diarrhoea he says.
Age 65, I wonder if he will see 70.
If I remember correctly, it only took lll% for the American revolution.
An interesting article, Joachim. The world has indeed gone mad. Perhaps a while ago, but accelerated in the last couple of years.
Is the attached article a call to arms? – or at least a “get up off the couch” and educate the sheeple, lest ignorance (in the majority) be our downfall. I choose to believe this writer isn’t advocating violence but rather action. Others may read it differently. https://thefascistnewworldorder.com/2022/05/31/brainwashed-sheeple-will-be-the-death-of-us/
Funny writing about Gates etc such as “It takes a certain type of brainwashed, mind controlled serf, a conditioned slave, with the mentality of a farm animal to be able to believe what he was saying in the first place.” and some funny cartoons at the end such as “Pzifer – we sell heart medication too”
A curly one
Pzifer won’t allow their life-saving lethal injections to be used on death row for morality reasons
Rand Paul on Swab’s One World Government plans