Dear General Vickie,
We need a coronial inquest into the death of University of South Australia’s Professor Emeritus of Social Work, Freda Briggs. She devoted her life to increasing the protection of vulnerable children.
Freda’s 2014 submission to the Royal Commission is loaded with accusations about policies of government that result in no protection for children. She was 85 years old when she died in Royal Adelaide Hospital in April 2016. I do not know what her death certificate says. In SA a member of the public cannot obtain the death certificate of a non-relative.
For all I know, God may have taken Freda in the usual way, by natural causes. Eighty-five is good innings. But the other day a woman in Adelaide told me that Freda had invited her to visit her home a few months before she died. This woman did not rush to take up the invitation as she was busy and didn’t think time was running out. Freda seemed “as fit as a horse — fighting fit.” Maybe the old professor had another decade in her. An inquest may help the public peace of mind.
In fact, that is the purpose of a coronial inquest. Under the current law we must look at any suspicious death, or disappearance, or death in custody. If a doctor claims that a death at home was expected due to an illness, there is usually no inquest. If a person died in hospital, there is usually no inquest. Freda died in hospital. That does not satisfy me as a reason not to inquire. Did someone “bump Freda off”?
My many years of research into the CIA tells me that in the US there is an employee in every hospital and nursing home whose unofficial job is to kill patients and another whose job is to change records, as needed. A head nurse may suit. A top administrator is even better. He or she need not be a ruthless individual; such persons are under mind control. I personally know an MK-Ultra victim who killed many people, yet she is as nice as pie.
Lethal damage to someone like Freda could have of course been done beforehand, and caused her to land up in hospital.
Let’s not be too shy about admitting that people do get bumped off. Recall what Peter Lewis (1940-2015), Speaker of the House in the South Australian Parliament, said:
“I [was] bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated. But they were being ‘bumped off’– that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I could get them to write [it] down.
The most outrageous thing [is] organised activities of those pedophiles in high public office – that is, the judiciary, senior ranks of human services portfolios, some police and MPs.”
A Coronial inquest has long been a public right. At times it is a helpful inquiry into a disaster such as a fire or the capsizing of a ferry. It is not like a civil court case but more like an open inquiry in which there are not parties, as usual. The Evidence Act of 1929 does not need to be observed and it is at the judge’s discretion to call this or that witness.
On the very same day as the Port Arthur massacre, the coroner for southern Tasmania, Mr Ian Matterson, began an inquest. He was later required by law to desist when a criminal suspect pleaded guilty. The same arrangement holds under South Australia’s Coroner’s Act, 2003.
I note that in New South Wales, the Coroner’s Act says that the state’s supreme court can quash a coronial finding, or order a new one if there is: “fraud, the rejection of evidence, an irregularity of proceedings, an insufficiency of inquiry, or the discovery of new evidence or facts.” I intend to ask the NSW Supreme Court to quash the findings of the Lindt Café Inquest. I sent to Coroner Justice Michael Barnes, before he concluded the Inquest, a compilation of “Ninety-nine Things That Do Not Add Up.” (He did not reply.)
In Boston, I have asked the state Medical Examiner, Dr Mindy Hull, to conduct an inquest into the deaths of Tamerlan Tsarneav, who was murdered by the FBI, and a John Doe who appears to me to have stood in the place of Tamerlan to undergo a fatal shootout. (She has not replied.)
If a racket is big enough to damage untold numbers of kids’ lives, it is big enough to have someone available to knock off a strong witness such as Freda Briggs. Recall from Chapter 14 that it was at the request of Professor Briggs, that Dr Pridgeon helped spirit two kids to safety, in light of the cruelty they were undergoing. I don’t mean Briggs was fond of law-breaking. Not at all. But she knew her priorities.
I do not claim to know that she was killed. But anyone who brought evidence against government, especially if she’s a person who had standing and credibility, is entitled to cry out from the grave “Please investigate my death.” Oh, how we tend to neglect all such crying’s.
Queensland Suspicious Deaths
Chapter 28 will discuss Matthew Condon’s book All Fall Down, about Queensland’s Fitzgerald Inquiry. The sheer number of suspicious deaths is telling. Usually the death is not a punishment for having “ratted” on the powerful but rather is a precaution against their telling any more. What a touching testament to law! Here’s an example:
“In April, the former Police Chief of the Cairns region, Kevin Dorries, was dying of cancer. …Dorries, by way of confession [to get his $275K superannuation payout released] wanted to share some documents with [the Fitzgerald Inquiry]. He possessed some information so powerful it could almost instantly bring down the government.
“[According to a family member, Deputy Premier Bill Gunn] went and spoke to Dorries in a motel room. He, Dorries, wanted to give up [intelligence he had] on a paedophile ring. Bill promised he would go after this. But Dorries died of cancer before Bill got around to this.”
Postscript to SA Attorney General Vickie Chapman: How about Peter Lewis? Did he die of natural causes at age 75? It would seem that he deserves the honor of an Inquest.
You might also call for a massive inquest into the deaths of 600 orphan children that are reportedly part of the sealed-up Mullighan Report. In fact while I have your attention, General, please unseal all that stuff. There can’t possibly be a privacy issue regarding the deceased. Even if there were, there is always a way to override one value with another, here the value of us getting to the bottom of child-stealing.
Thank you.
Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Mary, you have just woken me from a slumber with your statement below:
“On the very same day as the Port Arthur massacre, the coroner for southern Tasmania, Mr Ian Matterson, began an inquest. He was later required by law to desist when a criminal suspect pleaded guilty. The same arrangement holds under South Australia’s Coroner’s Act, 2003.”
The Coroner was required to look into the deaths of Mr & Mrs Martin and also Glen Pears as fire was use to hopefully eradicate the evidence. So he should not have closed off the investigation just because Martin Bryant confessed under duress to the charges brought against him.
From my understanding, when there is a fire involved in a crime, a coronial inquiry must be held.
If the Coroner did not investigate the cause of the fire or the damage it did to humans and property he did not fulfil his duties, but just used the “law to desist” as an excuse to not find available evidence against other parties.
Fab. and we all know who threw that grenade that started the fire, right? surname has 7 letters.
Go on, Mal, get out a postage stamp and write to the relevant Tassimanians to say the investigation of the fire must now be done.
Hey, there’s a boy in Risdon who may make a good witness for it.
There is an incredible amount that does not add up in this case involving the two children .
Freda Briggs , ignored by the police .
The fact that so MANY people the children disclosed to were never interviewed by the police .
The fact that the father disclosed details of the case which was prohibited under Section 121 ,nothing done about it , yet Pridgeon and O’dea and Holt being charged with breaching the same act .
The fact that Pridgeon and O’dea were literally BEGGING the authorities to look into the case for the last five years and nothing was done .
The fact that the Queensland Police Commissioner communicated with the father using his Twitter page .
The fact that the Queensland Police Commissioner abused the children’s Grandparents when he admitted never even having read the case file .
The fact that two of the Queensland Attorney Generals’ were asked a number of times to intervene and yet nothing was done .
The fact that numerous Prime Ministers’and various politicians were notified of this case on a regular basis and yet , like the police , nothing was done to help protect these children .
The fact that the AFP spent millions of dollars in supposedly investigating this case when all it would have taken would have been a telephone call to Pridgeon and O’dea for them to attend their local police station to discuss the matter further with them .
The fact that it was reported the children had a sexually transmitted disease and yet when they were found they were not even sent for a medical but handed straight back to the father .
The fact that the judge who was overseeing the case was seen to be having lunch with the father .
I could go on forever . All of this information is out there on the internet and yet numerous people including some of the elderly are being abused by the AFP and the system .
Does not smack of corruption at the highest levels does it ?
Thank you Mary for asking the current attorney general to do what child protection advocates have been screaming about for years! The sealing of the names of perpetrators in the Mulligan report (80 year suppression order) is a disgrace. There were 922 perpetrators named. Of those, only 13 were investigated, and only 2 were charged. Are we to assume that the other 909 were VIP’s? They are certainly being protected. It was ex attorney general Michael Atkinson who sealed the deal. Charming creature.
Golly, Rachel. Your letter caused me to read about Michael Atkinson. It says he belongs to a special subsection of Anglicanism that is “headed by an elected primate.”
I wonder if that could be the problem.
Yes Mary Freda’s death should be looked into And as I told many on f/b child protection/anti pedo sites a few or so yrs ago when i first started telling the truth I discovered about my daughter monique being supplied to pedo rings with the help of the DCP and WAFC that I had been told to watch my back and had some gang stalking and I am no way suicidal and if found dead it would not be suicide or an accident which they specialize in at staging but Im not the only one on their list for “telling the truth” to educate and warn others from my own experience before their child ends up in the pedo industry where they can never be freed
Wayne, who am I to interfere with your perennial pessimism, maybe you are dead right, but as I look around i do see the rats scurrying. They are going in circles because they have no way out.
A few hours ago I toid Dee I feel sorry for them. Boy did I get blasted!
Wayne, how bout you form a truth commission in WA. Three persons minimum. Make it known that he perps can come to you for ideas on how to escape.
(Just don’t tell Dee you feel sorry for them.). One thing I read years ago by Svali. When asked by her handlers what she would like as a reward for having done something special for them, she said “Time off from hurting people.”
Yes please I have often thought of Freda’s death as very timely and convenient.
Heart attack I seem to remember it being a heart attack, which we know that microwave weapons can cause, and other covert methods. I also found her death very untimely and convenient for those accused, but I really don’t think and inquest would find anything
Bless her soul
Given her age and such, the decision to refer to the Coroner is actually Medical in a case like this, so if a Consultant Medical Officer felt that this was overwhelmingly a situation of natural causes then it wouldn’t even be referred. On the surface I see nothing particularly odd about this as at 85 anything can pop out of left-field to spirit you away, and the Coroner would be bogged down forever with investigation of natural causes cases if there wasn’t that flexibility within the medical process.
Having said that, someone’s crisis can always be someone else’s opportunity.
I agree, Paul. Even 70 and up is hard to argue against. Still, if someone was ripe for murdering, you could ask for Inquest.
I think Dame Roma Mitchell was bumped off at 86. She died of fast-acting brain cancer which is a known kill weapon. Granted, just because cancer was said to be her illness does not mean it was.
There was a story in the paper yesterday that a young man’s body was found at his workplace 12 years after he went missing. He had fallen behind a storage bin or something. The smell would have given his location away, wouldn’t it? I think they put stories in the paper to see how far they can push the envelope.
Tamerlan’s high school diploma found in his car (as a means of identifying him as marathon bomber at age 26) is pretty rich. I kinda like Bryant having to kill Sally and David after many years as revenge for their being unwilling to sell their land to dad.
Someone once refused to sell me his land. I have not had any urge to kill him. Although maybe with the passing of years I will develop the necessary emotional distress?
I guess the thing would be that a Doctor wouldn’t be tuned to the idea of foul play, so it would be easy to take an older activist out under the guise of medical care.
Some years ago I witnessed a couple of female patients, some months apart, who were brought and died in similar circumstances involving taking dangerous prescription meds (not narcotics). Each had the same boyfriend. The initial Police reaction was to perceive it as a purely medical issue (nothing to see here). The family involved were of the “diverse” persuasion and quite aggressive so I don’t think the Police wanted the headache. Medicine is very good at cause-and-effect but doesn’t really work with motive, and if the Police are also not interested then we are at the mercy of each other. Give someone a drug that causes a cardiac event? The Medical people will see the event itself as the best (and most convenient) explanation. As I said, opportunity. Think Dr Shipton, or some of the crazy nurses out there who want to look like heroes. How many die before a lot of them get found out?
Remember Karen Silkwood
Wow, Diane. for my generation, Karen was probably the first name rumored to have been bumped off for being an activist. Even then, it was considered embarrassing to discuss it as murder. I just went to wikipedia to see if they are into journalistic recidivism. No, they do bend a bit:
“After testifying to the Atomic Energy Commission about her concerns, she was found to have plutonium contamination on her person and in her home. While driving to meet with a New York Times journalist and an official of her union’s national office, she died in a car crash under unclear circumstances.
“Her family sued Kerr-McGee for the plutonium contamination of Silkwood. The company settled out of court for US $1.38 million, while not admitting liability..” She was 28.
“she died in a car crash under unclear circumstances.”
I have read a version that her brakes were tampered with and that she was forced off a steep winding road.
111 women were arrested for trespass, each giving their name as ‘Karen Silkwood’,
The two week vigil in November 1983 at the Joint Defence Space Research Facility at Pine Gap, just outside of Alice Springs, sought to demonstrate support for the women of the peace camps at Greenham Common (UK) and Comiso (Italy), and to bring to public attention the secrecy of the US Base and Australia’s vulnerability as a nuclear target. Women For Survival felt that the base at Pine Gap symbolised global violence, being part of a continuum of violence against women and children systemically embedded in patriarchy and imperialism.
The organization published regular newsletters – ‘Survival News’ – which were the edited by various branches on a rotational basis to update members on plans for the peace protest. Those members in Alice Springs had the responsibility of negotiating with the local community as well as planning the practicalities of the Pine Gap action. They liaised with local Indigenous groups out of respect and support for the Aboriginal land rights, and Aboriginal women participated in key moments of the protest. Some high profile Aboriginal activists like Shirley C. Smith, known as ‘MumShirl’, came from Sydney to lead the march on the first day beside local Indigenous women.
On November 13th women scrambled over the fence and held a Boston Tea Party on the green lawns of the Base. When they began walking toward the buildings 111 women were arrested for trespass, each giving their name as ‘Karen Silkwood’, an important anti-nuclear campaigner. The Peace Camp gained much media attention nationally and abroad, particularly the mass arrest. Complaints of police mistreated were made around the arrests, and a Human Rights Enquiry
Just sharing a story-specially for Mary.
During the 90’s when working as the Principal at Papunya CEC NT I had cause to report many concerns I had in regard to mismanagement, misuse of funding, the deliberate undermining of effective programs and many rorts that were going on in remote communities in general. I had earned the reputation as both a “trouble maker” and a”hero. ”
On one occasion I exposed a racket where white goods and other equipment destined for western desert communities was dropped off and stored in a shed on the school property. Then others would pick them up and sell them down south, there was also a matter of a brown envelope with considerable cash in it. I dutifully reported this to my superintendent and requested a key to the shed. Within days the shed was emptied and new locks appeared. Not long after I received a fax with no identification that said ‘Remember Karen Silkwood.”
I had received many veiled threats, I knew my phone was tapped and I knew some “high ups” wanted me “gone.” [John Herron, John Howard and the NT, “executive club”] had declared war on anything that worked.
Anyway in 1998 after mid year holidays I picked up the new Toyota “troupe” that had just had its first service at Peter Kittle Motors in Alice Springs, strangely it was not at the Ed Department Stores as usual, I had to go to a different location which was strange, but not so strange in hind site, it was connected to the transport and works personnel involved in the shed incident.
I picked up a huge bush order and with 2 curriculum consultants we headed west. About 100 k’s into the trip on a dead flat, red dirt road travelling about 90 kmp I slowed for a cattle grid–no brakes– almost airborne. No brakes-nothing. It became clear a new part was needed We travelled the remaining 150 or so km slowly –very slowly into the community using the gears and hand brake. A local unqualified but skilled mechanic identified the problem and need for a new part, we got [reluctant] permission from dept.to order it for delivery on the next mail plane. The young mechanic picked up the vehicle when I was on a walk replaced the part and took it on a test drive. When I got back the phone rang- he said “someone’s trying to kill you” he said it’s called “sudden death:” the same thing happened on the right side-he lost the brakes totally- same same. “Someone has deliberately tampered with the brakes.” So I then connected the warning Remember Karen Silkwood”
I reported, documented, demanded an explanation inquiry. Eventually got an “official” letter from Peter Kittle telling me they had sacked a junior mechanic who had not tightened the nuts properly.
Ah if nothing else that was cathartic. Thank you fellow gumshoes
Watch out soon for a forthcoming edition of “Four Corners” involving seriously dodgy behaviour at the highest level, including physical threats to Nurse whistleblowers at a certain remote/rural NSW public hospital. If they are prepared to try and run down their own staff in the street, then who knows what happens to the patients who may say something.