by Dee McLachlan
In 2014 we published an article in Gumshoe called, “Everything Is In Place And Nobody Can Stop Us Now – Dr Day 1969 Lecture.” It was originally published on rense.com and is a transcript of Dr Lawrence Dunegan’s recollections of a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. This is what Dunegan recalled of Dr Day’s comments on Financial Control:
“…One statement was, ‘Inflation is infinite. You can put an infinite number of zeros after any number and put the decimals points wherever you want’, as an indication that inflation is a tool of the controllers.
“…It would be a single banking system… Computers would allow this to happen… people would have credit cards with the electronic strip on it and once they got used to that then it would be pointed out the advantage of having all of that combined into a single credit card, serving a single monetary system…
“…The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning when everybody wakened there would be an announcement that the New System was in place.”
When I first read about Dr Day, I thought this New System would be something like a global Euro, but I no longer think this. Interestingly Dunegan seems to have referred to a new “system”, not a new currency. Bank-issued charge cards originated in 1946, and the link between the dollar and gold ended in 1971 — allowing the present fiat money system to “blossom.” Although the dollar might be a claim against resources, it appears that its value is not linked to any specific asset — just like cryptocurrency.
So what New System was Dr Day referring to?
Money, Metals and Barter

In the beginning, people engaged in barter — the personal exchange of goods for goods, and/or goods for services. This transformed to commodities, such as metals. By 600 BC the first coins, with fixed weight and value, appeared, and then gold and silver were used as value. Coins then evolved into bank notes around 1661 AD. Since then, money has become more and more controlled — now by a central banking cartel. There are only three countries not in the Central Banking system.
The Rise of Cryptocurrency
It seems we have gone full circle — back to a one on one “barter”, like in cryptocurrency. To explain: cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed by mathematical formulas to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure transactions of units of “value.” (Mathematical creation of units that exchange between people.) In theory, this is all outside banking and government control.
So with the rise in Bitcoin, one can only wonder: what are the bankers planning? There has been so much discussion in the past around how they are going to collapse the system — to bring in a new single currency.
So what is this “New System” or new single currency going to look like? I now believe that it is probably going to operate more like Bitcoin, than the present monetary system.
Bitcoin Engineered by NSA?
I had always thought that some smart people must have designed Bitcoin — and that now the fiat bankers are desperately trying to catch up. But Dr Day’s confidence back in 1969 was extraordinary. As almost every form of control revolves around money, he surely would have included the money system when he said, “Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.”
To what New System was he referring? A new fiat currency system without gold? Or were they caught out by the development of blockchain? In other words, are they planning to simulate Bitcoin — or is Bitcoin the trial, the dummy run?
I was thus interested to read this on Natural News. The title of the article is, “Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency.” To quote Mike Adams (article here):
“…it’s now becoming increasingly evident that Bitcoin may be a creation of the NSA and was rolled out as a “normalization” experiment to get the public familiar with digital currency. Once this is established, the world’s fiat currencies will be obliterated in an engineered debt collapse, then replaced with a government approved cryptocurrency with tracking of all transactions and digital wallets by the world’s western governments.”
I had always wondered who Satoshi Nakamoto was (the inventor of Bitcoin). In May 2106, an Australian entrepreneur, Craig Wright, claimed to be the inventor. Really? I wonder if his PhD is in theology helped?
Mike Adams points rather to a 1997 document, entitled, “How to make a mint: The cryptography of anonymous electronic cash.” It detailed the overall structure and function of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. To quote Adams:
“The NSA, in other words, detailed key elements of Bitcoin long before Bitcoin ever came into existence. Much of the Bitcoin protocol is detailed in this document, including signature authentication techniques…
“…it’s clear that the NSA was researching cryptocurrencies long before everyday users had ever heard of the term. Note, too, that the name of the person credited with founding Bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto, who is reputed to have reserved one million Bitcoins for himself… another likely explanation is that Satoshi Nakamoto is the NSA, which means he is either working for the NSA [or] is a sock puppet character created by the NSA for the purpose of this whole grand experiment.”
Did the NSA write the crypto hash used by Bitcoin to secure all transactions? Cryptography researcher Matthew D. Green of Johns Hopkins University suggests there is probably a backdoor method for cracking the encryption. To continue with Adams:
“As The Hacker News (THN) explains. ‘The integrity of Bitcoin depends on a hash function called SHA-256, which was designed by the NSA and published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)’… Bitcoin may have been ‘designed from day one as a tool to help maintain control of the money supplies of the world’… [and] to seize control over the world money supply.”
Crypto False Flag
I have bought fractions of Bitcoin — and found it most cumbersome. It is not a simple system to get used to. Maybe this is the My Space version of crypto, and the Facebook of cryptocurrency is still to emerge.
You can be sure the bankers are working out how to control the system — if they don’t already do. Once they are ready, will they then orchestrate a massive crypto false flag to crash crypto and other currencies? If they did this, they would be able to justify a new system that is trackable — and they would force governments to promptly ban all other forms of currency… to bring in their “New System.”
That is the way they operate.
In the meantime, I think I’ll be putting a few dollars (just a few) into Ripple, Litecoin, and Dash. Yes Dash is a cryptocurrency. I intend to be fleet-footed.
After posting the article, I went for a coffee at the local coffee shop to flick through the newspapers. In the Herald Sun, the title:
“RBA floats digital dollar idea, backhands bitcoin”
The Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe says that one day blockchain could support an Australian digital dollar. And he is already referring to other cryptocurrencies as suited to the “illegal economy.”
They will soon make out that anyone holding Bitcoin is involved in criminal activity.

The modus operandi is becoming clear.
Readers take note please.
In the second line in Dee’s article is the link to the article at rense based on Dr. DAY’S ADDRESS IN 1969.
Forget the sports stadiums for future social mass distractions…. wake the f up!
Tch, tch, Nedski. Readers don’t have to go to rense (or Randy Engels Christian radio) to get Dr Dunegan’s recollections of Dr Day’s 1969 speech.
We do it all for you. We practically breathe for you here at Gumshoe Headquarters:
Also, it appears in full in that great, non-Walkley-award-winning tome, Troof in Journalism.
Is Rothschild behind Cryptocurrency?
Who knows?
‘But so long as I control the money I care not who controls the governmemt/s’!
Who knows?
‘But so long as I control the money I care not who controls the government/s’.
From a technical angle #sha256 is old . Stronger cryptos are a munition and restricted to you know who. All netbanking and net purchasing have various crypto guarding its transmission and storage.
A protocol called SSL, secured socket layer, to guard VISA transactions etc, was found to have a backdoor after years of service. Mcafee and his hacker possie are fun to watch, mining bitcoin, offering to crack crypto for the FBI . Keep paying cash and barter, they pay no interest and are always charging extra for services anyway, as much as possible anyway.
Philip Lowe is looking smug I have to say.
See Sydney Daily Telegraph: Dec 14 page 40.
Bitcoin just ‘speculative mania’: RBA. ( Phill Lowe says)
“…….. Bitcoin……… was mostly attractive to criminals and speculators ……………. ”
Beware the man with a pin!
NSA – National Security Agency of whom or what? Why would a national security agency of any country be investigating the possibility of setting up a Bitcoin situation unless they were part of a government gone completely of the rails?
Bitcoin usage appears to be for use worldwide. NSA is I assume a department or corporation of the Federal Government of the U.S.A. What right do they have, to maybe implement a global currency? Doesn’t any other country of the World have a say in such important matters as a “World currency”?
If Bitcoin and other cryto-currencies were truly in the hands of the population, I would no problem with the idea. But being controlled by a particular National Government or the One World Government we (the people) would be worse off than the current situation.
Dee he has a phd from Massachusetts IT, What canary did he just swallow?
The Lowy boys are looking chuffed 32 odd billion and they keep their jobs. Wonder how they will spend it. Sorry Westfield tenants no relief.
“Apply to NSA jobs now hiring in Massachusetts on Indeed.com”
IS NASA employing a producer, film directors, script writers, technicians actors and stage hands for their next production?
Dee, go for it.
Thoughts of a Westfield tenants uprising, and Mal’s question “Don’t we have a say in it?” (I’m sure he was being humorous) led me to check on the Wat Tyler rebellion. Wikipedia (CIA) says:
The Peasants’ Revolt, also called Wat Tyler’s Rebellion or the Great Rising, was a major uprising across large parts of England in 1381. The revolt had various causes, including the socio-economic and political tensions generated by the Black Death [what’d I tell ya, what’d I tell ya] in the 1340s, the high taxes resulting from the conflict with France during the Hundred Years’ War, and instability within the local leadership of London.
The final trigger for the revolt was the intervention of a royal official, John Bampton, in Essex on 30 May 1381. His attempts to collect unpaid poll taxes in Brentwood ended in a violent confrontation, which rapidly spread across the south-east of the country. A wide spectrum of rural society, including many local artisans and village officials, rose up in protest, burning court records and opening the local gaols.
The rebels sought a reduction in taxation, an end to the system of unfree labour known as serfdom and the removal of the King’s senior officials and law courts.
I’m just sayin’.
O , Lowe does look smug. I work off a small device, and the eyes are not as good as they used too be. What do these elite bean counters do anyway, can’t imagine he is slaveing away on a abbicuss.
Giving a acronym speech too, forever concerned senators, seems cruisey.
So many smug looks from the “owners”…
“In fact, every cryptocurrency becomes obsolete with the invention of large-scale quantum computing. Once China [or Russia] manages to build a working 256-bit quantum computer, it can effectively steal all the Bitcoins in the world (plus steal most national secrets and commit other global mayhem at will).”
So, other than make a series observations which couldn’t exactly be called unique, what did this Day character do?
So his obversations (of the future social control) were not unique?
Kindly explain why the plan was/is not unique.
Do we take it that we should go back to Marx and the Bolshevick commies manipulating for totalitarian control of the world?
In your reply you may wish to include a consideration of the nazis and their totalitarian control freak plans?
Dr Day was apparently a doctor with a inside running, it is more than what he did, but what he exposed that is relevant.
Sorry if you have not worked that out.
Most of the attributed “predictions” were well and truly up and running by 1969.
And so far as getting into an argument about who invented the wheel……………………….
‘…..most….. attributed predictions were well and truly up up and running by 1969’.
Whilst I agree, (as stated by Day .. all planned etc) I would be interested to appreciate the basis/foundation of that knowledge expressed by you.
Well my understanding of the money issue is rooted in the bible:
”For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” 1 Timothy 6:10
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17
As to the dynamic of social control you can’t go past Niccolò Machiavelli’s “The Prince”
Day strikes me as being nothing more than a 3rd grade dabbler. Bit like uncle Andrew in “The Magician’s Nephew”
You missed the conference at the Bilderberg hotel in 1954.
Fancy that?
Below are my feelings on bitCON and its associated speculative greeds and corruptions .
I am a 60 year old carpenter . It has always been my dream . I will give all youth the same advice my father gave me when I was 15 . Do something else , be a plumber or electrian , he was a carpenter too . He never said why but I can tell you . The carpenters role is to not only to construct, run , organise materials , show all the other trades where to put it , how to put it , fix it up when it’s wrong , cop the shit when some other tradie stuffs up and get half the money . If you decide to become a plumber or sparkie you will be able to afford a nice house with a decent shed and you can do all the woodwork that your heart desires . That’s the way I would do it over again . I still like making shavings .
Sorry to wander from topic , but the Internet age has completely changed life as we knew it .
Looks like the implanted chip is next in the cashless utopia planned by our billionaires .
Seems that you are a ‘small business man/tradie.
You are a dangerous small business independant thinking dangerous terrorist and have to be extinguished by politicians with bureacratic regulations for being a threat to our freedoms and way of life.
Off to a fema (old concentration) camp for you and your family as a threat to the corporate monoplistic control sponsored by our dupes and banker mates in OUR parliament serving the new corporate fascist world order.
Best of luck or wake up.
Sharpen and oil your chain saw, you may have to use it! (:-
Forgot to mention that 99% of the materials we use today are “sustainable” toxic poisons . An old friend once told me that you can even make wine with grapes if you so desire .
Grapes need Monsanto weed killer ’round up’ injected at the grape vine’s roots to provide a decent after taste by the tongue’s pallet to discern a great vintage.
For the record. Today seems to be the 5th anniversary of Sandy Hook massacre (Dec 14, 2012), and tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of LIndt Cafe siege. (Dec 15, 2014).
Just in, Bourke Street massacre.
Dimitrious , Jimmy , now James , hope his lawyers don’t think the Anglo defence is the answer.
Wonder if they have identified the man in blue and those occupying the silver commodores.
Did Tony Gough go to Monash University? I have a vague lead there.
Tony Gough has worked closely with Victorian police in clandestine raids with stormtroopers.
Of the few images of Bourke Street, the only one I have seen are his.
I would like to see all images he caught that day, disk space is so cheap, none should be deleted.
I know they would be disturbing to view, but if Tony can handle it i can.
The blue guy, the cavelcade of the force behind James.
Tony seems to have been embedded with adf in Afghanistan and very cozy with Vic Police, he has some work in a 2008 Police magazine with , C.Nixon , who also happened by chance to be in Burke Street
I see that Mr Gargasoulas who pleaded not guilty to the charges against him will be sent directly to the Supreme Court without pre-trial. Is this the same treatment that was afforded to Martin Bryant?
I know that we are discussing different States here, but surely “criminal law is criminal law” within this one country.
I don’t know the answer to the question that I posed. Maybe Mary does.
Perhaps Mike Willisee, who interviewed Bryant’s lawyer, may be able to assist and recommend a lawyer for James?
Anymore on blue guy , ever see klaus again, well called sir
“Australia’s top 10 companies are a bank , a bank , a bank , a mine , a bank , a biotechnology company , a conglomerate of mines and supermarkets , a monopoly telephone company , a supermarket and a bank .”
Matt Barrie and Craig Tindale – Australia’s Economy is a House of Cards .
Thank God we have some carpenters to out-fit their offices.
Plus electricians to install their chandeliers and plumbers to clear their ………!
Not to forget builders to give them a roof, truckies and farmers to feed them ……. and on and on.
Oh, and politicians to provide for their profits and personal financial indulgences.
In the late seventies , here in Sydney , carpenters made $600 to $800 a week cash ,
after tax was deducted . Houses , 7k radius from cbd , were 100k or less on 700 sq. metre blocks .
Today a carpenter is lucky if he makes $1200 net per week . A one bed apartment costs $1 million cash or $2.5 million over thirty years at 5% constant interest .
Unfortunately , the bankers don’t need our skills anymore when the flat – pack is made in China .
2 million new residents to Sydney , in past 5 years , all new punters for the banking game , more commonly known as the housing bublble .
Simon, please overlook my ignorance but;
Who is Klaus?
Who is Tony?
In the context of the Bourke street murders, if at all.
O Tony is the herald photographer that took msm images that day . Remember the umbrellas and the wounded tendered. Always so few images with the plethora of security cams, then always grainey like from 1926. Cept his.
I looked up the page u guys were throwing around at the time , jan 17 , thought klaus was claiming that he knew guy was a homeless (sic term), the blur shirt, am i confused, cheers
Your skills are sorely needed 56, these are skills handed down and are our birthright.
I know its a echo chamber but this is awesome
lots of posts and i think unsettling for some of them
Thanks for the old link.
The astute will note that many comments were stated to be of some assistance to defence counsel to probe the circumstances of the killings.
Gumshoe might ensure that defence counsel is provided with a copy of the article/s and comments.
What is the bet that there will be a finding that Jimmy is not able to plead due to a mental disability……. thus no trial!!!!.??? Thus no disclosures.
Then they can put him away in a mental treatment facility at their pleasure?
Murdoch and Lowy cashing in (selling) .
Then be cashed up to buy up.
After the expected crash, there will be bargains galore to gobble up.
Happened after the 1929 collapse.