by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
November 5 was NOT the date for Election of the US president. It can only be done by the Electoral College and they will meet on December 16. The mass media know this but are not breathing a word. That makes me think they foresee a big upset – the upset that the Big Guys are hoping for. Oh dear.
Of course, with any luck, I’m wrong. And I’m really sorry to distress all the 72 million Red voters, and probably many of the 67 million Blue voters. On November 5, It seemed that normalcy could return to our nation. Indeed, it may be so, and the problem I will now describe may not happen, OK?
Nevertheless, I will spell it out.
First of all, the US Constitution is the top authority for Americans. The manner of choosing a president, and the manner of replacing him if he resigns or dies, is clearly stated therein. I will write a separate article about replacing a president; today I am writing about choosing him/her.
The Constitution says, in Article II, that each state’s legislature (not the governor, not the state population of adults, but specifically the legislature) will arrange for Electors to meet on such-and-such date. This year, per federal legislation, it’s December 16, 2024.
Each Elector will be given an empty ballot for president and an empty ballot for vice-president. They will fill in two names (and the two persons cannot be inhabitants of the same state). At the end of the meeting, these are certified by the state governor — I presume he wants to be sure that no Elector named an ineligible person – such as one under age 35, or foreign born.
Then these ballots are also copied onto a summarizing ballot, and all are wrapped up and sent to Washington DC, where they will be read out, in Congress, on January 6, 2025. Copies are also sent to the national archive, and to a local judge for safekeeping in case the original goes astray. (See? the law anticipates trouble and gives a remedy.)
Who Are the “Electors”?
And who are these electors? Are their names pulled out of a hat? Constitutionally, it would be OK to do a hat-pull if that is what a state legislature wants. But in most states, an agreement has been reached between the major Parties and the state, giving each Party the “right” to name all electors for that state in accordance with how the popular voting went on the first Tuesday in November.
I don’t like calling states by names of a color, but for convenience let’s say that, since the Blues won in my state, New Hampshire (I mean on Nov 5, 2024, Harris got more votes at the polls than Trump), the Democrat Party in NH will choose four of its members to be the Electors. These must meet in the capital city, Concord, on December 14.
Note: Why does NH have 4 electors and Florida has 30? Each state has as many electors as it has members of the House of Reps. Florida has 28 Reps, NH has 2. Plus each state adds an additional two Electors to reflect its two senators. (I imagine that was done to pad the smaller states.)
The system is “winner-takes all”, except in two states, Maine and Nebraska, where it is proportional. Nebraska has 5 electors. Pretend that 80% of the November 5 votes in NE went to Trump and 20% to Kamala – one elector would be sent to Nebraska’s College to vote for Kamala, on December 14, and 4 to vote for Trump. (The College” is not a specific place. They could meet at MacDonald’s.)
“Faithless” Electors
I hear you ask “What if one of the Electors, for example one of Trump’s, got lectured by her grandfather that morning as to Trump’s criminal indictments and so she arrived at the College and cast her Electoral ballot for Kamal, would that be legal?
It depends. Approximately 30 of the 50 states have a law (made by the state legislature) that obliges the Elector to vote as instructed. That Elector is said to be “pledged” to Trump or to Kamala. In those states, the Elector must not be swayed by Grandpa’s lecture.
The US Supreme Court has said it is constitutionally OK for a state to legislate this way. See Ray v Blair in Alabama, 1952, and Chiafalo v Washington in 2020. The Elector who goes astray in a Pledged-Elector state is called a “faithless” elector. He/she can have his/her ballot overridden, and/or can be penalized, say, by a fine.
Remember, I said that a state can opt for a hat-pull. This is state sovereignty! The Framers of the Constitution in 1787 were delegates from the 13 states; they definitely intended that a president get into office in a way that involved states. (Ahem, they did not intend that Parties be the brokers, as the word ‘Party’ does not even appear in the Constitution.)
Now we come to the matter of how we might get a big surprise on December 14 this year. It has to do with “unpledged Electors.” Approximately 20 states do not have a rule to oblige the individual Elector to cast a ballot that reflects the popular vote of November 5th in his/her state.
By George, I have been searching for the last hour to locate a list of unpledged states, to no avail. However, in 2020, I wrote an article about Unpledged Electors, and at that time I had found 18 such states. I am guessing that they still allow unpledged Electors. So I’ll name them here, along with the number of electors for that state. Please forgive my incomplete research; I am in a hurry. Note: I will bolden the states that voted for Trump on November 5, 2024:
Arkansas 6, Georgia 16, Idaho 4, Illinois 19, Kansas 6, Kentucky 18, Louisiana 8, Mississippi 6, Montana 4, New Hampshire 4, New Jersey 4, New York 28, North Dakota 3, Pennsylvania 19, Rhode Island 4, South Dakota 3, Texas 40, West Virginia 4.
All up, those 18 states control 207 Electoral votes. So, theoretically, if 207 grandfathers had given 207 lectures to ask their grandkid to switch to the opposite Party when they went to MacDonald’s, I mean to the Electoral College, it would be legal. No pledge, no obligation.
There is strong reason to think this would not happen. So far it has almost never happened. After all, even an unpledged Elector was appointed by his Party – Parties would choose only a person likely to be loyal. But as I said, I am playing a game here. My goal is to show that the apparent Trump victory is not yet settled, constitutionally.
Now go back to my list of bolded states. These are the only ones that Trump need worry about. The states which are not bolded are “blue” and presumably (if there be a secret plan to elect Kamala) those Electors will stick with their blueness. Counting up the number of votes from these red states, we see that there aren’t 207but only 133 that we should worry about.
Dear Reader, I say again that this is an exercise. We should all be aware that such a thing can happen. Kamala has 226 Electors and Trump has 295. (As I am writing this on Nov 6 at 8pm, two states have not been “called” by the media — Arizona, worth 11 and Nevada, worth 6.)
For Trump to win the Electoral College vote, he needs 270. He now holds 295 and could get another 17 if Arizona and Nevada get “called” for him. Imagine he does win those two states, and so holds 312 Electoral votes. Wow. It is nearly unimaginable that 42 unpledged electors will do Grandpa’s bidding. (Oh, it doesn’t have to be a grandpa that makes this happen. It could be a gang with a knife, or a person holding a bag with 5 million bucks in it.)
Stay Calm
So what should we do if there is a terrific upset at the fifty MacDonald’s on Monday December 16, 2024? Oops not all 50, just the 20 or so that have Unpledged Electors.
I say we should stay calm. As far as I can tell, the “riot” of January 6, 2020 was the work of agents provocateurs. There was a genuine reason to complain about a possible stolen election, but there were ways to deal with it. Constitutional Amendments 12 and 25 have got everything covered.
We should not let the media tell us that people are so angry that they will start a shooting war. I myself am a “red” voter but I can stay calm if the Electors do the unexpected, and if Kamala wins. Luckily, there are 20 full days before the counting of the Electors’ ballots on January 6. So don’t shoot, OK?
But even after we see that Unpledged Electors have done the dirty, we should say calm. If Kamala got thereby elected, so what? It appears to me to be legal. Granted, if a whole slew of the Unpledged do this very odd thing we should – at our leisure – treat it as some sort of problem. Just don’t go berserk on December 14 when it happens. America has a beautiful legal system. We are big boys and girls and can handle this.
How Congress Gets Involved
The Constitution has provided for a January 6 situation in which neither candidate received 270 Electoral votes. (That number is not magic; there are 538 Electors nationwide, and half of that is 269. Add 1 and you get 270, a simple majority.)
Pretend that Trump did indeed lose 43 votes (via Unpledged people doing what I described). Then he’d have less than the needed 270. Assuming Kamala gets those 43, added to her current 226, she will have 269, not enough to sail in to the White House on January 20, 2025. Rather, the Congress will have to get involved.
Both houses of Congress meet together on January 6, where there is a ceremonial opening of the Electors’ envelopes from 50 states plus Washington DC. As soon as a state is called, in alphabetical order, the person presiding (namely, the Vice President of the US) asks if there are any objections.
Pretend, when they get to Colorado, any Senator says “Yes, I object.” He must then find a member of the House of Reps to co-sign his objection. At this point, the boss (the VP) sends the senators back to their chamber. Each house has up to two hours to debate it. If they agree that one or more of Colorado’s votes is sullied, is set aside. It won’t count.
This activity by Congress may cause one of the candidates to end up with the needed simple majority to win the Election. But what if neither Kamala nor Trump has a simple majority? Do not worry. Stay calm. The Constitution walks in the door and says “Hi Everybody! Let me help.”
The US House of Representatives is then allowed, perfectly legally, to choose our new president. They mustn’t name a person who did not participate in the election. They can only pick from the top three vote getters. Say it is Kamala, Trump, and Robert F Kennedy, Jr.
We have 435 Reps, but not every one of them can cast a vote. They must huddle in their state delegation. For New Hampshire, that will be Rep Chris Pappas, and Rep Maggie Goodlander (who came aboard only on Jan 3, 2025 as a freshman Rep). NH will cast its vote, and so will the others.
In some states one rep is blue and another red, so might the fight go on for days? I don’t think so, as the law says they cannot leave the room until they settle on a candidate.
The law thinks of everything.
One more reason to be calm. It does not matter so much who is president. The role is vastly overstated. Congress holds the greater power and can even escort a president to the door, so to speak.
Reds and Blues need to get together and stop hating and fearing each other. That is all a big fat trick that has been played on us.
Re: “Reds and Blues need to get together and stop hating and fearing each other.”
I think that is in process… with RFK jr and Tulsi and others moving to the common sense party. The Liz Cheney’s et al of course should stop the hate and DETOX from the T derangement syndrome
Can we install Mike Pence as overlord of the proceedings ?
Everything should run right then .
I thought Mike Pence held up well considering the FBI was probably ready to shoot him
Lt. Col BOSI ( retired) FROM 15 mins found at:
Katherine’s at the beginning is a hoot🤪
Bosi indicates retribution.⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️
Not that it matters, for puposes of my article, but just to make the story complete: Nevada and Arizona did vote red.
When the News says “Florida has not been called yet.” Or “Montana has been called.” they only mean THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HAS OR HAS NOT MADE A DETERMINATION ON THE OUTCOME.
It is not the government doing the calling. It’s media, always has been.
A governor of a state would know better than to say “Trump won this state.” Trump — or Obama, or FDR, etc — does not win an election on the November election date. There is no “president elect” until December 14-6 (at MacDonald’s), K?
By the way if Kamal or Trum dies before dec 16 we have a problem.
chicken egg, for who legislates for media propriety
I remember this old marlarki, some actor, back in the black in white days, had a caboose, went home defeated but woke to black in white but red all over
Did you miss a death?
What if the actor Biden is subject to a good shot or falls of his bike and brain dead. > 25th!
Bloody simple question and relevant surely!
So to consider your ‘briefing’ scenarios as a foundation for it, we need more information from you that you have either considered or just ignored.
HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT ‘possibility’ (REALITY💁) in your treatise?
forgive me but sometimes things like Hans points to. I went to college and would not accept even the popular(very funny, like thats..) vote
Mary, what happens to Kennedy now and do you think that the republic, now lost should/could be regained.
of course you alluded, but what do you think. red and blue to black in white
Yes MM very complicated and ‘legal’
Now explain how they can inaugurate a dead person over two sessions at a Hollywood mock up?💁🤪
Mary do you really believe that the Biden is the real Biden?
I really do not think you have ever examined the practical and legal analysis by Derek Johnson. Come to think of it I do not think any of the usuals here have even after about two years of trying to get people to at least examine some realities.
Oh well🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛🍽️enjoy🤪
Considering Georgia and Arkansaw are both the homes of the devil ( Rockerfellas ) it will be interesting to see if they flip. Arizona is probably still weeding out the fake mail-in ballots. There are stories emerging about border-crossers doing real random murders, rape-murders, gangsta stuff that we didn’t hear much about from the M$M. Why would Arizona vote for Camel ??? Are they giving out free humanities degrees at the University ??? I do recall the guy doing the very good “Healing as Voltage” lecture got a homeopathy degree from Arizona.
Also, did not Camel pick up about $1 billion from donors such as Gates, surely certain interested parties have set aside a discretionary fund for the electors, it would be very remiss of them to overlook an opportunity which could cost less than $1 billion, not much for them in any case. Perhaps next time they’ll spend $1 trillion. Those electors will be in a difficult position whatever they decide unless they are planning to pack up and leave town.
yet another shit stream creek, wink
while we be early some say late, i’ll be here
I think AI is in-house. Last night the “trending article” at Gumshoe was on the Brunsons.
Also 2 nights ago there was one on Humanitarian crisis by Dee with the staggering date of 2014.
Are some people really locked into the System to this extent ?
Or is someone just trying to create a new business?
Downright bizarre is what I’d call it:
“Harvard Professors Cancel Classes as Students Feel Blue After Trump Win”
Mass manipulation on steroids
Trump’s ‘Reasons’ For Ruling Out Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo; ‘Thank You But Won’t Give..
WHO is calling the SHOTS ?
Suzie Wiles
Includes a massive appendix of va666ine deaths etc
Trump’s 10 point plan to shatter the DeepState ( Video March 21 2023 )
Remembering that “Lock Her Up” was replaced with an excuse that it looks bad for America to lock her up. Locked up, not locked up, hanged 5 times at Gitmo, who the hell knows what’s going on.
Classic video on Kamala – ya gotta watch this!
Sorry, wrong video – https://www.bitchute.com/video/DCtoIOyh38Cf/
Thank God for Ai… who needs Hollywood anymore?
Real Mary tonight In WTPN is not AI, but is even funnier. At:
Early report, impeachment proceedings commenced against Biden but he did not appear🙀💁🤪🤪🤪 wonder where he is MM!
For new readers who are examining MMs legal treatise in the article. Do not waste your time,.
MM has not based the opinion on a sound foundation considering an apparent decision not to opine on the matters I have raised above and on MANY OCCASIONS PRIOR to include and consider for her analysis.
Attention Mary Maxwell.
At 3.23 above you mentioned the Brunson case, out of context re previous references you claimed.
I have just finished Real Mary at the WTPEN SITUATION UPDATE LINKED ABOVE.
Strangely the Brunson case comes up at about 1.04 for less than 7 mins ( so you can manage the report).Do you know something?
Brunson has had to sign a NDA AND NOT MENTION THE CASE AGAIN🤷♂️
Well the commentary might explain that⚖️
Anyway we shall see.
For other readers, just do yourself a favour and listen to the whole of Real Mary’s exposures and note the Brunson case…. The rumours might fit in with Dick Algiers remote viewing of mayhem in the corridors of Congress.
Bloody lot of fun could happen, be a pity to not realise if it eventuates and not be able to say; “relax, all as planned”.💁🔥⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️🙀
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Military chappies:: 🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓
Worth a start from the beginning from last night.
Operation ZEBRA ABOUT 53 mins with JACO AT BIN. Just finished after sleepies🙀
Col Doug Macgregor: Why Iran is Vital to Russia
10:30 Putin clip re Trump
Elon: cut the WHO budget, the Pandemic Fund, GAVI, USAID, Pandemic Preparedness
and we could save about $60 Billion a year, maybe more
Meryl Nass