by G5
Barr’s father helped him set up his enterprise. As did [Robert] Maxwell from London. They’re all linked. Including Savile, Louis Mountbatten et al. And of course Weinstein and the Hollywood and Democratic Elite.
They’re All Connected
Maxwell haunted almost nightly the same Kensington London club.
The same haunts Downer, Haspel, Papadopoulos, Halper, Priebus, Steele, et al, and Australian, British, US, Russian, and Israeli Intel worked.
My advices are: Maxwell did not leap from the yacht. Albeit he had created some major financial difficulties and was a stubborn thickhead. A smack on the head by a cohort and a lift will do it.
As I have written; Mountbatten was taken out, as were Savile and Epstein. No official versions should be believed.
Mountbatten, Savile, Epstein, et al, were linked. Philip, Charles, Andrew, et al, were involved. As was and to an extent is; major aspects of the British Government. Including Judiciary, political, and corporate elites.
The issues ran to the top of the UK, US, EU, and Australian Elites.
Decisions are made based on the foundations of being variously owned. Apart from matters as wars; one major event concerned the enslavement by the EU with loss of sovereignty. And of course; insane court decisions; believed as rational by the power base addicted.
National Guard and Chaz
Trump is preparing for four terms as President. He has Martial Law from 14/9/2001, and the National Guard currently identified, is not the real amalgamated National Guard and State Militias. Which Trump has pulled in away from State Governors and State Legislatures. There is a very different composition. That 450,000 is delivered as 300,000. Remember Washington was cleared despite Barr’s ignored waffles of block distancing.
National Monuments are guarded.
The 300,000 Trump National Guard is not what is believed. It is not The Kent State Scenario. It is not the theory of the local civilians as The Reserves.
Minneapolis; after the mayor called Trump; was cleared by 8,000 Trump National Guard in one hour. Seattle is left as a Dem MSM festering disaster of Utopian Socialism. Interestingly; those who have suffered from US Non-Education, are predominantly unaware of what Socialism is.
There is a plan afoot to clear Seattle on 4 July 2020; if Trump nods. 15,000 dressed as civilians and bikers will clear it in an hour. Unless the paid agitators and agents provocateur start shooting. In which case it could take an additional half-hour for the exchange. The local hospitals will be advised.
Globalist and Socialist Elites and their MSM lackeys have badly misread everything before them.
The International Collectivist Enemy is in its final throes, on the eve of the Conservative Era.
HIGH Connections continue:
Former High Court judge Dyson Heydon sexually harassed several associates, inquiry reveals
By High Court reporter Elizabeth Byrne and political reporter Matthew Doran
The deal is done, the CCP have bought the world. Money buys property and souls.
Only miracles can undo the doing. Faith in His Mass is the only way ahead.
As far as I ever heard, the CCP doesn’t have a globalised military to back their counterfeiting, they are still expanding their borders with skirmishes in every direction, most recently with Japan and India. It seems to me the CCP has put people on “belt-tightening” and they are shutting down markets (ie small business) on pretext of the virus. They can censor and propagandise as much as they like but if the austerity becomes serious and goes on for a few years there will probably be trouble.
Yet no one wants to report to all the murdering and the corruption within the child safety system, Murdering children and murdering innocent families and murdering the man of it.
It is not just children and children only, that gets abused/neglected/molested/raped and murdered by those claiming to be the protectors in child safety, Innocent Parents suffer just has much, as they to get abused/neglected and then emotional and mental murder takes place, all due to how these so called humans that work in the child safety system that people just let happen, corruption is corruption, no matter how small that corruption is, but when it starts to destroy human innocent lives, why then is no one even bothering to stand up to this ??? to have child safety fully held accountable…
Why is no one demanding and protesting action of Justice to child safety ???.
Agree. We have published over 100 articles on these crimes. No one in leadership will take any action.
That’s because the very concept of leadership is power in the hands of the few, which is where corruption breeds.
As long as we buy the leadership bullshit we are lost before we start.
The way to win is not to lead or to follow, but for the power of one to persuade all to march together, shoulder to shoulder. To persuade, by example, is not leadership; it is the inspiration that infects by selfless cooperation and brotherhood. OK… sisterhood too. But people power does not recognise gender.
Only the outcome of this equation can produce genuine democracy; which is the absolute elimination of elitism and leadership.
Sigh. I’m beginning to bore myself.
No sheeple kicked up when Pell bought his get out of jail card from the High Court but what’s this in the High Court news lately, some ladies kicking up about an Abbott appointment??? Where has this come from and where is it going.
Orrite, bgsy, I’m getting more exasperated by the minute! You seem to be advocating a “trial by media” wherein if the media publicity (crowd response) shouts “crucify him” then that’s “justice” while the real villains (with real evidence against them) posture extravagantly pretending to “fix” the problem while sending ordinarily good parents to the edge of insanity by grief, and children off to “good homes” where they will be groomed into prostitutes and predators.
In my opinion, George Cardinal Pell got way offside with the “enlightenment” by sticking with the notion that men and women are complementary in the human race and the prime purpose of marriage is to beget and raise children. The poofter brigade set him right up by presenting themselves for Holy Communion at one of his Masses dressed in their rainbow colours. He refused Communion to those provacateurs as he must.
My opinion also is that he was to go to the Vatican and be the “good guy” to put a thick coat of whitewash over the reprehensible financial dealings of the Vatican. When he was found to be “unsuitable” for that job he was turned over to the ‘Masonic establishment in Victoria to have him locked in solitary confinement and shut right up.
Perhaps the “establishment” had to quash his “conviction” in a last ditch effort to reclaim some credibility.
I am in little doubt the jury was right to convict on the basis of testimony but really anything is possible, maybe the worst pedophiles in Ballaarat were at work completely unknown to Pell and all the stories about him at the swimming pool were fabricated, maybe there is no global pedo network, and there never were poofters, oh hang on, I can remember being groomed by poofters myself when I was under 16, there were lots around back then, it was part of the zeitgeist (sexual revolution), I was also groomed by certain free-spirited women and my school teacher when I was under 16, I know all about all of it, first hand. It all started with “the pill” and it ended with AIDS.
[quote Tony Ryan] Sigh. I’m beginning to bore myself. [/quote] And me!
There cannot be a functional society without some kind of order. Order can be founded in something more or less compliant with some notion of a transcendental nature and purpose of Man and society; a truth and virtue independent of immediate personal convenience, or it can be founded in “dog eat dog” survival (dominance) of the fittest (or cruellest). Don’t try to bullshit me into thinking that our Abos were a wonderful egalitarian society before “wadyella” (white fella) came and “buggered ‘m up”. I spent nearly 2 years in the Kalumburu settlement where all but one (a half cast left behind by the first ever Government school teacher) of the indigenous were full blood Abos; a few of whom were born and bred in the bush and who gravitated into the Mission. We were all very friendly at that time (1970’s) and they told me lots about their customs etc.
There is no such thing as the “noble savage”… the “noble savage” is the idiots demanding the chaos and anarchy that results in totalitarian slavery.
Don’t get me started, buster! Those poor people don’t deserve to be used as a battering ram to bring down what’s left of Christendom.
bgsy, y’ poor bastard! I guess that you’re forever blameless for everything if your Mum ever roused on you for anything fair or unfair.
The few times we went splashing with Dad and we were small enough to be launched by him into the air by his hand on our bums was great fun. In those sane days it wasn’t a crime to amuse and entertain children.
Look, I don’t know Pell; he lives on the other side of the country. I think it possible that he joined the ‘Masons in the beginning but later decided that “I’m not having any more of this” and was thus singled out as a warning to other ‘Masons that might be tempted to allow honesty to interfere with their loyalty to the Craft.
Then there is the Scummo speech preceding Pell’s “conviction” stating that “we believe you” even if what you say is uncorroborated and unsubstantiated bullshit. But behind that highly publicised façade is a plethora of rooly evil basads continuing unimpeded in their nefarious activities trafficking children, driving poor men and women to the limits of their resources.
bgsy, it doesn’t matter a damn who the fashionable elite is; truth and virtue is what it always was and will be.
Funny hats also have no real value to the discerning, but I am not trying to take down your beloved Catholic Church, far from it, I am just interested in reality and how things are infiltrated, how bad gets mixed into good etc.
The Pell accusations involve the showers I think not the actual swimming pool.
bgsy, “funny hats”, aprons and all that are nothing of themselves. They are only symbols or a kind of uniform denoting supposed allegiances, rank, etc.
What I’m saying is that it’s noteworthy that Pell was/is scapegoated or “taken out” with an unsubstantiated anonymous allegation that was impossible in the alleged circumstances while real, credibly accused, poofters and paedophiles in the “establishment” roam free and unimpeded behind the furore and smokescreen created. It’s also to be noted that the Pell accusations were the result of a three year long trawling operation where Vicpol had been advertising for anyone with dirt on Pell to “come forward”.
I am pretty confident that he was specifically targeted because of his stand for Faith and family against the “new order enlightenment”. I’m not saying that he was immaculate… these days it’s only christophobes that enjoy that privilege.
WheresJustice – the Deep State swamps need to be drained of all the swamp creatures that control nearly every country, just as Trump is doing. Are we doing it here? Well, there seems to be article after article now surfacing in this country about some of those swamp creatures -, Dyson Heydon seems to be the latest exposure.
Gate keepers have to be identified and dealt with before the real rotten stuff gets aired for us all to think about correcting, and they can only be publicly identified by those whom the gate keepers work to protect – take away their funding and threaten them with criminal sanctions, and voila! We will get lots more swamp creature exposure.
That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting the below done;
The public in this country is still largely asleep. They have to be awakened. Without the public behind change, then those demanding change become lone voices that only their enemies hear. Maybe that ‘awakening’ is occurring on a gradual basis during this ‘pandemic’?
Then there needs to be a rallying point – when was the last time you remember that this country was able to come together as a nation? Was that ‘happening’ ever an event in our history? Without a rallying point, there can be no united country or nation. The yanks have that form of loyalty all sown up, and we should be learning from them as to love of country and those symbols that project our national identity that has taken such a huge battering over the past six decades.
When you have a ‘rallying point’ that unites the majority of the population to its cause, then there is no power on this Earth that will stop change from occurring.
Nationalism: An infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
~ Albert Einstein
Fair Dinkum being negative as usual – Nationalism in any dictionary relates to love of country akin to patriotism. It is not the National Socialism that you relate it to!
Nationalism = Patriotism
being factual – not negative.
engage ur thinking…
So your intent on the word nationalism was otherwise? So why didn’t you make that intent more obvious?
my INTENT was to simply paste an Einstein quote.
I personally have always considered nationalism to be synonymous with patriotism, and interchangeable. I can not say how Einstein feels about that, but Im sure he would agree, though you might struggle to prove otherwise.
it is not my fault you presume as much as you do. maybe you need lessons from blind freddy on comprehending the bleeding obvious, or you just need to accept my offer to rent a clue.
Nemesis , you said this earlier on : ” the Deep State swamps need to be drained of all the swamp creatures …… just as Trump is doing ” .
There is sweet F.A evidence that he’s drained anything .
Pleeease SHOW us the evidence.
WHICH three letter agency has he radically defunded ?
Which government agencies has he abolished ?
Which Obama / Bush 43 / Clinton administration mischief makers has he prosecuted ?
Can you even name ONE of any significance ?
Just ONE – I’m not asking for much.
Give me a dollar figure for the billions he’s slashed from military spending ? ( Oh , my bad . Turns out he never did slash funding to the Zio-owned Military Industrial Complex – but massively increased it ).
This is what high profile commentator Max Blumenthal had to say about Trump’s ‘ swamp draining ‘ in a recent tweet :
” Trump is 100 % right that Bolton wanted to start World War 4 . So your brain must be 80 % bong water to campaign against the neocons , THEN hire Bolton , along with Genocide Abrams , Jabba [ the Hutt ] Pompeo & every FDD Likudnik that Uncle Sheldon orders you to appoint . Trump drowned in the swamp ” .
Truth – your last paragraph concerning the hiring of Bolton by Trump. Bolton was hired because he is Deep State. Do you not see that Bolton has now been discredited as the Deep State actor he always was? Would that not be another Trump achievement in removing those from the Deep State swamp?
If you had listened in on Trump’s rally at Tulsa you would have caught him singling out the military-industrial complex. Does that not tell you something other than what you choose to believe?
And as far as arrests go, they’re coming!
And if you choose to believe otherwise, then maybe you should be looking at what ‘Q’ will show you and anyone else who wishes to understand this war we have been in since Trump got elected?
Nemesis, you say : ” Do you not see that Bolton has now been discredited as the Deep State actor he always was? ” .
Bolton has not NOW been discredited by Trump’s firing of him.
That’s because Bolton NEVER had any credit to begin with. Anyone with a pulse knew he was a low life neocon scum going back 20 years or more.
Trump was discredited by the hiring of Bolton in the first place ( or whatever little ‘credit’ Trump had remaining after hiring Mnuchin , Wilbur Ross & the other cabal sock puppets ).
As for this statement of yours : ” Would that not be another Trump achievement in removing those from the Deep State swamp? ‘ , you never cease to amaze me by setting new benchmarks in juvenile remarks.
Let me make this analogy.
I set fire to your house.
Half of it burns down before I come to the rescue & douse the fire.
Am I to be rewarded for saving half your house when it was ME that torched your premises to begin with ?
Nemesis, can you see why you have no credibility with any thinking person on Gumshoe ?
Beg to differ Truth Vigilante, I think Nemesis has huge credibility with “thinking person on Gumshoe”
You, on the other hand, sound like a professional troll.
Orange Man Bad is getting a bit boring!! And you are sounding more and more like the “next level” Deep State troll.
“He that protesteth too much”….just saying.
Truth – Bolton is Deep State, what do you think the so called ‘neocons’ are all about? Why are all the previous U.S. Presidents now openly supporting Biden? A candidate who has so many skeletons falling out of his closet that there is no longer any power on this Earth that will not see him put where he belongs – behind bars for the rest of his life.
Would the toppling of Biden by Trump be all their undoing?
You’re not a big thinker are you!
Trump is a clean skin, beholden to no one, what keeps him President is his love for his country and his people that you choose to ignore while blaming him for everything you should be blaming others for.
Talk about cognitive dissonance!
And so instead, you choose to denigrate Trump in any way possible that you can – I think Phil has nailed you for what you are. I certainly share his thinking when it comes to your cherry picking negativity to suit what you wish to believe while projecting onto others exactly what you do yourself.
You may not have read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, but you certainly play it to hilt!
Much the same as Christians asking why God does not kill the devil. God says he wants the devil to be shown up as the evil cnt he is, and so I believe the same thing with Trump. He has to make sure these bstrds play their hand, so they are jokered once and for all. If he just arrests the world will turn on him. We have to trust he knows what he is doing, and so far I have not been disappointed.
Truth – I should have added to the above comment, that AG (Attorney-General) Barr has just removed United States Attorney Berman from New York Southern District, a Deep State operative who had been holding back investigations into the Clintons, Epstein etc, etc, since 2018.
He, Berman, was the gatekeeper for the Deep State and its ‘players’.
So, we should start seeing some important arrests shortly.
OK , Trump read the script handed to him ( saying to get rid of Attorney Vermin ) , & now they’ll be appointing an even more malevolent Deep State rodent in his place.
Yes , something to crow about.
Truth – I have given you exactly what is occurring. Yet in your haste to condemn, you refuse to even consider the possibility of such an action happening.
You point at me telling me how I have lost credibility, yet you offer nothing but negativity or feeble excuses to counter what I give you, and that simply erodes your own credibility!
Yup. The most important part thing that our world lost sight of, is our children. You can forget the deceptive terms of Patriotism, or the greatest Country in history. Men in power are weak, selfish, terrorists. These stupid, Secret Societies with all their cloak and dagger, pretending to be “Knights Templars” is hilarious. Im sure not one of them know how to hold a real sword. And like 2 year olds. They all still take orders from a Monarch whose guilty of such heinous crimes. I have been hoping for over 12 years to see my daughter again. One that trapped by a lawyer who protects this network. Its not going to happen I guess. They can steal a Country’s economy, use Holocaust laws against us, destroy everything, and make it legal to keep to raping our kids. I hope Russia blows us all off the map. No one. Did anything for our kids. And we all know the network. Im beyond words.
Anna Maria, we stand with you in solidarity & hope that the situation involving your daughter is resolved in your favour .
Anna Maria, I can’t express how deeply I sympathise with your loss.Hopefully it will only be temporary. God willing we will see an end to this horror show and restore the rule of law to this planet.
The pain of losing a child is beyond anything imagined, and I lost two. One at 16 and one in 2017 at 38. I do not know your story, but it sounds like your daughter is alive but lost to you? No matter, a loss is a loss. My thoughts and prayers go to you. Sometimes I wake up and think to myself “can this horror that engulfs the world truly be happening?” It is all quite bizarre that for the last 50 years, the world seems to be imploding! It had problems but now more and more information surfaces all the time. Children, Clintons, Royal family, child trafficking, sex trafficking, grooming gangs, the FBI, CIA; it just never ends. PIZZAGATE, it is almost too much to bare, yet it is happening. Lockdown has brought to light much more than any of us thought possible. So whoever it was behind this, knows the plandemic worked against them.
Trump ….. four terms as President , that is sooooo funny .
Paul Romano cancels his holiday plans to Chaz
Stop laughing, Truthy, Why do you think Xi is President forever. His new title will be Emperor. We have entered the age of Concertina Empires. Global Emperor Xi. Global Emperor Trump, Global Emperor Boris. Global Emperor Scomo. All the while, one of the Rothschilds or Rockefellers knows he will be the final and forever Emperor.
But lurking in the wings, Emperor Gates is giggling. he has long ago seeded his competitor’s software with self-destruct trojans and them with suicidal vaccination adjuvants.
Truth – hope you felt it was so funny that you fell off your chair laughing. Whoever is president of the United States come the next 12 years, it will be a Trump card for a free world.
I sense Mitt Romney lurking in the wings. Another possible fill-in, Newt Gingrich.
Mary – I believe Romney has tossed any chance he had overboard with his Globalist stance, as for Newt, he talks well, but……..
Nemesis writes of a ‘ Trump card for a free world ‘ .
GS readers , I ask you, can any of you honestly say that after almost 4 years of Trump , do any of you feel MORE free ?
Under Trump, have we witnessed less You Tube / internet censorship ?
Under Trump, are any of us better off than we were 4 years ago (ie: improved job status , more savings , a larger superannuation nest egg that hasn’t been decimated by stock market collapses)?
Under Trump, are we freer or have we been subjected to arbitrary lockdowns that restrict freedom of association , freedom to engage in life’s pleasures ?
I put it to you that we are worse off on all measures .
And, should Trump be re-elected , we’ll be getting more of the same ( not that Biden will be any different – since they’re both reading from the same cabal dictated script ) .
I think you underestimate him…
sure… he is NOT the messiah! but… he was able to draw a crowd of over 6000 people recently to show them he can drink a glass of water with one hand!
he did that.. in less than 4 years…
imagine what else he is capable of!
just expand your thinking! 🙂
doesn’t matter anyway…
wont be any worse with another 4 years of trump than 4 years of biden..
all these people arguing over how bad the left is – or how bad the right is ,, or how bad antifa is – or how bad boogaloo is – just doing the real baddies work for them…
too busy fighting over pretend enemies.. to be fighting the real enemy.
our real enemy is neither left wing or right wing… and it doesnt matter who wins the next (s)election.. in the USA the UK or here in Oz..
I dont know and I dont care who “wins” –
i know who the losers are gonna be though…
Truth and Fair Dinkum = two of the most negative commentors when the name Trump gets mentioned while artfully avoiding acknowledging where we would all be at this point in time if ‘she’ had been elected.
They can’t see past their own noses when it comes to what Trump has thus far achieved!
being anti trump does not equate to being pro clinton nimrod
engage ur thinking
I have not even suggested what you attribute to my thinking.
and just for the record nimrod…
I was pleased when i heard trump beat clinton..
although i could hardly believe it…
i was pleased that evil woman wasnt elected…
so now how do i fit in your little niche allocation ?
– ffs nemesis ( youre only a nemesis to yourself btw –
engage your thinking… understand that just because i am critical of the current POTUS – i was just as critical of the previous one..
i am critical of all whom I believe deserving of criticism.. regardless of what side of politics they are on… so all your baseless assertions that i am some sort of communist… are a figment of your delusional imagination..
if you need to rent another clue.. let me know.. i am a charitable bloke when i see those in desperate need.
id say… get a grip… but that might be the problem… try to relax dude…. loosen the grip… and engage ur thinking! 😛
You make a lot of assumptions concerning my thinking. If I thought you had Marxist leanings I would put it to you.
Was that your operating business – Rent a Clue?
I only put up what I have learned – if you don’t like what I put up then as far as I am concerned you have three options:
Reject out of hand what I write about and move on. 2. Accept what I have written and add it to you memory bank. 3. Do you own research to validate what I write on.
There is always the fourth option that you seem to like sticking to – discredit, attack, ridicule, mock etc, etc without even providing a verifiable reason, apart from your own emotional reflexes, for doing so.
And if you actually lived up to the title you have chosen for yourself then you would be choosing option 3.
Have a nice day!
TV, “You can’t just tell the public.Sometimes, you have to show them.”
So are we better under Trump??? Where to begin….how about this for starters
TPP cancelled. Paris Climate Accord neutralised. Haven’t seen a chemtrail for many months. Pedo networks busted in record numbers. The WHO exposed and defunded. Gates and Fauci are now household names. Thanks to “The Covid-19 Lockdown” the world got a couple of months trial of full blown communism-and didn’t like it. (Thanks but NO Thanks), No new wars. Something very complicated going on with the FED and banking system. And perhaps the most difficult challenge to achieve, I’m noticing that people who I’ve unsuccessfully tried to Redpill are at least showing signs of the fog of propaganda thinning somewhat. That’s huge!
So ease up with your constant “Orange Man Bad” mantra. It’s getting boring. You’re behaving like a teenager who wants everything NOW without being wiling to work for it. Instant gratification. It’s all about waking up the sleeping masses, destroying the Deep State, regaining control of our planet from this insane cult which has been in charge for, like forever?? And all the while trying not blow the place up (or get assassinated)
This is not just another 4 year election. It’s for ALL THE MARBLES. Get it???
Phil – Truth tends to see the most negative aspects of this world that could be alleviated into a more positive outlook by simply looking at what ‘Q’ offers.
But he just can’t bring himself to do it.
If your reading this Truth, go to Stroppy Me on youtube – he puts up all the latest ‘Q’ posts and offers some insight or not, into their meaning.
The generally short posts – around 15 minutes – will put that smile back onto your face in not time!
The ‘Q’ posts are now into the 4500, so you’ll have some catching up to do.
Phil , you wrote : ” You can’t just tell the public.Sometimes, you have to show them.”
Agreed. I’m tired of the rhetoric promising all manner of things ( like we’ll bring the troops home / prosecute Hillary etc) and nothing EVER happens.
Time for some action.
You wrote : ” Paedo networks busted in record numbers”.
Ned sent me some links to articles showing charges being laid against paedos .
Did those that were charged end up getting prosecuted & gaoled OR ….. did the just slip off the front page & get released on a technicality ?
How many were high placed cabal affiliated degenerates that were locked up ? I suspect not a single one.
Prove me wrong. Give me some high profile Rothschild inner circle satanic ritual abusers that they’ve caught.
Hmmm ….. just as I thought.
Just a few more garden variety rock spiders that are rounded up every year – no more, no less.
More importantly , assuming some did indeed get prosecuted successfully, how do the numbers compare to any previous years ?
Paedos have been getting exposed from time immemorial & every so often there would be a ‘network of miscreants ‘ exposed under all administrations and in all countries.
Is there ANY proof that more have been locked up under Trump than in any previous administration ?
I have seen NO such evidence.
You wrote : ” Thanks to “The Covid-19 Lockdown” the world got a couple of months trial of full blown communism-and didn’t like it ” .
Well guess what ? You’ve seen nothing yet.
The corrupt msm barely goes a few days without mentioning a ‘ Second Wave ‘ of the Covid coming back in the northern hemisphere autumn .
That’s some predictive programming we should pay attention to.
Think about it.
The cabal knew that there would be some push-back & U.S 1st amendment drive for freedom of association / religion etc & that people would demonstrate for an end to the lockdown .
So, you bring in a new & more lethal virus later in the year ( call it a mutation of the original but it’ll actually be a brand new triple potency version ) , & then the cabal & their media lackeys will say : ‘ See, we told you to listen to us wise overlords & stay indoors but you didn’t listen .
Now you’re all dropping dead. I told you so !! ‘ .
Trump, or Biden have no say in the matter.
Whoever is elected in November will follow the cabal dictated script because Ron Paul aside , there has not been a potential candidate with real GUTS in a generation .
I keep hammering on because I pose REAL QUESTIONS which you , ‘ Q ‘ & the rest have NO answers for .
It’s always …… ‘ just wait , it’s coming ‘.
But, it never does .
Phil you said : ” Something very complicated going on with the FED and banking system ” .
Actually, something exceedingly simple is going on with the Fed.
They are digitally creating money which is bailing out zombie companies ( buying their junk bonds & getting direct subsidies) , that should have gone bust a long time ago .
These zombie companies are of course cabal cronies & Trump campaign donors so this monetisation by the Fed is more of the ‘ Privatise profits and Socialise losses ‘ philosophy that has been going on for years.
Let me spell it out in simple terms :
Trump is presiding over the greatest wealth transfer of wealth from the middle class to the 0.01 % in human history.
Crystal Clear – nothing complicated about it .
Years ago it was supposedly admitted by an insider (or speculated on by an outsider) that Robert Maxwell did not fall off his yacht. Rather, the Mossad, who needed him killed, had a rubberized set of hooks that they threw up onto the deck railing, so as to hoist themselves aboard after midnight, and complete the job.
Come to think of it, they probably approached the yacht in a submarine.
Mary – and well done to the ‘whoever’ got rid of that sack of human crap. His daughter is no better.
My feeling is that Ghislaine never had choices. Probably “E” didn’t either. (I don’t dare say the name.)
Maybe you’re right, but at some point in everyone’s life, choices matter, GM and JE were very close at one time. They knew only too well that what they were doing was wrong on so many levels.
I wonder where she is hiding out today after JE ‘suicide’?
The Globalist/Deep State has tentacles everywhere, so she must be well hidden.
Is it proven beyond doubt that he is actually dead ? And if so what happened to the “if I’m dead … ” video.
bg – does it really matter if JE is dead? All the evidence of his atrocities during his time in this world have been adequately recorded as verifiable evidence, not only against him, but also against those he was employed to control through blackmail, and those who controlled him.
Assange has all the goods on him and his blackmailed clients. That is why Assange is a protected asset for the Trump admin.
As for that video – JE was imprisoned in DeBlasio’s town, maybe he knows where it is?
Twenty three hours a day in solitary & experiencing life long psychological impairment .
Yes , I’m sure Assange is grateful for Trump’s ‘protection’ .
Can you think of a safer place?
I wish Trump was able to stay in office as long as it takes to legitimately and completely “Drain the Swamp”!!!
Bryan – sometimes wishes do come true.
Bryan , I’m curious , when will Trump START the process of swamp draining , seeing as he has nothing to show for it well into his 4th year in office ??
Secondly. seeing as he’s added GREATLY to the swamp since the day of his inauguration , wouldn’t it have been a better idea to NOT ADD TO IT in the first place ?
It’s like the analogy of a Gore Vidal book titled : Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace ‘ .
Trump has added untold numbers of parasitic government employees to the Federal payroll during his tenure.
Surely by now, you must be able to see through this Trump ‘ double-speak ‘ worthless rhetoric ?
Only one man knew how to truly drain the swamp :
Its time you met a new ally in this war. Actually, i am sure some of you may know of him. His name is Israel Shamir. His knowledge is vast. He is respected across the planet: from Russia to the US and to the UK. he constantly changes tack, which utterly confuses the enemy. see for your self: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwJWXQccNjHWpsHZdNdmgkhjnWV
Long time coming. Why now after decades of Masonic protection.
Is it to discredit corruption here only to replace it with corrupted international?
I have mentioned Dustin Nemos in a positive light previously.
Here are a couple of very short videos that reinforce my instinct
Do Black Lives Matter at Planned Parenthood? (She knows)
Truth Bombers Ahoy – All Lives Matter
I was also pleased to see that Dustin also just reposted a Project Veritas video about faecesbook ultra-ziofacist censorship
Phil (about 20 comments above) that’s a very good effort but you know some people, like Bill Shorten for example, are so focussed on themselves that they don’t care if they are working for the other side.
Thanks bg, but I don’t get what Shorten has to do with anything. He’s one of the cult and also, totally irrelevant. Talking about the deluded, brain-washed but not evil normies. I know, most of them are my friends and relatives it seems…….
Yes indeed! Got a few myself, LOL!
Well Bill Shorten is simply a device, to avoid specifying any one person on this blogg, and thereby gaining myself “unwanted attention”.
Don’t worry about my bias, I mostly pay out on Abbott, who appointed the dodgy guy to the high court and gave a medal to Prince Philip. (I’ll stop there)
56 says “the CCP have bought the world” and others say Trump has ‘nationalised’ the Fed.
So without references to analyse, I just can’t reconcile these statements with the role of Blackrock.
From the article on The Unz Review: “Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid” by Ellen Brown:
“BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages the spigots to trillions of bailout dollars from the Federal Reserve. The fate of a large portion of the country’s corporations has been put in the hands of a megalithic private entity with the private capitalist mandate to make as much money as possible for its owners and investors; and that is what it has proceeded to do.”
And as always, there are many observant and informed commenters on Unz
Excellent Fish. And to think there were some people on GS who were actually touting Trump teaming up with BlackRock’s Larry Fink as a good thing .
What sort of Orwellian double-think are these people mesmerised by where , one of the worst cabal swamp creatures ( Larry Fink ) is held up as virtuous ?
vampire squid?
gonna need a bigger boat!
& re elite paedo connections…
_ just relax folks… its all part of the plan, enjoy the show._
Dinkum , the ‘ off-guardian ‘ article you posted above is a dinkum ripper .
I’ve read a few articles from the author of it (Edward Curtin) in the past which were worthwhile but he’s outdone himself here.
A few choice bits from that article :
” The current president, Donald Trump, is the choice of one faction of these [Deep State] psychopaths. This year, Joseph Biden, is the shaky presumptive choice of the other. Both are deranged puppets. Regular people fight over who is better or worse because they are living inside what Jim Garrison called ‘the doll’s house ‘ .
When one group within the deep-state won the internecine battle in 2016 and “shocked” the country with the election of the comical Trump, the other deep-state group called the Democrats, immediately set in motion a plan to try to oust him or to make it seem as if they were trying to do so.
Trump was cast as the personification of evil. A relentless attack on Trump began and has continued all this time. It is pure theatre.
He knows how to perform his role. He is a fine actor. He outrages, spews idiocies, as he is supposed to do. That Mussolini style stance, that absurd hair, the pout. Just perfect for an arch-villain. It’s so obvious that it isn’t. Herein lies the trick.
And who profits from his policies? The super-rich, of course, the power-elite.
Who just stole 6-10 trillion dollars of public money under the hilariously named Cares Act ? The super-rich, of course, the deep-state.
It was a bi-partisan bank robbery from the public treasury carried out under the shadow of Covid-19, whose phony hyped up numbers were used to frighten the populace into lockdown mode as the Republican and Democratic bank robbers smiled in unison and announced forcefully, “We care!” We are here to protect you.
Now Obama’s war-loving side-kick, the pale-faced, twisted talking Biden is seriously offered as an alternative to the Elvis impersonator in the White House. This is the false left/right dichotomy that has the residents of the doll’s house in its grip ” .
All Trump ( & Dem ) supporters should read that last line again until it sinks in.
‘ The FALSE left/right dichotomy that has residents of the doll’s house in its grip ‘ .
All of you that think that Trump ( or Biden or ANY politician that comes through the ranks ) is going to save America and the world , each and EVERY one of you is a resident of the doll’s house and ALL of you are in ‘ their ‘ (the cabal’s) grip .
I always thought that the select few created the CCP billionaires and as a result pulled the strings there. As it rolls, on the streets of Sydney, the mega luxury vehicles driven by communist party elite outnumber the usual suspects 10 to 1. Maybe that’s not the case in other global cities, but that’s my observation here. Our overlords should be watching their rear so that the CCP doesn’t copy their sleight of hand check mate manoeuvres and double cross the hand that empowered them. As it is, “the beast has given power to the dragon.”
Either way, an utterly dismal lockdown reality.
“the select few created the CCP billionaires and as a result pulled the strings there”
Thank you 56 – that makes more sense – the CCP as a tentacle, not the head of the snake.
I think it’s incontrovertible that the CCP (and all the other “revolutions” in Asia) were created and controlled by the same oligarchy that owns and controls the rest of the “civilised” World; it’s just a matter of tactics. The Fabian strategy was adopted for the “Western World” because revolution would invite resistance. In the Orient Fabianism wouldn’t work because their entrenched culture was not inclined to “gradual change”.
I still say and hope that the quietly resolute Chinaman, if or when, he says “we’re not playing this game any more” will be the catalyst for a renewal of civilisation.
What people don’t appreciate is the vast amounts of money involved in all this power. In money terms Trump is a peanut, but he has the US army behind him. In that sense the Trump presidency is a bloodless coup. The vast amounts of money “Black Rock” or “Bezos” or “Gates” etc commandeer are small compared to the old money which is has been in and around Switzerland for centuries. When you argue about all these new money outfits with their dodgy connections to the Carribean etc, you are talking about branding. Everything is infiltrated and rebranded. Sure the CCP is probably infiltrated too, otherwise why would we have the infiltrated green movement shutting down emissions while China freely adds coal fired power stations as fast as it can. People have to see past the branding and even their fixation with the Zionists. The Zionists may be the scapegoat of the entire operation. Just as an aside, we criticise the Zionists about their 3000 year old idea of “terra nullius” while others have gained from “terra nullius” much more recently. The fuzzy wuzzies in West Papua don’t get half the compassion in Melbourne that the natives of Judea do, though I once read the Palestinians were originally from Crete anyway. This is not a defence of Zionists, this is an attempt to point out that there are larger forces who hide behind changing brand names. By the time the public has found out about Davos or whatever, they will have already moved on.
Trump is an ant in comparison to all of this. If I were Trump, the pressure would be too much, I would just sell out or get out, but I guess he has his support base.
It may be that absolutely everything is contrived, like Big Time Wrestling, no red pill, no blue pill, no green pill, no way out, every single institution could be upheld by wrong beliefs. It seems we only have one roll of the dice and that’s Trump and the US Army. Don’t forget the US virtually invented Free Speech in the modern world, apologies to Voltaire. Give the US a little bit of credit.