Home News Eusociality, Part 5: Jerrybuilt in the Pleistocene and Loving It

Eusociality, Part 5: Jerrybuilt in the Pleistocene and Loving It


(L) Religion, Photo: churchofjesuschrist.org  (C) Paul Craig Roberts, Photo: phideltatheta.org (R) alpha male gorilla, Photo: alamy stock in theguardian.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

The concept of eusociality has to do with the coordinated behavior of members of a society. How are members of bee or ant society so well coordinated?  It is genetic.  In humans it is not genetic — individuals make their own decisions about what to do. Sometimes they have an overlord making them carry out the overlord’s wishes, but this is not genetic.

Part 4 of this series dwelt on Ideals. I hypothesized that a “thingie” in the brain allows us to pick up the theme of our culture. We do so by reference to an ideal.  The ideal makes us feel good; we are eager to uphold it. We think the ideal is a highpoint of reality, even though it is but an invention, and possibly a quite vague one!


Today my argument, in Part 5, is that “we are what we are.”  Sociobiologist EO Wilson said, in his 1978 book On Human Nature, that we were “jerrybuilt in the Pleistocene.”  The Pleistocene is the name given to the last ice age when glaciers covered much of the surface of the earth, before 11,000 years ago.  Jerrybuilt means thrown together — various human traits evolved as adaptations to different environmental circumstances.

An easy example of a human adaptation is the pair-bond of male and female. It occurs in some bird species and a few mammals. You can be pretty sure the “cause” of it is the advantage gained by offspring– they thrive better when two parents are on duty.

Donald E Brown’s 1991 book, Human Universals, lists over 200 cultural practices that are found in every culture. Here are some of them:

age status, attachment, childhood fear of strangers, coalitions, coyness display, customary greetings, dominance and submission, ethnocentrism, family, food sharing, gossip, healing the sick (or attempting to), close kin distinguished from distant, language employed to manipulate others, proper names, promises, rape proscribed, resistance to dominance and to abuse of power (!) sexual jealousy, territoriality, trade, and visiting.

I assume that the universality of these behaviors means that they grew out of our DNA. Thus, we can’t help being empathetic, use customary greetings, or make promises. And on top of the biological inclination, there is a cultural set-up for these things. For instance, there will be a local norm or routine for food sharing and for the use of proper names.

Loving It

I think we come equipped with emotions that make us enjoy our human behaviors. And looking around at the accomplishments of many generations, we are proud of humanity.  Shakespeare went so far as to say, in Hamlet:

“What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason!  how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals!”

As you may guess, there is a topical reason why I am reviewing our human self-satisfaction.  It is to raise the issue of today’s belief in the benefit of changing our human nature. I ask: if God made us “noble in reason” and “the beauty of the world,” should we really start tampering with the goods?

One of humanity’s achievements that I am personally proud of is the creation of law and the exposition of what justice consists of.  This body of knowledge was built up from the human’s natural sense of morality.  In Part 4 of this series, morality was briefly alluded to as the control that society has over the individual.

Occasionally, there may be a society whose boss makes rules that are repulsive. But mostly a group of humans will come up with a system that serves what people normally want. I want there to be a highway speed limit of 70mph, so a maniac won’t drive crazily at 100 mph. I want there to be enforced restitution, by a thief, of my stolen purse. I want folks to get credit for their work, be it art or heavy labor.

I want there to be law and justice and ways for people to change the law intelligently. I don’t want bullies to rule and I don’t want stupid ideas to take over. In short, I am satisfied with the well-known Rule of Law and public concern for human rights. I’m a happy camper. Are you, too?

So Who’s Deciding That We’ll Toss Our Humanity Out?

Part 4’s talk about Ideals was also about the current loss of our ideals. The everyday talk of moral uplift seems to be disappearing. Paul Craig Roberts in his 2021 Christmas Column, noted such recent changes in the US:

“In the days of my youth Christianity was still a potent force in America. It was part of most people’s lives, whether they were believers or not, and it regulated their behavior. That is why in Atlanta during the 1940s and 1950s we did not have to lock our door at night, and boys and girls could be gone all day without parental supervision and be completely safe. …

Liberty is a human achievement People were able to fight for liberty because Christianity empowered the individual… The power of Christian morality over behavior has faded substantially. Nevertheless, even today in the remains of our civilizational foundations many, if not most, people are still guided by Christian morality. As Christian tradition fades as the basis of behavior, barbarity will gather more strength and reign over us.

The other cornerstone of our culture is the Constitution. Indeed, the United States is the Constitution. Without the Constitution, the United States is a different country, and Americans a different people. This is why assaults on the Constitution by the regimes in Washington are assaults on America that are far worse than any assaults by terrorists.”

Why is barbarity suddenly allowed? Why is the authority of the Constitution itself being degraded by government and even by Academia? I am sure it is because of the Bozo’s. Call them by a different name if you want — I mean the globalizing “geniuses” such as Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. They openly state that we are moving towards a digitalized world. They openly proclaim the benefit — the benefit, mind you — of our relinquishing our individuality.

I have also heard this trend referred to as the China-fication of America. Granted, the Chinese government, communistic since 1949, has been more oppressive than the West, but it has not, until recently, gone in for digitalization.  However, since it already had oppressive control, politically, no individual’s voice could be heard objecting to such digitalization when it arrived.

Think of AI — artificial intelligence, and Transhumanism. Why don’t we hear more Americans saying “Absolutely No” to a trend that can wipe out human characteristics? My best guess, described in Part 4, is that a loss of our ideals has led to a form of powerlessness. Others have speculated that mass psychosis is involved. The two may be related — maybe mass psychosis is the loss of the “thingie” in the brain that makes ideals. That thing keeps us happily sacrificing some personal selfishness for a social good.

The Bozos Are Jerks

Eusociality, as Wilson says, has come about very rarely. It results in, say, an ant colony where the workers help their society. The high competence of that colony, acting as a veritable organism, may enable their conquest of other ant colonies. But so what?

The aforementioned Bozos, Schwab and Gates, wouldn’t know what the most desirable human society might consist if, would they? In fact, it’s never the case that a pair of individuals is able to think out all the factors needed to undertake a big social change. And these two Bozos think they can do it not only for their own cultures (American and Swiss) but for the human species!

They are jerks.  We should not be allowing anyone, anywhere, to take such momentous decisions “on our behalf.” If any aspect of human nature is to be altered, we need major discussion of the pros and cons. All interested parties should sit at the table.

It looks to me that it took two thousand years for western civilization to get its house in order.  And it took eons for the human body and brain to end up as we have it today. The proposed new changes should not be undertaken without lengthy debate and consideration.

Why Are the Bozos Pushing This Program?

No matter how smart the transhumanists may sound, or how amazing the plans for artificial Intelligence may be, I’m pretty sure the attractiveness of such things is not the driving motive of the Bozos. They have another reason to want us turned into drelbs. As Aldous Huxley said in his 1961 lecture, “There will be a ‘method of making people love their servitude … so that people will have their liberties taken away [and no] real desire to rebel.’

My hunch is that the typical zoological position of the alpha is at play. When a mammal leader reaches the top, he or she has a problem. He or she is endangered by wannabe’s. In the case of humans today, there are many at the top, not just Schwab and Gates. I suspect they’ve made a pact to support each other and repress everyone else. This is quite a big job and has been going on for decades.

I quote from a 1997 article by Alan Douglas and Michael J Sharp, “Mass Murder in Australia” — which tries to explain the role of Tavistock, an arm of British intelligence, in carrying out the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 (same year as the Dunblane massacre):

“Britain is the command center for world terrorism today…. the dozens of mass murderers who have ex­ploded into the world’s headlines over the last decade or so, constitute a special capability within the Crown’s arsenal [for] ‘blind terror’ campaigns, pioneered by the Tavistock Institute in London.

“Tavistock’s strategic mission is to replace a civilization of self-ruling, industrial nation-states with a ‘post-industrial,’ globalized world ruled by a tiny oligarchy. Toward this end, Tavistock specializes in what its own psy­chiatrists call ‘brainwashing’ — the use of stress-induced fear to artificially create neurotic states of mind, which may be programmed as desired….”

(Note: that was written 25 years ago!)

The Jerks Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

From my knowledge of the Port Arthur shooting, and the Sydney (non) siege, not to mention the Boston Marathon bombing and the Sandy Hook (non) massacre, there’s little doubt that either Tavistock or a likeminded organization does go around trying to turn mature people into scared rabbits.

This is a good sign.  I mean it is good that the jerks are so scared that they have to do all this.  And it is a good sign that they chose a wrong strategy, a method so very vulnerable to debunking. (They love to publish a “debunking” of conspiracy theories, such as mine, but I — like others — have debunked the daylights out of them.)

I wonder if the alleged  “great progress” the jerks have made, in the above-mentioned fields of transhumanism and AI, are untrue.  That kind of scare story, about the alteration of your progeny’s DNA, may be on a par with the scare story of a Martin Bryant or Adam Lanza. “Just another hoax, Folks.”

Still, they do have the physical means of poisoning the whole population.  Do you know that in 1932 when HG Wells wrote “The War of the Worlds” — which Orson Welles read out on radio — it contained an internal war against America? Poison smoke was sent out over the city of New York and simultaneously “cylinders of poison” arrived, unexplainably, in other cities!

Another good sign: the Bozos have been doing their planning since the 1920s and 1930s but now, after a century, they’re still tweaking it. I hear you say that the Pfizer vax is killing thousands. Yes, but the 1976 swine fly (attempt at genocide) and the AIDS pandemic were meant to be biggies but they fizzled out. The Bozos lacked the moxie, the mettle, the je ne sais quoi, to see it through. (Thank you, Bozos. Do not take Viagra.)

For the record, I also heard, ages ago, that the year 1984, sketched by George Orwell was actually a target year for the takeover, but a French leader somehow blew it. (Can’t recall if it was Francois Mitterrand or Valery Giscard d’Estaing.) And that the bombing of the SS Liberty in 1967 was to be the trigger for a nuclear war against Egypt, but the sailors on the Liberty weren’t having it.

Old Man Satan

Never mind. I don’t want to wax too optimistic.  Much horror is happening. The latest trick is to try to make Satan look nice. This has been creeping into popular culture for the last 40 years or so, but is speeding up now. Aleister Crowley was pleased to call himself “the most evil man in the world.” Think about his clever “doctrine” — “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.”  Geez. What a give-away: douse your guilt by saying that your morally outrageous behavior is good.

I am told that many of the way-high-ups really take Satanism to heart like a religion.  They treat their magic stuff as a liturgy, or whatever, proving to me that the yen for religion is biological.



  1. It seems to me that the kind of peole who attempt to understand the nature of ‘Man’, invariably would not know another human if one bit them on the arse.

    But here is a bit of info on hard-wired human behaviour that you won’t find in the books… just watch two people agree on something and you will find they both smile, compulsively.

    That is because we are hardwired to agree whenever we have access to the same information. This is known to us as consensus.

    However, elitists insist peole naturally do not agree. “Half will say yes and half will say no” they claim, always making sure their test groups have access to entirely different information.

    Even thoufg I have actively researched and tested this behaviour since 1999, critics will reject this without actually testing it. Not necessary thay say, it is self-evident. That is what you get when you live in a society built on belief systems, and which views evidence with suspicion.

  2. “… people are still guided by Christian morality. As Christian tradition fades as the basis of behavior, barbarity will gather more strength and reign over us.”

    I do believe PCR has been reading and listening to President Putin (still hoping the pendulum has not swung)

    “Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”


    • President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.


    So all we need to do is find out who is determined to eradicate Christianity and put a stop to these parasites.

    … reading on …

    • and remember this one…

      “But veneration is inherent in the human breast. Presently mankind, emerging from intellectual infancy, began to detect absurdity in creation without a Creator, in effects without causes. As yet, however, they did not dare to throw upon a Single Being the whole onus of the world of matter, creation, preservation, and destruction. Man, instinctively impressed by a sense of his own unworthiness, would hopelessly have attempted to conceive the idea of a purely Spiritual Being, omnipotent and omnipresent.

      Awestruck by the admirable phenomena and the stupendous powers of Nature, filled with a sentiment of individual weakness, he abandoned himself to a flood of superstitious fears, and prostrated himself before natural objects, inanimate as well as animate. Thus comforted by the sun and fire, benefited by wind and rain, improved by hero and sage, destroyed by wild beasts, dispersed by convulsions of Nature, he fell into a rude, degrading, and cowardly Fetissism, the faith of fear, and the transition state from utter savagery to barbarism.”

      From The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam by Richard Francis Burton

      or to paraphrase … “The difference between a Savage and a Barbarian is Religion.”

    • “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

      For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
      MATHEW 16: 24 – 25

      Point being that, irrespective of appearances, no humanly devised solution or system can save anyone from anything

  3. Thank you Mary – what a gift you have for articulating such thoughts.

    I had just finished reading the following article and downloading my latest gem (link below) and could not believe how relevant it is to your latest article – so just sharing this while I read on.

    • Gerard Shelley (aka George Shell) – “The Speckled Domes: Episodes of An Englishman’s Life In Russia” (1925)


    A couple of passages that I highlighted …

    ‘I realised that the fearful things attributed to Rasputin were, in many cases, the actual doings of his accusers. Perhaps no man in history has been so furiously calumniated’ (P. 53).

    [I wonder how many other great men in history that such [Marxist/Swissy] projection applies to – “always accuse your victim/target of the crimes you yourself have committed” [loose transcription].]

    ‘She [the Empress Alexandra] declared: ‘Petrograd society is rotten! There is hardly a soul to be relied on…The nobles and merchants were rotten. They had lost faith and worshipped materialism. They were untrustworthy, anarchical, evil-living …’ (P. 62)

    Can’t wait to read on …


  4. “Poison smoke was sent out over the city of New York and simultaneously “cylinders of poison” arrived, unexplainably, in other cities!”

    And remember when Churchill vowed to “drench” Germany in poison gas (Mike King article mirrored here …)


    This was quite apart from his [documented] order to release Anthrax over Germany – an order which was later rescinded under pressure from his generals [Ron Unz – American Pravda: Understanding World War II]

    Stop it Mary!! …

  5. Poison – poison – poison …

    • New Film: The Jewish Plot to Murder Germany by Poisoning Water Supplies (now COVID?)


    Déjà vu…

    • The Jewish plot to kill six million Germans (yes it was very real)


    [Problem – reaction – solution – invent the problem (manufacture victimhood), plan the reaction and implement the final solution – and then moralise and gloat about it … ]

    Meanwhile …

    • Video: Israel poisons Gaza’s water, refuses access to UN mitigation team


  6. “Alan Douglas and Michael J Sharp – “Britain is the command center for world terrorism today” … “

    Isn’t that interesting – I recall seeing and hearing David Koch [Cough-Cough] (I no longer support Port Power by the way) explaining on live TV to Pauline Hanson that “the majority of domestic terrorism is committed by White supremacists”. (He was making the most out of the Christchurch false flag I recall.)

    And then there is this … Ron Unz would imply that indeed Britain is just their command centre, technically – but they are in the process of relocating headquarters …

    (technically Douglas and Sharp are correct – those damned Brits! – someone should tell them what Boris Johnson is up to!!)

    • American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations – The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?
    – Ron Unz

  7. Mary,
    Great writing as always, thank you.
    Our children will own nothing, and we are not happy, is what we are experiencing now. Tonight the big jet airliners have been landing every five minutes since late afternoon. Some thing has the data on who these people are. It is a replacement, and it’s been going on during the whole plandemic.
    The real terrorism is not a fake virus, but contaminated vaccines with synthetic parasites that self assemble, self replicate and multiply inside some body.
    The serpents are promising illumination peace and prosperity as they are delivering destruction poverty and hell on earth. Communist China is controlled by the Rothschilds with associates, and using the tools of free trade have reduced all five eye nations into bankrupt welfare states. It is the crown Rothschild virus, controlling the CCP. The Pilgrims Society Burroughs Wellcome & Company has morphed into Glaxo Smith Kline and are working with China’s Clover Biopharmaceuticals. Using nanotechnology, through radio frequencies via energy directed at computer chips implanted. Together with vaccines, they are enforcing the trancehuman agenda.
    What we have now are techno gulags, with people working at home if lucky to have a typing job, mandated restrictions on travel, tracked traced monitored and rationed, dependant on income, with self-employment and middle class destroyed and replaced by Rothschild monopolies.
    As our homeless youth awaken on the streets, in the land of plenty, refugees and immigrants take the service jobs. Each person a creature with identification number connected to the data on the master file (now being built at former ABC site at Gore Hill).

    • I thought you were supposed to be a carpenter, Ant 56.

      Thanks for the plane-every-five minutes data. That would be over 80,000 flights a year, times X number of passengers per flight….

      I suspect the Tony Ryan solution is the only way to go.

      • Ant, I read in a biblical-revisionism journal years ago that it’s now thought that Joseph may not have been a carpenter, nor Jesus, as the Hebrew (or maybe it was Aramaic) word for carpenter — sounds like “nahgah” — means clever person.

        As in, you have to be clever to be carpenter.

      • The flights are not all day everyday, but mainly at night and around dawn.
        Oh, how I yearn to be just a little clever, but really am just a fool stuck in this mega ‘smart’ dystopian sin city. Please don’t underestimate woodworkers, commonly known in the trade as the builders builder. A noble craft, from set out to last lock and handle, often carpenters have the biggest responsibility but are least payed. Maybe it’s karma, or just that owners seem to run out of money by project completion. In many ways I’m stupid, yet still desire after long absence, to be sitting on a synthetic board in nature facing the horizon with back to land and sea to see.

        • It’s called Cantillon Effect, if you place yourself closer to the source of the money you get more. So architects are first in line, and all the architects who didn’t have uncles to help them, had to go into the local government planning department and become planners, there they work in league with practicing architects to suck out as much money as possible from each project, when finally they have sucked out enough they pass it to engineer, builder, plumber and electrician to get what they can, finally the unlicensed trades turn up to do the actual work. So you see the running out of money is no coincidence, it is a design feature built in right at the start,it starts in the university, where “Architecture and Planning” is under one roof.

          • I really like the previous two comments. If one thinks about what has been said in those comments and has lived a while it is logical.

            The labourer and the tradesman are the lowest paid per hour of any project. Even the shire plan approver who spends little time and very little physical effort in accepting the plan is in the higher pay bracket. Even the shire building inspector who often does not attend the work site is higher paid.

            Trades like carpentry have gone out of fashion as local training and local persons are required to provide the finished product. When you switch to plastics and metal as substitutes to wood, all can be imported from competitor countries where wage costs, health and safety issues are not much lower.

  8. This is a complete digression and I told myself to hold my tongue, but it IS related to parts of this article. I watched this earlier and was so dumbfoundedly speechless at the inanity of these presenters and their guest – oops, gave my bias away.

    See if you can pick their complete lack of knowledge of history and current geopolitics …

    • Will It Take a Taiwan Invasion to Wake Us Up?

    Stunning – stupefying !!


    (I would have left a comment but it probably would have been removed and such sites are really only meant to be echo chambers anyway … such is the human condition.)

    • (I would have left a comment but it would have been removed and such sites are really only meant to be echo chambers anyway … such is the human condition.)
      … at 6:00 he talks about America’s strength [which he is very proud of] being to have people to go and work with countries … and say “what can we do to help you as a country … [not like China!!) “
      Iraq – Libya – Afghanistan – Yugoslavia – Syria … came to mind.

          • Amerika/Amarka – the worlds policeman

            Some of my research on Gaia/Amarka/Statue of Liberty

            The Statue of ‘Liberty’

            Rev.17:17 “For God gave it into their hearts to do his mind – to act in one mind – and to give their kingdom to the beast. And the woman whom you saw is the great city [New York = 666 in english gematria] having a kingdom over the kings of the Earth [Canaanite owned Banks/UN]
            Page 305 of the paper back version of The Two Babylons

            From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]

            Omorka:”The mother of the world”. From am, “mother”, and arka, “earth”. The first letter, aleph, in both words often pronounced as o. Thus the ponunciation of a in Am, “mother”, is seen in the Greek ””, a “shoulder”.Am, “mother” comes from am “to support”, and from am pronounced om comes ”” the shoulder that bears burdens. Hence also the name Oma, “mother” as one of the names of Bona Dea. Oma is evidently the “mother”. See note K


            “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77

            “……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”

            “I sit as a queen and am not a widow”. “She is the express image of the beast that had the wound by the sword and did live”. See page 63 of “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop. “Before 72 judges in Egypt, he, Nimrod was found guilty and put to death. His dead body was cut into pieces and different parts were sent to different cities around the country. This was done to be a terror to any who might after tread in his steps. From then paganism had to operate in secret, thus the “Mystery Babylon” under seal of secrecy and oath was born”.

            and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4

            “……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.

            How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”


  9. Need to get back to the Eyeties of Connecticut (putative).

    Look, men, if your ego is in charge here, why not put your Italy befire your Mafia. You have a great heritage. Lasagne was made in heaven wasn’t it?

    Blind loyalty is stupid anyway. Who would have foreseen Andrew’s slide last summer when he was holding court every noon re the ventilators?

    No one is safe. Yay!

    • According to the theories of “drain the swamp”, individuals will throw each other under the bus. Pelosi already announced retirement and Fauci is looking shaky. Now, it will be interesting to see if this phenomenon extends to the frequently mentioned “jews” of whom there are plenty. US politics is more layered than the Australian version, and people in Australia are sedated by a steadily rising economy. But in the US energy often translates into little more than turbulence, because of all the restraints and constraints, most of them concealed but well known ones include the bottom-up (grass roots) system and the constitution, which everyone there is indoctrinated into. Recalcitrants such as West Virginia, a state with barely any pedigree, perhaps lowlier than even Arkansaw if that’s possible, can bring down an entire “Build Back Better” scheme of money laundering.
      So anyway as I have said before, to learn who is a “jew” we have to define what is a “jew” and not just compulsively cut and paste every link on David Irving, Ron Unz, Churchill.was.a.monster.com etc. Then we have to work out specifics, eg. did Bezos’ wife leave because she could see the iceberg on the horizon ? Will Zucker be next, as international states present him with massive fines and penalties ?
      I would guess the “jews” are smarter than the Italians, the latter possibly rely too much on the direct inheritance system, as well as “muscle”, so primitive. Jews seem to be more focussed and probably have evolved a sort of diversified inheritance system where support is available from the “clan” but therefore based more on a meritocracy than the direct bloodline.
      However, they do seem to be mostly employed as servants, and have no historical centre of founding capital. There are claims about Babylon but my feeling is the place was more like a glorified oasis, a red herring thrown our way by the real powers, who remain well concealed. It’s too easy to point as Rotschilds, whose “meteoric” rise over 300 short years could only have been engineered by deeper forces. Rockerfellas also point to remarkably humble beginnings and a mix of obsessive enterprise and right-place-right-time good luck. It seems very unlikely that this was all that was involved.
      Speaking of US politics, Mein Trumpf is desperately fighting off the MSM who are now clearly packaging him up with the dreaded anti-va666ers. Fancy being reluctant to shoot yourself up with junk.
      So we have two versions of Trump, one is that he is covertly working for BigPharma, “jews” etc., and the other that he is a politician desperately trying to maintain his lead. As always the solution is in good information, not censorship and propaganda, so the Alt-News takedown of MSM continues and hopefully over the coming year the business model of the MSM will be ripped to shreds, and the owner / producer pedo networks controlling the MSM will all be outing each other in the courts.

  10. Fish, did you atten the symposium at Elder Hall in 2015 for the centenary of the Braggs (father and son) getting the Nobel Prize for X-ray crystallography?

    They showed an old film of Lawrence being interviewed. The question was “Did they just include your name on it to give the prize some youth, even though Sir William really did the work?”

    Said he: “Oh no, Daddy didn’t do it. I did it.”

  11. Here’s a quite good article (in my humble opinion) of the conflicts between various elements in our society. As you read it you will realize that the Globalists are having to exercise more and more ‘force’ to try and shift events towards their agenda. At the same time that increasing force is having an increasing shift in the consciousness of the masses.


    • The actual injections agenda forms quite a small slice of the total, it’s almost dismissed.
      But we also see this:
      “as the experiments of the brilliant Dr. William Tiller show, a conscious observer may “bend reality to his will” by holding a focused intent, the effect of which can be quantified and even amplified if that intent is held by multiple people at the same time.”
      This parallels the dominant “belief in virus” that some reader / contributors in this blogg struggle so hard with. Whether viruses are airborne or generated in cells or both is now bordering on irrelevant because of the MSM induced fear of airborne death, backed by politicians with their dust mask mandates, enforced by THUGS and RIOT-PIGS.
      Even the frequent mainstream calls of “the new variant is harmless” are strangled by agents such as the devious Fauci who dismembers the data with comments such as “it is so highly transmissible that it could be more dangerous in total”.

      • 6uild
        See what I did there w3?
        I have been reading gs for years and I rarely comment but I had to reply to you as in regards to the jab being only a small part of a much larger project. My major study is parapsychology, unfortunately being born with the ability to connect to the otherworld and make things go all poltergeisty. Scares me shitless to this day. My point being that I have been double va666ed and I feel neurological damage, and I think this was one of the reasons they are forcing the jab. Suppressing and ridiculing the paranormal while simultaneously spending millions and decades researching the very things they are poo pooing. This is spiritual. Much more I could add. Looking forward to seeing more of your input.

        • Yes I hope I am occasionally bridging some gaps so the casual reader can break through from the contrived reality of TV etc to the broader one, I leave it to others to get into the really deep stuff, I am just at a sort of advanced bogan level and not aiming too much higher in this existence.
          All the same I wonder do you think the mind operates a bit like a mobile internet and if you were taken to another planet you might find you suddenly ran out of new ideas and couldn’t remember all sorts of things (like words for example).

  12. Thank you Terry a very timely article for me –it suits my intent- to Stand in my own Power, by raising my consciousness and awareness. ——-and then to take action ??!!

    Ahhh –this article has shaped my day–inspired my intentions–to make a banner

    -some quotes from the article that resonate–quantum physics -quantum healing-the holographic universe—-

    “While true power emanates from consciousness itself, force is driven by the ego.

    “The answer, perhaps, lies in Bohm’s area of expertise – quantum physics. As Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle teaches us, you cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of an object and, therefore, our seemingly “solid” reality is proven to be non-determinable[1].

    And as the experiments of the brilliant Dr. William Tiller show, a conscious observer may “bend reality to his will” by holding a focused intent, the effect of which can be quantified and even amplified if that intent is held by multiple people at the same time.

    William A. Tiller, a physicist at Stanford University dedicated over four decades of his life to investigating the effects of human intention on the properties of materials and what we call physical reality. His researchdiscovered that it is possible to effect a significant change to the properties of physical materials simply by holding a clear intention to do so.

    Interestingly, Tiller and his colleagues also discovered that it is possible to imprint or “store” an intention within an electronic device, which would then have the same effect on an object as that of a human consciousness holding the same intention. Tiller’s results have been consistently reproduced around the world.

    Bohm himself proposed a holographic model of the universe based on enfolded and unfolded states of being emanating from a common source beyond both the unmanifest and manifest realms.

    His scientific insight echoes the view of reality experienced by enlightened sages throughout the centuries. In Vedanta, the manifest world is called “Maya”, meaning “illusory reality” and it emanates from “Brahman”, the omnipresent sea of infinite potential[2].”

    “Those who use force to impose their will on humanity always succumb to power. As history has shown, all totalitarian regimes eventually come crashing down – not on account of some divine intervention, but because each of us is born with inalienable rights that are intrinsic to human creation.

    Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the transhumanist force implodes. However, the time it takes for that to happen is dependent on our ability to reduce disorder and increase power. A lower entropy consciousness means more energy available to do work which results in more power, freedom, happiness and love. As our power collectively grows, we create an immovable wall able to repel any and all negative influences and nefarious threats.”

    • Yes Diane, the article also resonated with me as it wove so many familiar concepts together. There was one sticking question it left me with. – this ‘transhumanism’ agenda, What if the Globalists are somehow trying to shift consciousness by their modification of the human brain? Could they somehow shift the consciousness enough that they could control the ‘power’ of the masses?

      Myself, I don’t think they could do it. I don’t see it happening, but it may be their ‘intent’

      Things to ponder, if worse comes to worse, then a Tony Ryan solution will be on the cards, it has gone that way so many times in human history that it has become a rule rather than an idea.

  13. Certainly the big environmental orgs have been infiltrated and subverted by the One World would-be controllers. But that does not obliterate the fact that humanity is inseparable from Nature, and the fact that the organism that destroys its environment, ultimately destroys itself. The increasing human overpopulation is on a course to, if not destroy, degrade nature. Multiple non-human species are going extinct and ecosystems are definitely being degraded.

    The awe and beauty we feel in nature, Plato believed, showed that it is divine.

    • Nature regenerates but industrial product just accumulates. Numbers are a problem in many places, famously Bangladesh and Yemen, but elsewhere much smaller populations are busily engaged in destroying nature using their technologies. As you say we will destroy ourselves, it seems this is what the injections are all about.

    • “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
      GENESIS 1:28

      The “overpopulation” mantra is a consequence of having no concept of replenishment, i.e. no concept of the nature or value of life

          • As replenishing and subduing are equally central to food production
            The consequences of reneging on either are plain

          • Birds of Parasites

            From The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, Collins-World Publishers

            CHAPTER 9

            That the commands of Moses concerning clean and unclean beasts, etc., were all designed for a spiritual significance.

            But why did Moses say, You must not eat of the swine, neither the eagle nor the hawk; nor the crow; nor any fish that has not a scale upon it? Because he comprehended three doctrines that were to be gathered in the understanding.
            So he says to them in the book of Deuteronomy, I will give my statutes to this people. Therefore it is not the command of God that they should not eat these things, but Moses in the spirit spoke to them.
            He forbade them to eat the sow, meaning: You must not join yourself to such persons who are like swine, who while they live in pleasure, forget their God; but when any lack pinches them, then they recognize the Lord; just as the sow when she is full does not acknowledge her master, but makes a noise when she is hungry, and being fed again, is silent.
            Neither, says he, will you eat the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the crow; that is, you must not keep company with the kind of men who do not know how to get themselves food by their labor and sweat, but injuriously steal the things of others and watch how to lay snares for them, when at the same time they appear to live in perfect innocence.
            So these birds alone seek not food for themselves, but sitting idle seek how they may eat the flesh others have provided, being destructive through their wickedness.

          • And here’s me thinking said prohibitions were simply based on the fact that diseases were much more likely to be transmitted via birds of prey & pigs than other fowl & animals and the fact that shell fish are water purifiers designed to absorb contaminants.

            Considering the fact that those concerned would have had virtually no knowledge of hygiene

          • Well the jest is a simple one, based on the fact that fish is the same in singular and plural, so I’m afraid your effort has fallen flat on a technicality. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  14. The reason that the official “pandemic” story is being largely swallowed can be summed up in one word: Comfort.

    The big lesson of the hour for everyone else is that anybody who allows any relationship with anybody else to supersede their higher instincts is destined to fall in the same pit.

    • For some reason this reply ended up at the end of the thread instead of a reply to ken, hopefully the posts are back in order.

      • These links to your old efforts are very handy. For seeing without eyes there is an old book called Zen and the Art of Archery I think it’s called if you haven’t heard of it. Just a thin book, about right for my attention span. As for the Rock of Gibraltar, I’ve never been there but it sounds like you have more of a story to come from there.

        • I’ve heard from a helicopter pilot that used to do ferry flights out to the ‘Rock’. His world has turned upside down now that someone could drive a bus to the Rock – like waking up in an alternative reality.

          I still don’t know what is going on and that bothers me. This phenomena is quite serious, you never know when something else is going to change. Like I said, there are a lot of very bright people with significant educational backgrounds that have come up with lots of theories, but nobody knows for sure what is going on. I want an OBJECTIVE answer to the question, but how in the Hell do you get an objective answer when objective reality is changing?

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