Home Maxwell Further to the Judge in the Marathon Case

Further to the Judge in the Marathon Case


by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Dear Judge O’Toole, Yesterday I made bold to send you an open letter re the Tsarnaev case, but now I see I was not bold enough. I was mealy-mouthed. I’m ashamed of myself. These are life-or-death matters. I am now going to say what I really think.

I think young Tsarnaev (and maybe the older boy, too, but he is not on today’s menu) was framed to be the Marathon bomber.” That’s all I’ll say by way of ‘proving’ the case, as no amount of data I could furnish would suffice. I simply think anyone looking at the case can see it’s not a matter of two brothers who got religion.

tsarnaev-motherTsarnaev’s mother

Ahem. “Anyone looking at the case” includes the judge, who must be familiar with whatever was on file before the case opened, and has heard all the witnesses and arguments.

Yesterday when I wrote, I asked if you could do anything to stop us all going down the big slippery slope.  I asked you to customize the instructions to the jury, to indicate that the FBI could be a player as well as a witness.

The slippery slope to which I refer is today’s loss of judicial control, especially over cases in which government is a player. (I could name you a dozen such cases.)

Even in the last 24 hours I have learned of more ‘slopery.’ A scientist in Denmark, Prof Neils Harrit, has lost his appeal of a libel case. I mean the appellate court declined to override the lower court’s dismissal. Thus, no one will get to hear Harrit’s excellent documentation. The defendant, a journalist, had called him a Crackpot for saying that WTC Building 7 did not collapse by fire.

Harrit said “I can prove that this aspersion is unfair.” But you see, Judge, no judge anywhere in the world is allowed to let a case go to the merits if it would reveal the greatest fakery of our time, Nine-Eleven. Harrit had to be stopped — judicially. The judge thus committed a big sin.

Would you agree with me that, if the reason for the Danish judge’s decision is to suppress anti-government data (i.e., truth about 9-11), he committed a sin?

Using my theory that society has natural checks and balances, I claim that the various institutions have to do their job, even if it means death. I now say to you – and I will be very sorry if it results in your grandchildren being deprived of a Grandpa — that it is up to you to take a deep breath and do the right thing in the Tsarnaev case.

There is very, VERY little detail coming out in the media from your courtroom. Granted, there were articles galore in the pre-trial stage when ‘journalists’ could natter on about whether the trial should be moved to another city, whether Dzhokhar smokes weed (answer: yes), whether the Imam would rewrite Sharia law, and other irrelevancies.

How about these questions: Did the accused know what was in his backpack? Can he, under cross-examination in court, quote chapter and verse of How to make a bomb?

Had he canvassed other options for making a big political statement about the wrongness of US’s Iraq war? Did he, say, think of loosening up the hinges of a roller coaster at Nantasket? Why did the brothers settle on the Marathon?

Is Islam his main identity in life? Does he identify as American? He got naturalized as a citizen on – of all dates – September 11th, 2012. Has he taken steps to express his disapproval of US foreign policy? He allegedly said (on the boat’s wall) “You hurt one, you hurt us all.”

Is he in the habit of going to political meetings? Is he sentimentally still “back in Chechnya”? (Actually he lived in Kyrgyzstan.) Is he bothered by the big NATO-versus- Russia thing? He sure doesn’t look like an activist to me.

When you and I were 21, we knew what our identity was. Presumably young Mr Tsarnaev also knows. Of course, a person can have more than one identity. I kept my sole identity as American for a long time here, before I got used to feeling Australian.

So what does Dzhokhar feel? He entered the US at age 9. He went to Cambridge Rindge and Latin. What did he see as his future? Why did he sacrifice everything? If we don’t get answers to this, many people will say that the standard formula “Islamic extremists are roving around like born killers” has been used to bamboozle us, when there is much more that is really going on here.

And what’s that nonsense about the brothers intending to go on to New York to bomb Times Square? Anyone who’s done enough research to be able to make a bomb would have noticed in the literature that there are cameras out there….

Judge O’Toole, the story does not make sense, period. “Jahar’s” escape in the SUV, at the scene of his brother’s shooting, is, in my opinion, unbelievable. And why hasn’t anybody even mentioned that he must have been in a state of shock in Watertown?  Losing a brother is a biggie.

Knowing that one is likely to be killed at any moment is also a biggie. The 20-year-old would have been out of his mind. Surely he wouldn’t have been writing philosophical graffiti on the boat. Come on, they’re pulling our leg.

You can say that, Judge. Even if it’s not the done thing to talk like that.  Even if it’s embarrassing.  Even if it would take every ounce of courage. You can say “Excuse me, this sounds highly implausible. Was it all scripted?”

You could ask Dzhokhar: What was his arrangement for post-boat safety? These young people are forever texting each other. Did he text anyone? Was he preparing to ask some friend for safe haven? How was he going to get supper that night? Did he feel guilty toward his parents?

Please see my article “Absurdities in the Tsarnaev Case,” which offers a comparison with Brian Nichols case in 2005. (It’s the case where the fugitive was tamed by a lady reading from “The Purpose Driven Life,” after he had murdered Judge Barnes in the courtroom. Yeah, right.)

I honestly am not particularly interested in Dzohokhar ‘Jahar’ Tsarnaev. I also wouldn’t worry that there’s occasional corruption of our public institutions. That’s life; it’s acceptable. But what I see around me now (assuming I am not imagining it, or grossly exaggerating it) is a trend toward fascism.

Sir, have you heard of Bill Windsor? He went on a trip around the contiguous 48 and interviewed, on Youtube, a thousand American folks who had encountered cruelty in court. Not cruelty from “the other party,” but from the judge. Yes.

It’s horrific and now Bill Windsor is in jail. Bail is set at 4 million bucks!  I didn’t read Orwell’s 1984 for nothing. Did you? I can see where this is heading. And is there any law school, or even any political science department at a university, making a stink about Bill’s incarceration? No.

As I said, Judge O’Toole, every institution has duties. Academia should be using intellectual resources to point to the danger of these trends. I have no way to write a letter to “academia,” but I can write one to you! So, with apologies for my brazenness, I say it’s your duty to put some sense into Case 13-10200. “The United States of America versus Dzhokhar A Tsarnaev.”

Beyond just giving salient instructions to the jury, I now recommend that you pose this question openly in court: DID THE ACCUSED HAVE ANY CONNECTION TO GOVERNMENT AGENCIES – Yes or No.

The Mom says Tamerlan did. It can’t be left unresolved.

Without the slightest doubt, the FBI was the arranger of the death of Malcolm X. (He even said so before he died.)

Without any doubt, the FBI arranged the bombing of the WTC basement in 1993. This is already on record. It is also as plain as anything can be, that one or more covert agencies arranged the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (126 dead, including babies).

The fact that these egregious actions get swept under the carpet is not because they didn’t happen. It’s just because human nature makes us try not to think about it. Well, that habit of ours is backfiring and someone has to step in.

Kenneth TrentadueKenneth Trentadue

Here is a photo of the corpse of Kenneth Trentadue, age 45, who had just become a Dad for the first time, a few months before his death. He died in jail, and, but for the efforts of his attorney brother, Jesse, it would have been written off as suicide (He was “found hanging in his cell.”)


Most people don’t stamp out ciggie butts on the soles of their feet before they hang themselves, do they?

In fact, the FBI tortured him to death in jail. Oddly, it seems that they had the wrong man. They thought he was a different guy, one named Guthrie, who knew too much about the Oklahoma City bombing (and who also died by a suicide hanging!). In any case, Kenneth’s widow sued for wrongful death and won an award of $1.1 million.

By the way, Judge, if you’re hearing these things for the first time, I am sorry to be the bearer of such terrible information to you. You can download my book at ProsecutionForTreason.com, if you need further data. Our government (or some hidden hand that has the use of our Pentagon) does even wilder things.

Back to the Trentadues. Kenneth’s brother Jesse sought access to take a deposition from Terry Nichols in jail. The Tenth Circuit said No. That really tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it?

Speaking of our appellate courts, can anyone think that Jay Bybee’s appointment to the Ninth Circuit was anything other than a reward for signing the 2002 torture memo? (Although he had no previous judicial experience, he flew like a bird right past the district court). I will place at the bottom of this letter a link to the best Youtube interviews with men whom we tortured in Iraq.

Judge George, right now, in April 2015, we are depending on you and you alone.

I ask you to stand up and be counted, or stand up and be clobbered, or whatever is needed to rescue the world from these horrors, which are in fact being caused by us. Fiat justitia, ruat caelum — pardon my French.

Here is the video “Shocking Stories of Abu Ghraib Prisoners”

Judge, the time has come. Tomorrow will be too late.

— Mary W Maxwell lives in Adelaide. She and Dalia Mae Lachlan are co-authoring a book, “Truth in Journalism.”

The Open Letter to Judge O’Toole




      • Ned, so give my regards to Alice…

        I’ve lifted the following from Business Insider Australia, March 6, 2015. It is by Pamela Engel, entitled “Here’s why the Boston bomber pleaded not guilty even though his lawyer told the court that he did it.”

        “At the start of the Boston Marathon bomber’s trial, his lawyer admitted to the jury that he’s guilty — even though he already pleaded not guilty two years ago after he was charged with planting two bombs near the finish line.
        This seems like a counterintuitive move made by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s attorney, Judy Clarke, one of the top death penalty lawyers in the US. But the not guilty plea is part of her larger strategy to get her client a more lenient sentence.
        This strategy worked when Clarke defended Jared Lee Loughner, the gunman who in 2011 shot nearly 20 people at a Tucson, Arizona supermarket. After initially pleading not guilty, Loughner agreed to a deal that took the death penalty off the table.
        Legal expert and Ohio State University law professor Douglas Berman told Business Insider that the defence could be using the trial as a sort of test-run to prepare for the penalty phase, which will decide whether Tsarnaev gets the death penalty.
        Tsarnaev’s not guilty plea isn’t necessarily a claim of innocence, but rather an expression that the defence wants to hold the government to its burden of proof in the case, Berman explained. And once the prosecution lays out its case, the defence will be better informed on how to argue against a death sentence in the penalty phase.
        “[The defence] wants to see how the government is going to put its case together, who the witnesses are, what kind of arguments they make about the defendant,” Berman said. By entering a not guilty plea and going through a trial, the defence gets a look at how the prosecution is going to build a case against Tsarnaev. It also gets to see how the jury will react to the defence’s own strategy.
        Clarke’s admission that her client did participate in the bombing could also be a strategic move, allowing her to build credibility with the jury and make them feel like they can trust what she says.
        There’s also still potential for Tsarnaev to seek a plea deal down the line, like Loughner did.”

        [Ned, I can’t say that Berman’s analysis is correct. But Judy Clarke was also the lawyer for the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Anyway, there is a judge presiding over this.
        I am glad you find it astonishing.]

        • So strange is this trial:

          This from CBS
          “BOSTON – Jurors in the Boston Marathon trial on Wednesday saw the tattered pieces of the backpack that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev used to carry a bomb in the deadly 2013 attack. FBI Special Agent Sarah De Lair held up pieces of the black and white backpack for the jury. De Lair said the pieces were found near the Forum restaurant, where Tsarnaev planted and detonated a bomb April 15, 2013.”

          But internet sleuths have clearly shown that the “backpack” was carried by a special ops person that day.

          I remember the OJ trial – how those defense lawyers came up with everything they had to prove his innocence. How could Clarke call only 4 witnesses in this case. It seems truly strange. Surely the defense should be challenging the backpack just to create reasonable doubt. I also am not defending Tsarnaev. I just care that the justice system operates with fairness and integrity.

          • Agreeing with Carroll Sanders is not my best subject, however I do think the charge that should have been brought against any American who bombed the Marathon (and Dzhokhar is a US citizen) is treason.
            Actually this is my best subject. Who else but me and Anton Chaitkin have writen books on Yankee treason? And, in case anybody cares, Chaitkin’s thesis centers on a family in Switzerland that (he says) caused the American civil war. I think the name is Mallett-Prevost, or Prevost -Mallett. Chaitkin’s research is high-class.
            Instead of being charged with treason (for “levying war against the United States” — Article III, section 3 of the Constitution), Tsarnaev was charged with “use of a weapon of mass destruction,” per 18USC 2332. One of the “newer” crimes.

          • WHEW what a relief — “Tsarnaev was charged with “use of a weapon of mass destruction,””
            I thought WMD were big things that killed tens of thousands. So Saddam must’ve had lots of these pressure cookers. Makes sense.
            Iraq probably had lots of cooking utensils before “shock and awe” bombs rained on them… (excuse my sarcasm – it is late at night)

          • You neglect that Saddam did use WMDs in the Iran Iraqi war,
            Most likely Saddam was bluffing the Iranians and it back fired,
            Causing The USA to actually believe he had them when he did not.
            Also attempting the assassination of a president or former president of the United States is an act of war on the United States, under international and US. Law.
            So your point is not relevant in this case main

  1. The boy is trying for a life sentence, he should fry for his crimes to much evidence, actual physical evidence against him.
    That evidence is damming unconvertable.
    Harrit is a crackpot and will for ever be a paint chip igniting crackpot.
    WT7 Fell from cascade failure of the connections as evident in the photos showing simple weld failure.

    No evidence of explosives was ever found in the visual inspections of the steel and no credible evidence of explosives
    Has ever been shown.
    The boy and his dead brother are murders nice try gumshoe trying to defend admitted murders.

      • Yes I do, I also understand admission of guilt, and the case against the boy most of which is from the Boston police not the FBI including dash camera video of then throwing bombs at the policeman.
        The boy choose to attack the country that took him in and offered him asylum. After the Russians were caught red handed in an attempted false flag, bombing of an apartment complex.
        Putin was put in power by Russia’s false flag attacks, he was Yeltsin’s suggcesser.
        Russia is now essentially a Putin dictatorship, that is why they kill all the critics of Putin.
        I hear Gumshoe making no comment about that reality.
        The boy and his own family members say he is guilty.
        He murdered the people who offered him a future, let him fry,
        He ruined any chance when he helped is brother build the bombs.

        • Messages from the Dad and the Uncle, undocumented though:
          [This appeared on the ENSRARZ website on April 19, 2013, same day as the ‘capture’]:
          “Meanwhile, the father of the bombers, who lives in Russia, couldn’t believe that his sons were involved in the bombings.
          “I feel terrible! Why they kill my son? Something wrong! My sons never do bombing. They hated guns – how they do bombs?,” father Anzor Tsamaev told PEOPLE.

          He spoke kindly of his sons, saying they were great kids with big dreams. “I am very depressed. How am I going to live? Never I think in my mind this happen. My sons hate people who do bombs, they hate terrorists. Why they kill my son? And where is my other son? They have time to catch my other son, not kill.”

          Meanwhile, the boy’s uncle Ruslan Tzarni has strongly condemned the bombings, calling his newphews ‘losers.’ “We are ashamed! They are children of my family!. I think they were losers, not being able to settle themselves.They were hating everyone who did.”

          • His uncle disowned him on national TV. Publicly, make something else up.
            He stated he believed it was the older brothers fault,u
            Now tell me I didn’t see the interview on Boston TV. Before the capture while they were still wanted before capture.

  2. I am quoting Prof James F Tracy’s article at Globalresearch.ca, entitled “Obama’s FEMA Director Planned Boston Mass Casualty Event in 2008.”
    He tells of a 2008 document by Richard Serino, who was the Director of Boston’s Emergency Medical Services. It is called “Marathons – A Tale of Two Cities and the Running of a Planned Mass Casualty Event” (PDF). Tracy says:

    “As the title suggests, the document provides a detailed and fully operationalized plan for carrying out a mass casualty drill around the Boston Marathon. The 39-frame slide presentation details how emergency personnel and resources are to be coordinated and deployed.”

    “It also emphasizes — [Wait for it] — “Working with the media.”
    “Their mission is to get a story,” frame 11 instructs. “Building a longstanding relationship with journalists and reporters ensures that they get the right story and that they serve as a resource when needed.”
    [That was 5 years before it happened.]

    • It was a contingency plan, in event of such an event, they were looking at a different style of attack more organized higher casually rate.

      Alqueda 9/11 style vs. Lone gunman.

  3. There were two bombs in Boston, two backpacks two brothers,
    Not one that is why so many injuries again something else your leaving out.
    The back packs can also be traced to their purchase.
    Just like the fuel and Ammonium Nitrate purchased,
    By Tim Macviegh shortly before he killed babies at The federal
    Building in Oklahoma City.
    We have these thing called called computers and credit cards, purchases are tracked and signed for, pretty damming

  4. This is from Associated Press two days ago:
    “A survivor of the killings at Garissa University College was found on Saturday, two days after the attack by Islamic extremists killed 148 people.
    Cynthia Cheroitich, 19, [said] she hid in a large cupboard and covered herself with clothes, refusing to emerge even when some of her classmates came out of hiding at the demands of the gunmen from the al-Shabab group.”

    Wll someone please stop this? See my Dec 21, 2014 Gumshoe article on the 1996 Dunblane massacre. I’m guessing it’s always the same “mastermind.” Will someone please stop this?

    • It will stop one day when humans evolve to a non resources dependent society, until then people will continue hating and killing each other.

      • As far as I am aware, there is no animal species that is not resource-dependent.
        Also, as far as I am aware (but I have only a small database for this), humans have often enjoyed a whole lifetime without hating and killing each other.
        The search for ways to get folks to cooperate has been a compelling intellectual endeavor since classical times.
        Today we ought to be taking better advantage of what is known through sociobiology, as to where our instincts will lead us if we fail to acknowledge those instincts.
        Instincts could instead be re-directed into service of a nice life. I think it would be easy-peasy.

  5. Carroll, “WMD’s” is a political term like “terrorist” and even the broad term of “chemical weapons” is soaked in Orwellian subjective mischief.

    Is this comment by Carroll serious!
    “Also attempting the assassination of a president or former president of the United States is an act of war on the United States, under international and US. Law.”

    Patrick Cockburn discusses all the usual aspects of political reality we might need to consider before we buy the integrity of your claim.


    Carroll, you demonstrate a very subjective method of thinking that interprets with a blinkered naivety that is impossible to take seriously on face value.

    Both Iraqi and Iranian people have been manipulated ruthlessly to serve agendas beyond their own interest for over a hundred years.

    When sorcery is at play the exacting truth becomes almost impossible to discern and as soon as you clear one deception another will already be in place.

    • Dear Christopher,
      Under US law, it can be said that assassinating a prexy is “war on the US.” Thus it fits under the constitutional definition of treason. (Congress also codifies this in federal law at 18 USC 2381). The attempt to kill a monarch is definitely treason under British law. In the olden days, merely saying something “threatening” about the king could get you drawn and quartered.

      Personally, I would like to see the US law against treason brought into play whenever the occasion presents itself. The various assassination attempts, such as Squeaky Frome’s shooting at President Gerald Ford, would clearly qualify. So would CIA man Aldrich Ames’s selling data to the Soviet enemy of the US. However, prosecutors were careful not to open the subject of treason; Ames was convicted of espionage.

      What is the “international law” regarding assassination? I do not recognize the entity that is called “international law.” But if you think it is operable, how about the killing of Slobodan Milosevic right there smack dab in the Hague prison? (Oh, ‘xcuse me, it was “natural causes.”)

      • Mary,
        my principle point of contention is with Carroll’s judgement of the “assassination” plot as beyond qualification with cautious disclaimers that political reality is murky.
        Cockburn explores the credibility of the allegations in his article I reference.
        That noted, I agree “international law” is a deadly power game employed to propagate against and lynch any independent threat to US/Israeli concentrated power cabals.

  6. From her trial for acting as an agent of a foreign power,
    “Although defendant denies she is mentally ill, she is plainly aware of what others think, andso, as Dr. Kleinman noted, she “is disposed to dissimulate, i.e., minimize the presence andextent of her psychiatric difficulties, especially to mental health professionals—whom she distrusts and generally dislikes.” (Kleinman Report 12/13/05 at 8) She acknowledged to him that if she testifies at her trial she will have to avoid touching on such subjects as her psychic powers, but “also noted that when (metaphorically) attacked by others she has spontaneously uttered prophecies.” (Id.at 46″

    Were you psychically reading my mind Dalia Mae, that I was
    Tired and wanted an easy debunking tonight, she without
    Medication makes up stories of grandeur.

    • Imagne me having to agree with Mr Sanders twice in 24 hrs!
      I think the Lindauer case is hard to work out. I place no faith in anything she says. On the other hand, I do not rule out that she was threatened with haldol and atavan, as she claims. I shall send a FOIA request to see how the government applies those drugs to prisoners. Very likely she did have involvment in Iraq.

    • MMMmmm- I have watched as much of Lindauer as I have been able. My take on it is 1) She was obviously an insider – but she talks free and it seems what she believes to be true. she says makes sense about Iraq. Obviously if she broke ranks – they would do everything to discredit her. But she is obviously not mentally deranged. Some delusions maybe. But if 50% of what she says is correct… then he story is all worth it.
      She has a lot of clarity – and the stories never alter. I place more faith in her than Mary. However, she was an ‘insider’.

      She is often quoted as saying that she was “told” — “that big heavy duty trucks were coming in before 9/11 to bring explosives in the middle of the night for 10 nights”.
      I don’t think so…. My guess is that her guess is wrong on this one.
      I think those BIG trucks were removing the gold.

    • Carroll, your evaluations consistently ignore the complexity of political realities.
      Your “Dr Kleiman” source might need an impartial scan.
      Have you lost interest in yesterdays “story of grandeur” you were plying regarding simplistic allegations that Iraq was plotting to assassinate Bush in Kuwait?

      Note a proper due process was avoided in the Lindauer saga which is where we could have sorted fact from fiction.

      Is there any entry in the book of sorcery on declaring the threats to the King a “madmen”?

      Further info that might interest……




      • Yes we do not prosecute the insane, in the USA, her own doctor proscribed medicine for her mental illness years before she was arrested, She refused to take it, that is why she is so mentality incompetent.

        • Carroll, doctors push psychiatric medication drugs like supermarkets sell bread and milk. We need better information if we are to work out exactly what is true and what is false about the Susan Lindauer story and her allegations.
          One observation I would make is she does appear to exhibit distinct variations in her approach in different interviews.
          The video Dee linked shows us a very emotive and at times vague personality that is not consistent with the responsibilities and role she is alleging in her claims.
          Then if you listen to another interview at Red Ice Radio Susan is very focused, precise and organized in her thoughts.

          Susan does still present an “uncomfortable” story that has some clear faulty allegations that are part of her speculations about political realities.

          There are some claims made by Susan that are cringe worthy
          for my mind.

          Susan slips from information she relies on personal experience that is mixed with second hand speculations from vague sources.

          Some of her information is unique and “interesting”.

          Susan floats conflicting information on occasions.

          Susan Lindauer’s story cannot be ignored but it is essential that it be considered in context with a fully sober mind regarding the murky political and information reality we must use as our prism and filter to think and judge.

          We cannot possibly know the truth of many aspects of this smoke and mirrors.

          The fundamental case for honest people is that our Governments serve the sorcery and conduct policy based on unproven claims that involve indisputable patterns of lies and deception that is destroying our prosperous freedom potential which is released by discovering and incarnating truth.

          A correct methodology of truthful revelation, taking into account the Black Magic employed to hide truth, demands that we have to process tonnes of slag to refine the pure information commodity.

          The design of the sorcery is intent on manufacturing layers of confusion so honest people surrender in exhaustion and frustration.

          The sorcerer generates a regular stream of information that is designed with enough tantalizing truth to hook the interest of curious minds but the story also can be woven with explosive information mines set to demolish the credibility and effectiveness of those who challenge their fellows or community with their “evidence”.

          How do we overcome the sorcery?

          Always contemplate and judge all information and issues from the first principle that sorcery is our political and information reality.

          Know that nothing can be reliably understood if it is not interpreted through a critical thinking prism that includes Black Magic in the spectrum of possibilities.

          This reality is easily evidenced like gravity and the sun.

          It is the basic equation of sound political and economic analysis.

          Have readers noted that Carroll just ignores all information that alludes to political “false flag” possibilities regarding the 9/11 events but he believes Putin is conducting “false flags” in Russia to achieve hidden aims by deception.

          Does the science of power vary across geographical and political borders?

          Is gravity and sunlight the same in New York and Moscow?

          • The difference is science does not surpport 9/11/2001 as being an inside Job.
            The Russian’s were caught red handed, by the Moscow police planting a high explosive in an inhabited apartment block.
            A place were young kids lived.
            They said it was part of an exercise, an exercise with real explosives around kids,YA right.
            I also am a skeptic, do not believe in black magic, magic of any kind is just a trick to delude those who can not see though the tricks.

          • Carrol,
            The 911 Commission was not legal standard and many important questions remain unanswered.

            The trick with effective “Black Magic” is the target audience has no clue they are in a house of smoke and mirrors.

            Too join the allegation that the Iraq was plotting to assassinate Bush in Kuwait without appropriate reservation of all the possible players in that convenient propaganda theatre reveals your interpretation of “science”.

          • The scientific questions are answered about 9/11/2001,
            Evidence also surrports Saddam Hussein trying to kill Bush Senior,
            Saddam made his choices, he caused the consiquices that flowed from his actions.
            That said I do not think we should have went to war with Iraq.
            The reason for war with Iraq is highly flawed, and wrong.

            On the 9/11truth side we hear that steel can not collapse do to fire,a total lie.
            The fracture mechanics of steel are well known to science.
            Steel at room temperature is subject to sheer lag fracture at weld joints because the welds have free ferrite deformations.
            Bolts are even weaker than welds.
            The steel itself testified as to what happened to it.

          • Carroll, you claim “evidence” supports the Bush assassination plot.
            What “evidence”?
            Are you 100% confident your source is reliable?
            Has any US agency ever cooked up lies in Kuwait?
            Were those who believed the infamous babies thrown from incubators story gullible because they trusted sources that regularly manufacture propaganda lies?
            Should politicians and journalists who broadcast the incubator horror story be judged naive, conveniently blinkered or criminal participants in aiding fraudulent claims to justify war?

            Surely we have the understanding gained from an historical political climate and pattern to justify caution and exceptional scrutiny of any allegations made by intelligence, military and Government agencies?

  7. I think the story of the dancing Israelis is a put-on.
    I am not just saying that in the spirit in which I usually pipe up when someone tries to explain all our troubles by invoking the word “Jew.” I just don’t think people dance to celebrate something like that. I also have never seen anyone standing on top of a van.

    Come on, they were in America and knew their dancing would not exactly be appreciated by locals!! Purportedly, a lady named “Maria” saw the “dance team” from her window in New Jersey and called the authorities.

    Granted, the dancers claimed they were there to watch the WTC event. (They said this openly on Israeli TV.) Hmm. If I were Tavistock, I’d distribute many such “guilty pleas” to cause confusion. For some naïve researchers, the dancing Israeli story has to be somehow worked into the account of what happened.

    No, it doesn’t. The “fact” that Martin Bryant leaned over to swerve the steering wheel on his elderly girlfriend’s car doesn’t have to be taken into account either. Was probably made-up.

    What about Man Honey Man contributing to the death of his ex-wife in a stairwell? By the time we heard about it, he was as dead as a doornail, so no chance to interrogate him.

    • Mary, what does “put-on” mean?
      The five Israelis were arrested and there is a large body of information that invites clear unanswered questions regarding their activities and the moving company where they were employed.
      A witness can be watched on you tube claiming these guys were standing on the van and celebrating with “high five” gestures.
      I would have been much happier if these guys were cross examined in a legal open process so we can find out the truth…. not quietly released to Israel.
      The end result is no due legal process.

      We are left to speculate on the real purpose of Urban Moving Systems and the hasty flight to Israel of the owner along with all the other information swirling about this issue.

      Allow me to digress a little.
      Research the frequent tales that gain emotive publicity revolving around swastikas or some type of graffiti appearing in locations that assume “antisemitism” is the motivation.
      You will discover that this activity is a trick and many of these incidents are exposed as perpetrated by the “victims” themselves to fuel a false reality.
      The false claim that millions of “Jews” were “exterminated” by “gassing” is a similar ploy to staggering effect on human affairs based on a fabricated reality.
      All of this is beyond any factual dispute but it is possible to end up in court and even jail if you speak this truth in many parts of the world.

      There is no “identity” in the world that is able to protect itself from open scrutiny or muster poisonous manipulation of any discussion of it’s choosing by injecting the power of language sorcery to sabotage the process of critical thinking.

      Urban Moving Systems and the arrested “dancing Israelis” deserve to be cited and challenged as an unresolved area of the investigation of the 911 crime.

      Could these characters be a sophisticated fraudulent information “graffiti” painted on the front wall of the “synagogue” in the best traditions of Black Magic?

      Yes, it is one possibility.

      Without due process we can only know that full open exposure of the 911 crime is denied us by people with power.

      Our Governments have become so deceptive, secretive and unaccountable to the general public we are only allowed access to power through our MP’s yet real unelected power is deeply embedded almost totally beyond any sanction.

      • I do think the dancing Israelis are part of the puzzle. I think the “dancing” has put the completely wrong take on the incident.
        The witness seemed credible if I remember, and why would they go on Israeli tv and say they there to document the event.

        • The difficulty we have to overcome is interpretation and translation of items like the Israeli TV quote.
          We are fed a snippet of information but it is almost worthless.
          The whole motivation behind due legal process and accountable Governance was the tyranny of Kings that brought forth the Magna Carta.
          The will of the electorate is managed or simply ignored.
          Carroll exemplifies the regular mentality all about us of competent pyramid and temple builders and service providers that accept the Pharaohs rule and are oblivious to all the black magic the cryptocracy relies on to sustain that version of monopoly.
          The pyramid builders were motivated by their Gods and the limited perception of reality their rulers allowed.
          In some aspects we recognize brilliance and wonder while at the same time blind ignorance and tragic slavery is evident.
          The western world today suffers under false Gods.
          The principle one is Mammon. The worship of debt money and it’s dictates above the abundant potential of the natural world.
          The Holocaust is a not insignificant Deity. Transgressors of this myth are shunned and punished by even the most competent intelligent of the Western world who have no conscious understanding of the “faith” they have been conditioned to practice from their very first contemplations.
          Just as the Pharaohs relied totally on the black magic of that period to concentrate power and it’s privileges and benefits, similarly, the money trick, the Auschwitz Lie and various related deceptions like the “Jewish identity question” control the mind and will of the masses like putty in the hands of a skilled potter.

  8. The jury has just announced a guilty verdict, so sad, that a young man killed others and ruined his own life, now to the sentencing phase of the trial.
    Personally think he will get life in prison because he did admit guilt to the jury.
    Then again it is up to the jury to decide not up to me.

    • I think Tsarnaev will get the death sentence so that “we” won’t have to worry about his spilling any beans later. We weren’t supposed to worry about Martin Bryant, until he foolishly ran out of the burning Seascape Cottage. What a nuisance!
      Besides, an execution is good for “our” purposes. It lets everybody know WE MEAN BUSINESS.
      Note: Tsarnaev’s buddy, Ibragim Todashev, won’t be a prob either, as that was taken care of by the FBI home-visitor who killed him in self defense with seven bullets.I quote authority:

      “My conclusion, based upon the facts presented to me in this investigation, is that the actions of the special agent of the FBI were justified in self-defense and in defense of another,” said State Attorney Jeffrey L. Ashton, the top prosecutor in Orlando, in a letter communicating his findings to FBI director James Comey. Separately, the Justice Department said “there is no question” the agent acted correctly and that Todashev had motive to attack, “having just confessed to complicity in a triple murder.”

      [Note: I apologize for putting my dancing Israeli comment below. It belongs on the Hourglass April 7 article.]

      • Have you researched why they were dancing and why they had a moving van,you did research other than on truth movement sites, right why would they have a moving van and be celebrating an event on 9/11/2001?

        Oh and the quotes from Isreali TV are quote mined, so what other reason is there, for celebrating a young man and a young woman moving in together?

        • Mary, Carroll and the Forward journalist, Mark Perlmen, in this report exhibit the apologetic “jewish question” dialectic that seeks to interpret information through a prism that excludes the factual reality that many “jews” do conspire to deceive and many “jews” relate and behave with exclusivity and loyalty that is unique and dangerous to the freedom and honest endeavors of any who are ignorant or decide to pretend such a reality does not exist in human affairs.
          This prickly reality is “The Jewish Question”.

          No intelligent person is going to claim the “jews” are at the centre of all our ills but it is faulty thinking to ignore the existence of a very powerful factor in our equation.
          The ingrained mentality of the “jewish” mindset is very instinctive regards sorcery.

          Christopher Ketcham has just finished relating the “Movers” admitted to the FBI they were celebrating after the first plane strike on the WTC tower because they knew it was terrorism and it would be good for Israel……yet…. Perlmen just decides this information is false and proceeds because it doesn’t fit his per-ordained world view.

          Ketcham very importantly emphasizes that these characters were celebrating a “terror” attack while Bush was “thinking it was a bad pilot” having an accident.

          Okay, who is telling the truth?

          Naturally if you have an intractable dogma then everything must be adjusted around the ideology.

          The only genuine question is what reality does the factual pattern support considering a fully dynamic thinking approach?

    • Why should I believe that site, that pushes known pesudo medical cures, and BS, and is clearly doing an insane hit piece?

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