by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
July 17, 2018
Dear United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions,
I am having big problems with the FBI, and I bet you are, too. It is time to fix their wagon. The whole nation will support you, and so will the whole world.
To show you, briefly, what I’ve got in my FBI dossier (I mean mine of them, not theirs of me), I now send you a copy of what I wrote to a predecessor of yours. Granted, it is dated eight years ago, but is still – unfortunately — absolutely current.
By the way, after I wrote this to Holder, I acquired many new concerns having to do with terrorism, as discussed in my book “Marathon Bombing: Indicting the Players.” That book alone, Sir, would help you indict the players. I am completely ready to help you with this. Don’t be scared!
July 20, 2010
Dear United States Attorney General Eric Holder
Greetings and Happy New Decade!
I write to ask if you would please consider making this new decade one to rejoice about. As a US citizen I believe that America’s Attorney General is just the person who could take away our dread and give us our country back.
I have recently finished writing a book entitled Prosecution for Treason. Its final chapter contains a section entitled “Arrest Bad FBI Men.” A certain logic emerged from the earlier part of the book, namely that the key to the unlawfulness of our government today is your department, the Department of Justice.
I understand that the Solicitor General, under your supervision, is the lawyer for the government as such. Hence when a US vice-president, Dick Cheney, was the defendant in a civil action in 2004, our SG (Ted Olson) pleaded the VP’s case before the Supreme Court, and won. The plaintiff was a public interest group, seeking to make the VP reveal what had taken place at an ‘advisory’ meeting on Energy Policy. To me in the audience it seemed as though we could, at least theoretically, have seen the AG act for the plaintiff.
The organizational chart of the DoJ indicates that several offices exist precisely so the US can sue, or prosecute, on behalf of the nation. Your predecessors historically enforced the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Civil Rights Act in that way. That is, they spoke for the nation or for individual citizens.
So all it would take is a shift in weight. Your job would not be to protect the president from criminal charges – as Alberto Gonzales did, unabashedly, regarding wiretaps and torture. You would be our lawyer. Anyway, we pay your salary and we sure do need a lawyer!
Sir, if you will grant me an interview, I can get to DC in 72 hours or less. I want to persuade you that our Constitution is extremely strong, unbelievably strong, and that ‘the criminals’ do know that, and thus they will not mess with you if you take up the good cause. Here is an example of what you could do for us, and history would thank you: You could interrogate General Tommy Franks about his knowledge of a terrorist act. In December 2003 Franks said, in an interview with a magazine called Cigar Aficionado,
“A terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event [will occur] somewhere in the Western world – it may be in the US – that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event.”
This does not sit well with me (and of course I don’t agree that people will drop the Constitution. All the letting-go of it since 1995 has been against our will). Please also interrogate FBI Director Robert Mueller, since you are his direct supervisor, and multi- billionaire Warren Buffett.
Buffett must be a clairvoyant, like Franks, because he scared us all with his remark that 9/11 was ‘nuttin’ compared to what will happen next. Net readers know that on 9/11 Buffett was hosting a lunch at Offutt AF Base (didn’t know civilians could do that!), the very base to which Bush flew. He admits that one of his planes was near ‘Flight 93’ when it ‘crashed,’ so please get an explanation.
The Internet also informs us that Rep Rush Holt, on March 2, 2007, sent this request to Justice Committee members Waxman and Conyers:
The Department of Justice and FBI have openly asserted their belief that Congress should be kept in the dark on this vital national security issue [anthrax]. Mr. Chairman, I ask for your help in determining why we have been unable to bring the perpetrators of this heinous act to justice.
While I personally believe there is less to this ‘heinous act’ than meets the eye, I certainly balk at the DoJ’s claim to have a right to conceal reports. By the way, I find it appalling that the FBI’s website refers to “Amerithrax.” At one point, that website went so far as to dress up that full-screen-size word, Amerithrax, with stars, stripes and other national symbols. It was soooo Tavistock.
Also, Mr. Holder, if I may respectfully inquire, doesn’t it get your goat – since you are African-American – that the FBI has had a traditional role in belittling, demoralizing, harassing, and committing out-and-out violence on ‘Blacks’? What about this statement from Morton Halperin in The Lawless State (1976) p. 80:
[In 1963] the FBI held a conference at the beginning of December to plan its campaign to destroy King and the civil rights movement. At that all-day meeting FBI officials …agreed to use “all available investigative techniques” to develop information for use “to discredit” King. Proposals discussed included using ministers, “disgruntled” acquaintances, “aggressive” newsmen, “colored” agents, … and “placing a good looking female plant in King’s office” to develop discrediting information and to take action that would lead to his disgrace.
What is this about a Constitutional government smearing people? Speaking of smearing, Professor Anita Hill told an interviewer that after the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, the FBI harassed her parents. As you know, David Brock – who contributed to the smearing of Anita – expressed his remorse in Blinded by the Right (2002). He said the comments were baseless. Just imagine going after her Mom and Dad! The mind boggles. I think I’ll make a FOIA request to see how much it cost taxpayers to hurt the Hills.
Please accept that the FBI has, on occasion, admitted to, and proffered a ‘justification’ for its crimes: For example, from Associated Press, Boston:
“A federal judge Thursday ordered the government to pay more than $101 million in the case of four men who spent decades in prison for a 1965 murder they didn’t commit after the FBI withheld evidence of their innocence. The FBI encouraged perjury, helped frame the four men and withheld for more than three decades information that could have cleared them, U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner said in issuing her ruling Thursday. Four men convicted on Barboza’s lies were treated as “acceptable collateral damage” because the FBI’s priority at the time was taking down the Mafia, their attorneys said.” [emphasis added].
I am trying to fit that into any theory of law I’ve ever heard. Allow me to provide one more example. This is from Rodney Stich, a former inspector in the Federal Aviation Authority, published in his book Defrauding America, which is available free, online:
“Novinger said to me that she discovered during an FBI investigation that Vice President George Bush and two of his sons were using drugs and prostitutes in a Florida hotel while Bush was vice president. She said that when she reported her findings to her FBI supervisors they warned her not to reveal what she had discovered. Novinger had been requested to infiltrate drug trafficking operations in South America and the US. She was pressured to quit her FBI position; her husband was beaten to death; and four hours after she appeared on a July 1993 talk show describing her findings (after she was warned not to appear), her father mysteriously died.”
When we read whistle blower books, like Stich’s, we get conditioned to the idea that the government ‘has to’ deal with persons like Novinger in such a fashion. After all, the government can’t let her talk freely about bad government – politicians might get prosecuted. So I have been trying for a while to find the answer to this dilemma. And, by golly I have found it. I have figured out how the matter should have been handled, and I honestly believe it will surprise you.
It is simply this: The DoJ should have arrested Vice President Bush. (That would not, of course, remove him from office — politically it would be up to Congress to decide whether to impeach or not.) Ah, but I hear you say that the AG is only a department head, and the ultimate boss was President Reagan and that he would have pre-vented the AG from acting. Wrong! and that’s my big contribution here. Even strictly ‘politically,’ Reagan would not have been able to prevail over an AG in such an instance. Think about it and you will agree!
What I am saying, Sir, is: Know your strength. We will support you. As they say in the mid-West, “We’ve got your back.”
I realize there’s many a thug out there pushing presidents, Congresspersons, and judges around – they will order you to desist. There again, not a problem! Just refuse them and they’re licked. That really is how it works. Human nature has not changed. The legitimate authority, who today is Eric Holder, can do wonders.
If I may be excused for mentioning this, Sir, I know you have the same background as Chertoff, Giuliani, and Deval Patrick, namely you were a US Attorney in the Criminal Division of the DoJ. That does not ‘look good on your resumé’ as my Mother used to say. In Al Martin’s book The Conspirators, published long before you got the top job, Martin says of Eric Holder “I’ve got a file six inches thick on him.” Attorney General, that’s OK by me. We can still do business.
So just call me if you want help. And remember, we are 300 million strong (give or take a mil). We believe in law, therefore the present lawlessness is a historic deviation. It is the product of some very sick minds — and it mainly belonged to a generation of planners who have been pushing up daisies for a long time. You are young and still can enjoy God’s good earth. Trust me: our nation does not have a problem!
All can yet be well. Yours respectfully,
Mary Maxwell
— End of letter to Eric Holder, dated July 20, 2010.
Mary Maxwell, Ph.D. (and soon to be LL.B.) dual citizen of US and Australia, Marblehead, Massachusetts
UPDATE: July 20, 2018
Mr Sessions, the appeal of the case of United States v Tsarnaev is coming up soon. Your US Attorneys should start to make collateral prosecutions of the relevant FBI players.
Why does the nation of US put up with the murderous barbaric monsters known as the FBI and CIA. They serve no useful purpose. Once they stepped outside the law they are irrelevant. When they are known to have on numerous occasions corrupted evidence, tortured and killed witnesses, these organisations should have been disbanded by Congress, long ago.
An even worse scenario is that in recent times other like minded organisations were set up during the Bush jnr. and Obama administrations.
A nice summation of government in the 21st century.
Good timing Mary… especially when the President seems to have been forced to make his U-turn:
“Let me begin by saying that once again, full faith and support for America’s intelligence agencies. I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies,” he said, before the lights in the room faded out.
“Oops they just turned off the light. That must be the intelligence agencies,” Trump joked, as some in the room laughed despite the darkness
Dee, thank you for the photo collage which ought to be on the wall of every living room in the US.
You can read the Wikipedia description of the fate of Kenneth Trentadue, but it is lengthy so I will just quote one phrase and this also answers Aussiemal’s remark above:
The day after Trentadue’s death, Kevin Rowland, the chief investigator of the Oklahoma state medical examiner filed a complaint with the FBI reporting irregularities in the investigation of Trentadue’s death: the coroner was at first not permitted into the cell where Trentadue had died, and the cell itself was washed out by the afternoon of August 21, 1995, before the legally-required investigation could be performed.
Unbelievable… Coroner NOT permitted to the scene. What can one expect from a criminal organisation.
Mary a quote allegedly from Otto “Abbadabba” Berman, an accountant for US organized crime:
“Nothing personal, it’s just business”
Maybe the FBI could give it a NEW twist:
“It’s not personal, it’s just politics”. (Yep that’ll be my new catch phrase)
Some insightful and stirring words extracted from this short essay by Joaquin Flores on Fort Russ
* https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/07/a-coup-against-trump-his-jfk-moment-and-americas/?utm_medium=ppc&utm_source=wp&utm_campaign=push&utm_content=new-article
“It is difficult for me to equate Trump with John F. Kennedy, but it is obvious that their enemies are the same.
They are plotting a coup, and even speak openly of it already. Trump is now in the same danger that Kennedy was in 1963
It is to the eternal shame and detriment of the American People that they allowed themselves to pretend to believe the lies about the Kennedy assassination, just as they did again after 9/11, to their same shame and detriment. American acquiescence to Kennedy’s murder begat the Gulf of Tonkin, which begat the US attack and destruction of Yugoslavia, which begat 9/11, which begat “Iraqi WMD’s” which begat “R2P” in Libya and “Maidan” in Kiev.
BY ACCEPTING THOSE LIES, YOU HAVE ONLY ENCOURAGED THE CRIMINALS. YOUR SILENCE IS SEEN AS SUBMISSION, because that is exactly what it is. You have shown these murderers that they can get away with anything, because the citizens of the USA will swallow anything they are fed, no matter how blatant and obvious the lie, without serious resistance or complaint. Now the time has come to show them different, just as the Fathers of our Republic did, and as Franklin said, “If you can keep it”. Now is the time to keep it, or let it fall from your grasp forever.
No one but the American People can free themselves from the criminal regime of unelected Fascists and oligarchs who rule and control your nation, who commit horrendous crimes in your name, with impunity. YOUR FUTURE, THE FUTURE OF YOUR FAMILIES, AND OF YOUR COUNTRY RESTS ON YOUR SHOULDERS.”
And on that theme – here are obama’s words to his true audience – the bilderberg group (Brussels , Belgium , on May 23, 2014)
“… Ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs – that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign …”
* https://youtu.be/44kW03sfKrI
Well done and thank you Mary and Dee for speaking out and bringing us so much truth and background knowledge about the state of the world.
Thank you Julius. This is perfect:
BY ACCEPTING THOSE LIES, YOU HAVE ONLY ENCOURAGED THE CRIMINALS. YOUR SILENCE IS SEEN AS SUBMISSION, because that is exactly what it is. You have shown these murderers that they can get away with anything, because the citizens of the USA will swallow anything they are fed, no matter how blatant and obvious the lie, without serious resistance or complaint.
Absolutely spot on. Submit to the criminal once. Twice. Thrice. Submission for life. And submission for your children. No different to a mafia gang world. You know they murdered the neighbours but nobody will speak out.
Add to your information base by reading from the above site.
‘when a US vice-president, Dick Cheney, was the defendant in a civil action in 2004, our SG (Ted Olson) pleaded the VP’s case before the Supreme Court, and won. The plaintiff was a public interest group, seeking to make the VP reveal what had taken place at an ‘advisory’ meeting on Energy Policy.’
Odd that you would mention Dick Cheney as I have a strange feeling that he is one of many others behind the Boston Marathon Bombing.