Three “specific” followers have frequented Gumshoe for more than a year now. From the get-go they were onto every 9/11 post with strings of comments, sometimes confrontational, often derisive. It provided hearty, and often combative debate. But the hundreds of comments usually cycled back to no conclusion. Maybe that is by design.
Last week these three gents, emailed me separately (within a day of each other) to “warn” me that I need to stop any mention of the Holocaust from anybody. They said – that I am/could be acting “criminally”; “you’re taking a huge risk girl”; that this “warning comes from my heart”; “consider this message as sincere”, and dictating that “Gumshoe may not offer a platform for holocaust deniers”.
I thank these gentlemen for their concern.
One of my motivations for starting Gumshoe News was that I profoundly believe the human race can find a way to rise from the hatred and killing – which is often inspired by deception. We seem to be a very “damaged” species locked into a vicious cycle of violence, and I am, and have always been, truly saddened that we use war as a means to resolve humanity’s conflict. There has to be a better way to operate on this one planet – earth – our only home.
I am against all forms of deception, hate, revenge, plunder, violence and the murder of people (and animals) – whatever the guise.
To put on the record, I admit I am carnivorous, but my daughter has opened my eyes – and I try to be more of a vegetarian. Because of her, I now relocate mice if they turn up in my kitchen, and wait for the ants to move before running a bath. I am not advocating everyone start following this example, but it makes me feel better.
So when it comes to genocide, I cannot even begin to describe the sadness that washes over me. I cannot even comprehend how we as a species can be so cruel. We obviously have a switch in our DNA that allows for this to happen – when a loving husband can be “programmed” into a killing machine.
Programming – Normal is a cycle on a washing war machine
I do not believe the “hate-kill-switch” is “on” when we are born – but that it is triggered (nurtured ) by society’s programming (maybe as a primitive survival tool) – to hate-kill other races, cultures and religions.
And, though we are against murder – we seem to be programmed to accept government sanctioned hate-kill behaviour – war – as NORMAL.
In fact, war is strangely celebrated. We even got to the see the “Shock and Awe” reality television show every night as the killing proceeded in Iraq. Over a million people were killed, and the country was decimated as part of an agenda to “destroy seven countries in five years”. This catastrophe has now inseminated new generations with hatred. What an appalling disaster.
Society continues on as if this is normal. Why and how could it be so?
I believe it has been possible because we are caught up in a matrix of deception and destruction. We don’t really understand our reality, or how those above us operate. And as a result, society is programmed to fear, obey those above us (even when orders are evil), to impose fear onto others – and to NOT QUESTION the big things.
Silence is golden?
People and friends often say to me: Don’t criticize the ABC – you’ll never get work again; you’ll get into deep trouble if you mention Port Arthur; watch out they are monitoring you because of your 9/11 articles; you know what happened to Michael Hastings; and now these emails.
Everyone seems to accept that we we best not speak out. How truly sad. We have been enslaved by fear – and it indicates that something is terribly wrong.
Gumshoe is a platform that offers articles and questions to understand humanity – and to find truthful answers to a host of complex questions. It is solely aimed at finding a path to a better, less hateful world. And the comments are open for people to question each other peacefully and calmly.
This site is clearly and squarely aimed at exposing hate and criminality.
(Note: Fredrick Töben (Adelaide Institute) was jailed for a contempt of court issue and not on any issue of denial.)
All power to you Dalia
Make any threatening emails public!
Secrecy is a key pillar of monopoly concentrated power.
Censorship is a key dimension of secrecy.
Ostracizing independent thinking that challenges monopoly power on any subject is a formulaic tactic.
Suppression of free speech is justified/adopted by the esoteric force of Pavlovian conditioned peer fear stimulus.
This hypnotic mind control is Orwellian “group think” that can contaminate our intellectual calculations if we subjugate ourselves to the control of sorcery, but the chains are only a figment of our state of mind in most respects.
The “group think” is programmed and is only under threat if an individual refuses to obey the conditioned impulse and states a rational exposing explanation that “breaks the spell”.
Hence, to sustain “group think” we are conditioned to stay silent in fear of our self interest when the dissident thinking in our midst is persecuted and silenced.
A notable element of the “group think” character is to drench the subject in personalized emotion and intimidating language so the very obvious mischief is obscured.
Why is calm logical scrutiny of the documented facts such a frightening prospect?
How do we avoid the deceptions of the “money trick” or fabricated justifications for war if “group think” is in operation where ever we gather and converse?
Christopher, although I agree with your well laid out and concise comment, i don’t know why you describe peer-fear as conditioned. I think it is natural. We of the female persuasion would “rather die” than be caught deviating in fashion. I’ve even known people who would rather die than be seen with their table not set acccording to Hoyle.
Yes Mary, our natural pride, ego and tribal tendency are the exploited dimensions of our humanity/character.
Sometimes they just make themselves so obvious. The massive jump in comment volume whenever 911 pops up is so predictable as to be boring. Sometimes a subject gets raised by warning people not to raise it, probably for a reason they best know. The Holocaust was of another time, but the way these people conduct themselves is of the here and now, and increasingly apparent to ever more of the global population.
Where’s Carroll?