by Mary Maxwell, PhD, LLB
During my campaign so far, for a seat in the US Senate, I have been visiting cities and towns in Alabama, making speeches. Often a question from the audience make me develop some new point which I rush home and write for publication at GumshoeNews – 26 of them so far!
The topics have included health care, US involvement in the Middle East, the FBI, geo-engineering, NATO, conspiracy theory, war, treason, the Constitution, the courts, and Pizzagate. Of course I’ve been deeply immersed in those topics for years – they are my life. The 12 books authored by moi are available for free to anyone who wants to use them as seedlings — to grow more ideas!
Still, after being in America for two months now, I feel I haven’t yet come strongly to the point. Last week, at a talk for the Lions Club’s 100th anniversary, I got a bit closer than I have been, when I insisted that we ask “Who makes the decisions?”
On July 14, GumshoeNews published my article about the lack of society’s permission for a new, inappropriate, skyscraper to be erected in Adelaide, Australia, on that city’s “culture row,” North Terrace. There may be some legal mechanisms in place that should have stopped that mistake, but now it is a fait accomplis. Possibly legal formalities did occur, but public apathy, or sense of “Who will care what I think?”, neutralized that.
Then today I was reading two items on the Internet. One is about Congress passing a law to put sanctions on Russia and also on North Korea. The other was about Congress taking some measures against Saudi’s destruction of Yemen. Poor old Yemen. Naturally I would be pleased if Congress were to take good action on anything, but I am so – pardon me – suspicious of any product they turn out that I feel I am floundering. I’m worried sick. Are you?
Before I get too negative-sounding, let me purvey some good news. In the campaign for Senate in Alabama, a young man has turned up. Young? I think he’s about 60. Still, he thinks young and acts young. His name is James Beretta. I know I can trust him because he has a combination of IQ and desire to “get the show on the road.”
Probably Beretta will not be elected, at least not this time. But now that I have a “model” in mind I can see how fabulous it would be if we had, say 25 of that type of person in Congress.
Just think about it for a minute. For decades the newspapers have been “teaching” us that every elected official is grubby and stupid and will always do deals that have a selfish factor.
Sure, humans are basically selfish. But they need to be working on a plan, and to have solidarity to complete it. That would do the trick. If they have a “sale-able” plan they will be able to encourage people to sacrifice for its ends. Plus, it will be enjoyable to do so. Camaraderie! Yay!
Note: to some extent, Donald Trump got people excited by saying he has a definite plan for this or that. As president, he doesn’t have as much authority as people think he does — but citizens felt good just looking at his pushy style. I like his style, but I’m waiting to see if he has real values.
As I said, there are news announcements today about sanctioning two foreign countries and maybe helping Yemen. But what is this all about? Does Congress even have its facts straight? Definitely not, if its members believe the garbage purveyed by the media. So now let’s go on a search for reality. Not by picking apart what the media are proclaiming, but by trying to contact reality firsthand.
Reality, for me, entails a scientific understanding of “sociobiology” — the biology of social groups, especially groups in competition, such as nations. For lack of space I won’t delve into that here, but will move on to the next important topic – our actual human history.
The following is my picture of what the world has been doing for over a hundred years. I don’t claim any credit for this “history” — many investigators have produced it. It strikes me as true. I therefore believe the other versions must be false. Naturally, some of the story here is incomplete but it makes eminent sense.
The Existence of a Cabal
When I lived in Australia, I often heard that the US is pushing Australia around. Granted, someone is pushing Australia around – its “leaders” are lapdogs for some person or entity outside Australia. The bad guy is usually identified as America, or, sometimes, Israel.
I think America and Israel are just as much pushed around as Australia. In other words, there is a very powerful group, higher than any country, that makes mincemeat of us all. As far as I can tell the cabal started in England maybe in the 1500s. Or in ancient Rome, or 1650s Netherlands or Germany around 1830 when Skull & Bones was formed.
We come to know of a formal cabal, in a documented way, by about 1890 when Lord Milner ran his Round Table in Oxford. Cecil Rhodes was involved in that. He performed service for king and country by devastating South Africa and grabbing fabulous mineral resources.
Let’s pause to say that any nation or private group that can exploit another will likely do so. There is never moral restraint, as “they” are not “our people.” I think English citizens didn’t know what Rhodes was up to, and I can’t know if they would have said OK. I suspect they would say OK if they believed it benefitted them.
Cui Bono?
But an odd part of this whole thing is that we don’t know, even today, who really draws the benefit. For example, Congress today agreed to sanction Russia. Will we Americans benefit? Or were our legislators acting on lousy data? Maybe the new law will even redound to our great disadvantage.
Who, in the House or Senate is leaderly and would try to envision the whole thing? I assume no one. (I view Rand Paul as sensible but he’s unable to get the other 99 senators on board.) Without doubt the persons known as “the leaders” — Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, etc “haven’t a clue.” Please be scared about that!
Let’s Destroy a Few Nations This Weekend
Now consider the power that America wields just by its weaponry. It can, and does, destroy nations at the drop of a hat. It has been doing so in Latin America since 1910 and in Southeast Asia since 1960.
US Army General Wesley Clark went on a TV show in 2006 admitted that he had seen a Pentagon memo in 2001 describing the US’s plan to knock out 7 nations: Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran, in 5 years.
We then did bomb those countries in Africa and the Middle East. The story told to the folks at home is that the nation-to-be-bombed is a threat. It has “terrorists” in it – eeks! Or its leader – such as Qaddafi – is a crazy person. Qaddafi was not crazy, he ran Libya smartly for decades. The simple fact is that Libya was on our Destroy list.
Recall that our National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski told a French interviewer in 1998 that we had set up the Muslim training camps in Pakistan. We spent $80 billion on radicalizing young men, allegedly to wipe the Soviets out of Afghanistan. The Brits apparently invented the Muslim Brotherhood in 1920 – to destabilize Egypt.
This is a standard technique. So let’s not assume when the US government tells us that Nation A, B, or C is the baddy that it really is the baddy. As Hermann Goering pointed out, at the Nuremberg trials in 1945, the conjuring up of a threat is the way a ruler controls his own people. He said:
“The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them that they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism.”
At least we have Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) today sponsoring a law in Congress to stop the US’s arming if ISIS in Syria. Thank God for her (she is ex-military, so has credibility.)
Who Is in Charge?
We hear of groups such as the Bilderbergers that meet once a year and decide which countries will have wars, which shall cut back on their industrialization, and so forth. We know for sure that media magnates such as Rupert Murdoch are in bed with those high mucky-mucks (or high jerks, if you prefer).
We know by the very nature of their “internationalism” that such people have no respect for a population’s needs or any nation’s sovereignty. They use quick tools such as the IMF – which they ingeniously set up in the 1940s — to order a nation to adopt laws that suit the cabal.
Consider the chutzpah of George Soros, a Hungarian American. He boasts that he can buy out the currency of, say, Indonesia, then change its value to suit himself.
I venture that such people see most of the human race as their enemy! Frankly, I see them as my enemy. They are a major threat to my survival. And even without killing me they have lowered the quality of my life by altering human relationships, harming our health, and they make us have to fight to keep even our most normal values, such as love and art.
Who Can Maintain the Truth?
How to react? Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio claims that the human species as a whole has a mechanism to maintain homeostasis. I think that may be wishful thinking on his part, but it’s true that some evils have been overcome in history when individuals were able to point out the truth of the people’s situation. That is, they were able to register that something was very amiss, and thus someone could devise a solution.
Today we are drowning in untruths, indeed misinformation has become an art form. Thousands of people have, as their daily job, the making up of confusing stories. Others are tasked with sowing fear in the population. Can you imagine such pathetic nonsense!
And it’s apparently all due to the fact that a very few at the top “need” us to be under their control. Jerks!
People unconsciously, naturally, understand what truth is. Many seek to spread truth even at great risk. Let me name a few people who are a comfort to the human race at the moment by their desire to overcome the lies and tricks of the powerful. There are many more than the four I will name but I must stick with ones I know well enough to trust.
First, Jim Corbett of the Corbett Report. Usually working alone, he is indefatigable, and very knowledgeable about the world. Second, Truther girl Sonia of the Youtube show Truth Girls. She started out giving advice to new Moms but has branched out widely to investigate any topic that worries her.
Third, Dee McLachlan of the Melbourne website GumshoeNews.com. She’s fit to be tied over what the mainstream media gets away with, especially 9-11, and chisels away at it every day, to our benefit. Fourth, Bill Windsor who travelled to almost every state of the US to listen to what folks were saying about the horrors of the judiciary. Then he got jailed – and, as he has claustrophobia, this was a severe sentence. He is currently free – but for how long?
Secrets of the Sacred
How does the divine, the sacred, come into the story? From Australian Aborigines to Alabamian Christians, some humans are able to make direct contact with “the universe.” I don’t know how it works but I know the feeling. It may be that we are biologically connected to everything and “the sacred” is how we express our deep perception of that.
Consider this, from the first chapter of the Gospel of John:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. … All things were made through him … In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Wow. Or consider this 20th century “adaptation” of the darkness-and-light idea, by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, in Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night:
"Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay… Do not go gentle into that good night Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
How did Dylan Thomas acquire this insight? My mother would say, “he knows more than his prayers.”
Let’s all start knowing our prayers.
–– Mary Maxwell is the author of a book about autism, entitled “A Balm in Gilead.”
The photo looks like this fellow?
They are both nice guys, Ned. But not a close match.
I stole this comment from Berry, at the article on Deathbed:
As mankind has an infinite capacity for discernment I’m convinced that being disinformed is, without exception, a personal choice.
And being informed doesn’t necessarily have any bearing on justice being served.
For anyone who’s not prepared to accommodate gross corruption & injustice there are numerous options: Fear is the only obstacle.
No worries, Mates:
It seems The Candidate is an old bottle that has been recycled many times. I went to look up something at Gumshoe and found that I said the following in an article entitled “Getting a Judge, Part 5: The Paddy Wagon Awaits” —
“This has got to stop. The thing we need is solidarity. Whoever it is that’s getting hurt, we need to stick up for them. After Jahar was picked as the goat for the Marathon crime, all his friends were harassed, intimidated, deported, or thrown in jail. What fools we were to let this happen.
“We should have protected these brothers of ours. And protect our cops too! Note: doing so gives pleasure! It is a fact that altruism releases opioids.
“What should Americans do now? Please go have a meeting with some friends; you’re bound to come up with ideas. Humans have solved amazing problems for millennia.How do new things get invented anyway? Necessity is their Mom.
“It’s time to stop being afraid, Bostonians. We can handle the Marathon issue. PIECE O’ CAKE. We can do it.”
You mentioned Tulsi Gabbard – let me also highlight Senator Richard Black (Virginia – Rep) – also with military background and who also has been to Syria.
For example …
• VA State Senator Richard Black Addresses September 11 Memorial Schiller Conference
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FNtEWfay_8
… and of course, one can’t talk about Syria without talking about Libya:
• Libya and Gaddafi – TRUTH NOW!
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COdKmHkPoOo
I think Israel is more a “base of operations” or planning centre than a fixed part of the evil empire itself. I saw it cleverly referred to once as a criminal hideout with the benefit of Sovereignty. America, long ago hi-jacked, is the arsenal, but the heart of the beast is indeed global, and it plays us all from the Left and Right of the political field, all the while keeping its focus on wealth and power for itself and its adherents.
Thanks, Paul. Now please buy a copy of two books from Karnac Press, in UK, by Wendy Hoffman:
The Enslaved Queen (she is referring to herself)
White Witch in a Black Robe (again, herself). She tries to tell what goes on in the uppermost chamber.
Brice Taylor also tried to tell us that. Paul, If you’ll send me yr address thru the Contact page of my campaign website, I will email you the entire book by Brice “Thanks for the Memories.”
http://www.MaxwellForSenate.com. I don’t have Wendy’s in digital.
By the way, Wendy dear, if you are nearby Alabama, please show up at one of my next talks such as Hale County on July 29 or Wetumpka on August 1 or Trussville on August 6. I don’t know what you look like so whisper to me “Paul sent me.”
I need all the friends I can get.
Wendy, since you are both a Jew and a visitor to the utmost chamber, you must know that Israel not only isn’t slated to become “Greater Israel,” it is slated to do the disappearing act, right?
Our PM is a goldmans banker . In the east suburbs he’s known as god dolphin (whatever that means) .
George Carlin described it nicely
“It’s a club and we ain’t in it’.
This town is built on lies bribes and deception everywhere . It was not set up as a penal colony randomly .
Masonic halls in every suburb .
Wages stagnant for thirty years ( if you’re lucky to have a job) and housing gone up 1000% . This is all to finance never ending wars that the 99% always pay for . Oz is the most unequal society today . Shame .
Solution . Stop the wars and the money
goes to the 99% .
But the 1% don’t want that .
With regard to your great article my comment is if your assumption is correct that all people are selfish? this becomes a conundrum insofar as the seven countries invaded and more or less returned to the stone age, although this may seem a reflection all are out for themselves becomes a problem that the minds and brains of the seven contributing to humanity are now destroyed, this as a possibility could be at a cost to myself as these nations may well of enhanced my existence.
The Nazis who destroyed in WW2 20 thousand officers of Poland, whilst this regime stated desired a super race? the contribution these officers could have made now destroyed.
I have little doubt many minds of the Middle East have superior intelligence to Trump, it is noted many who having attained power are not the most intelligent, the paradox of those in power so often reflects the limited ability of a brain and mind that is seriously compromised, this unfortunate condition of the human dilemma, that is the stupid so often becoming the authorities, has long been the bane of our planet.
The quest of those whom having a agenda or system to rule, usually with coercion or direct threat or simple death, those who are threatened having to rely on lateral thinking to avoid this fate, having to apply increased brain power and mindfulness to survive and increase this resource rather than the simplistic ideology of violence as a system, such as those who are obsessed to stay in power.
Don, it is settled that it was the Soviets who killed those 15,000 Polish officers art Katyn. But the Truman and Eisenhower admins insisted it was Nazis.
Why did they thus protect the Russians? Because Cold War waa a fake. The US screwed Poland — see Ambassador Lane’s amazing book. Somebody up higher runs us all.
As for the morality of human nature, I say we ALL have dual morality. Can be very very nice-guy, but will easily band together against the strange group, whatever that consists of. See Reinhold Niebuhr’s Moral Man and Immoral Society, 1932.
Even the way the multi-ethnic cabal behaves is like a clan against outsiders, the outsiders being me and thee and 7 billion souls. Why are we horsing around doing nothing while they are closing in? Because it’s taboo to say that they even exist.
Those who believe there really are Bilderbergers, etc, are to be labeled “conspiracy theorist.” Oh, my poor America.