J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
We hear a lot about the Nouveau Riche Rothschilds family who own a controlling share of Global Mainstream Media via Reuters and AAP, may run a significant part of the Globalist Banking System despite their denials, have a major stake in Australian mining, and who founded Israel and infiltrated European royalty.
It’s easy for some to say they are the essential Zionists who have single handedly created the current situation with Gaza, and all sorts of easy solutions to questions are handed out freely while the real forces at play are better concealed.
We now have a story put about belatedly, that the Gaza security wall was entirely disabled by a surprise drone attack, as if this was never considered by the Israeli Defence units, and was so devastating that there was no useful response.
This particular story is so implausible that it collapses under its own weight without any debate being required. It serves purely to divide public opinion, along the fracture line of the trusting, gullible and unthinking vs. the suspicious and sceptical.
In the same way Rothschilds come with a shaky cover story, that they were the first to think of international banking, carrier pigeons, trading in gold futures, “paper gold” promissory notes and so forth. We are told the patriarch, Mayer Rothschild operated from a little shop in a little street somewhere in Frankfurt, albeit with royal patronage from Crown Prince Wilhelm of Hesse, beside whom the patriarch Mayer Rothschild pales into virtual insignificance.
Prince Wilhelm, who after inheriting “one of the largest fortunes in Europe” became Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kessel, later becoming His Royal and Serene Highness The Prince-Elector of Hesse and eventually dying as William I, Elector of Hesse. This individual, with a tumultuous life during Napoleonic wars, produced vast numbers of offspring with his cousin-wife, a Danish princess, and three official mistresses.
His father hired out mercenaries to England to fight the upstart American colonies and his mother was the daughter of George II of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Hanover (also a Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, as was George I before him, and similar to William III a.k.a. WIlliam of Orange a.k.a WIlliam II of Scotland a.k.a. half of “William and Mary”, the protestant infiltrator, progenitor of “The Glorious Revolution”, who successfully re-invaded England from Europe in 1688).
“The electors, like the other princes ruling States of the Empire, were members of the Imperial Diet, which was divided into three collegia: the Council of Electors, the Council of Princes, and the Council of Cities. In addition to being members of the Council of Electors, most electors were also members of the Council of Princes by virtue of possessing territory or holding an ecclesiastical position. The assent of both bodies was required for important decisions affecting the structure of the Empire, such as the creation of new electorates or States of the Empire.
Many electors ruled a number of States of the Empire or held several ecclesiastical titles, and therefore had multiple votes in the Council of Princes”.
This Holy Roman Empire eventually gave way to the modern Germany with the unification and so-called Second Reich of Bismarck, and eventually the overreach and destruction brought by Hitler.
In 771 AD, Charlemagne became king of the Franks, a Germanic tribe sprawling across France, the Benelux states and western Germany. He spent much of his reign engaged in warfare, imposing Christianity and tithes at point of sword.
In 800 AD, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor.
The Rothschilds position was somewhat tangential in all this, being used as trusted international agents, who could also network through the Jewish diaspora, itself originally created by the Romans, around two thousand years ago.
The five sons or five arrows story goes along with the intermarrying story, that Mayer Rothschild enforced marriage only between cousins in order to create a bloodline, following the well known customs of the royals, going back to Egypt and beyond.
Of the four Rothschild sons who ventured out, the third son Nathan achieved the greatest success. Nathan moved to Manchester, England, in 1798 to set up a textile business. He later moved to London to establish himself as a banker, setting up N.M. Rothschild in 1810. But Manchester, with its textile mills full of virtual slaves, still uses the Merovingian bee symbol of the perfect workers, who frantically work themselves to death.
More about the Merovingian symbology here:
Alexandre Rothschild, son and heir of David Rene and Olimpia. The eagle and lion suggesting a merger of Holy Roman Empire and Great Britain.
A portion of the Rothschilds’ wealth is now solidly in the hands of the merger of Rothschilds and the Italian nobility of the very well connected Aldobrandinis. What persuaded the Rothschilds to marry outside their own bloodline? Great advantage we must presume. Under the new doctrine of Globalism, many consolidations are taking place, and Hesse-Kassel (Frankfurt) is central to the bloodlines of northern Europe. The violent power struggles of centuries have been superseded by negotiation, and now the hordes of useless eaters are to be removed by more subtle measures such as injection, complementing the traditional methods we see in Ukraine and Gaza. Our rulers have agreed we are moving unstoppably towards the 4th industrial revolution, where the underclasses will become cyborgs, controlled by chips wired into their brains, specifically bred for all imaginable functions, including no doubt, the entertaining death-orgies originating in ancient Rome, as well as every conceivable type of modern experimentation.
In the present we are all controlled by money, not microchips in our heads, so where is all this money and how is it produced in such a way to keep us in our tiny orbits?
The big money is in companies and corporations, with unknown ownership. We may think of Rio Tinto as a major Australian mining company while we also understand it was originally a Rothschilds acquisition as far back as the 1800’s. We understand we can buy shares in it, vast numbers of shares are for sale at the right price, which incidentally is maintained at a high level and doesn’t fluctuate like other mining ventures. But however many shares we may buy, their total is dwarfed by unknown companies, funds and trusts who we presume make up more than 90% of ownership. These entities are controlled by other unknown entities and owned by different fragments which include simple debt, as well as pension funds and various other dormant or imaginary pools of credit, the underwater part of the debt iceberg.
The controllers are most likely not the owners but the controllers themselves may have owners, for example, we can say with some certainty that Larry Fink of BlackRock did not rise to the top alone and unassisted, that would be beyond the limits of imagination. Instead he was chosen, groomed and remunerated accordingly.
These salary packages are another smokescreen, since director or CEO incomes have risen exponentially in recent decades, to a point where a CEO can expect to be paid hundreds of times more than the average worker of the company. We hear of multi-million dollar bonuses and think of these individuals as super-rich elites but in fact they are just a higher tier of underling than the rest of us. The real money is of course now in the billions at least, and a ten million dollar bonus amounts to nothing.
As everyone is aware, the real money is concealed in tax havens and financial centres such as London, Zurich and New York.
London was of course the headquarters of the Roman Empire and has never relocated as other capitals sometimes tend to do, it has endured for 2000 years.
By the late 16th century, long before Rothschilds, London had increasingly become a major centre for banking, international trade and commerce.
In the 1630s the Crown sought to have the Corporation of the City of London extend its jurisdiction to surrounding areas. In what is sometimes called the “great refusal”, the Corporation said “no” to the King.
The local authority for the City, namely the City of London Corporation, is unique in the UK and has some unusual responsibilities for a local council, such as being the police authority (take special note). It is also unusual in having responsibilities and ownerships beyond its boundaries. The corporation is headed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London (an office separate from, and much older than, the Mayor of London). The City administration is at the historic Guildhall. The adjacent Tower of London is part of its old defensive perimeter. The City has responsibility for five bridges including Tower Bridge. Other historic sites included within the City are St Paul’s Cathedral, Royal Exchange, the Old Bailey and the Lord Mayor’s residence, Mansion House; built during the reign of George II, the grandfather of Wilhelm I as discussed above.
Zurich was of course founded in modern terms by Charlemagne under patronage of the Pope, by the building of a fortress. Previously expanded on here:
New York was a destination of the Rockefellers, who emerged from the same place as Rothschilds, with an even more implausible cover-story, that their patriarch supposedly started out as a travelling snake-oil salesman. Hilary Rodham (Clinton) and Jeffrey Epstein both reportedly share the same origins, as of course does Bill Clinton quite famously via the Rockefellers.

A dizzying list of members of the top 300, now a few years since first publication, with some surprising inclusions such as Warren Buffet, Tony Blair and General Wesley Clark of the “Seven wars in five years” speeches fame.
Carlos Duke of Parma and William Prince of Orange are said to be close to the top.
The Wesley Clark story reads like one of the Rockefellers’ stories:
“Clark was born Wesley J. Kanne in Chicago on December 23, 1944. His father Benjamin died on December 6, 1948; his mother then moved the family to Little Rock, Arkansas (a Rockefellers stomping ground), where Veneta married Victor Clark, whom she met while working as a secretary at a bank. Victor raised Wesley as his son, and officially adopted him on Wesley’s 16th birthday. Wesley’s name was changed to Wesley Kanne Clark. Victor Clark’s name actually replaced that of Wesley’s biological father on his birth certificate, something Wesley would later say that he wished they had not done. Veneta raised Wesley without telling him of his Jewish ancestry to protect him from the anti-Jewish activities of the Ku Klux Klan in the southern U.S.”

Perhaps by now we are growing a sense of perspective and greater objectivity in relation to the Rothschilds and control of the world’s money. The bloodlines of Europe run back to the Macedonian Ptolemy, founder of the last Egyptian Pharaonic dynasty, and beyond. They include the ruling families of city states of northern Italy, to whom Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini, the mother of Alexandre Rothschild is widely related. The Holy Roman bloodlines of Charlemagne merge with the same blue bloodlines as the much later Queen Victoria.
Most of the money nowadays is debt and financial instruments while actual assets are not so much for sale, except in token amounts. While the commoners pay all sorts of taxes for every transaction, the elites avoid all of it. While the commoners go into battle over various strategic pieces of territory, the elites have territorial parcels tidily salted away and totally immune throughout centuries of turmoil.
We may marvel at history, and at history being made, at how the eastern European countries like Poland and Ukraine are virtually defenceless against determined invaders and with constantly shifting blood-soaked borders, sometimes disappearing altogether for a time. Meanwhile islands such as Sealand (Denmark) and enclaves such as San Marino, (notably, roughly halfway between Rome and Venice), continue undisturbed forever. How can this be? One answer is, they are usually tax havens.
San Marino is an enclaved state which is enclosed by Italy. San Marino occupies an area of about 24 square miles and has over 33,562 residents. The largest city in the country is Serravalle, while the City of San Marino is the capital. San Marino has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. The most commonly spoken languages in the state include Italian, Russian and English.
San Marino got its name from a stonemason known as Marinus who came from Rab Island. Marinus helped reconstruct the city walls of Rimini after the Liburnian pirates destroyed them in 257 AD. He later established an independent monastic commune in Monte Titano, thus making San Marino the oldest constitutional republic and sovereign state in the world. A very handy traveller’s port of call, in those times.
Every place is entitled to its own rules and every place has its own accountants, coming up with tax avoiding ideas such as the famous “Double-Dutch Irish Sandwich” of some years ago. Islands around Britain and in the Caribbean are well known, but there are plenty more.
Enough tax havens in fact to make your head swim:
Less known are US states, most famously Delaware, home of Leader of the Free World Joe Biden, but also Nevada, Alaska and South Dakota, where Governor Kristi Noem seems to be trying to run a new Irish style citizens paradise out of its generous tax arrangements:
Leading to more US states trying to get on board …
It’s a race to the bottom no under Globalism, the new internationalism, where the commoners are expected to own nothing by way of relentless taxes.
We can see the vested interests of the Global economy are right across the board, they are massive, ancient, entrenched. Some are famous like the Kennedys and DuPonts, others slipping into the shadows like Warburgs and Vanderbilts, claiming their massive fortunes are entirely gone. Gone indeed, only the accountant and Rothschilds Bank know their whereabouts.
“The master planners devised the strategy of a merger – a Great Merger – among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meagre subsistence level of the socialised nations of the world. The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up… It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order.” – Gary Allen in his book “The Rockefeller File”
The Black nobility run the Vatican and the world. Two families the Colonna and Torlonia provide “assistant Princes to the Papal Throne” to keep the Pope in check….The Holy See corp controls all corps and gvts….Nations formed as companies to exploit “citizens/persons” (aka corps) as merchandise
The most glaring problem with that write-up is that Jesus is the ultimate Zionist:
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of ZION!
Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you;
He is just and endowed with salvation,
Humble, and mounted on a donkey,
Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”
“For the Lord has chosen Zion;
He has desired it for His habitation.
‘This is My resting place forever;
Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.'”
PSALM 132: 13 – 14
As spelled out in St John’s Revelation, one way or another the Harlot(Wayward Israel/World System) will eventually be annihilated by the Beast(the counterfeit “good works” Messiah/Mahdi)
Whose role in the redemption of “the remnant” will be akin to the role of Judas Iscariot in Christ’s crucifixion/resurrection.
But in order to get one’s head around said prospect one needs to be reasonably familiar with the Old Testament prophecies listed in pages 2 – 9 of this compilation:
The unpopularity of said predictions unmistakably goes to the fact that, contrary to the “cabal”fantasy of the hour, accountability always falls on the hoi poloi,,as exemplified in the ISAIAH prologue
St John’s reference to the Mahdi elucidated here:
The Vatican must still pick up a lot of deceased estates, how many would be interesting to know, but with population reductions people have nowhere to put their stuff when they’re dead, and look at all the ads on SBS-TV asking for donations for caged bears and United Nations programs, this guilt stuff is a growth industry. Obviously you can’t free a caged bear, they will just go and catch another one to put in the cage. You can’t “save the children” in Africa, they will probably be giving injections, sooner or later, makes no difference.
Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844), Disraeli drew in a picture form the life of the Jews ruling the world from behind the thrones as graphic as anything in the Protocols of Nilus.
The head of the Jesuits is known as the Black Pope.
Black symbolises Nimrod, the founder of Babylon which is why you see it so much in religious and ju dicial circles.
“…………..It is paramount to note that on March 20 1990 President George Bush Sr signed into law a Congressional Resolution on the so-called Noahide Laws entitled House Joint Resolution 14 Public Law 102-4 Here & Here & Here.
This Congressional Act potentially gives the Jews the legal right to imprison and condemn to death Christians as “idol worshippers” according to the 1st Article of the Noahide Laws which considers the worship of Jesus Christ as “idolatry” for worshipping a “false god” HERE.
The Jews call this article of the 7 Noahide Laws, Avodah Zarah, enunciating it as a commandment: “Do not worship false gods as idols” Here.
The bottom line is that this ultimately means the international imposition of the Noahide Laws by Jews. And these Noahide Laws, which potentially can condemn Christians to death, will be governed by the Zionists who are given ownership over these laws by both the Vatican and the US Government. …………………………..”
Read on –
Your link doesn’t even work you festering nutter, you will have to look it up on archive now since it’s shut down. I agree with one of their headlines, “jews sell arab organs” 100%, so does everyone else who can get their hands on them. Arab organs are best because they don’t use alcohol.
You remind me of Reverend Peter Shayne in this old movie
So here’s the Noahide laws:
What, exactly is the problem?
As for the 1st century Talmadic concession to “killing Christians”, it’s a matter of note that, bar the Pharisee responsible for the overseeing of the same, “The Good News” would never have spread beyond an isolated/quirky Jewish sect:
As for the implications of finding fault with Jews being “A Chosen People”, the following scriptures say it all: https://www.openbible.info/topics/being_a_chosen_people
I hereby register my objection to anyone calling anyone a festering nutter on this website.
We don’t do that here.
As a US citizen and resident you must have a different perspective on the relentless vilification of broad-spectrum jews, you must see them (globally) as a difficult and undesirable political bloc whereas I see them (locally) as individual people.
So which is worse, endless repetitive hate-speech or a mild nickname ? I won’t hold my breath for a response.
“We don’t do that here”
Well as putting an end to it would be as simple as advising the likes of cc as above………..
The blueprint for following in Christ’s footsteps is set out in the New Testament, a guideline that was entirely written by Jews.
Perpetual vilification proves one thing and one thing only
Who Wrote the Bible? Meet the 35 (Traditional) Authors – OverviewBible
“God wrote the Bible.” The Holy Spirit moved prophets like Moses and apostles like Paul to write about God’s relationship with the world ( 1 Ti 3:16; 2 Pe 1:20–21 ). “About 40 people wrote the Bible.” The individual books were written by many authors over many years in many places to many different people groups.
I just skimmed the Noahide laws, first time ever.
Interesting skim……bet 99% of the population have not even bothered to note the laws (like me) even if they had heard of them…..
They seem to have a authoritarian ‘up ewes’ primitive mentality for these times.
The propensity to cut off heads for transgressions should make us wonder about the intellectual adherents to noahide crap.
Wonder what our indigenous supporters will think when it is applied to our indigenous brothers and sisters.
So for dangerous festering nutters!
I can’t get over how Noah made a boat probably the size of an aircraft carrier and got everything on it from ants to platypuses to woolly mammoths and still had time to write a bunch of laws
Your great great grandparents would no doubt have had difficulty getting their heads around the concept of a microchip:
How does your microchip quip help to encourage the naive to believe that Noah included wombats, kangaroos, echidnas and the full assortment with that bloody pair of mosquitos.
Some old stories persist longer than others but you can probably get a better idea by digging up the bones
Ned, there are some great stories in it. I like ‘Johna in the whale’ and ‘Samson’s hair’, Crikey, those are great. Although, the whole story about Solomon’s temple is right up there.
“Because of the powerful impact of Darwinian thought in our public schools for over a century, most people, including most Evangelicals, do not believe that Noah’s flood was worldwide. Most Evangelicals think that it was a local flood. Non-Evangelicals mostly think that there was no Noah, no ark, and no flood.
But there is evidence outside the Bible to support the Biblical account of a worldwide flood.
There are over 200 people groups who have stories about a family that was saved in a huge boat from a worldwide flood. See here for a short article by Dr. John Morris about those traditions. See here for a fantastic 12-page scholarly article about flood traditions by Dr. Jerry Bergman. Bergman gives these statistics from the various traditions: 95% say that it was a global flood, 88% report that “a favored family [was] saved,” 70% say that “survival [was] due to a boat,” 67% say that animals were also saved, 66% say that the people of Earth were warned in advance of the flood, and 9% say that “specifically eight persons [were] saved.”
Another line of evidence includes things like the Grand Canyon, the strata of rocks, and the fact there are seashells on the tops of the highest mountains on Earth.”
My position is that there’s an element of truth in all myths and legends irrespective of the religious milieu.
Pooh hooing any of them just proves you’re hooked into THE superstition of the Age – the most pernicious cult the World has ever known
That old rugged machine is back! Guillotines, by the millions are being stored in Georgia and other parts of the United States. Bill #1274 of the Georgia House of Representatives – 1995/1996 Sessions HB 1274 – Death penalty; guillotine provisions Code Sections – 17-10-38/ 17-10-44:
h ttp://www.cuttingedge.org/ce1090.html
h ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW4-RU_VymI
“…….By the terms of the “FOREVER” Treaty of 1213, the Vatican has since owned the Crown which it has rented to the British Monarchy per the terms of said Treaty, to wit:…………”
h ttp://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/123/211-the-secret-behind-secret-societies/
However the Crown is now a possession of the ‘Israelites’ who own Washington dc-
It is not the Pope who wears the Crown today, it is the worshipers of the pagan god iconised as the Statue of Liberty.
In 1964 Pope Paul VI abandoned the tradition of wearing an ornate, bejeweled crown.
Beginning in the 8th century, the papal tiara — a jewel-encrusted, ornately decorated three-tiered, conical crown — was the symbol of papal authority. Worn by new popes on the occasion of their coronations and other solemn occasions, the headdress represented the Bishop of Rome’s ascendancy over earthly kings and queens……………….
After the announcement that the papal tiara would be sold at auction, Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York City arranged for the tiara to come to the United States, as a gift acknowledging the generous contributions by American Catholics to helping the world’s destitute.
Following a tour accross the country as part of an exhibition put on by Catholic Relief Services, the crown went to its permanent home where it is now on display in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC…………
h ttps://aleteia.org/2018/08/19/the-day-the-pope-who-gave-up-his-papal-tiara-to-feed-the-poor/
Washington dc which now has the PAPAL CROWN in its possession is Rothschild owned –
Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia is also known as D.C. or Washington. It is the capital city of the United States of America, but did you know it is not owned by America?
The district is not a part of any U.S. state. In 1846, Congress returned the land originally ceded by Virginia. Yet we pay for all it’s infrastructure and commerce. Washington D.C. pays no taxes, though it is a capital city. Ironically residents of Washington D.C. lack a full self-governance. Representation in Congress is limited to a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives and a shadow senator. It took until 1964, Washingtonians to vote in the Presidential elections. It took until 1973 for the city was allowed to elect its own mayor.
Who owns Washington DC? London, The District of Columbia and the Vatican.
DC has its own flag and own independent constitution. The Act of 1871 passed by Congress created a separate “corporation” known as THE UNITED STATES & corporate government for the District of Columbia. Thus DC acts as a Corporation through the Act. The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars (the 3 stars denoting DC, Vatican City and City of London)………………”
h ttps://www.theafricandream.net/what-every-american-should-know-about-washington-dc-and-who-owns-it/
Washington D.C. ( District of Columbia )
“Columbia” is a name for “Goddess of Creation, War, and Destruction” better known as the goddess of death and pain. She is derived from the imagery of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and Queen of Babylon.
The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld. She is crowned with pentacles (pentagrams–stars with five points). When someone stands on something, it is usually an indication of ownership. Therefore, she owns the facility she stands upon. Although the dome on top of the Capitol building was not finished until 1868, the final installation of this statue on top of the dome took place on December 2, 1863. The original Capitol building, without the dome, was completed in 1826.
Columbia and Persephone are seen as other statues around Washington D.C. area.
“……….When it came time to pick a name for the new capital that was being moved from Charleston to its present site, Senator John Lewis Gervais, whom the present day street is named after, in 1786 said, “in this town we should find refuge under the wings of COLUMBIA.” It is from this speech that people rallied to name it Columbia, beating out the name Washington in an 11-7 vote in the state senate.
It is clear from Gerais’ quote that Columbia, South Carolina was named for the goddess Columbia and not Christopher Columbus.
h ttps://esotericcolumbia.blogspot.com/2018/10/columbia-sc-isnt-named-after-columbus.html
Washington, D.C., and the Quest for a Perfectly Square City
h ttps://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/is-washington-a-square
As shown in this 1862 map, published by G. Woolworth Colton, the District of Columbia was designed to be a perfect square, 10 miles on a side. Library of Congress In This Story Destination…
Notwithstanding the fact that the character of any nation is always determined by the dominant characteristics of it’s citizenry, e.g. Jo Biden merely signifies a national bent toward brain rot
What now that we’re fleeced to the bone, in this digital prison where bloodsuckers rule and impose their BS on starving innocents waiting to be bombed, next in line, as perpetraitors play the victim?
Throwing rocks or peace flags in front of tanks, one only ends up crushed. We are in no position to fight them with the tools they manufacture, collecting from all sides exhausted and cleansed.
This is a spiritual war, only way to oppose them is with prayer and non compliance. Easier said than done, where abombingnations is instant at touch of fingertips.
I think we need some of Carson and the 5th Kind… and David Icke…
This is the final paragraph of the joint resolution of Congress referred to above. It has no binding power on anything:
PUBLIC LAW 101-267—APR. 6, 1990 104 STAT. 131
….. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That April 6, 1990, the eighty-eighth birthday of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader and head of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as “Education Day, U.SA.”. The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
We also call on heads of. state of the world to join our President in this tribute by signing similar scrolls of honor which will be presented in their respective countries this year of the “Fortieth Anniversary” entering the fifth decade of leadership. On this occasion we would also welcome the cooperation of the Department of State in extending the good office of the United States missions to the Lubavitcher emissaries.
Approved April 6, 1990.
Globalist eco-fascists – City of London – Climate Hoax – Big Brother Automated fines – Civil disobedience – it’s all happening and it’s here already
Thought for today –
Pumpkin Heads celebrate Halloween around the time of harvest
Autumn – Wikipedia
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autumn
Autumn, also known as fall in North American English, is one of the four temperate seasons on Earth. Outside the tropics, autumn marks the transition from summer to winter, … Halloween, 31 October, is in autumn in the northern hemisphere.
“The Pleiades, the Flood, and the Jewish New Year,”
In her fascinating scholarly essay, “The Pleiades, the Flood, and the Jewish New Year,” Dr. Ellen Robbins, a lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University, details how this ancient calendrical thinking factored into the interpretation of the Flood story—including its preamble about the sons of God and the Nephilim.[vi]
h ttps://www.skywatchtv.com/2023/03/09/heiser-7/
It falls at a dark time of year
For us in the Northern Hemisphere, Halloween is the darkest of the cross-quarter days. And it comes at a time of year when the days are growing shorter. Early people once said that the spirits of the dead wander from sunset until midnight around this cross-quarter day. After midnight – on November 1, now called All Saints’ Day – the ghosts supposedly go back to rest.
The October 31 date for Halloween is fixed by tradition. The true cross-quarter day falls on November 7, representing a discrepancy of about a week. According to the ancient Celts, a cross-quarter day marks the beginning – not the middle – of a season.
The Pleiades connection
Some believe that the early forebear of Halloween – Samhain – happened on the night that the Pleiades star cluster culminated at midnight…………
h ttps://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/halloween-derived-from-ancient-celtic-cross-quarter-day/
The signs of the times indicate that the Biblical harvest is not far away –
Matthew 13:24-30
New King James Version
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
We’ll see –
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 23 Oct. 2023
Janine Tarot: -Israel was created free in 1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires the end of October 2023. (day after eclipse no coincidence) They are registered as a corporation address is next to Kensington palace. That means that the timing of the war is completely planned strategically to coincide with the time
The link has recently been deleted.
The de Medici clan’s coat of arms has five red balls on a shield, the same number as the Rothchild’s arrows.
Catherine de Medici married the Duke of Orleans and thus became French royalty as well as Italian. The duck’s mother was a Bourbon, the same line as the infamous Louis XVI, and his grandad, the Sun King Louis XIV.
The Sun King struck up a friendship with the Scottish fraudster, John Laws, and together they implemented Laws’ fraud and put up the crown jewels as collateral for paper currency to be printed in amounts umpteen times greater than the value of the jewels.
When the merde hit the fan, as it was always going to with such scams, the French rebelled: Liberté, égalité, fraternité. The Bourbons lost their head, which is no doubt French for going underground, and the next thing the Rothchilds are credited with inventing fractional reserve banking. And lending some of the freshly printed money to Napoleon, the man most famous for saying that history is a pack of lies agreed upon, who shared the same surname as the House of Bonaparte of Florence the same stomping ground as the de Medicis.
John Law was a great story but I didn’t realise he was so old, I would have guessed nearly 100 years later, I thought he was just a scammer, not a cutting edge bankster
I probably got too much Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn on the brain from a young age. I bet the elites never read that stuff, and they would get the real history instead of “Treasure Island” and “Bermuda Triangle” rubbish
“Israel is the one stable ally the US has in the middle east” – young Bibi
Who is the guy smirking in the audience ?
I was looking for some muslim top guys having a rave about crusaders but unfortunately I have to go out and do some work. Anyway Bibi has spelled it out.
Jews project themselves onto those they hate –
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
Amalek was the oldest son of Eliphaz, son of Esau. Genesis 36:8-12 tells us,
h ttps://godskingdom.org/blog/2022/11/additional-thoughts-on-amalek
h ttps://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/10/29/at-the-end-of-the-day-its-all-about-the-benjamins/
What transpired on October 7th?
I’ve been following the troop movements in the Middle East. It sure looks like this WWIII is going to happen. When the SHTF the price of fuel will go through the roof, so I topped up an extra 60 litres of diesel to store in my shed. It isn’t much, but hey, I’ve got something for an emergency trip.
Of course, as the currency collapses my silver coins might be able to buy/barter some extra fuel. However, here’s an article on the impact to food availability, NOW THAT is going to get some people’s attention. – Hmm, that seems to fit right in with the depopulation agenda…
………….But meanwhile, look at the situation in the world today and see if it does not align with the Pike Plan’s third world war scenario.
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”
I read Pike’s letter a long time ago. There seems to be a contingent of humanity (perhaps not quite human) that goes along with this bullshit. After all, there is an old book that justifies it –
Pikes plans were well known to us, so others would have known.
And remember Dr Day as reported by Dr Dunegan.
Note in situation update the changing of the music pitch and why prisons are privatised.
Then what would opponents plan to counter that evil.
The situation today!
Indeed, pike may now be Q’d.👻🙏
Listen to todays situation update by Mary.
Listen to SG anon update today 10/30/23 ‘something unexpected is happening must video.
Both at beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
Yes Terry. Do not forget the additive to your fuel to preserve it.I recall 1970-
Note from situation update the characters running the CDC plus plus.
That address is also available elsewhere.
Re the SG anon interview…,
From about 34 mins re the incorporation of Israel etc..
And how it is relevant to present developments…. Think outside the box.
Anyone think the Arabs want to be incorporated into the system?
Remember Ghadafi 💀?
All that gas of Gaza would taste just as yummy as the Golan Heights supply. Do I recall a RM get a licence with others to get licences for the latter?
Article and photo at WRH.com (31/10) of alleged ‘slant drilling’ to steal Gaza oil.
Well, Israel needs the money.
The sganon interview has now been posted in the next GS article.
For the sake of YOUR world, LISTEN TO IT.
Ned, I poured in the additive just before I topped up the containers.