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Celebrated traditional NZ manufactured product

J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor

So, New Zealand, formerly known as Aotearoa, is having its post-Covid election on 14 October. Far be it from the writer to predict an outcome, with a rainbow coloured field of so-called choices and potential coalitions, the only conclusion drawn is that the recently disappeared PM, Globalist asset Jacinta Ardern, didn’t wish to undergo any scrutiny or face the possibility of losing and facing more scrutiny, never mind the scuttlebutt, so had no option except to move forward to her buffer position at Harvard University. The persistent rumours that she is intersex or a man, may be the product of small town imaginations, which act as if in an echo chamber. Ardern has a well defined “witches chin” which is a female characteristic. It’s unclear why she would choose to move up to the Land of the Free given her extremely strong support for bullying, intimidation and heavy-handed government censorship so it must be assumed she is working temporarily as an agent for grass-roots communism amongst some embryonic group of liberal-minded students of Massachusetts, before she moves on to her ultimate reward career, in Geneva, New York or some other UN facility.


Another one to watch is Greens Party MP Golriz Ghahraman, formerly a Kurdish refugee, who now speaks out against “sinister populism” (i.e., only communists should be allowed a vote). The Kurds are still paying restitution for their famous ancestor, the hated Saladin, who defeated an army of Crusaders in the late 1100’s and so conquered Jerusalem. Their country was divided by the British and they are sold out by various military deals with major powers, as recently as the Syrian conflict. Nonetheless this Kurd graduated from Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” and went on to infiltrate the New Zealand government. Originally there were three pages of Australiasian YGLs but now there is only one; even the wayback machine only shows two pages now. Local celebrities like Sarah Hanson-Young are cringing like vampires in the sunlight.


It should be noted that even though New Zealand has followed the same policial model as Australia, with a grab-bag of parties, all controlled and manipulated, all infiltrated with various professional liars who report to the UN and foreign entities, the parties do not define or properly reflect the inherent makeup of the country. Originally the conservative party catered mostly to farmers, agribusiness and the establishment, while the progressive party claimed to speak for “labour”, while exporting jobs in parallel with the mighty Australian efforts under Whitlam and his successors. Nowadays with the increase in white collar professional staff and the drift to latte-socialism things are less clear. The Maori people have been reduced over time to around 20% of the total, even fewer since a large number of them have colonised Queensland for the warmer weather and a change of scenery. New Zealand acts as a protectorate for Pacific Island states and these Polynesian islanders from Fiji, Samoa etc. make up nearly 10% of the population. While they may look something like Maori people, they are most definitely not. Maori people and Maori identifying people, including residents of Queensland, therefore may make up to about 25% of the electorate, so a huge part of the Labour Party’s traditional “entitlement”. In this respect the upcoming election may be a referendum on Maori support for forced injections, lockdowns and censorship.

The Maori people are a unique species and fascinated the English when they arrived. Using the Vatican’s definition of the word discovered, from their Doctrine of Discovery, New Zealand was perhaps first discovered by the Dutch in the mid 1600’s then left in peace for 130 years before Captain Cook of Britain arrived.

“The first European to sight New Zealand was Dutch explorer Abel Tasman. He was on an expedition to discover a great Southern continent ‘Great South Land’ that was believed to be rich in minerals. In 1642, while searching for this continent, Tasman sighted a ‘large high-lying land’ off the West Coast of the South Island.

Abel Tasman annexed the country for Holland under the name of ‘Staten Landt’ (later changed to ‘New Zealand’ by Dutch mapmakers). Sailing up the country’s West Coast, Tasman’s first contact with Māori was at the top of the South Island in what is now called Golden Bay. Two waka (canoes) full of Māori men sighted Tasman’s boat. Tasman sent out his men in a small boat, but various misunderstandings saw it rammed by one of the waka. In the resulting skirmish, four of Tasman’s men were killed.

Tasman never set foot on New Zealand, and after sailing up the West Coast, went on to some Pacific Islands, and then back to Batavia (now Jakarta) in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). His mission to New Zealand was considered unsuccessful by his employers, the Dutch East India Company, Tasman having found ‘no treasures or matters of great profit’.“

The atrocious seas of the south west coast were not mentioned and the alluvial gold he missed was probably impossible to be reached given his bad luck with the natives of the safest harbour in the region, now called Golden Bay.

The Maori people arrived about four centuries prior to the Dutch and had already divided themselves into tribes and built a local warrior culture with fortresses on hilltops and a formidable background in canoe building. The large canoes were essentially capable of navigation feats equalling the viking ships. The racial origins of the Maori people are demonstrably most likely with the “Taiwan aborigines”, who were relegated to the eastern side of Taiwan after the invasion by Chiang Kai Shek during Chairman Mao’s revolution. More recent discoveries of parallel ancient funeral songlines further confirms this.


Maori spirituality is a real thing and similar to anywhere else in south-east asia, everything has a spirit and you mess with it at your own peril. Better to have a good guide in case you transgress in such matters. Burial sites in particular should be treated with caution. Also worth noting, these people are not individually materialistic in the same way as modern northern Europeans and prefer to share things out amongst the tribe.

The tribal instincts have led to multiple urban gangs and these could easily form the basis of a well-armed militia. We await the election outcome with great interest to see if the World Economic Forum remains a step ahead of the current Maori perceptions, which will surely take down the Labour Party but possibly not anticipate WEF infiltrators into their Maori Party. Adding to Maori  insecurities there are Chinese aspirations in the region, foremost Taiwan, but including the Pacific right down to NZ. Chinese people are inevitable but not popular with the Maori population who already see them as another unwanted wave of invaders.

Chinese are generally more aloof than the English, and since Maori culture has enthusiastically adopted beer drinking, these latter two have had something in common. Perhaps the Maori people will take to fried noodles eventually.

Incidentally and meanwhile, four Chinese semiconductor companies are colonising Taiwan and being threatened by relatively small fines while they try to poach employees from Taiwan Semiconductor, the biggest chip producer in the world.

The action never stops.

Believe it or not! Maori sailors in Antarctica, story from 1904


A bit more background to governance in New Zealand:

The upper house was abolished in 1951, it had 54 appointed (not elected) members, following in the mode of the English parliament.

It was effectively a rubber stamp, but instead of reforming to an elected senate it was abolished. Only fanatics would choose to relocate to a cold, windy place like Wellington, best suited to penguins.

NZ has had four Maori “senators” since 1867, the number has now increased to 7. The parliament is unicameral meaning they all sit in the same house.

The Maori Voice (from years ago):

“Many conservative MPs, most of whom considered Maori “unfit” to participate in government, opposed Maori representation in Parliament, while some MPs from the other end of the spectrum regarded the concessions given to Maori as insufficient. In the end the setting up of Maori electorates separate from existing electorates assuaged conservative opposition to the bill – conservatives had previously feared that Maori would gain the right to vote in general electorates, thereby forcing all MPs (rather than just four Maori MPs) to take notice of Maori opinion”

The Unicameral “Beehive” NZ Parliament House (built 1969-1981), a match for the Canberra APH pyramid, built a few years later by the Hawke government.

Anyone unclear about the symbolism here need only reflect on the fact that the bee is a celebrated symbol of the Merovingians, who are basically some of post-Charlemagne’s “Holy Roman Empire” dispersed royal houses in regions of former West Germany, Benelux countries and across the border into parts of France. The bee represents a tireless and devoted worker who exists solely to produce honey, so this of course was the model of the ideal subject for these kings and princes. One might imagine they have been working single-mindedly throughout the ages towards producing this outcome. The Merovingians penetrated the British aristocracy hundreds of years ago, and control it to this day.

Part of the City of Manchester Coat of Arms

In the north of England, Manchester also does bees, as it was the virtual slavery in “hives” that spearheaded the industrial revolution. Farm workers were driven off the land during industrialisation, they never actually owned their land so they became destitute and exploited in the cities. Bees are a Merovingian symbol, going back many centuries, including such luminaries as Emperor Napoleon. Today, Manchester City Council likes to decorate the malls and street furniture with bee logos. Now if you ever wondered what a Fleur-de-Lys is all about, there is an ancient town in Switzerland called Lys where this symbol seems to have originated. The Fleur-de-Lys is seen on ornate old buildings and appears as certain logos, such as the boy scouts, well known to many to be a centre of induction into ancient man-boy relationships. This symbol has been around for a long, long time.


Fleur-de-lys as bees, Konstanz Cathedra, a short way from Liechtenstein and Zurich


The Maori people are surely working out in their own way that they are being deceived, manipulated and incorporated. They are now assisted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who via the German experience, probably has some broader idea of what is going on in New Zealand.





    • Sounds like Cook was eaten in Hawaii ( probably as punishment for spreading syphilis )

      “Cook was held in high esteem by the chiefs (sic) so his body was given the same funeral rites that one of their elders would have received. It was disembowelled, baked and the bones cleaned. Following appeals from his comrades the remains were eventually returned for burial at sea.”

      • Ok, I note that your citation apparently comes from wikipaedia, so must be correct!
        So he was really cooked.
        Never heard of that before.
        Cannot wait to tell my grandchildren and when ever visiting Hawaii, that they should behave and beware of the cook.
        (“that’s not funny poppa”.😩)

        • Worse still I just G666gled it, I’m not a compulsive wikipedophile but in defence of the WP, everything gets the misinformation treatment …

          • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moriori

            Sure seems to me that, that macaroni, Joseph Banks caused a domino effect to genocide. Gave the “firestick” long gun too, one party, for a shrunken head creating a technological advantage. Thing is guns need consumables, so “things” must have been supplied on a ongoing basis.

            Never got to the bottom of this story, but prior to 1400, there was a group that from what I can gather were pretty much hobbits. But they were eaten, history or folk-law I can not say, but I would like to find out(the easy way of course, not served with sauce).

          • Yeah,yeah of course, Joseph Banks was to blame
            That evil colonist who destroyed their perfect hobbit life-style
            There couldn’t possibly a gram of truth in either of the write-ups I posted

          • sure I was talking back in the never never, the hobbits I refer too were prior to even 1200. Those giant birds, that legend has it, said massive eagle’s even to Bank’s time.

            I still maintain that Banks tipped the scale deliberately to one side as he had some kinda colonial conquest formula, including cannibalism. But as a warfare tool, there was plenty of calorie dense foods (mmm, tūī). So I still say Joseph Banks was a evil colonist, that the pox was never far behind, reminds me of Bill Gates in a way, but fitter and flouryer.Neither of course worked alone.
            Not sure how this distracts from your post, I was trying to find a bigger view. Which would include the crazy last story of Captain Cook. History to the victor, crumbs for us.

          • ah the New Brighton hotel on the Manly Corso back every friday in the 90’s. I remember some being even larger than life

  1. ‘Guns germs and steel’ by Jared Diamond from memory has an interesting observation of the Māoris toward the end of his book.
    In about the 1850s the Māoris found out about the Chattam (sp) Islands and decided to invade it.
    He says they did and killed many inhabitants, then left because survival there was a bit difficult.
    Interesting observation of the diverse circumstance and nature of humanity.
    The Islanders had no time for killing, arguing, trinkets, decorations and grandeur, they had to spend their time and energy in just surviving.
    So for the noble…………!

      • Josephine Cashman and Reiner Feullmich are right on the target.
        We have now been supplied with a huge “jews” narrative to distract.
        As Karl Rove explained, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” What Karl Rove didn’t want to acknowledge is that Washington is just part of an empire.

        • It is not the Pope who wears the Crown today, it is the worshippers of the pagan god symbolised as the Statue of Liberty.

          In 1964 Pope Paul VI abandoned the tradition of wearing an ornate, bejeweled crown.

          Beginning in the 8th century, the papal tiara — a jewel-encrusted, ornately decorated three-tiered, conical crown — was the symbol of papal authority. Worn by new popes on the occasion of their coronations and other solemn occasions, the headdress represented the Bishop of Rome’s ascendancy over earthly kings and queens……………….

          After the announcement that the papal tiara would be sold at auction, Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York City arranged for the tiara to come to the United States, as a gift acknowledging the generous contributions by American Catholics to helping the world’s destitute.

          Following a tour accross the country as part of an exhibition put on by Catholic Relief Services, the crown went to its permanent home where it is now on display in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC…………

          h ttps://aleteia.org/2018/08/19/the-day-the-pope-who-gave-up-his-papal-tiara-to-feed-the-poor/

          Religious Luciferian symbols

          h ttp://whale.to/c/churches_ill.html


          h ttp://whale.to/c/churches_ill.html#Obelisk_

          For the owner/controllers of the United States of Amerika/Amarka/Omorca, their ultimate objective is control of the whole world, turning it into a modern day Babylon.

          It is time that this knowledge becomes common.

          Jer.51:7 “Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of God, making all the Earth drunk.The nations have drunk of her fermented wine therefore the nations are insane”.

          All of the different pagan gods are just different manifestations of Nimrod the founder of Babylon and his wife ( The Two Babylons- Hislop )

          From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ see note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]

          and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4

          “……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.


  2. If the Maoris think Fuellmich has appeared to save them then they need to research the concept of controlled opposition. Then put the guy on that boat to the Dutch East Indies that somehow missed the 7,600,000 km2 continent that sits smack bang between Golden Bay and Batavia.
    Too much Heineken and bawdy times … with the captain’s wife, maybe.
    Not that Captain Bligh had the same excuse. After being set adrift by his master’s mate he floated the 7,600 km from Pitcairn Island to Timor via Torres Strait (named after the Portugese sailor who 1606 also failed to notice the continent he sailed past) and yet failed to notice the wide brown land his bee keeper cousins had founded the year before. Bligh was a rum man as we know from our primary school social studies classes which also taught his ship’s name was Bounty, not Venus, as assumed.
    Makes one wonder why the sailors didn’t have a chat with Edmund Blackadder before setting sail to discover New Holland. Blackadder found the place without looking and even took a boomerang back for Queen Lizzy.
    Let’s face it, that’s as believable as the official history forced down our hive minds kept busy making honey for our lost at see, admirals.

  3. Unfortunately Biden has said that 11 Americans were killed by Hamas’ attack.

    As we speak, Netanyahu is laying siege to Gaza. No mention of DEW, but I saw a photo back in April 2023 that looked like DEW in Gaza,

  4. Our funny opposition is giving the former Qantas figurehead the hated leprechaun a good kicking now he has already gone, they waited until he was out the door and down the road before giving him the worst kicking of his leprechaun life, this is because they have been running the una-party electricity story for so long and nothing has happened that nobody is listening anymore. We always need a new story like Gaza, Taiwan or football grand final. But except for children, mass entertainment is there to be ignored, from Tayla Swift through to the MMA champions punching each other in the head. Tribe is ok but best not to be incorporated into the hive. We seniors exist to pay bills so electricity and Qantas prices are our Jimmy Savile and Walt Disney.
    Bridget McKenzie is His Majesty’s Opposition’s appointed leprechaun kicker in chief, a lady to show they have ladies in our conservative blue party. Her skills at disappeared leprechaun kicking are remarkable. This is a real media coup. Between this, “the Voice” and Gaza we need think about nothing else. Let’s all stop thinking. “Ommm”

  5. Tjurkurpa Declaration
    7 October 2023

    A meeting of Senior Lawmen and Wati took place at the northwest part of Uluru and at the Outback Resort, Yulara on 6 & 7 October 2023 with observers from Murrawarri and Budjiti. During the meeting regular connection was had between Lawmen from various regions in SA and NT via Facetime and phone conferencing.

    The meeting’s concluding determination is that, in spite of the proposed referendum on 14 October, the holders of the spiritual Celestial ancient Law of these lands affirm that “the Voice”, if successful, will have no authority, nor effect, nor be able to pretend to speak on First Nations Law and Cultural observances, known as the Tjurkurpa.

    The absolute authority of the Tjurkurpa is the intellectual property right of Senior Ceremonial Elders, referred to as the Tjilpi and Wirring’un. In other locations in Australia these Law holders are known by separate names in their regions.

    This ancient spiritual knowledge comes through the Songs that belong to the sites of Creation, and they link together across this vast continent. It is important for all to understand and accept that no-one other than the Tjilpi has the power and authority to speak on the sacred and spiritual. There is no proxy in Tjurkurpa.

    In 1970 Pope Saint Paul VI affirmed the integrity of our spirituality based on Celestial Law during his visit to the Northern Territory by stating,

    We know that you have a lifestyle proper to your own ethnic genius or culture – a culture which the Church respects and which she does not in any way ask you to renounce.
    The power and authority of the Tjilpi is further affirmed by the High Court decision in Mabo (No.2) which ruled at paragraph 65,

    Native title, though recognized by the common law, is not an institution of the common law and is not alienable by the common law.

    Prime Minister Albanese, Attorney-General, Mr Mark Dreyfus MP, and future political leaders and First Nations advisers to government must accept, on behalf of the Australian people, that their parliament and their law courts cannot impede, impact or overrule any decision made by the Senior Lawmen in respect to protecting the sacred Country, sacred places and spaces, and our right to access the same for rituals and ceremonies. This includes accessing our ancestral Celestial Law-grounds on all lands, waters, air space within the spiritual realm. Any colonial land laws that impact, impairs or purport to bar us from practising our sacred rituals and rights will violate constitutional section 116 on religious freedom.

    116 Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion

    The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.

    We will no longer permit our cultures to be erased by the colonisers’-imposed laws. Mining companies, agribusiness and other developers must now turn to the Senior Lawmen for the right to do anything on Country.

    You say we get royalties from mining companies but only white administrators, who look after the trusts, make money and we get vouchers. This is economic apartheid. No equality here, because we are not allowed to have the money that you say belongs to us.

    We have sat back and watched for too long as our Country and Mother Earth are being torn apart for the sake of mobile phones, computers, solar panels, electric cars, and profit. It is our decision that if you want these things then go back to your own country and dig up England, China or India, or countries in Europe.

    We no longer accept, nor tolerate, your belligerence towards us and our Tjukurpa.

    Your native title takes away our rights and falsely pretends that it is for our benefit. No! native title is for the coloniser to continue stealing from us and our Country. You create government funded organisations which are supposed to address issues like health, housing and education, but you keep failing our Peoples, which is confirmed by your own annual reports, e.g. Closing the Gap. These Prescribed Body Corporates and peak bodies are paid by government to keep us oppressed and beggars in our own lands.

    The referendum for a voice is to finalise the pathway to assimilation of First Nations into the Australian Constitution. We have no intention to validate the illegal colonial Constitution from Britain.

    The proposed Voice to parliament may, or may not, help our people, because in all your promotions on the Voice you keep telling the Australian public that you, the Parliament and the Executive Government can and will exercise your prerogative to listen or not to listen, effectively granting you the power of veto. That’s alright if you listen to them and take notice, but you and the Voice cannot and will not interfere with the Tjukurpa.

    Authorised by Senior Tjilpi for Tjukurpa,

    Murray George (Fregon) South Australia
    Ghillar Michael Anderson (Goodooga) NSW
    Frank Young (Amata) South Australia
    Donald Fraser (Ernabella/Kenmore/Uluru) South Australia
    Clem Toby (Ernabella) South Australia
    Graham Kulyuru (Ernabella) South Australia
    Lee Brady (Kanpi) South Australia
    Mr Miller (Pipalyatjara) South Australia
    Robert Stevens (Fregon) South Australia
    Peter Mitchell (Docker River) Northern Territory
    Sammy Dodd (Mimili) South Australia
    Stanley Young (Pipalyatjara) South Australia
    Alex Baker (Indulkana) South Australia
    Huey Cullen (Indulkana) South Australia
    Charlie Anytjipalya (Indulkana) South Australia
    Winmati Roberts (Fregon) South Australia
    Johnny Roberts (Fregon) South Australia
    Witjiti George (Fregon) South Australia
    Taylor Cooper (Fregon) South Australia
    Wangan (Fregon) South Australia
    Keith Stevens (Nyapari) South Australia
    Dickie Marshall (Amata) South Australia
    Willy Tingku (Oak Valley) South Australia
    Alwyn Bates (Wanarn) Western Australia
    Mr. Bennett (Warakurna) Western Australia
    Ringo (Docker River) Northern Territory
    Bruce Williamson (Yalata) South Australia
    Mr. Woods (Jameson) Western Australia
    Winston Mitchell (Blackstone) Western Australia
    Bernard Newbury (Wanarn) Western Australia
    Mr. Foster (Wingellina) Western Australia
    David Coombes (Imanpa) Northern Territory
    Colin Peterson (Newman) Pilbara, WA
    Teddy Bilbiju (Meekathara) WA

    • can I pick or choose my law, Tjukurpa, I love it.

      you know what I really like about the video link previously. The Elders are just trying to baby step us through the law of this land. White fella may just make mob if they are lucky and listen.

      and no stupid flags as they are all false

  6. After 12:00 “Ivermectin is back”

    TGA: “IVM is dewormer” etc
    Health Dept: “We are in LockStep” (5:45) with CSIRO
    Biowarfare expert and TV soapie star Brett Sutton formerly Dan’s man
    “Professor Sutton will head CSIRO’s Health and Biosecurity group, leading research and development around health and biosecurity preparedness and responsiveness, digital health, and health and wellbeing.”
    Digital health I can’t wait ( to tell them where to stick it )

    • I could only stand 3:36, the whole idea anyone ever listened to these sponsored buffoons only makes me guess that CSIRO is going to grift billions more while playing out the game.
      The game, I would suggest given history, is to fleece and kill.
      CSIRO is guilty of war crimes as defined by Geneva conventions, and that’s just the ones we know. Sutton might just invest in a sunlamp because I would love a selfie of ‘im and me. He is a child killer in the best practices of the CSIRO, and you can not be more derogatory than that

  7. Re the Jews calling the Arabs “anti-Semites”

    It is a stupid term which can only have effect on the ignorant.

    The Arabs are descendants of Shem (Sem) through Abraham.

    The Jews are descendants of Esau, Jacob’s twin brother and both are a descendant of Shem, but if Shem were alive today he would reject them because of their opposition to Christ and His followers. Shem with Melchizidek carried the Ark of the Covenant (Adam’s corpse) from Noahs Ark’s landing spot (on Mt Hermon/Zion, I believe) to the site of Christ’s crucifixion at present day Jerusalem.

    Quote – “Today the Gentile Christians who claim of holy right have been led in the wrong path. We, of the Jewish Faith have tried for centuries to teach the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie. In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under our god, we will create a new education system, providing that our god is the only one to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake…Christianity will be abolished.” (M.A. Levy, Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles, California, August, 1949

    Christ in the flesh was a pure blood of the tribe of Judah, a descendant of Jacob, a descendent of Shem. Therefore the Jews in that case are anti-S(h)emitic and anti-Christ

    The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

    Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC

    According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.

    The non Israelite Edomite Judeans said –

    John 8:31–36 , 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone”.

    Therefore they are Judeans but not of the tribe of Judah and not the participants of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt nor in captivity in Babylon

    Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau(Edom) is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows

    h ttp://www.balderexlibris.com/public/ebook/WeismanCharles_A._Who_is_Esau-Edom.zip

    1948 –
    Malachi 1:4 Though Edom says, “We have been beaten down, but we will return and build up the ruins”; thus says the Lord of hosts, “They may build, but I will tear down; and men will call them the wicked territory, and the people toward whom the Lord is indignant forever.”
    h ttp://www.christusrex.org/www3/talmud-exposed/talmud.htm

    The biblical account of the life of Jacob is found in the Book of Genesis, chapters 25–50. Birth Jacob and his twin brother, Esau, were born to Isaac and Rebecca after 20 years of marriage, when Isaac was 60 years of age.

    The number twelve appears in other parts of Scripture, each of which symbolizes a perfection of governance. In the Old Testament there were twelve patriarchs from Shem (the son of Noah) to Jacob, whom God renamed Israel.

    12 Tribes of Israel Chart – Jacob’s 12 Sons & Patriarchs

    h ttps://www.conformingtojesus.com/charts-maps/en/12_tribes_of_israel_chart.htm

    Jacob’s 12 sons in order of birth are: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin. They became the Patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Israel, with the exception of Joseph and Levi.

    The sons by Leah (Jacob’s first wife) were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun The sons by Rachel (Jacob’s second wife) were: Joseph, Benjamin

    Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows

    • I’ve been on the fenbendazole for a while, it’s slow acting and expensive, do you know where I can get the cheap one ?

  8. Daughter of pop star Madonna now old enough to make music videos, floating up the trees, having trouble with her contact lenses, changes into some bats, then a dog, then in the clubbing gear, finally drowns herself in a pool, poor thing has such bad posture must be from all the stiletto boots.

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