by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
You may know that I have written a book entitled “The Human Mind and Sandy Hook’s Unreality.” Lately, we seem to be having an onslaught of school shootings. I have recently learned that one them has a whistleblower at the ready.
Since I do not yet have permission to tell you that very encouraging story, I will use a different approach in this article. It consists of postulating a sort of “textbook case” of a school shooting and then endeavoring to sort out the blame.
In the past, even when millions of people have been harmed by a false-flag story, it never comes through to the public that the purveyors of that story deserve punishment. A clear example of this is President LBJ’s telling us, in 1964, that a US ship had been torpedoed by the enemy in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam. We reacted to that false report by going to war.
When Congresspersons later realized they had been duped (though I’ll bet some of them knew it in 1964 and approved of the dupe), they did nothing to punish Johnson. They did make a rather weak effort, in 1973, to flex their legislative muscle — by passing the War Powers Act.
In short, I will now use a fictional case of a school shooting, to make a few points.
Poor Brinlee
Imagine that one year ago today, on February 1, 2023, the government of New Hampshire released a statement, saying that 18 first-graders and 6 school staff members, including the principal, were shot dead in school in “Brinlee,” NH (near the Canadian border). Another 2 kids, they said, were wounded but passed away in hospital. Another two staff were shot but survived. The president of the United States went to a vigil and gave condolences to the town.
Now a year has passed and we look back at it all. On the Internet, some folks made fun of the story, saying no child had died, and that the alleged shooter, David Doolittle, never existed. A court declared the children’s birth certificates and death certificates private, preventing the public from being sure the kids were not fictional. Several citizens got punished for allegedly harassing the families; others got sued for defaming the bereaved, such as by calling them liars.
Although conspiracy theories were rife, mainstream TV networks went to great lengths to prop up the official story, including by interviewing the families. Catholic parishes near Brinlee “hyped” the tragedy. Gun-control clubs were formed, and the siblings of the deceased children were prominent members thereof. The very boldness of the story, repeated in the face of criticism, made most folks think the story had to be true, and that the disbelievers were kooks.
Then a Brinlee policeman retired and moved to New Jersey, with his wife. He had wanted to become a whistleblower to tell everyone the whole thing was a joke, cooked up by persons higher than his state (New Hampshire). His wife had persuaded him to shut up. But now that they were happy in New Jersey, he phoned a couple of old friends in the Force who urged him to do the needful. He sent an affidavit to a court, outlining all the lies that had been told.
One of those friends from the Force offered the services of his son Carlo, an enthusiastic young lawyer. Carlo had just finished law school, and was writing a book that compared many different conspiracy-theory stories. He was a budding ambulance chaser, wanting to find people who had been harmed by the false story of the ‘school massacre,’ and help them file lawsuits. But he did not know how far afield he could go in identifying blame. For instance, if a woman had faked the part of a bereaved mother, did she thereby do something “actionable”?
Carlo started to concentrate on prosecuting. Carlo had been told in Law class that private prosecutions are valid, even though they have largely fallen out of fashion. Of course he would have to provide “due process” to anyone he went after. The first person he thought of prosecuting was the judge who had ruled in favor of a “bereaved Brinlee dad” who complained of receiving threatening emails from Walter Krush in Montana. Carlo would need to show that the judge’s obstruction of justice was criminal, that is, the judge knowingly took part in a fraud.
Your Basic Legal Pad
Then Carlo took a pad of paper (“legal” size) and made a chart of who-all had committed crime. He listed the following as possible arrestees:
- The person, “John Doe,” who invented the Brinlee scam, presumably to scare people, to degrade society, and to feed into the “anti-Second Amendment” theme.
- That person’s servants in the White House, and in Congress, and in the judiciary.
- Executives of the mainstream media, and the reporters who conducted phony interviews.
- The head of FEMA — Federal Emergency Management Agency — who had run an “active shooters” drill on Feb 1, 2023, which could be used as a default position for that day’s activities.
- All the local Brinlee policepersons and NH state troopers who showed up at the scene and thus knew there was no shooting.
- The FBI and any similar investigators whose job it was to find the facts.
- The state attorney general and the US attorney general, who could not possibly have been in the dark.
- The governor of New Hampshire.
- Psychologists who had initially advised government on how to fool the people (such as by holding memorial services, emphasizing teddy bears, etc).
- Persons who set up GoFundMe pages and go income from donations.
- Bureaucrats who tapped the public purse to pay off all the needed fakers.
- Doctors who signed fake reports about the victims’ wounds, and the head of the hospital.
Thinking about RICO
However, Carlo had little experience with prosecutions. It occurred to him that he could use this round-up approach in a civil RICO suit. He phoned Walter Krush in Montana, who had been hit with a $50,000 fine for purportedly harassing a Brinlee dad with threatening emails. He asked if Walter would be interested in fighting that $50K punishment on grounds that a police whistleblower has now come forward and wrecked the entire narrative of a school shooting.
Walter gave him a tentative “Yes.” In a civil RICO suit, the plaintiff is one who has suffered financially from a racket (RICO stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations). Carlo then tried to picture what this racket consists of. How could so much harm be allowed to proceed? Was the nation living a reality other than the one that Americans take pride in?
Carlo kept being puzzled by the extent to which almost all the professions had participated in propagating the false Brinlee story. No teacher, school principal, doctor, priest, politician, lawyer, or judge, had spoken even of the possibility that falseness may be involved. Nor did any of those persons rail against the mistreatment of the conspiracy theorists, by defending free speech. If you were a conspiracy theorist, you were “bad.” What an odd situation.
So is “the racket” almost universal? Is corruption so powerful that it puts paid to normal thinking and ordinary social relations?
Note about the title of this article: a civil Rico suit can propagate truth by “airing” the guilt. A judge can award damages to the plaintiff. This is not the same as a RICO prosecution in which the defendants are tried for crime. But it would naturally lead to prosecution, wouldn’t it?
No, seriously, Folks, wouldn’t it?
On que🙈
Look here, not there.
You want to be president. You win, so in your first press appearance a serious alternative news person asks;
What is your take on what is happening in Texas this weekend and the ‘Biden’ (or your administration?) to do about it.
Madam President, do you have a solution or even a policy for the people, if so, what is it?
The US Constitution is a pact between the 13 (now 50) states, in which states did not give up their right to protect themselves against invasion.
The people coming in are not self-driven, it is part of a scheme to stir up trouble and weaken all states. Oz should get more credit for not falling for the Voice gig.
US should withdraw from UN and make explicit its sovereignty. “We” can be helpful to genuine asylum seekers without needing a treaty for that.
I would send the non-genuine Invaders home, to help spread the word that the border is not OPEN.
I would apologize for a century of the Nelsonization of Latin Amerca. See Charlotte Dennett’s book, with Gerald Colby, “Thy Will Be Done.” Yes, NY’s Gov Nelson Rockefeller ran the whole place. And cruelly.
I would also make Spanish the official second lingo here in US. Myself, I can only say “Uno, dos,” and after that I flounder.
So, Ned, did you read my article above? Has Carlo got a chance?
Carlo would have as much of a chance as Alex Jones and would be better off not dreaming and actually serving his country by doing something useful down in Texas with his pencil and note paper, collecting evidence on all the actual and wholesale treason and criminality, presently infiltrating the country that could (and is) bring down the whole country resulting with internal conflicting consequences with actual violence; thus endangering its existence.
There would be a chance to prosecute many real cases, rather than just those involved in a old fictional event
You mean Carlo should do a private prosecution? When was the last one done in Oz or US?
Michael Smith (Michael Smith News) was a radio presenter at 2UE AM – Sydney – during 2010?. He began exposing then Prime Minister – Julia Gillard – as to the then Labor Federal government’s true agenda, and her criminal past as a lawyer employed by Slater and Gordon in Melbourne.
His program was shut down, and he was sacked almost immediately after Gillard herself, called the station’s bosses and threatened them with legal action.
Smith, being an ex-detective, initiated a private prosecution against Gillard and her criminal past, which should have excluded her from even being an MP, let alone becoming a PM, but such is the corrupted Australian political system. that even criminals can hold high office.
His prosecution got as far as the Clerk at the Local Court – too many gate keepers employed by too many criminals it seems, such is the corrupted legal and judicial system.
It will dawn on you soon, Mary, that the only remedy we all want for our country, is military intervention because all the institutions some still believe are working in our favor, are far too corrupted to provide any ‘unwanted’ legal remedy.
Dear Mary,
I do not know the relevant laws in the US that you often contemplate in an opinion or two regularly presented.
Surely it must be abundantly clear that to contemplate some legal court action that:
So Carlo, if he wants to be a lawyer and be useful should find a useful pursuit down in Texas with the tens of thousands on their way, rather than dreaming to follow Alex Jones and waste his time and someone else’s money.
If he was my employee, I would sack him for dreaming on the job.
We’re living the final stages of decay with bs in a once great nation, trusting the “authorities” our understanding of events isn’t worth jack….
With SHTF these days, it’s hard to understand what’s going on. How do we digest random violence, rapid AI change, social decay, riots, mass poverty, exponential wealth of a few, chaos in our face, war, natural disasters and political bs. Everything we’ve been taught, since play school is absolute bs, programming and conditioning us to accept the alien system of black magic hidden sorcery, now out in the open only children can see.
Fooling us “green” is better, factually poisoning our minds and bodies, now with their final solution – mass murder for profit and damnation. What if the visible pawns in power don’t really rule? A set up where the beast is worshiped on the alter of AI 5G. What’s happening is no fairy tale, it’s rock solid prophecy. Many think it’s a joke, naively thinking pigs are getting better because science and techno engineering will save all. Nothing can be further from the truth than their bs.
Meanwhile, history grinds on with each year delivering new players. They want us to believe we’re one big happy family, when we’re not. The money creation scam from nothing, is the leading cause of poverty everywhere enforced by bloodsuckers.
What is happening now is far worse than what was done 100 years ago. Self sufficiency is crushed, as most accept slavery rather than self reliance as a way of life. Hollywood big screen propaganda, selling fiction as fact, after all is said and done, all that’s left are the private reserve central banksters.
Where are the seers informing us, in these days of deception, where it’s politically wrong to do so? Why do we believe the haters of Jesus Christ?
Though things look beyond tragic, He is in control and won’t let this happen in this reality where sharks eat their own when no other meal satisfies. Pagan child sacrifice in our face by demonic on all bases loaded.
This guy was a good constitutional actor up to this point, lol crocodile lol, get an Nobel Oscar up ya
You would think a swimming pool of tears for the Gaza children, but all we get is a dead pizza chef
The US is doomed till it gets back to the articles of confederation. Imagine the US honouring a NATO pledge but not a foundational law plank. You don’t need much imagination, almost there.
Dear Mary,
it is amazing that when some matters are raised a simple solution comes to hand.
As a example.
In regard to the injector’s crimes, Ben Fulford has an idea from Japan.
Basically it is self defence right for all.
I will let you mull over it at rumormillnews.com – reading room at 17.05.04. On 2/2.
“B…. F…… podcast 2.2:24 with Q and A” 23 mins.
But the first five will put you into the picture. The actual date of the video is 26/1/24.
For Joe, he again refers to T x 2
The last answer is encouraging for the worried injected.
For T. O. Ben puts up a ‘lawful’ ? family common sense approach🙀💀💁🏼 will not be allowed here, but ………..🙈
Ned – I listened to Fulford’s report. I guess anyone who has not worked within a structured hierarchy, such as the military and police, would find what he states as being attractive.
The reality of his reporting to Japanese police and providing evidence to back up his criminal claim, is very naive at best, but at worst, paints a BIG target on his back from those who are paid to control the boiling pot of discontent, or outright rebellion, against the status quo.
Too many have lost their life that way.
The military and police have a way of dealing with malcontents who wish to rock the boat – both systems have their own laws and rules. Military Law for the military members and Commissioner’s Instructions for the police members. Whistle blowers are not tolerated in systems that are rigidly controlled by their own laws and rules. It may be a good example to appreciate why police resignations over the past four years have continued to skyrocket – those who do choose to resign do so out of becoming aware, that, regardless of the police force being upheld as ‘one big family’ – choose to talk out of school, and you’re on your own.
Those who choose to put in report after report up their chain of command are usually transferred out to another police district, or get framed with a made up charge that has them come under the Commissioners loss of confidence in them to remain a police officer.
I had one of those thrown at me, but I was a little bit smarter than the bastard who chose to do that to me!
From my own experience within the ‘job’ it’s pretty well sown up as to the non-progress of the whistle blower.
We have to remember that all police forces in this country are Freemason controlled.
As for getting 10% of the population together to do anything against government, one must take on board that the Freedom Movement in this country, had over two million folk turn up to protest in Canberra during March, 2022.
Where are all those protesters now?
As Q states – the military is the only way.
Quote unquote Diane DeVere:
Never give up!
Mary – a lot of truth in you cannot fight City Hall.
Where does one turn to when it becomes so obvious that the corruption has permeated every level of society?
I was hinting at the corporeal sense – Diane -not the spiritual.
However, what is coming though, will in all eventuality return everyone who still has a spiritual connection with the Creator, back to Natural Law and the Creator’s love that has been sorely missing from this world for a very long time.
People! People! I wanted to make an article of this Heffernan speech, but I am technologically unable to upload anything but Comments at the moment, so instead I am posing the YouTube video here.
Please, all Gumshoers, give it the full 12 minutes of viewing — even if you have seen it before. He covers every nuance of the legal issue. Wow what a smart man.
I used to champion him, but now view him more of a gatekeeper. 12 minutes could have given some 25 seconds of exposure to the 28. Rather than what seems like pandering gossip
“The Senate also agreed to a resolution in 1988 that enjoined senators to use their great power of freedom of speech responsibly, and to take into account: the damage that allegations made in parliament can do to the subject of the allegations and the institution of parliament.”
Depends how you read it and Heffernan can’t read, anything but the Hansard, which is a greasy pollie out as it does not require verbatimness.
Did it go anywhere except down a Brave Heart path<
I disagree with your assessment of Bill.
Most people in the legal profession know of insurance policy conditions.
Others………have no clue.
As in other matters that they are ignorant of.
Some are not as smart as polar bears.
When the bear come across thin ice, they do not put all their weight on the ice with their paws to cross.
The spread the weight by sliding over on their belly and pass safely over. Thus surviving to look after their cub…..that is a bear’s job.
Q. What do you call a sexually ambiguous yet often depressed party bear ?
A. A bipolar bear
If anyone is wondering. The previous next article by MM is not there anymore.
Move along…. Nothing to see or say.
Cousin Reg, strikes again – wink
Let me guess, the Power-of-Positive-Thinking rap on, what was the following page,had to be taken down because someone decided it was “prejudicing” something or other?
One more reminder that the only real win in this world goes to being “continually conformed to the death of Christ thereby attaining the same resurrection from the grave” (Philippians 3:10 – 11)
Its not for us to recuse ourselves, and as a point of law, an easy way out for a villain.
Conformed is an interesting word
Well it obviously means nothing save in relation to something or other
What’s “interesting” is the ubiquitous denial that everyone is captivated like so, everyone is either serving the real Master or the Imposter
The good Samaritan serves the real Master, the Pharisee serves the imposter.
The Imposter aka THE Jew-exterminating/never crucified “Christ” + all his infamous chief executors:
“Is anyone on here well-versed regarding the Lucis Trust and their plans for a World Religion and the return of “the Christ?”
You could dismiss this group as one of many such groups, except Lucis is potentially worth consideration, given its connections to the United Nations.
Which is a bit curious, given that the Lucis Trust started out in the 19th century as the Lucifer Publishing Company. (edit: their work is based on the writings of Alice Bailey, who was a student of Blavatsky)
And the Trust cites Gates and Soros (and, oddly, Bono) as individuals who have helped further its efforts.
Maybe weirdest of all, the Trust has an entire multi-century plan, based on Alice Bailey’s writings, related to The Externalization of the Hierarchy. This apparently has something to do with the network of people that has secretly been running the world starting to make public their plans for the return of a/the? Christ.
there are also a lot of curious overlaps between Lucis and things Chris and Ryan Bledsoe say about The Lady and whatever info she has shared about the coming Age of Aquarius (which apparently starts on Sept 23, 2026).
Lucis Trust is all about the Age of Aquarius also. Bailey writes:
I would warn you again that the obvious significance of the remaining three rules is not in reality the true spiritual significance because we are in these rules dealing with the planned work of the Hierarchy during the next great cycle, that of the Aquarian Age, we shall therefore be considering those activities and plans which will usher in and mature that new culture and civilisation which will slowly come into being when the world has straightened itself out after the processes of the world war (1914-1945).
Additional info here:
all of this seems oddly interconnected, including with recent goals promoted by the world economic forum and other groups. [edit: speaking of the WEF & Lucis, see comment.]
And some pretty high level people are involved. This forum post on Graham Hancock’s website summarizes a lot of the above and mentions the involvement of Robert Muller, former Asst. Secretary General of the UN, (different person from the Russiagate Robert Mueller). Muller was apparently deeply invested in the development of a global model for education (which looks a lot like the WEF great reset goals) and is considered by some to be the “Grandfather of Common Core,” which Gates is also a major promotor of. “
The Imposter aka THE Jew-exterminating/never crucified “Christ” + all his infamous chief executors:
“Is anyone on here well-versed regarding the Lucis Trust and their plans for a World Religion and the return of “the Christ?”
You could dismiss this group as one of many such groups, except Lucis is potentially worth consideration, given its connections to the United Nations.
Which is a bit curious, given that the Lucis Trust started out in the 19th century as the Lucifer Publishing Company. (edit: their work is based on the writings of Alice Bailey, who was a student of Blavatsky)
And the Trust cites Gates and Soros (and, oddly, Bono) as individuals who have helped further its efforts.
Maybe weirdest of all, the Trust has an entire multi-century plan, based on Alice Bailey’s writings, related to The Externalization of the Hierarchy. This apparently has something to do with the network of people that has secretly been running the world starting to make public their plans for the return of a/the? Christ.
there are also a lot of curious overlaps between Lucis and things Chris and Ryan Bledsoe say about The Lady and whatever info she has shared about the coming Age of Aquarius (which apparently starts on Sept 23, 2026).
Lucis Trust is all about the Age of Aquarius also. Bailey writes:
I would warn you again that the obvious significance of the remaining three rules is not in reality the true spiritual significance because we are in these rules dealing with the planned work of the Hierarchy during the next great cycle, that of the Aquarian Age, we shall therefore be considering those activities and plans which will usher in and mature that new culture and civilisation which will slowly come into being when the world has straightened itself out after the processes of the world war (1914-1945).
all of this seems oddly interconnected, including with recent goals promoted by the world economic forum and other groups. [edit: speaking of the WEF & Lucis, see comment.]
And some pretty high level people are involved. This forum post on Graham Hancock’s website summarizes a lot of the above and mentions the involvement of Robert Muller, former Asst. Secretary General of the UN, (different person from the Russiagate Robert Mueller). Muller was apparently deeply invested in the development of a global model for education (which looks a lot like the WEF great reset goals) and is considered by some to be the “Grandfather of Common Core,” which Gates is also a major promotor of. “
NB: “Questions” write-up includes a number of links that won’t post
NBB: Sooner or later the self-same Blavatsky-Bailey whore is bound to be destroyed by the very Beast she’s been championing, namely a 10 nation Islamic confederacy: https://biblehub.com/kjv/revelation/17-16.htm
I raise chickens, ducks, goats, gardens, bees and children.
Apart from that my interests are in matters of the soul and the fruits of the Spirit. My God is the same, and for that reason you may find the both of us inflammatory from time to time. Many have been killed in recent weeks, and many still starve in captivity. It is difficult for me to get my thoughts away from them, and so I have tried not to get drawn into your many rabbit holes. None the less, you have my curiosity. Rabbinic Judaism also seeks a messiah. Who is that one? The good guy or the bad guy?
What needs to be understood is that, bar Israel’s official rejection of it’s own Deliverer, Islam could never have eventuated
In the same token, bar Roman Catholic heresy Joel Olsteen-style ministries would never have taken off either
But at this point in time the popularity of the 2 secondary departures is all the proof anyone needs as to where the World is heading
At this point in time the focus needs to be on what’s being shamelessly flaunted in front of our noses, e. g,from 0:51:
“The question is why does the world really hate the Palestinians so much – I think that’s really the right way to phrase it. Why have they forced upon the Palestinians this organization whose sole goal is to perpetuate the idea of them being perpetual refugees. It’s the only Organization that’s uniquely for one group of refugees that exists in the world.It keeps them downtrodden in poverty and dependent on International Aid instead of ever giving them some type of hope. They could have been resettled over the last 75 years just as millions of other refugees around the world have been, but UNWRA keeps them down. It’s using them as a weapon, as leverage against the Jewish State; it has no other purpose. There’s no other way to explain the fact that the number of Palestinian refugees has purportedly grown from71,000 in 1949 to over 6 and a half million today;zero success
UNWRA is an organization run by the UN that’s solely geared toward attacking Israel and the Palestinians are simply being used as pawns to that end”
But personally, I can’t see why he’s so fizzed up
I mean the set-up is principally no different to Stralya’s Departments of Education & Health, not to mention the Family Law Court; identical in form and function.
The U.N. has done an excellent job in insuring that everyone gets the same deal across the board, it’s all very fair,very egalitarian really
Controllers of pig government don’t want to solve problems, they create them for people and then provide “solutions” that only benefit parasites becoming more oppressive with every passing year.
Satan who may appear as an “angel of light”, is the driving force behind this eruption of change that is AI 5G
metaverse data control, where people are reduced to acting their lives thru “avatars” in the digital fantasy gulags monitored by the all seeing eye at Gore Hill.
What use is there left for masonic facades in selected government posts, when it’s all run by AI BS?
Most Aussies numb to the change, keeping heads above water,
with little resistance to the communist fascist totalitarian takeover that’s CBDC.
(The actual song is not here):
I believe Heffernan’s speech was to expose the controlling aspect over the federal parliament.
It also exposed the sheer cowardice and possible personal involvement of individual MP’s who chose to remain mum, when faced with such an accusation, rather than tackle what they were all aware of, and what We the People are now aware of!
He exposed them all for what they all are – criminals.
E. B.
Who said “…… it would be better if a millstone was tied around their neck and they be cast into the sea…..”.
I think they knew that Heffernan knew who they were and are.
My bet is that the military know as well…….are they stupid?
My bet is that the military know who has been protecting them and therefore complicit in the evil.
Let us 🙏 that there are enough millstones.
EB I have noted that you do not wish to give me a straight answer regarding the Talmudic messiah. You remind me of an octerpuss filling the water with ink. I thought you were running away from the question.