G5 Information Report 25.01.31 #1
Joe Biden was paid directly from a fund of $54 million established by the CCP. From which he drew $1 million per year. For the $4 million allocated to him for being a good little owned traitor Communist puppet. Kash Patel has leaked that hidden FBI file.
He is entering The FBI, already well connected in it. He is one of the very few, who knows where the FBI has buried its history and current activities. The reason Wray ran ahead of his contract.
Yes my dear: the FBI was behind the many attempted murders of Trump. Rowe of the Mayorkas Secret Service was a useful idiot functionary. Hearing him lie and scream in Congressional Hearing is classic confession. At least to experienced intel. The NSA tried its hand at the long range Melania attempt. Hayden in a wheel chair was a good outcome.
It has been reasonably estimated that the CIA has murdered some seven million people internationally, since stupid Truman signed it into existence in 1947. Primarily through its regime change policies, and protecting and advancing its drug operations.
As well as looting since the Yamashita and Goering caches, has all gone to bad causes of ensuring the evil nation within the evil nation.
The crimes of the FBI are conducted within America. Congress funds these intel operations to the tune of 1.5 trillion a year. Although they are literally independent of American funding. It delivers the public notion that they are under American control.
The Fed, CIA, and IRS are privately owned.
The NSA is focussed on useless data harvesting which it sells.
Wray follows; McCabe, Comey, and Mueller. Strzok was actually CIA in FBI. As Snowden was CIA in NSA (DARPA and SAIC operations against CIA in The Intel Wars). Brennan, Hayden, and Clapper were always anti-Trump from 2015: protecting their bailiwicks.
We recognized characters about the hacking truck to the side of Trump Tower in 2015, and advised accordingly. The prior days when he listened.
Trump is now listening again.
Get ready for it. There is a hole in the wording of the 22nd. Amendment concerning non consecutive terms. The two term policy does not apply. The fears of the insane were correct. 2024 may very well be the last presidential election.
Washington was not a two term president; as idiots rattle. He was Commander in Chief of The Continental Army in 1775. A presidential authority. Which delivered him as President for 22 years. War mongering liar and deceiver FDR was disposed of in his third term.
It was always the dumocrats who caused all the problems; Buchanan, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden.
Obama commenced the southern wall, deported three million, and built the child cages. He was also the biggest war monger since FDR.
Biden in one of his many acts of bastardry sold the remaining Rio Wall units for $5 each. They each contain a significant amount of steel. One of the first cases to be brought by Trump, will either have the units returned or the friends of Biden involved in the fraud will pay for the remaining wall.

(L) Files in Biden’s garage, (R) Biden visits Penn State
Russia was in turmoil when Putin stepped aside for stupid American dupe Medvedev.
Well known in intel that Gorbachev was owned by America. He ran to America when exposed. He died in America and Putin initially refused him to be buried in Russia. Yeltsin brought out Putin as operative for the Russian Orthodox Church. Reclaiming its position since 1917.
At present: Putin may face an election in 2036, or more likely remain as Czar. All CIA attempts at the idiocy of political opposition are literally dead on arrival, since the attempted White Revolution.
Crimea (The home of The Black Sea Fleet) was never part of Ukraine and since Ukraine refused to sign on as an independent state in 1991, remains part of Russia. The expert geniuses in Obama’s America, had that doofus sign on to the invasion of Russia in 2014.
Just as well Putin decided to lock down America and NATO in the suicidal attrition of The Ukraine War. Nothing to do with the democracy of the Ukrainians. They had their elections. Where did Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, then Zelensky come from: Kyev or Langley Virginia.
Dombass of Luhansk and Donetsk alone sit on an admitted $11 trillion in natural resources.
Get off America invaded Ukraine in February 2022. America invaded Russia in February 2014, after a nonsense CIA colour revolution.
Putin met with Harris, Austin, Blinken et al, in February 2022, and advised them he was going to reenter Ukraine. Believing their own publicity, they decided to threaten Putin. He left and marched in forces two days later.
America had already spent some $5 trillion on their greatest fool’s errand to date. Excluding Iraq of $11 trillion, which murdered millions and was eventually handed over to Iran.
Part of the lunacy of The Seven Countries in Five Years Affair linked to the even greater American lunacy of The Qatar Gas Pipeline to Europe, to defeat Russia’s NordStream.
Much activity in The Baltic Sea. A Russian freighter recently dragged an anchor for a hundred miles and ripped all the American communications cables to surrounding nations.
It was of course established for Obama to take over dictatorial powers in America, and camp at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Obama had stacked The Presidency with extraordinary powers for himself from Congress, to make the big return via the Agnew-Ford-Nixon-Rockefeller avenue.
Hayden attempted to paralyse Melania in Scotland with Methyl Iodide. He murdered two young SS instead. Brennan invented the 17 American agencies in the Trump is a Russian asset affair, and the 55 American intel operatives know the Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation affair.
Deep State has protected The Left Wing of America while attacking the RIght. It is owned by The Left. It was first exposed by The Congressional IRS Hearings involving Koskinen, Lerner, and Paz. It involves the control of all major American Departments, Agencies, Contractors and NGOs. Musk has identified over 450 entities of the mostly hidden Washington Bog.
It is the fixed belief that Government owns The People and will manage them as it sees fit. The reality that The People are and own the nation is no longer a comprehension.
The Washington cesspit cannot be saved. Appointments to the courts of left and ignorant actors, determine in the two tier manner of Left Good, Right Evil.
Department heads argue that they are in fact following the will of Congress. While quietly disavowing The Constitution and Bill of Rights, as no longer ‘Living Documents’. The Sanctuary Cities are as the absurdity of Constitution Free Zones.
The CCP leased premises for The Penn Centre where Biden kept all government records. He removed files from The National Archives and allegedly sent them to his future library at The University of Delaware. They went to The Penn Centre. One of the reasons was to hide evidence subpoenaed in the mounting Biden rape and molestation cases (Tara Reade for one). His showering with his daughter was revealed by her. His having his legs handled by young boys was revealed by himself. His smelling women in public is well recorded.
The performance by Jill after the debate that Trump had lied (?), was closely followed by Biden admitted, by his own handlers, to Walter Reed where he encountered his Paxlovid cancellation. He was already well passed his 25th. Amendment reality.
Ah: the partisan interpretation of the rules of evidence. The theatrics of plausible deniability. That listing statue on The Old Bailey. The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement of the University of Pennsylvania located in Washington DC, is named after Joe Biden when Senator at the time of its founding. It is a major research centre for foreign actors; mainly CCP; of American government files, including Top Secret. To which everyone and their puppy have access. The cesspit has some 2,000 of their actors termed: The Honourable. People no longer working in government have access to Top Secret.
Delineating amongst the floaters in the cesspit, are programs as ‘Trail Blazers’. Clueless Fed IG Elizabeth Coleman was a Trail Blazer. A world unto itself. To maintain some theoretical dignity of cesspit dwellers; when they appear at Congressional Hearings there is a mantra of; Thank you for your service.
There is one division above Top Secret which maintains the thread of relevance and to the real world; totally lost by America. It is termed ‘Compartmentalized’.
Irrespective: those of us who are of the International Intel Community. Not Double Agents or linked to one particular service, or spooks for hire; but are called on to analyze and advise; as I have just been for DOGE; have access to considerable material.
We know what we can and cannot drop into pubic domain, and are never whistleblowers or unnamed sources for any media. There was a community of us in later Cold War days, with an evolved code. Otherwise we would all be dead. And for what purpose: long distance disengaged political whim.
In one of very many instances; there was a character; this time east of the divide. A British team was sent to manage a particular matter. As we were leaving, a team with Putin was heading towards us down the hallway in that hotel. One rule is never eye contact. The character was also obviously disliked by our eastern brothers. We headed for the elevator and held the doors open. Putin and his crew followed us in. No one spoke to anyone. Silence and presence spoke volumes. We went on our journeys from the carpark floor.
Not the first time we had encountered. He was in a field unit. Not a desk dweller as a subsequent narrative delivered. Timings were suspicious of someone aiming for a different outcome. Not among professionals.
Trump gave his wealth for his nation, Biden et al gave their nation for their wealth.
Biden was covered by Hur, Garland, and Wray, at the end. No serious nation in the world allows this.
America was sold by The Clintons, Obama, and The Bidens. Government and Congressional actors were bought and paid for. The reason for the Russia Hoax investigations against Trump. Why the guilty persecute and prosecute the innocent of the crimes they themselves have committed.
The Bidens were paid by a number of CCP sources. As well as Burisma, the Moscow Mayor’s office, and others from Russia. The Clintons were paid by Sberbank in Moscow and Goldmans in New York. Obama was a sub contractor.
The insane partisan mess of The Flynn-Kislyak Affair, involved Contreras (former FISA) and Sullivan, as bench warmers; inventing as the ad lib ran. Only compounding that which should never have been brought. Rosemary Collyer (now on the inactive (unattached) list, where most of them should be) and Contreras had run for it from FISA, when realities began hitting the fan.
I recall previous times: GHWB; “Read my lips, no new taxes”. A script followed as to words and deception by puppet Australian Howard, as he did with The WMD Affair of Iraq.
Some classic footages of; GWB, Harper, Rasmussen, Howard, and Blair reading the same script.
GWB saying he will close FISA and American intel controlling internet platforms. The platforms then ‘voluntarily’ complying with American intel. FISA obviously didn’t read that memo.
Bill Clinton saying he will close CIA programs as MKUltra, and Obama saying he will close Guantanamo.
The Manafort Affair was a mess too far. It makes the Flynn mess look amateurish. A central piece of ‘evidence’ was Manafort’s diary written in his own hand. Except it was written by a prosecution hack. Clearly not Manafort’s. But then Manafort was lying to the court.
The wins [sic] against Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby, were because they allegedly lied to the FBI, not because of any real crimes.
Stephanopoulos has paid $15 million plus $1 million in costs, for saying that Trump was found guilty of raping Carroll. Not so.
Epstein (murdered by the owners), Diddy (sham arrest), Jay Z, Weinstein (released after a sham trial), Oprah, de Generis, and The Podestas were gatherers of information for the FBI, which in turn added useful idiots to its blackmail lists. Outside of the confused and polluted agencies of America; Intel is normally the enemy, in as much as we act to prevent wars. The international community is not involved in drug dealings or blackmail operations. We don’t stand out in any crowds. We are not political.
For the leftoid addicted; Obama and Blair commenced more wars and murdered more people than any others of their contemporary ilk.
I well remember one friday night I entered a particular office; pre digital. There were ten filing cabinets of four drawers each. I sprung them open. Hundreds of files including photos. The object was to empty them onto the floor and set fire. Not a good plan, as fire alarms would ring and sprinklers would save the day. There was a cross cut shredder, I hoped would see out the night. I finished with a mountain on the floor, close to midday Saturday. The shredder survived the ordeal. The fire escape door was directly opposite the main office door. I anonymously saved a number of lives that night.
The parallel owned in The UK is; Savile, Robert Maxwell (whom I knew), Mountbatten (his nephew is an old friend), et al.
The CIA is in the drug and war businesses. The FBI; since the days of J.Edgar; is in the blackmail business. It controls FISA, theoretically under the control of SCOTUS Roberts. Who in turn is owned under The Epstein Files.
Biden gave the CCP full access to all government files. A treasonable offence.
Having been pardoned, as such, by daddy dearest; Hunter has lost access to the 5th. Amendment.
Under a Congressional Hearing: Hunter must answer all questions, produce all evidence and cannot lie. Therein is the trap. He cannot be pardoned for future events. He wil become the great whistleblower, or face that from which he ran.
Well that was a feast, so the fake news was not lying when they got a coroner guy on who said Epstein was in the horizontal position when demised, not hanging.
I can say the left is not what it used to be, it was anti-war but now it is pro-rights and not being much interested in details the proxy wars of the Demonrats are still eclipsed by the hot war invasions of W Bush. If agencies own the Demonrats the left will continue to see themselves as victims despite their debt-funded lifestyles, just as the ALP voters here are convinced that under the Hegelian unaparty system they will always get an extra $20 per week if they win.
The old idealism of peace and hippy communes has morphed into Urban Greenies who drive to the forest on the weekend, it’s a life of low-income excess, like the safety and human rights etc etc here which prohibit all the worst industrial jobs, forcing us to buy our fashions from horror self-igniting clothing factories in Bangladesh or buy our telephony equipment from Foxcomm in China where the workers jump out the windows. The far-left extremist will still find a way to make themselves qualify for victimhood, this somehow compels them to vote for the likes of Dan Andrews and Sarah Hanson-Young who work to bring about the reality of a Globalist dictatorship down under.
This woman remains the embodiment of the hippie movement:
Fabulous vocalist; pity she never managed to rein in her gourmandising.
Which was no doubt convoluted with her naivete re how her prophecy would actually pan out
Typical Jew !
We should all have been paying more attention to this anthem:
FDR was elected 4 times. 1932, 36, 40, and 44. He is said to have died in that 4th term. Do you mean somebody killed him in the 3rd term with a slow disease that only took effect later?
There are no holes in the 22 Amendment. it was ratified in 1951. It limits a man to 2 terms, no matter consecutive or otherwise.
G5, you have often said Biden’s inauguration did not take place. But plenty of unaware locals would show up just for fun on Jan 20. How were they dealt with?
Didn’t he screw up the inauguration by doing it half an hour early ?
How about the 2.5 terms rule if the election was shown to be rigged
Mm! I take it that you still have not researched Derek Johnson on the fake inauguration in 2020 OR THE LAW OF WAR MANUAL.
Until you do, you know sfa!
NORAD is busy tracking Santa at the moment so cannot install an interim president
G’day all, I was hoping someone might have a transcript/pdf of Keith Allan Noble’s book on Port Arthur?
No, but here’s a start. – https://gumshoenews.com/justice-in-the-lucky-country/
If you provide me an email address I will forward the draft screenplay to you. That contains most of the relevant evidence in an easy format to understand.
Thanks Terry. nsaleeba@yahoo.com.au
I believe Kary B. Mullis was murdered. It’s ironic that his cause of death was respiratory failure.
Nick, I downloaded some years ago, I think 2014. Published by Big Worm Books. Large volume 696 pages, no longer have it in computer.
Want to know about drones- connected to the invasion of Syria?
Try SGanon disclosure 21st Dec for the first seven minutes at:
http:/:www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
Rather a big story and opinion that dovetails💁🙀 = dah💁?
10.33 AM
Cleaning up THE CLOWN’s MESS!
Correct’ – for BIN.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people etc.
Just in case Mr Mandela changes our present, lane way, I wish to take this opportunity now to sincerely wish EVERYONE A VERY MERRY MELLEE WITH A LONG HOLIDAY MELLEE EXPERIENCE.
Even though we may be stuck within the present materialism.
I include the mysterious Clif High who never gives a ‘ shit anyway..s. as per his latest of 23rd of December2024 at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people – whatever!
1.43 PM
Want proof that the world i’CIRCUS’ is run by clowns🙀🤪🤷♂️?
No, then consider:
Einstein and his E=MCsquared was thought up in the late 1800s and is crap? 🙀🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Any ‘scientist’ want to dispute that? Watch the ‘drone’ plasma balls!
As for the ‘melee’, yep it has to be brought on and continue awhile because some will not have the capacity to re-evaluate stupid.
Try from 21 mins to the end of part one and be a ……. or a ……..🙀
Col Doug Macgregor: Trump Up Against the Globalists in the Ukraine Russia War
Clif High
Saturation by late Feb?
Just not enough activity up there….yet!
Drones,plasmas,reverse engineered UAPs
The DeSouza narrative
10-11th July 2025
The Elohim connections
“The genocide is being televised”
Putin is a Zionist agent
Christians are idolaters
Saul/Paul was controlled
Thanks Bogan. Christians who miss that link do so at their own peril.
From one of the comments to the above brighteon.com link:
“I am more than surprised that you don’t know about this already Mr Adams! Every President since Jimmy Carter signed these laws and Trump stated in several rallies and an interview that he would sign an EO on the first day in office to make Anti-Semitism worthy of the death penalty! All the while his supporters were clapping like seals at their own demise!
The definition of Anti-Semitism is ANYTHING in the New Testament and whatever THEY deem it is! There will be likely televised beheadings of Christians to discourage us from acknowledging Christ and to rid themselves of those pesky Christians worldwide.
Why else would Obama have imported 150K Guillotines into the country? I doubt it was for slicing cold cuts!”
Hehe the guillotines number keeps growing, now it’s exponential
For more great Christmas PUDDING ingredients besides C High, just listen to Real Mary today – WTPN – situation update and put on medium heat. So that the poor normies do not overcook their little minds.
Mm….. see if you can manage the first seven minutes💁🙀🤪🤪
Berry, have a prosperous and enlightened 2025.
5.33 pm
This is funny, my comment citing real Mary WTPN situation update has disappeared. Refer to BIN.
Someone is … scared.🙀💁🤪
One funny reference that I did not mention was that clones last about NINE REBOOTS. …. ( NINE LIVES – REMINDS ME OF A BIDEN CAT🤪)
Ha, my 5.33 comment suddenly appeared.
Strange how that happens so many times these days🤪
6.28 pm