by Joachim Hagopian
If you want to know where the United States is fast-headed in record time, just look at the abysmal state that Europe currently finds itself in. Potential world war spreading beyond Ukraineβs border, severe supply chain energy and food shortages, deindustrialization, record-high cost of living spikes, runaway inflation and imminent economic collapse, starting with the impending fall of teetering Credit SuisseΒ andΒ Deutsche Bank. If you live anywhere in the West, a one-world government agenda is spreading its cancer to a country and neighborhood near you as overt signs appear everywhere.
Veteran journalistΒ Michael YonΒ is the quintessential journeyman journalist as our boots on the ground observant discerning eyes representing people who value truth, justice, national sovereignty and individual liberties. For decades Michael has traveled the globe reporting on what he sees firsthand β the unavoidable malignancy of the globalistsβ Build Back Better one world governance brand promoted by all G7 World Economic Forum puppet nations. Michael Yon in the Netherlands shared a St. Patrickβs Day conversation with Mike Adams, along the following lines:
As many of us over this last year have become aware, Holland is ground zero where the Dutch farmers have been courageously fighting for their farms and their livelihood against the New World Order fascist enemy, in this case globalist puppets occupying the Amsterdam government [“The Hague Government”]. The elitesβ high-priority objective is using the Green Agenda fraud within its massive WMD depopulation arsenal as a convenient excuse to shut downΒ worldwide food production.
Be it the deliberate burning down of food processing centers, a fake avian flu epidemic, engineered war that cuts off major grain export supply, weather-engineered droughts and floods destroying crop yields, engineered fertilizer and fuel shortages, kill shot mandates disrupting interstate commerce producing food shortages, government incentives to destroy crops, cattle die-offs, mRNA injection in livestock and poultry birds, engineered derailments intentionally releasing toxic poisons into US heartland air, ground and water, and ongoing systemic poisoning of food. Evidence the controllers want us dead by famine and starvation is irrefutable.
One more insidious method deployed in Europe to significantly reduce food production is epitomized by whatβs been happening in the Netherlands. Despite the advanced state-of-the-art Dutch agricultural farming techniques as the worldβsΒ second largestΒ agricultural exporter, this tiny nation little more than the size ofΒ MarylandΒ as the 6thΒ smallest lower 48 state, amazingly possesses such competent Dutch farmers that they should be the model for teaching the rest of the world how to grow bountiful crop yields using small land mass that can effectively abolish world hunger.
But instead, Satanic globalists in Amsterdam, the nation next door in Belgium via home of the globalist entrenched European Union and NATO, and nearby City of London, have designated Netherlandsβs farmland as the New World Order model site for its 15-minute smart city for global prison planet enslavement.
Michael Yon explains that the Dutch nation possesses the two largest ports in Europe, Rotterdam and Antwerp, serving as Chinaβs Western extension of its ambitious trans-worldΒ Belt and RoadΒ Initiative, stretching the global trade route from Shanghai to the Netherlands. After all, Amsterdamβs Schiphol Airport is Europeβs largest air cargo hub to China.
The globalist plan it callsΒ Tristate CityΒ takes up a swathe of precious land in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany where as part of its 2030 Agenda will stack and pack incoming migrant populations as well as displaced farmers alike, housed in high rise buildings that will serve as the globalist model for super surveillance, social credit scores regulating access to cashless digital currency in smart cities under absolute dystopian control.
This globalist agenda is forthcoming through an unholy covert partnership between the City of London/WEF elites and the Chinese Communist Party, and their recent assault on the demolition of Europe is to steal Europeβs most fertile agricultural bread basket, destroy the native Dutch farming community while flooding the Netherlands with a large migrant population from 140 poorer nations around the globe.
This same chessboard plan is ongoing in North America with its wide-open southern US border. As far as the migration crisis, over this last decade, none of this malevolent agenda is new as globalists have deliberately engineered ongoing waves of migrant crises not seen since World War II, again targeting the planetβs two wealthiest, largest middle-class populations, both comprised of Caucasian majorities in Europe and North America.
The ruling elitesβ Gladio strategy of tension, orchestrating a series of major destabilizing crises through wars in the Middle East, Africa and Ukraine, itβs more than evident that the ruling bloodlines have specifically targeted the earthβs two wealthiest continents to overrun andΒ destroyΒ their native cultures and populations, ultimately Western civilization.
Michael Yon is a world traveler…. He brings up an important observation about the people he has always personally gotten along well with from nations like Afghanistan, Nepal, Philippines and Nigeria as examples of where tribalism runs so deep that they canβt cooperate with rival factions in their nations to accomplish important needed tasks that would greatly benefit their country. He asserts globalists are aware of this, and select these specific populations to fund as refugees pouring into Europe for guaranteed racial, religious and class warfare.
Michael Yon also pointed out that the Netherlandsβ provincial elections held on Wednesday March 15thΒ produced winners in the heavily funded BBB party (BoerBurgerBeweging) begun in 2019 that came out of nowhere to dominate its very first provincial election. Yon calls this BBB party with its green emblem dubbed the Farmers-Citizens Movement βthe pied piper party,β to him it looms as a βTrojan horse.β
Interesting that Michael Yon mentions working in the same close circles asΒ activistΒ Eva Vlaardingerbroek, formerly of the right-wingΒ Forum for Democracy, who also referred to the results on Twitter as βreally bad news,β warning of a RINO-Left coalition:
“Really bad news. The first election results are in: The ruling parties suffered some losses, but with the help of the Labour Party and the green-left they will still be able to form a majority in the Senate to pass the nitrogen policies, including expropriation.”
According to theΒ RothschildΒ onetime owned international news service β theΒ Associated Press, BBBβs strong showing is seen as a protest vote opposing prime minister Mark Rutte, the Klaus Schwab groomed protΓ©gΓ©, who saw his coalition lose 8 senate seats from 32 to 24. Rutteβs Green Agenda policy outlawing nitrogen oxide and ammoniaΒ levels as pollutants produced by farmersβ livestock as the flimsy excuse to nefariously target farmers for removal, but apparently it backfired big-time with Dutch voters.
APΒ calls the BBB the βnew populist party,β thatΒ msn.comΒ quickly claimed is strongly backed by such populists as Franceβs Marine La Pen and Donald Trump. Exit polls indicate that BBB will fillΒ 17Β of the 75 senate seats to become the largest party in the Dutch senate, winning the most votes in 8 of the 12 provinces.
Though the surprise victory was seen as a rejection of the Green Agenda and big city-EU politics, and rural voters making their voice heard, astute journalist Michael Yon has his doubts, interpreting BBBβs rapid sudden rise to power as looking more like a deceptive wolf in sheepβs clothing.
Speaking of wolves, despite having no wolf population native to the Netherlands for 200 years, the parliament passed laws oddly making it illegal to harm wolves, though not present in the country for centuries. Then the anti-farming government agenda is suspected of reintroducing the predator species to the area specifically to begin decimating Dutch farmersβ livestock. This is how lowdown and sinister these Luciferian controllers are.
— Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of βDonβt Let the Bastards Getcha Down,βΒ This article first appeared at JamesFetzer.org, on March 19, 2023.
Editor’s addition (to the link above)
This is off topic, but this just uploaded YT video may not survive the “fact checkers” and contains important information re the future of humanity(no exaggeration).
Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche phd,Dr Shankara Chetty and Dr Philip McMillan re Geert’s book.
Dutch(they still use this) are not just blessed with furtile field’s but are hard working.
They been klompen around doing overtime forever.
BBB makes me wonder, not enough to research but would be infiltrated if not built back better from the get go
This link in the story above is the most interesting, the cows were poisoned by Globalist farmland empire builders like Gates and a psychic predicted it all:
At last a UN “Sustainable Development Goals” I can zoom in on and read.
They like to make it sound so nice, and then they forget to mention forced injections, robbery and a mass die off. Tri-state city is a desirable address for Libyan – Syrian – Perhaps any grudge-holding refugees, by the sounds
And Oz has good journalists, too. In this case, Shane Dowling taking on the big Rupe:
Delaware !!!, going the deep mRNA dive. New York we know and seems slated for a biblical end time. Of course we know of the District of Columbia.(in the future I will be depicted as a great Roman worrier replete with taking it easy with grapes in a comfy toga, and they will rush 4more).
Tips gumshoes???, we got the great families of Delaware!. When crossing the border don’t shoot till you see the ‘de Biden in their eyes!!.
Seriously, anyone got the goss on this place ?!!! apart from the apple repair story
It is run by the Duponts, Simon. Get yourself a copy of Fritz Springmeier’s Bloodlines of the Illuminati. It is available online by its individual chapters. Try “Walt Disney” “Duponts” or “the Astors.”
If I recall corectly, during the 1860s Civil War, Monsieur DuPont was the owner of all gunpowder manufacturing, north and soutth. Think about it.
Yep, and Duponts lead to dioxons(two oxs), but PASF, PFOA, PFOS type, massive prob. You get a Noble prize – wink, just don’t go fighting fires with it
Anywho, whats here now
Woke, please let them go broke
all very signature bank. I surmise this is highly controlled, even our “allowed” communication.
Just saying we are being lead down the garden path yet again. You know it but I just had to say it now and infinightem. So where do these pedo elite Bidens come from ?, come on you know my aversion to reading books
MM should be writing a list of this interesting info
Who owns which state
Arkansaw – Rockerfellas
Wyoming – Cheneys + ?
NY – probably a shitfight
DC – some king George bloodline
Will we see another Kennedy in the White House?
this guy could almost be the great deceiver, I don’t think so(run for prez) in fact I try to think of a God given choice. I don’t think he will run, I think he is clever just like his father(dad and hope smarter).
He’s and alarm clock, and its time, however, or now or never
sorry can’t help myself, shout out to WA, its not criket but..
so back in the day Dutch and ANZAC luft(air) forces not only trained together but did bombing runs together. aka the Bjelki Peterson, then there is the bio-lab thing
There is no freedom of choice remaining, Oz has slipped into communism. We are being stripped of wealth and deprived of liberty.
An oligarchy of unelected owns and controls everything and everyone, with total surveillance technocracy CBDC social credit score slavery now enforced.
The vaccine delivery system includes ID beastly mark requiring luciferace to make it work. Patent WO-060606.
These are crimes against all living. globalist psychopaths merging flesh and blood with digital BS creating a new breed. Sum total is war of satanic forces against humanity.
So whoβs behind this?
Who alone has the power?
These creatures are utterly devoid of compassion, they have turned the world into a slave colony worshiping satan.
Almighty will step in and π stop this transhuman agenda. All we need to do is pray to Him, with hearts minds and souls, for forgivenessβ¦βlead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.β
Senator Lidia Thorpe taking on the authorities
Everyone is telling her to shut up and just sit there on her hands, learn these words, “unfortunate”, “egregious”, “regrettable”, “deplorable”, and learn how to cry on camera. I agree with the Lidia Thorpe approach, especially in connection with historical grievances which we are supposed to pretend didn’t happen. Lest we forget can go both ways. Pauline Hanson says the Voice is going to give our backyard to aboriginies. No it isn’t Pauline, it’s going to the banks, aboriginies will get nothing. Good to see the cops played along with Lidia Thorpe on her mission.
Crying male impersonators of Bob Hawke should be jailed automatically for 366 days.
At least the cops aren’t wimps, they know they can dish it out much worse. The crying male 15 seconds of TV fame wimp is utterly deplorable and egregious and must be stamped out with a large boot on the face, stomp, stomp, stomp, take that you fake.
More extremely unflattering views and reviews of Lidia Thorpe
She is raising the bar for Senator Hanson-Young
What next for Lidia, a scholarship at Swab University ?!?
Affirmation upon affirmation of the “I will give children to be their princes” decree spelled out below
Irish kicking against globalist schemes
TGA knew of biodisribution of PFIZER LNP in January 2021 PRIOR to the vaccine rollout in Australia!!!
Once more the “satanic globalist” narrative is completely off-target: the question should simply be “will the current Dutch ruler-ship increase or decrease food production ?”
And if the answer is the latter, the answer as to who’s calling the shots is spelled out here:
“For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water,
The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient,
The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counseller, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator.
And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.
And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.”
ISAIAH 3: 1 – 5
I realise that said forecast was specific to the nation of Israel but the universal application is unmistakable
Pick the Dutch they/them or Hollandaise in the lead picture, Scotty from marketing back ?
If you care to read through this, its Victoria orientated but smells of team spirit(sulfur),
basically Dennis Wollersheim is an expert on COVID-19 data and wants to use his term of nonsense, TO, support Dan Andrews(ur psycho here) support that Gov nonsense. In real time even, slightly before real time, if your hip with the lingo.
Lurnpa -David Cole—Genocide Today report
“In today’s episode of ICIC, Dr Reiner Fuellmich talks to David Lurnpa Cole, an Aborigine from Australia, well-known blogger Bernie Bebenroth, known as “Bernie from Australia” and Iris Tassie Tiger Richter about the outrageous events in Australia over the last three years.
The government measures in Australia have been very harsh, and the vaccination pressure very high. Especially the indigenous population, the Aborigines, were put under massive pressure and forced to vaccinate.
David Lumpa Cole approached us with the cry for help that his people were suffering greatly because of the vaccinations and that the deaths were massively increasing.
The accounts of the three Australians are very stirring and shed light on the dictatorial actions of the Australian government and the suffering of the people and their indigenous brothers and sisters in a very clear and emotional way.”
Quelle Horreur
First Bill Gates, now Obama has come to visit Elbow and give him his Global communist instructions. The fake news says Obama is doing speaking tours now, cheap seats are about $200 and good seats closer to $1000.
Things are bad when you have nothing better to do than to sit and watch Obama talking. Remember the years of Obama reading off the double autocue, his head would swivel left then right alternating every ten seconds or so.
This guy must be the dullest US entertainment product since Readers Digest.
Still, PaulCraigRoberts tells us speaking tours are all about kickbacks, “that’s how they get paid”. Deep pockets MIC will be grateful to war specialist Obama. The war you had when you didn’t even know you had a war.
OT. Semi trailer running off the road. Reported in US on rense as “vaccident”. Amazingly no-one killed.
The Dutch girl in 3 minutes
Vistas of gay Paris (1 min)
French riot pigs in standoff (1 min)
French riot pigs getting tear-gassed (2 min)
Human foetuses used in Pepsico 3rd party flavour enhancers incl KFC and multiple brands
( About 6 or 7 mins on 1.5 speed )