Perpetuity is a long long time.
Dear Ms Julie Bishop, You signed the secret deal. Could you please explain why it might be necessary to seal any of the MH17 investigation?
We, the people, are meant to have faith in our politicians, who believe they have the right to seal (in perpetuity) some details of a multinational murder investigation. This does not make sense, and it smells of foul play. Dee McLachlan.
(1:46 “Another question that was raised over why documents relating to the downing of MH17 have been sealed and aren’t being allowed to be shown to parliamentarians or investigators and in fact these documents have been sealed for good that being said – sealed in perpetuity.”)
“This does not make sense, and it smells of foul play.”
The prey does not question the predator’s motivation. It just is.
Shades of the Reynolds case (1953) in which the US gov’t invoked secrecy wrongly. A comment from Professor Lou Fisher:
“A ‘state secret’ refers to any information that, if disclosed publicly, would be reasonably likely to cause significant harm to the national defense or foreign relations of the United States. …I would prefer to add a second sentence to the definition: ‘The assertion of a state secret by the executive branch is to be tested by independent judicial review.’ Concerning ‘immunity’, I would like to see a third sentence added to the definition: ‘The “states secrets privilege” may not shield illegal or unconstitutional activities’.”
Dee, you have asked Julie to come clean, but just in case she doesn’t, I offer the 4 reasons people use secrecy:
1. Privacy. I don’t want you to know my age or my income.
2. Economic advantage. I don’t want to publish the recipe, as then customers won’t bother to come to my restaurant.
3. Bonding. We have a little secret in our group that no one else is privy to.
4. Crime. If they find out what I’m doing they may arrest me.
I don’t think 1, 2, and 3 are looking very likely in this case….
How stinking obvious do these corrupt entities need to be before people awake from their fluoridated trance and demand the truth, on innumerable issues? We have become domesticated to the point that life has the meaning of a sack of meat and bones, its not the government i fear, but the dumb ed down zombie citizenry that walk among us. Gumshoe, you are a beacon of light in the minds of the cave dwellers, a strike of the mach that offers glimpses of light in an unbelievably rogue and disconnected chosen cliche of psychopathy drenched mob, the mafia has nothing on what i see in the corporate governance cancer infesting this country. I am a witness to this as it has come after my family and destroyed our home and business and the LOCAL GOV OFFICER literally laughed in my face and said, “we have the funds provided by you to destroy you, so you wont win, the community are too dumb to come to your rescue”. That was over 5 years ago and forced me to begin studying law, well what i discovered is demented and dangerous!
Have to love the public realtions spin put forward on behalf of the foreign minister; all sweet and ‘white’ reclining full length on a couch, clothes/woman of style etc. and a man bag to go with it.
That is far as one would one should look, underneath we have a representative of the people who apparently poseses within, a cruelty that would deny the realtives of MH 17 the truth and serve out deceit to them in their grief.
At least there are some representatives of the Dutch people who have the backbone to seek the truth behind the killing of so many.
The same obfuscation was applied by the US also on 911. Where are the recordings for all the security cameras at the Pentagon that would expose what crashed into the Pentagon?
Now what about flight 370?
Anyone who believes our poilticians is skating on paper thin ice.
Ned, I think I saw an artlcle, maybe from the Straits Times, that the citizens of Malaysia are not putting up with the secrecy about MH370.
We’ve got to think up a name for the syndrome whereby people say “The families don’t want the case to be investigated.” Any suggestion from any quarter will be appreciated. It is a serious stumbling block.
There has been an interim report by the Joint Investigation Team sent to victims families..
well, not all of them..
Dear Mr Umbrella, That is terrific material. I quote:
“Miss Kenke is the only family member to have lodged a case charging the Ukraine Government with culpable negligence at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). An 11-page application was filed as early as November 17, 2014. And if you didn’t hear from in the corporate media, it might be because the ECHR has imposed a blackout covering all details of the case, which also prevents website access.”
Like Noah said, Now I herd everything.
Dee, I must have missed Ms Bishop’s announcement. Before I venture a comment can I ask what it is she said is being sealed in perpetuity?
James, the “sealed in perpetuity” seems to have come from the Dutch. It’s all the same investigation. I’ll write to Bishop’s office for confirmation
Thanks Dee. I have been following this investigation closely and have already written two articles about it. I recently received a copy (in translation) of the letter sent by Fred Westerbeke to the families of the Dutch victims of MH17. Mr Westerbeke’s letter was in effect an update on the investigation, but it contained some important new information that contradicted not only the dutch Safety Board report, but also newspaper reports about the DSB Report. Typically, and Australia was no exception, those reports were either superficial, misleading, or both.
I have written to the AFP asking for comments on Mr Westerbeke’s letter, and specific questions that I put to them. To date there has been no response.
I was unaware of any “sealed in perpetuity” statement by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) that is the five nation group investigating a possible criminal prosecution of the perpetrators of the MH17 shootdown. According to Mr Westerbeke’s letter they expect to be in a position to prosecute or not by the second half of this year.
One especially interesting point to emerge from Mr Westerbeke’s letter is that the Americans have released their satellite data which recorded the shootdown, to the JIT. One issue will be whether they can use that information, which is classified, in a form to support a criminal prosecution.
My preliminary view is that if that data showed the missile being fired by the so-called “separatists” as alleged by the usual suspects, it would have been broadcast long and hard. The fact that the information is suppressed leads to a reasonable inference that it does not support their case.
The real culprits are in all probability the Ukrainian armed forces, but that does not fit the geopolitical narrative of the day: “Putin’s missile” etc. Whether we will ever hear the truth is a moot point.
Link to James’s most recent MH17 piece. For many others by Dee, just click on MH17 in the Gumshoe masthead.
Spooky, but nice spooky: the numbers are climbing more quickly on Cherri’s petition. A couple of hours ago it was around 1892 sigs and now it is 1915. Say 10 per hour. Hope it continues.
At the moment she is only a nickel away from twenty dollars!
If this were the only thing our government were hiding from “WE” the people…. It’s time to change our paradigm on government.
I will leave information here as well as the other section of the MH17. I have looked at this pretty closely and I was fortunate enough to have stumbled upon this information by listening to a Youtube article about the nefarious and controversial corporation called SERCO.
Serco’s stranglehold on the US military – CTM #712 – Field McConnell
This man is incredible! He is an ex marine commander and also a pilot of many aircraft. He has an extra long list of qualifications and experience in his extraordinary career and is one of the good guys! A remarkable background and he exposes so much here. Please listen to him and pass this on! If we do nothing nothing happens. All of us need to protect our country that we live in from the seditious traitors who are the politicians and the Fascist corporations that perpetuate false flag wars for their benefit at our expense to weaken our national sovereignty and eventually bring in the sinister and diabolical one world government.
I have sent excellent material concerning MH370 and MH 17 and certainly do not trust the prostitute CIA Mockingbird media and press or the Murdoch outlets or any that is called the so-called mainstream. They are propagandist channels pure and simple! I have been researching this perpetual lie amongst many others and I am most confident now that it has been fully exposed for what it is.
Australia has been in the lead to deceive its own military and the world so just like the false flag war of Vietnam, the Hilton bombing the Port Arthur Massacre and now the MH370 and MH17 exposed and who was behind it and who is covering it up which are crimes.
For your convenience I have gathered all the links so you do not have to search and it will become obvious with the material that Field McConnell and his team has gather and assembled together to expose the evil and diabolical agendas. I have highlighted the material spoken of by Field McConnell for your convenience to pass on to others. Nations only get the kind of government they deserve if the population is apathetic and non patriotic to their respective country.
The “official narrative” from these false propaganda media and news is the way they present the false narrative as they all sing the same song. There is a special emphasis to suit their lies. It is placed in an emotional setting. They deliberately omit information and evidence on a daily basis. It is bias and prejudiced opinion not journalistic reporting. It is a corporate-government sector propaganda apparatus tool to deliberately spread disinformation to the populous. It can never be questioned and no dialogue or debate is allowed. Complaints are ignored and they use character assassination to try to discredit anyone who questions the “official narrative”.
Keep in mind that they would not allow Russia into the investigations. Russia provided radar flight patterns and the US provided cartoons.
The Truth is stranger than fiction he is an ex marine commander and also a pilot of many aircraft
SERCO controls the US military has a stranglehold by the highly controversial British SERCO corporation
Global pedophile ring by the Clintons and others
9/11 un-interuptable Boeing-Honeywell autopilot (1953-2013) q=youtube+boeing+uninterruptible+auto+pilots&t=opera&ia=videos
MH370 it was never “missing” it was a premeditated conspiracy to plan murder of 239 innocent people
GWB has turned states evidence as he does not want to have the lethal injection that was given to criminal of the century GHWB his father and John McCain the traitor
He has written 3 books about 9/11 and George W. Bush was one of the criminal perpetrators behind i9/11
Arrow air 1285 where 256 innocent people murdered as GHWB did not want that plane to enter US airspace
Involved in the USS Iowa explosion
President Trump spied on by the sinister CIA director Brennan
FBI employee Sibel Edmonds was fired as she warned the of an impending attack by airlines as you spoke 3 languages
Bill Clinton then shut down that office because she posed a threat to those perpetrators behind 9/11
German Wings 9525 the ‘false ‘allegation of the co-pilot intentionally flying the airbus into the ground. The false media and news said he was gay which was not true as he had a pregnant girlfriend.
They killed Jay Christopher Stevens the US Ambassador to Libya another smear campaign that he was gay which was false. They spoke to his fiancee who said ‘live’ on this radio show it was not so. The CIA was running guns and drugs in Libya and HRC was involved
HRC needed to be in jail 30 years ago
SERCO has ‘demon faced software to search for and track pedophiles and then blackmail them.
Pine Gap linked
SERCO hacking and tracking any and everything including Obamas plane
Lockheed Martin technology landed the MH370 at Diego Garcia on the 8th of March 2014 and they reported that. Why didn’t any of the media and news report that also? Get the picture? This comes from a honest and reputable man and organisation with massive qualifications and experience.
That is not where it is now
Field McConnell’s organisation predicted that MH17 on the 29 March 2014 in writing that it would go down
The ‘registration’ number on the plane was changed
You can change the numbers on the plane separate from the registration number and you can change the log books
They changed the’ identity’ of one plane to another to make it into a clone into itself by changing the flight number
Malaysia phoned Field McConnell the ex PM Najib Razak of Malaysia is being exposed for MH370
Malaysia government invited Field McConnell to Malaysia to explain to them what had happened as they saw what Abel Danger had predicted and had written down and were stunned.
The same diabolical people doing the same evil agendas of murder and gaining access to more power and control
Able Danger recognises the pattern and it is always repeated
2 illegal modifications were not reported and they warned them of a second explosive event or plot once again and that was MH17 which was really MH370. They were perfect in their prediction as you will hear
Blame was attributed to just about everyone except the real perpetrators thanks to the controlled fake media and press
At 24:5 min. he exposes the blame to Australia in their ‘failed search’ which was another great worldwide hoax. Australia was in charge of the search. Field McConnell knew the plane wasn’t missing so he claims they knew it was not missing as well. Angus Houston
Warren Truss
Why are they misleading the world with this premeditated conspiracy and murder?
Why are they creating a scenario of punishment to the relatives of the survivors of falsifying information?
Why this ‘missing’ plane narrative of the 203 innocent people perishing by murder by any means?
They were already dead when the aircraft safely landed at Diego Garcia by auto pilot
MH17 the first responders was a Russian woman named Anna as it happened in her neighbourhood went with video camera and in Russian had put her camera on the bodies which were all ‘intact’ from a 33,000 altitude and the plane was blown apart according to the media
The majority of the bodies were decomposed what does that tell you?
by a missile by an Israeli jet that was trailing the plane
GHWB was responsible for the assassination of President JFK I ova know that for decades with all of the material that is around. Bush lied and said he was not even in Dallas and a photographer had photo of him to view the kill with others. President JBJ also was part of it as they planned it in his house with all of the who attended and their names were listed
White knights from the DOD captured MH370 from SERCO
There were 20 Freescale systems engineers that had developed a super-chip to make $billions for military use
A patent was pending and 4 of the 20 engineers had their names on the patent with no other than Rothschild
Rothschild is now the sole owner of the international patent that has ‘Stealth’ applications and quality software
SERCO is finally being exposed for what it is and are making more and more mistakes
There was a murder of a British policeman in London and Field claims SERCO has its fingerprints all over it and they do not care who they murder
MH370 was remotely captured by SERCO
9/11 is being exposed
Sandy Hook being exposed as a real mess up
MH370 was solved the same day it happened. Kept suppressed by the evil propagandists outlets
Wisconsin state government and the federal government has stolen his funds in his bank account of being a whistleblower
Apparently HRC stole the patent for drone technology back in the 80’s as she use to work for a patents office
3 jets did scramble on 9/11 from one base according to Field as you never have more than 2 pilots on full alert
So they had foreknowledge of the 9/11 event
The Norad director was a Canadian with infantry officer experience and no aircraft experience raises another red flag with no air defence experience or response when they are at war with someone…
Key people were in key positions 2 airforce 4 star generals and a colonel were blocking the quick response to 9/11 so the pilots were slow to act as he has their names
The chief of staff was an army guy win whom specialised in textiles
Another Canadian at Tyndall air force base in Florida where all National Guard are commanded and controlled was in command were intentionally delaying the quick response
The NORAD’s assets were hindered and delayed from high command positions intentionally
FTS or Flight Termination Service was rolled out by Lockheed Martin in 2000
Airbus was installing the un-interuptable Boeing-Honeywell autopilot back in 1989
Boeing installing them in 1995
Boeing did not even know about the un-interuptable autopilot claims Field
It is made by General Electric
GE is in the process of removing their CEO Jeffery Immelt whose fingerprints are all over 9/11
GE is a major player behind 9/11
The Federal Bridge Certification Authority or FBCA was the control mechanism that ran the attack on 9/11
He was a whistleblower for the illegal modifications of the auto pilot
DOJ in the US called where he was working and threatened Northeast airlines to shut him up from speaking
The pilots didn’t know about it as the airlines did not even know about it
Global control is from global pedophilia blackmail of the politicians and judges. Q team are arresting thousands!
HRC and his sister need to go to the gallows for being a seditious traitor and for operating global pedophilia
The East-West Centre in Hawaii University is a CIA front operation that uses entrapment as Field’s sister is lesbian
Barry Sorento aka Obama
John McCain has a family history of treason
The ‘mystery’ missile that was viewed by eye witnesses in a helicopter in 2010 was exposed and to this day has remained suppressed by the Deep state evil cabal. An obsolete IBM was launched for test at Phoenix to go out to the Pacific and come back to the US with no warhead. The cruise ship that was supposed to shut down the intercept missile was shut down and got very hot at Port Magoo where my father used to be stationed. The ThADD was launched to intercept it was also shut down in the second stage of application. The second attempt by another THAAD
A submarine by the white hats of one of the nations knocked out the incoming missile
He exposes the Great Lie or the Great Deception that the US is not sovereign nation as many of us already know that. It is and has been controlled by the City Of London. There are many great books on this topic. Washing D.C. was originally called Rome
The public education system perpetuates these lies about the US being sovereign etc.
Able Danger has flooded the internet with evidence on many top criminal acts
Pat Tilman famous NFL football player was murdered assassinated by a British rifle 223 calibre in Afghanistan with 3 shots in his head the size of a quarter as he was going to be, “The biggest whistleblower America has seen.”
Extortion 17 people signed off on the murder of their troops are named who murdered the Seal team 6 as Bin laden was already dead years before. It was yet another great hoax or lie by the propagandists! Their bodies were liquified by vests with explosives and security was breached with 7 Afghans replacing 7 others .(Obama, CIA Leon Panetta, a 4 star general is also mentioned
Obama stopped Field’s wife who went to the UK from reentering the US because he is a whistle-blower
He recognises the gold fringe on the American flag as Admiralty law as many of us know yet get mocked or criticised for when we mention it.
He exposes the corrupt BAR system which is British as many of us also know that it goes back to the Jesuits as he mentioned. Trump want s to rescind it. He wants lawyers and judges re sworn their allegiance to the US Constitution or they will be not be practicing lawyers to judges. Off the do reaffirm their Oath of Allegiance and betray that there will be severe penalties
Mitch McConnell getting supported by Chinese cocaine ship magnats for Chinese interests betraying the US with pedophiles who are married
the traitor John McCain is bought an paid for by the Canadian booze money could be the Bronfman family
GWHB had Colonel James Sabow killed because he was blowing the whistle on drug trafficking out of military bases
The privatisation of war by the military industrial complex corporations
The ATI was weaponised to kill the passengers in the remote capture of the MH370 to dial the yield of the amount of gas to be used to kill the passengers and Field is claiming that SERCO did it
Dee You are a seasoned veteran and in the forefront on revealing corrupt and criminal practices by the Australia government. It is to conceal and not to reveal to the public their criminal activities. As you are well aware of they did the same thing to Martin Bryant in the state sponsored terrorist act with the Port Arthur Massacre with ASIO with their 7 dead operatives working for a foreign power/s. all is not what it appears to be and Australians need to switch on and stay switched on to protect their country that has increasingly become infiltrated by various foreign powers and agencies.