by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I have a background in evolutionary biology.Β I have no trouble understanding human evil as an outgrowth — maybe a hypertrophy — of ordinary selfishness.Β All mammals must be self-preserving, which includes grabbing plenty of resources for survival. That can lead to greed, and greed usually involves deceitfulness. People may end up being destructive and cruel.
Today we are surely seeing an increase in deceitfulness and cruelty, while values such as fairness and decency go out the window. Those trends will continue — if for no other reason than trends get accepted as the new reality.
If we were “only” animals, I doubt that the current awful trend could be stopped. But humans innately have morality; they know that there is at least a possibility for community members to respect law. In my lifetime that was taken for granted, until maybe 2001. I am certain it can be restored — pure enlightened self-interest should tell even the most aggressive baddy that his quality of life, too, must suffer under a regime of chaos and violence.
Teaching Us Helplessness
In my opinion, mainstream media has been tasked with making the good life sink as low as possible. They diligently work on our minds to cause a shift in our focus. They want us to drop all the attention we once gave to justice and honesty, and watch the circus. Every week there is some new circus. This week it’s the raid on Mike Lindell’s car, which was stopped at a fast-food restaurant in Iowa.
Probably the circus act is more important than the FBI’s obtaining of whatever is they want to get from Mike’s phone. This circus act persuades the TV viewers that:
- No law exists to protect a citizen from the theft of his phone and/or any private stuff inside that phone.
- There is no accountability by the authorities (in this case, purportedly the FBI) to the people. Anything goes, if the ones doing it are wearing a badge or are driving an official-looking car.
- No person high up is ever going to crack down on such people. We should stop expecting justice. “Hey, Everybody, the Perry Mason show is old hat. Grow up.”
Just imagine being able to teach such big lessons, to millions of Americans, merely by conducting a single raid on a guy at a Hardees drive-through. And Mike is well liked, so it even hurts the viewer to see it happening. That’s an added benefit — making people emotionally distressed contributes to the ease of control by those at the top.
Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
So what are we to do with this lovely bunch of coconuts? Well, for starters, one can iterate that the 3 lessons are inaccurate.Β There clearly ARE laws against thieving a man’s cellphone and his private data. There IS accountability by the FBI to the people. (Yep). And expectations of justice should NOT DISAPPEAR — we should assume that justice still exists and will make a fierce comeback
Why not?Β We’ve got all the apparatus for it, as established over many centuries. And, as I said, mainstream media is the handmaiden of the baddies, so MSM must be cracked down on, into the bargain.
We’ve got a militia.Β I have recently learned from Edwin Vieira’s historical analysis, that when the word militia appears in the 1787 US Constitution, it means the kind of militia that was well known in 1787. (Makes sense, right?Β Thank you, Edwin Vieira). That militia was the whole citizenry in arms.
All able-bodied men were ordered to have, at home, a gun in good condition so they could be called up by their state. They were obliged by the US Constitution to be available in case Congress called them up to act against an invasion or an insurrection, or to enforce the laws. (Article I, sec 8, clause 15.) Uniformed police did not get started till many years later.
I omit here the issue of Clause 16, where Congress governs the militia. Edwin Vieira makes it clear that there would be no state militias for Congress to call on if there were no state militias. To find out what the state requires of its militia (remember I am not talking about the “National Guard”), you must look at each particular state’s constitution.
When I was ranting, in 2015, about the FBI’s 2013 invasion of Boston (see my book, Boston’s Marathon Bombing), I checked the Massachusetts constitution and found that the governor could lead his troops against the FBI.Β Don’t waste your time giggling — this is serious government business. As for the FBI stealing from Mike Lindell, one would have to see what Iowa’s constitution calls for.
As for the southern border states — Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, it appears that without a need for Congressional permission, the state can act against an invasion by immigrants, if their constitution allows.
An article in Texastribune.org, dated July 5, 2022 says:
“Kinney County has been one of the focal points of the stateβs border security efforts, with officials there arresting hundreds of migrants for criminal trespass on private land as a way to sidestep the local governmentβs inability to regulate immigration. Shahan said Kinney County had signed an official declaration calling on Abbott to declare an invasion.”
Helping Mike Lindell
There is something special about the Mike Lindell cellphone episode. Mike says the FBI spoke to him for a while at Hardees and asked him about the information he had on software companies, in regard to the “stolen election.” Subsequently they grabbed his cellphone. I take that to indicate that they wish to denude Mr Lindell of any evidence he is carrying that could bring about the indicting of “Software Company D” (not its real name).
I note that Mike mentioned many other things that should not be taken away from him, such as his cellphone’s feature that organizes his hearing aids. Can you imagine!Β But the FBI can argue that that’s incidental — they need his phone to assist in their case against some persons whose conversations may be stored there.
So it’s the Software Company D data that I would use as indicator of a crime being committed by the FBI, or its boss, the DoJ or its boss, the US Attorney General. The name of the crime is obstruction of justice — a federal felony codified at 18 USC 1503. It is defined as an act that
“corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
What I mean is, that the data sitting in Mike Lindell’s phone, which incriminates the Software people, and which needs to be put to law enforcement (in the proper way), is being taken out of his hands by people whose likely plan is to suppress it.
Do I know that for sure?Β No, but the massive efforts made, to tell us that the 2020 election was hunky-dory, leads me to believe that the last thing Attorney General Merrick Garland intends to do is to charge Company D with, um, defrauding voters.
Helping Our Posterity
Personally, I would arrest Merrick Garland, or lower-hanging fruit if necessary, for obstruction of justice.Β I would also arrest any FBI person involved in this scheme (if such a scheme there be) for misprision. No, that word doesn’t mean they’ve missed out on prison, though obviously they have. The crime of misprision (rhymes with vision) is codified at 18 USC 4 as follows:
“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under theΒ United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”
Under yesterday’s article at Gumshoe, Crisscross provided a comment which showed a photo of an old DAVOS meeting, with Hawkie sitting in between Klaus Schwab and Turn-of-the-Bull. Two Rhodes-scholar prime ministers. (Don’t forget Tony Abbott and a near-miss, Kim Beazley.)
This is all very intersting, especially as it appeared under a comment by Julius regarding the buy-out of major newspapers. Here is a list of Rhodesies from Oz:
Regarding that buy-out of [media] – I was only just getting warmed up
β’ The Formation of Reuter-Havas-Wolff News Monopoly and Cartel β Winter Watch
It looks as though Greta Thunberg and Klaus Schwab are related – to the Rothschilds.
[…] Source […]
They are concerned about a cellphone with damning evidence about election fraud – and they want to denude it? This ‘system’ really is a farce, isn’t it
Recorded conversation between Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland and Amb. Jeffery Pyatt
A Family Business of Perpetual War
Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From the State Department, she generates wars and from op-ed pages he demands Congress buy more weapons. Thereβs a pay-off, too, as grateful military contractors kick in money to think tanks where other Kagans work, writes Robert Parry………….
Donald Kagan
Born into a Jewish family from KurΕ‘?nai, Lithuania, Kagan grew up in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, where his family emigrated when he was two years old, shortly after the death of his father. He graduated from Brooklyn College in 1954, received an MA from Brown University in 1955 and a PhD from the Ohio State University in 1958.[
Kagan lives in New Haven, Connecticut. He is married to Myrna Kagan, a teacher and historian in her own right, and the author of “Vision in the Sky: New Haven’s Early Years, 1638-1784.” He is the father of Robert Kagan and Frederick Kagan, both well-known writers. Robert Kagan’s wife is Victoria Nuland, the State Department spokesperson from 2011 to 2013 and the current Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Frederick Kagan’s wife is Kimberly Kagan, a well-known military historian and founder and president of the Institute for the Study of War.
You are forgetting NZ’s Helen Clark. She was promised to head the UN if she delivered NZ to the NWO, and she was one of the first to sign up to Schwarb.
She was a Fabian Socialist and in liaison with Trotskyites in 1970, and prior to that was a Communist who worked in Auckland’s Revolutionary Bookshop, where my brother ribbed her mercilessly over her belief that the people would rise up and overcome the bourgoirsie. She was a nutter then and a nutter now.
Bob Hawke was also a CIA agent, one of those to be named in Parliament by Gough Whitlam, hence his sacking
Lying in State (A personal view)
A guy today tried to approach the coffin, presumably to check there was someone inside, he was dragged away quickly, possibly regretting his impulse
She could have fit a royal pardon to Julian Assange into her schedule but I suppose expecting a change of behaviour from generational dungeon operators is too much.
βToday we are surely seeing an increase in deceitfulness and cruelty”
In other words weβre seeing the natural consequence of theism being superseded byβevolutionary biologyβ
A religion which is politely repudiated here:
Berry, my admiration for God’s bounty and brilliance gets into much higher gear when I contemplate His work as evolution, than with Creationism. Heck “anybody” could make all the species appear out of the blue. But to start with a couple of atoms compounding in the water 3 billion years ago and end up with all of Nature — all the plants and animals — now that’s something.
Too bad the human species has had to spoil it all.
Berry, you should buy a copy of Wilson’s Sociobiology (1975). Or Neil Shubin’s Your Inner Fish (2008). You’ll be in for an incredible treat.
I know you won’t, though.
What needs to be taken into account is that, in order to stick, a lie must be couched in truth.
Sigmund Freud was the other bod who managed to tweak mass consciousness like so.
Not that I think there was any premeditated malice in either case
But the effect of both doctrines is the proof of the pudding:
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.β
MATHEW 7: 15 – 20
Magnificent Mary Malthus is giving us more evidence that her mind has ceased to function properly by proposing (and presumably believing) at least two mutually exclusive ideas simultaneously. On one hand she claims that if you just wait long enough Nothing (or at least total chaos) will turn itself into Everything and Orderliness, and on the other hand something she calls God blunders around for billions of years making things happen by random accident, confusion and competition.
One fairly useful definition of insanity is the loss of contact with reality, or the superstitious belief in absurdity like self contradictory notions.
His divine nonsensisness, Charlie Darwin, fairly paid tribute to Thomas Malthus as being an inspiration for his “evolutionary” hypothesis. Karl Marx fairly paid tribute to Darwin because the “evolution” idea fitted perfectly with his Hegelian notions of “progress” through “class struggle”.
I can’t see what you have to complain about just because some influential bods have a different idea of what good and true in this “survival-of-the-fittest” ideology. Just put your own notions into practice and wait a few thousand years for this Hegelian competition to produce a new version of reality; and a New World Order, no doubt.
I think Adam and Eve gave up on their ambition to “be as gods” but a fair few of their descendants haven’t.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? When did the rooster enter the equation?
β’ Pope blesses arms supplies to Ukraine
Zelensky’s Israel 2.0 burnt offering at any price
I’m gonna tell St Peter on him.
The Two Babylons – Hislop
“The keys that the Pope bore were the keys of a “Peter” well known to the Pagans initiated in the Chaldean Mysteries. That Peter the apostle was ever Bishop of Rome has been proved again and again to be an arrant fable. That he ever even set foot in Rome is at the best highly doubtful”.
I admit that I am still surprised, no, astounded, at the chutzpah of the “perfect ones” and their disciples who will stop at nothing to project their Talmudic visceral hatred of institutional Christianity onto institutional Christianity. They’d like nothing more than to reduce Christianity to some silly, sentimental “private interpretation” of some texts detached from their source in the Word (Logos, speech/understanding).
There’s nothing in the Scripture that you galahs like to claim as the “authority” for your widely divergent speculations that even hints that “Sola Scriptura” is the divinely intended sole basis of Christian Faith. Christ never planted Himself in comfortable circumstances and knocked up a treatise like the Koran or the Talmud and then said to His appointed ministers “here, take this and flog it to enhance your status, pleasure and influence”. No, He simply said “go and teach all nations all of what I have told you”; no mention at all of any Gospels, Epistles, and all that and, perhaps even more alarming for you drongoes, no mention of “pop up experts” proliferating erratic and conflicting opinions. Yep! there are Judases right from the get go but they all fail to eliminate the Apostolic Tradition of Christian understanding.
Please excuse the clickbait …
Florida’s DeSantis Sends Planes With Migrants To Martha’s Vineyard
What did you mean by clickbait, Julius?
And there’s much more to this Children Overboard story. See Ted Cruz’s comments — I think he is correct.
And maybe Desantis is all part of it. ??
clickbait is where the title of an article or video is so compelling that you just have to click on it to see the content – only to be duped and waste your time. (I assumed you knew.) Surely these planeloads of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard is an orchestrated stunt – think about the plight of genuine migrants – where are they going to sleep? – where is their next meal going to come from? I am sure this has all been catered for and they are well recompensed.
Humans may be animals that have been bred as vehicles for the soul.
Improving the soul means education or torment, as mental clash creates spirituality. So, creating discord is “God’s work”, according to a denizen of Wall St.
Facebook would not allow a post of a comment by Paul Bongiorno, in the New Daily, summing up the decline of the USA. But I could include it in comments to posts and did so.
The decline is obvious and apparently accelerating. It is becoming clear that this is deliberate and domestic. Not too dissimilar to 9/11. Almost as dramatic to those with “a long view”.
A levelling up or down?
We have nearly 30 years before a huge Event. TPTB preparing us?
βThe world shortage of high protein meat could be solved by canning and exporting, under U.N. humanitarian auspices, the healthy children of these nations. Strict controls would apply to make sure that starved and diseased meat does not enter the global market.β
– Maurice Strong
If there’s a dollar in it and they’re talking about it that means it must be happening already. They are saying Evergreen shipping containers is Hillary’s company and Crazy Nancy has one too called CCC. The story goes the terminal was in the port at Beirut. Maybe G5 will say something.
Beirut port bomb 4 Aug 2020
Suez canal blockage 23 March 2021
Klaus Swab theatrics
“… in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel, because you all will have implants… and we measure your brainwaves.β
βYou cannot stop it,β Schwab bragged …”
Denmark attempts to halt die off of underage stoopids
Like the British Queen, this 25 y.o. drag queen has succumbed to “cardiovascular issues”.
Hop on a Lear jet to Malta for your remaining few golden years, while a box gets carted all over Britain, and “vascular” becomes the next big thing, wait for it, the treatment will be next, they will wash you out like a car radiator with some synthetic bio-engineered blood, just upgrade your health insurance to platinum and you’re in.
Stew Peters – they have given up lying since nobody believes them anyway
I already posted this a couple of days ago but probably worth re-posting under the headline, the interview actually gives quite a good picture of the creeping surveillance communist state taking over the USA:
Mike Lindell (my pillow) is a compulsive entrepreneur and breaks into a sales pitch spontaneously but his basic story is how the FBI is acting like the secret police, trailing normal people around, smashing doors, pulling women out of their cars for no reason, stealing their cell-phones, bashing people and so forth. Mike Lindell is going all over the states doing his sales business and his sideline hobby is getting rid of the crooked dial-in voting machines which were manipulated by unknown offshore agents apparently based in China and maybe elsewhere. You will need some patience to listen to how this police state is emerging in the US so I just put it here for reference even though itβs hugely significant news.
Our Cultural Decline Follows (((Communist)))Β Blueprint
β’ Massive Exposure Of The Central Bank’s Culpability For Conspiracy to Commit Genocide
Inspiring opening message (first 7 minutes).
Prompted this:
βOn Resistance to Evil By Forceβ β Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin
βIn fact, what would βnon-resistanceβ [to evil] mean, in the sense of the absence of any resistance? This would mean accepting evil: letting it in and giving it freedom, scope and power. If under these conditions the uprising of evil occurred, and non-resistance continued, it would mean subordination to it, a surrender of the self to it, participation in it, and finally, turning oneself into its instrument, into its body, into its cesspool, its playing, an absorbed element thereof. It would be a voluntary self-corruption and self-infection at the start, and the active spread of infection among other people and their involvement in its coordination by the end.β
βThe fate of man is, in his life on earth, to confront the outbreak of uninvited evil. It is impossible to avoid this fate; and thus there are only two possibilities: either to be dishonourable and turn away from this struggle, to dishonourably live through it by both blindness and cowardice, or the honourable path of accepting it, comprehending this acceptance as a service and remaining faithful to its vocation.β
β¦ A strong man asserts his power precisely by the fact that he does not flee from the conflict into an allegedly virtuous passivity and does not close his eyes to his tragic nature, thus falling from cowardice into crookedness; a strong man sees the tragedy of his situation and goes out to meet it, enter it and eliminate it.β
Romans 8:31: βWhat, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?β
The short answer, Crossy, is the whole world can be against us.
And of course, the idea that Mike had “clouded” or otherwise backed-up his phone data (so as to present it to a legitimate legal authority) is ludicrous, because nobody with important, one-of-a-kind-data on their device EVER does that.
When someone says “The FBI has my phone!” that basically means that the FBI has every copy on the planet of the data on the phone.