Home Health Mind Control: When To Arrest the Practitioners

Mind Control: When To Arrest the Practitioners



By Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Mind control is, of course, normal. We try to control each other’s minds every day in small ways that are not considered objectionable. On a bigger scale a whole society tries to control the development of young people through schooling, religion, and propaganda.  Note: the word propaganda comes from the Catholic Church’s office of “propagating the Faith.” (propagandum fidei)

So the question is: how much is too much? Or: what areas, what subject matters – if any — should be forbidden in mind control? I don’t know the exact answer but, as US Justice Potter Stewart said of pornography, “I know it when I see it.“ We all can sense when a mind control project is hopelessly out of line.

Let’s simplify the problem for now by saying “Any psychology project that is paid for by a government or other powerful group, and is not openly discussed, should be condemned.” You know I mean the CIA’s mind control programs — of which the ancestor may be British or German, or some combination thereof.

Early CIA activities in mind control were mainly disguised as experiments that “would show Americans how to control our enemy.” At times they had a slightly more convoluted justification: the Army would teach soldiers some mental tricks so that if captured by the enemy they could resist.

In fact, though, the purpose was only to find out how the powerful could exercise quiet control or violent control over the minds of all citizens. To this end, many taxpayer-funded ‘projects’ were engaged in. They often involved contracting out to private groups such as hospitals, universities, and animal behavior laboratories. Much of this stuff has been declassified for decades.

My purpose is strictly to look for ways to stop this. Before I even begin, my bias is toward use of the law for the punishment of those who caused harm.  I am exasperated that so many wrongdoers have been exposed and yet the public accepts the accompanying line that “the work had been authorized, even if wrongly, and so no criminal indictments will be sought.” What a load of nonsense.

Some of the Most Egregious “Studies”

We now know of the following utterly scandalous mind control experiments:

  1. In Canada, with Dr Ewen Cameron at McGill, and in Australia, at Chelmsford Hospital with Dr Harry Bailey, there was an attempt to wipe out an adult’s mind completely. It was done by “deep sleep,” a sort of coma interrupted by shock treatments given without sedation.
  1. In the Boston area, under Dr Morton Prince at the Harvard Psychological Clinic, toddlers were subjected to the mousetrap experiment. They would reach for candy, have their fingers painfully caught, and their Mother would not help them. This was to see if the child could learn not to trust the mother. (Yes, you heard me.)
  1. In many cities, female children were trained to be sex partners for adults, for seducing men whom the CIA wanted to film for blackmail purposes. (They also turned a profit for their masters as prostitutes and porn stars.)
  1. In many churches in the Bible belt, children were shown, at a robed ritual, a baby being sacrificed on an altar, with the message “If you don’t obey us (or of you tattle on us), this will happen to you.”
  1. Many children were terrified to the point that they would create an extra personality, a character who could take the pain. Hence many became “multiples,” for life.
  1. Some victims of Items 2-5 above were trained to be assassins (known as “Manchurian candidates”). They could kill with no apparent scruple, and not remember it afterward. Thus, if caught, they couldn’t identify the boss.

Oh, so clever.

  1. Another “experiment” that is going on today has to do with so-called electronic harassment. I wrote about it in GumshoeNews, on February 21, 2015, entitled “Your Basic Targeted Individual.” I was referring to John Finch who lives in Melbourne. I am ashamed of my inability to be of any help to him and other victims. (Yes, even as we speak, they are being tortured in their homes in Oz. Think about it).

Royal Commissions

I turn now to the theme announced above: how to stop outrageous mind control. Clearly we will have to stop our habit of accepting it. In Australia, in the 1980s, there was a huge amount of publicity, including a Royal Commission, concerning the doctor who did the Deep Sleep thing, Dr Harry Bailey.

You may be amazed to hear that 24 patients died from the treatment. I mean you may be amazed to hear that no one had to take the blame! So let us pause here to ask what a royal commission is. Is it judicial? No. Is it parliamentary? Well, not exactly. The state or commonwealth parliament usually breathes it into existence, but it can only make recommendations.

I think it might be wise for us to theorize at the outset that a royal commission is a bad form to use when there has been a notable wrongdoing. Personally, I would go further and say that the likely reason why this format is chosen is that the government (or World Government) wants something covered up.

Consider the fact that the public thinks it gets to have a say. Indeed it often does, unless the ‘terms of reference’ established for it by Parliament preclude the discussion of certain aspects. Also, the media get to zero in on whatever portions of the revelations the media (i.e., World Government) want to elucidate.

If you were in charge of a newspaper, what would you ask your reporters attending the Royal Commission’s hearings to look for? Surely the lascivious stuff, right?

The gossip, the divorces or affairs, the bank accounts and swindles, the let’s-hate-government themes, family feuds, etc. That will not only sell papers, it will give people the idea that the Commission “stops at nothing.”

The Chelmsford Royal Commission of 1988-1990

Partly owing to the public’s fears of what was going on in mental institutions, the state of NSW set up a royal commission. It then gravitated toward discussing the Deep Sleep therapy, and since the venue for that was Chelmsford Hospital, it’s informally called the Chelmsford Royal Commission. A judge was in charge of it (but this doesn’t mean it is judicial).

Instead of my rehashing here what was said at the Commission, I want to emphasize, yet again, the fact that the very venue contributes to inertia. A Royal Commission is a talk shop of some sort, all dressed up to look official, but without any authority to crack down on the bad guys. I think it is a time waster at best and an accessory to crime at worst.

Where was the leader who would ask the main questions, such as:  “Why was this so-called therapy started? Who was behind it? [Tavistock? Hello?] What scientific basis was there for it? What ethical rules were followed in choosing the participants for the experiment?” (None, actually; the patients were often given a consent form to sign when they were ill, and some who refused to participate were nonetheless forced into it.)

Other questions: Is anyone to be given immunity for his testimony? Are all relevant personnel such as Chelmsford’s nurses going to be subpoenaed to testify? What mechanism is there for the results of the commission to generate a warrant for anyone’s arrest?  What role did the NSW medical licensing board play? Had it never been called upon to cancel the license of this mad doctor?

The book Deep Sleep, by the late law lecturer Brian Bromberger and journalist Janet Fife-Yeomans, was published by Simon and Schuster in 1991. Bailey himself had died in 1985, reportedly by suicide and supposedly because he had been harassed by Scientologists regarding the therapy. (My wild guess is that this religious group was made to play a part in the first place so as to confuse the issue).

Much of the aforementioned book is devoted to Bailey’s “love life.”  If I may be permitted another wild guess, Bailey himself was probably thoroughly mind-controlled. His womanizing could have been something he was instructed to do. It certainly muddied the case up nicely.

Indeed Dr Bailey’s private sins seemed to make his medical crimes unreachable. You know what I mean? As soon as we are told that someone is off the beam we don’t think of him as accountable professionally. Here the media could be of great help in burying the rather obvious fact that 24 murders, or at least manslaughters were committed, by emphasizing the craziness of Bailey.

(An additional 19 patients died within a year of leaving hospital.)

Fathom it – 24 dead, or 43 – right there in Sydney. Note: Bailey’s demise did not have to prevent his helpers – Dr John Herron and Dr Ian Gardiner – from getting punished. (As you might expect, the Commissioner did call attention to the fraudulent billing practices of all three doctors. It’s safe to talk about money, but not mind control.)

The Canadian Connection

As mentioned above, Dr Ewen Cameron (1901-1967) used the sleep idea as mind control. He said he could de-pattern the patient, i.e., take away the person’s normalcy. This was of course said to be aimed at helping them get over their psychiatric problem. What an incredible cheek.

One lady who showed up at his hospital (Allen Memorial) was simply having post partum depression. Cameron wrecked her memory. Much later she was able to sue for damages (Orlikow v US) and won compensation.

The Canadian government then invited others to sue likewise and several were awarded a payment. The work is admitted to have been a sub-project of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. Again, no one “got in trouble” for it.

I note that some states have “victim’s compensation funds” and several MK-Ultra victims have received some money in that way, but with no blame for doctors.  The only successful lawsuit in the US, that I know of was filed by the sons of Frank Olson, who suffered from Fort Detrick handouts of LSD.

Frank Rochelle currently has a federal suit in behalf of himself and other 1950s US Army veterans who received not only experimental radiation but experimental tampering with their brain.

Note: some MK-Ultra victims such as Claudia Mullen got to say their piece at a presidential hearing in 1995. Mullen’s social worker, Valerie Wolf also spoke, and blamed Martin Orne, MD, of Harvard. Orne later figured in a group saying that False Memory Syndrome explains the victims’ false stories about what happened to them.  Yeah, right.

In sum, the justice picture is very poor. Criminals always get away with their “medical experiments.” I think we have put up with this long enough. Although I described the above events lightly, they were in fact extremely cruel, and whole families were ruined by the subsequent search for answers.

— Mary W Maxwell lives in Adelaide. She offers her services as an expert witness in regard to some aspects of mind control. Her website is: maryWmaxwell.com



  1. Here’s my story in regards to ‘Chelmsford’. I got a ‘flick’ brief from one of the guys on my floor that got ‘jammed’ (his trial went over an extra day and he gave me the brief for the following day).

    It was simple ‘compensation’ claim with doctor reports and taking
    the witness through her evidence – no biggie, I’d done heaps of them. The NSW Government had allocated some money for victims of the ‘negligence’ of Chelmsford hospital and she was one of them.

    Some background on me, I’m a Vietnam vet that had been a PTSD counsellor (I started the first ‘group’ sessions in Oz). I had some understanding of working with people with psychiatric issues.

    The next morning I took my new client through her story – I was
    stunned. She had suffered depression from the break-up of a
    relationship and was referred to Chelmsford. What they did to her with ‘deep sleep’ therapy and electro shock was beyond anything I could comprehend for dealing with psychiatric problems, if anything it would probably make it worse.

    She had attempted to escape twice. The first time she only got down the block in her gown when they caught up with her. They dragged her kicking and screaming for help back to Chelmsford and gave her another electro shock. The second time she managed to get away for a couple of hours, then back for another electro shock.

    She eventually was discharged, a completely broken wreck with a 7 different pills to take each day. She took a sea cruise of the Greek Islands to help recover and one day just dumped all the pills over the side of the ship. It took her a week to withdraw from the medications, but she made it.

    Fast forward some years and I read about Dr. Cameron in North
    America. When I heard ‘deep sleep with barbituates’ and electro shock, I remembered the Chelmsford case.

    At that time on the internet there was the evidence from an inquiry on Dr. Cameron. I started going through the various documents and eventually found correspondence between Dr. Bailey of Chelmsford and Cameron in Canada.

    I had read heaps of medical records, reports and clinical notes
    related to previous medical cases, I didn’t expect any problems reading the Chemlsford stuff – but I did. I could understand the dosage, duration of sleep and a few other things, but the ‘clinical notes’ were gobblygook. The notes were unreadable, the sentence structures were odd, the phraseology didn’t make sense – then I realised they were discussing the results in CODE.

    Unfortunately, I never broke the code. I couldn’t find anything in
    the documents that would help me decipher it.

    The NSW Government allocated money for ‘negligence’, but this was not a medical negligence issue – this was intentional medical malfeasance. Perhaps you could argue that the first death was a manslaughter, but after that they knew what they were doing could and WOULD kill people. Yeah, murder charges should have been brought. What happens? The government (tax payers) paid money to make the whole thing go away.

      • Last I heard, but I haven’t kept up with the ‘law’ in 8 years. Since they keep changing the rules and ‘moving the goal posts’, I’d have to look it up. I’ll let somebody else do the research – I’m happier looking at the ‘law’ in the rear view mirror.

        • Dear Terry, Thank you for your invaluable casework and also for the reference to Youtube above. I watched it, and its sidebar led me to the very recent item, below, re Deaths of Celebrities.

          At our Adelaide Fringe show last March, I made up a sketch about Dead Singers (including Miriam Makeba) and was very nervous about looking like an idiot for seeing patterns. This video-maker, however, has got loads of data, which she presents in a matter-of-fact tone.
          I don’t know her name. She uses the handle OneKillTheIlluminati, which I have to say is not an idea to be sneezed at.

          • Warning: Coarse language.

            I quote from page 67 of the book “Deep Sleep”:

            “It is not unusual for an emotionally distressed patient who receives help from a therapist to believe that the therapist is the manifestation of all that is good, and to further believe that between them is a mutual feeling of love…. Many former patients revealed that Bailey [suggested to them] that some of their emotional problems had their origin in sexual inhibition and that he was the person who could cure it. As reported by a patient at the Chelmsford Royal Commission, who cannot be named, [Bailey said] ‘What you need is a good fuck and I am just the person to do it’.”

  2. Dear Mark,
    The third video you sent, from the History Channel, (America’s Secret War) seems well documented .

    I question the “Star Spangled” video. To take it in, I would need to investigate that Youtuber, since I have never seen her name before. The fact that it’s a screen name suggests that she doesn’t want to be accountable to us for the facts.

    I recall the national anthem sign-off at night of all the TV stations in the US, circa 1960, but until now I had never been told what was really on the screen (Messages like “Trust the government.”) It seems to me to be a very, very important piece of data. Talk about unmitigated cheek, printing it on the screen where it could someday be found!

    How do I know it’s true? Maybe I missed it but I didn’t notice her listing any verification method. (I do see other things in that vid for which I have found good sources, such as the flicker of the TV causing the brain to go into alpha state, making the person suggestible.) Anyway, thank you for sending it.

  3. In Item 7 of the list in the above article, I mentioned my shame at not helping John Finch (and others similarly situated) in Oz today. You ashamed, too? Good. That’s a step in the right direction. We can’t help the Chelmsford victims of yesteryear, but what’s stoppping us from prosecuting the torturers of today?

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