by Dee McLachlan
I wonder if Alex Pina is aware that he might have created and produced one of the most important fictional pieces of entertainment in the last few years. That is: exposing the magic fiat money trick.
Pina’s creation, the Spanish television series “Money Heist” is slick and entertaining. With 2 seasons now on Netflix, it is originally titled La casa de papel; literally The House of Paper.
The plot is about how a mysterious man, “El Profesor”, plans the biggest heist ever. With a motley gang of eight recruits, their goal is to enter the Royal Mint of Spain and print 2.4 billion euros — for themselves. They need eleven days of seclusion, during which they will have to deal with hostages and the elite police forces. And there is the usual action and shoot ups — to be expected from the heist genre.Â
The professor’s intention is to NOT steal or take anything from anybody, as they are going to print their own notes. And it is in one of the final episodes, that the professor explains the concept of the printing of money to the “Inspector”. El Profesor’s dialogue:
“You’ve been taught to see good guys and bad guys… In 2011 the European Central Bank printed 171 billion euros for the bankers in 2011 — out of nothing… $185 billion in 2012. $145 billion in 2013. Do you know where all that money went? To the bankers… directly from the mint to the pockets of the rich. Did anyone say that the European Central Bank was a thief? No. ‘Liquidity injections’ is what they called it. They pulled it out of nowhere. Out of nowhere.“
The series has been highly rated and is becoming very popular. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was viewed by over 4.35 million people on its television broadcast in Spain — and now the series is available to 94 million Netflix subscribers.
Interestingly, Alex Pina began his career as a journalist, becoming a screenwriter in the 90s, and then founding Vancouver Media in 2016.
The Money Heist series reminds us of the article, on Gumshoe, by Christopher Brooks, published many years ago. (Many of the video links don’t work now.) I quote from Christopher’s article, Australia Needs Money CREATION Reform And Honest Sovereign Money Policies:
“The money creation racket is in essence so simple in method and yet so vast in effect it is almost impossible for the human mind to contemplate that mankind could be deceived with such devastating impact over so many generations.”
He asks our politicians a simple question:
“Do you understand where our money is created and the effects of the private money creation monopoly?
“Why does the Australian Parliament not exercise its rightful sovereignty over our money supply and economic life by issuing sensible quantities of credit through a common wealth agency on terms and conditions that benefit Australian interests? This correct and achievable action would save our Nation many billions, potentially tens of billions, of debt servicing cost every year.”
Below is the video of the 12 year old Canadian explaining the money system.
As we can see Whitlam, run into the same problem, in buying back the farm, here in Australia to some it is understood we are not a sovereign country, we are owned by America and Britain,and others, the important thing to know we the tax payers are here to maintain roads and infrastructure for overseas owners of Australia, the taxpayers having become enslaved to overseas interests, now although believing we are individuals are programed to have this illusion of self autonomy, the bombastic and self deceipt is a rule no one should question as this is against the rules of ourselves being ruled by external circumstance.
We started off by being a criminal dumping ground, and after our slaughter of hundreds of thousands of land pwners the prime holders of this land, we now are still prisoners in mortgages and rules, we are a sucessful experiment of mind controlled beings, we arebecoming mor stupid and as all become more stupid we do not notice this decline because its all so normal.
What interests me is that, back when the average bod could actually afford to pay off a soundly constructed 3 x 1 pad, hardly anyone was caught up in delusions of granduer, as in selling one’s soul for a 5 x 2 palace made of ticky-tack.
Paper Houses indeed!
“is a rule no one should question” — unless your name is Don?
It is interesting that the Canadian Government followed the US into private bank borrowing in 1934, the year following the US decision at Christmas 1933. I wonder what year Australia came under that spell.
It is unfortunate that Gough Whitlam did not attempt to get back the power of the government to print our money. Maybe he knew that the Senate would not pass the required legislation. And at that time, the public would not know of the rip-off, so he would have had a hard time selling his reason.
In actual fact the Australian Constitution states that the Federal Government will have the power to create currency.
The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have the power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government for the Commonwealth with respect to:-
(ii) Taxation: but so as not to discriminate between States or parts of States:
(iv) Borrowing money on the public credit of the Commonwealth:
(xxiv) The service and execution throughout the Commonwealth of the civil and criminal process and the judgements of the courts of the States:
I have brought up (ii) as I believe that this invalidates the GST legislation.
(xxiv) Also invalidates John Howard and the Australia Crime Commission’s
stand that the Commonwealth can do nothing about the decision made by the Tasmanian Court in relation to Martin Bryant’s false imprisonment..
This is at least how I interpret the wording.
Sorry, Mal, i think the Federaters in 1900 were talking about “service and execution” in a limited way that does no good to help our fave prisoner.
Must be affected with dementia, but nobody seems to have picked up my mistake above.
“the year following the US decision at Christmas 1933.” What I was thinking of was Christmas 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was pushed through.
Australia completely lost it’s sovereignty (if it ever had any to begin with) in 1959 with the passage of The Banking Act, 1959.
Time to End the Fed.
Sadly, our fellows tax slaves don’t even know what “The Fed” means.
Central Banks are THE problem.
I don’t ever recall using coarse language but the printer doesn’t lie, so here it is. And from this one you can link to the Greek bailout one.
I hope the Spanish do it. They are the ones who tried to grab Pinochet legally.
They are pretty good at music too. This one got 8 million views.
I dont think that’s fair.
censoredagain onthis service.
Malplseexplain. taPauline
SenJMolan; pls explain.
Heymolan heisa colleage.
Gasfalseflags inSyria. evidence?
Molangetagrip unowrepresenthe public doyourduty.
Molanuarenota generalnow yourepresentus Doyourjob.
Gothtepicture MalcolmJulieandJIM.
2GBtodayMolan BSreSyriangaskillings
Donotsuckerusagain Vietnam 550ofyoursoldierskilled.
Molanhowmany moreof yoursoldiers uwantkilled forBSbankers?