by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Every day, I check the Comments at Gumshoe — usually just the ones under the current article and the previous one. Accidentally, however, I discovered today that Kay Griggs had made comments two years ago, to my 2017 article. I will quote her comments below.
The horrors of the Family Court have sharpened our interest in judges, so I was pleased to find this statement that Kay made. She said (with regard to the US, not Australia):
“The judges now in the courts are all military officers following chain-of-command orders. They’re not independent judges.”
That’s from “Disk 4” of Pastor Strawcuttter’s interview of Kay. She said:
“My husband, being Chief of Staff, told his men it was like this: It’s the Marine Corps first – the Brotherhood, the Cherry Marines, the bonding that goes on. The Marine Corps comes before God…[Their god is] the Brotherhood. It’s very German, it has Masonic leanings. They’re all Masons. This Brotherhood – Opus Dei – they’re the Mob. The Marine Corps are the hit men. They’re mercenaries. They’ll switch hats. … The Marine Corps is just a smoke-and-mirrors thing.
[At my husband’s] level, he said we’ve never been an enemy to the Soviet Union. They work with these Communists…”
Kay’s Delayed Reply to Gumshoe
Kay Griggs said, on March 12, 2017: “I AM still alive. Thank you for your comment.”
Then on October 17, 2017, someone named rico who is not a regular at Gumshoe added:
“Glad to hear you are okay. Will you be doing anymore interviews? I miss hearing your commentary. Very enlightened woman.”
Reply from Kay griggs dated November 14, 2017:
“It has been many years since I lived with Sarah McClendon in Washington. I went there after she told me my life was in danger. I had had death threats. My old Saab had windows smashed on days of court hearings….
[Wouldn’t you know it. Some of our Mums have funny things like that happen around court days!]
Reserve military guys constantly drove by my home (on a dead-end street ) but I easily caught them …made them stop their cars, saw military haircuts, out at 2 a.m. in the morning ! My phone was tapped and my mail were diverted and opened.
Navy Seals dressed in dark clothes were seen by a neighbor getting into a white military car one night after being scared by their big dog. She also said in a Declaration that her family heard men “on her roof” a few days before! [Why ever not!]
A neighbor and judge found my red suitcase opened with clothes scattered in the woods behind his fancy pool house.
Knowing a lot about the “politics” at the Beach (Masonic, white male and shady) I decided to call honest folks I had seen on C-Span (in D.C. and northern Virginia). God bless Brian Lamb. One of them of course was Sarah McClendon.
Sarah had tried to call me back from her home and was told “This is a military base!”… Being mostly Scottish, I was fortunate to have had a wonderful father (WW II Naval hero who captained a ship in the South China Sea) and had a grand father and uncles who were Naval officers…They instilled in me wonderful values. [Three cheers for them, Kay!]
And I honestly believe that because I persisted, telling them to their face in a polite way that I “knew what they were up to,” (being cowards by picking on innocent women) the rank and file actually began to admire my “pluck” ( Sarah called it ). They admired me and told me so.
Spoke privately with many guys during that time (like a chief of staff for Peter Pace, then at FMFLant, who allowed a large meeting at the command with about 20 officers to hear me out and to look at my files.]
Dee McLachlan replies on November 14, 2017:
“Thanks for the comment, Kay.”
Rico, on November 14, 2017, says:
“Thanks for the response kay. You’re a real hero! I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Much Love!”
On January 6, 2018, Sam writes:
“Dear Mrs Griggs, God bless you for your ‘God given courage’, I was shortly associated with a member of the Austrian ‘Cobra’-like the ‘Seals’.
Marycatherine Barton February 20, 2018, says:
“Thank you for all you have taught us over the years, dear Kay, with so many important details. The US Government is so corrupt; there wasn’t even a moon landing. You and I have both been shocked in finding out first hand, what we have. God bless America.”
CuriousT writes, on November 17, 2018:
“I have seen Kay Griggs’ interview on Youtube. Perhaps, now or at a later date after that interview with the pastor, the facts can be known for all the world to see the exposed military men we are brainwashed to cherish and honor when a certain percentage of these great men serving the country are just criminals with a license to steal, kill, deal, and make money for themselves and the anal rape power mongers.” [Italics in this column added by MM]
kevin February 20, 2017:
“Suggest that people listen to this discussion between Vinny Eastwood and Douglas Dietrich which is in the same vein as the Kate Griggs’ story. “US Military Pedophile Rings Pulling Presidents Strings, Douglas Dietrich, Hacking The Globe, Susanne Posel”. Dietrich provides a detailed description how the US military takes young children, male and female from an orphanage and turns that child into super soldiers, or super victims as Douglas Dietrich describes them.
In short, very short, they take the child out of an orphanage. When the child is ready they take the child to an animal refuge, let the child choose and take home a pet and let them bond with that cat or dog. Then under the threat of severe pain, the child kills the pet.
A newbie: SiloSix March 2, 2017:
“I’m sorry, did everyone miss the Satanic undertones to all this? Sodomy compromises the soul; abuse of the sexual prerogative is among the worst offenses. Innocence is stolen and it psychologically deforms BOTH victim and assaulter. The assaulter is doing it ‘willingly’ but was most probably victimized in the same manner.
Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Beyonce have all said on tape that they sold their soul to the Devil. Beyonce professed that she ‘gets ability from something that comes into her’ –
Hollywood is known for their Satanic snuff/rape parties. Strange that most artist’s paths lead to Quincy Jones.
Remember that Canaanites offered up their children. Baal temple priests and priestesses would have temple orgies and the illegitimate babies would be immediately offered up as burnt sacrifices. This situation has been festering since the days of Christ. This is still going on.
This isn’t a Bible rant: Satanists are flaunting their allegiance to Satan/Lucifer – check the super bowl halftime shows since Janet Jackson. Your children listen, watch and absorb all this crap and NO PARENTS know or care enough to revolt….
We deserve all of this, but its not too late to reclaim the world – people just have to care again.”
speculator247 March 3, 2017:
“I can’t speak for others, but my guess is care is the basic reason why this site exists and the reason why we read the posts/articles. [Hey thanks, Spec. We have missed you lately]
And I also guess that people in general care a lot more than it would appear. Mainstream media does a good job of keeping truth away from their readers/watchers. It seems most or many have chosen to put their trust in the wrong people and organizations. But I don’t doubt that they care. It’s frustrating right now, but I believe most will come around.”
Kay March 12, 2017:
“This is Kay Griggs and I am still very much alive. I have lately become interested in what is going on in the Marine Corps regarding officers and others who have had a web page with photos of female marines and typical misogynistic comments. My relative (General USMC Chesty Puller, now deceased ) was an example of a real Marine…a gentleman…from Virginia. Men like General USMC Smedley Butler and General USMC Lejeune were honorable, truthful and courageous men…old school. General Miller the current Commandant knew about all those raped and abused female Marines who had been trashed on line. It wasn’t until a brave journalist brought the story out that now hopefully some of these cowardly so-called “men” are removed.”
Reply from Kaz Vendy May 4, 2017
“Hello Kay, WOW … it’s way more than awesome to know you are ok. Thank-you so much for doing the long informative interview with Pastor Rick Strawcutter. I greatly appreciate your honesty and bravery. Would you consider doing one with an Australian? (not me)Love and Blessings from Kaz downunder xx”
Reply: kay June 7, 2017
“Thank you for your comment. I haven’t done any interviews lately. Still live at the same wonderful place, have lots of friends and stay busy. God is good.” [Dee has been needing a trip]
Yvonne, June 18, 2017, writes:
“Hello Kay, Everything you spoke about. I went through. My ex husband was in the Army SF. I experienced the abuse, and was questioned by high-ranking officials, they tried to convince me that he didn’t abuse me. I thought I was alone. I knew there were things going and you confirmed them to me. Stay safe in Christ Jesus – Yvonne”
Douglasrutherford12 August 16, 2017:
Coming from the UK and having watched your story on Youtube. You are very brave lady, keep well. Douglas from Scotland, UK.

Kay Griggs November 14, 2017
Douglas, Thank you so much. Just saw your reply. I am still here in Virginia. I spent a lot of time years back in Scotland while working on a research paper on the Reformation, before marrying George Griggs. I love Scotland and other places in Britain, especially the Cotswolds. God Bless.” Kay Pollard (Griggs)
Dee McLachlan November 14, 2017
“Great to have you here, Kay.”
Comment by “powerful love spells” on June 22, 2017
“Hi there, I read your new stuff named “Kay Griggs and the Anal Theory of Power – Gumshoe News” like every week. Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work! And you can look our website about powerful love spells.” {I will if I ever, ever get time off] [unlikely?]
Ken Elliott January 20, 2018 “Hi Kay, I’m from Lancashire, England. I’m so pleased to hear that you’re still well. I hope the intimidation you suffered at the hands of the military has long passed and you’re now being allowed to live in peace? If more people, like you, the good and the brave, are prepared to stand up and be counted, one day the truth will prevail and the world will be a better place, [Rah rah!] “
gritzle75 on February 18, 2018:
“According to Marion Knox, sodomy is the key to mind control; he claims there is a “spiritual” aspect to sodomy
More newbies! — turtle September 11, 2018:
“I was just about to post that article (above) on sodomy. Uncanny. I wonder if Mary would care to comment further.”
Sheng August 13, 2018 “Hello Kay, I think about you quite often as I rediscover world history, and am so happy to hear about you from this site. May God keep you in good health because you truly care. You are a giant in our day and age!”
TheCurious May 24, 2019 (last month!):
Hey Kay — Do you think Gen. Mattis or H.R. McMaster were butt boys?
Conclusion, by Mary Maxwell
Kay, please visit us again. I am in the US and can hop over to Virginia. Below, I insert the link given above by Kevin. I recommend starting at 32 minutes as to politicians being compromised — and why the Congress (therefore) always votes such big money for Pentagon. At 38 minutes we learn why Britney Spears speaks in different accents. At 43 minutes, Corey Feldman says:
“The pedophiles [in Hollywood] have been getting away with it for so long that they think they’re above the law. And that’s gotta change. That’s gotta stop.” [Aw, nice, Corey]
Please, People, help our Aussie kids who are pleading to be rescued right now. If you can think of a way to help (including by funding) give Dee McLachlan a ringie-dingie at 0429 0429 51.
Now for the Vinny Eastwood Show (here)
No need to state how relevant this is to the above.
A must watch. ….. at least the first 6 minutes and then the rest on the alternative media advances.
Clearly, the Royal Commission into “INSTITUTIONS” is reasonably suspected of being a feint to distract from the real paedophile world wide evil at the highest levels.
so good to see that being acknowledged
For new readers who missed what Kay Griggs is about posted here years back, here you are in parts.
The censoring mass media class will not tell you about her reports.
Keep in mind the first link in the first comment above with Lisa Haven and reports of the ‘suicides’ and start linking some dots.
Still think it is all farfetched?
Kay Griggs, you’re amazing! There’s more on YouTube.
I can relate to this, but I wasn’t in an orphanage when it was done with me. The animals involved were simply taken off the street – they were people’s pets. Mostly cats as my father hated them:
‘In short, very short, they take the child out of an orphanage. When the child is ready they take the child to an animal refuge, let the child choose and take home a pet and let them bond with that cat or dog. Then under the threat of severe pain, the child kills the pet.’
I have a photo of Gerorge W Bush taken when he was 7, patting his collie dog. In the Mom’s memoirs she says it soon disappeared after that. In Texas.
Ten dollars says….
[…] ranks. Another is a drunken fool who spills information on the secret plans. (Kay Griggs obtained vital information form her US Marine husband that way.) Another is that they fail to have offspring and can’t […]
RE Quote ““According to Marion Knox, sodomy is the key to mind control; he claims there is a “spiritual” aspect to sodomy” unquote – The connection is that it was supposed to stimulate and awaken the lowest chakra awakening “Kundalini”. Its the same reason why one of the exercises done by advanced Buddhist monks is slamming the buttox down on a cushion in a sitting position.
Its outlined pretty well under Tantric doctrine.
Specifically stimulated is an irregular, oval-shaped gland between the rectal wall and the tip of the tailbone, (coccyx), called the “coccygeal body.” Although the function of this gland is unknown to Western physiologists, it is established in Tantra as the “Kundalini gland.” Yoga has devised a wide variety of techniques to irritate and awaken this gland into activity, including Mula Bandha, Asvini Mudra, Tada Mudra (knocking the buttocks upon the ground, sending rhythmic shock waves rippling up the spine), and rolling on a cotton ball placed under the tip of the tailbone. SOURCE: “ANAL SEX UNDER TANTRIC DOCTRINE”
My personal opinion is that the practice as represented by its namesake, The Snake Goddess is just one more tool (pun intended) in Satan’s box of trickery to deceive,
It’s great to see an additional article to the previous one Kay Griggs was commenting on here.
I look forward to reading through it as well as all the comments.
Kay are you still alive and well in 2021? I’ve watched your interview well over 10+ years ago when it first started gaining momentum.. I believe you 100% and I know in my soul and heart that you’re telling the truth. May God bless you and protect you from their evil deeds.. if you’re able to it would be great to see a new interview or a follow up with you
Kay you are a light that shines brightly in these times. Thank you.