Home Corona My Newborn Refused the Hep-b Shot!

My Newborn Refused the Hep-b Shot!


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Dear Much-Appreciated Colleagues at GumshoeNews,

Mother is exhausted but recovering well from labor. She (that’s me) has just given birth to a new book, Grass Court.

It is her 15th offspring.  Do you remember when Pope John XXIII visited a Mum in Queensland because she had 15 kids?

Maybe Francis will want to visit Ms Maxwell. Maybe he will want to beatify her.  (I don’t mean beautify her; it’s too late for that.) I think if canonization can happen to Mother Mary McKillop, a dissident, it can happen to me.

You will find the full text here. (32 mercifully short chapters). Much of it will sound familiar as I have written about these legal matters in articles. at Gumshoe. Sorry, it is all-out Seppo, completely shameless.

Grass Court is like a moot court. You are eagerly encouraged to start a grass court in your front garden.

I have acquired two lovely blurbs for the back cover and here they are:

“The author argues that the centers of power have lost their legitimacy and are waging an all-out psychological war against the achievements of civilization. Maxwell, who has never hesitated to speak truth to power, seeks with this book to empower Americans to use constitutional law and prevent a takeover by psychopathic rulers who wish to mould humanity according to their private desire.”

  • Ullrich Mies, Editor of “Mega-Manipulation”

“Mary, despite my father being a Chief Justice… it has always been and will forever be you…who has convinced me of the value of the letter of the Law.”

  • Janine Jones, targeted individual, Rotorua, NZ

“Don’t you love it when one has to list one’s primary occupation as dodging the hits from one’s persecutors?”

Thank you, Janine; danke, Ullrich.




  1. Thanks Mary! I’ve just herd that ScoMo says the Rona vaccine will be compulsory. So how many of us are going to have the guts to make this our line in the sand?

    MY BODY MY CHOICE is my mantra!

  2. Yes presumably a compulsory decree like that would require legislative support. My question is – for how many of us is this the line in the sand? If we don’t stand up now, it will be all-over-red-rover.
    And of course it will be accompanied by full-spectrum, “greater-good”, Karen-fueled, peer-pressure propaganda and ad hominem attacks against any form of dissent.

    • Most likely you could file for a restraining order now against any shots. I don’t think your pleadings would need to try to make a case for the dishonesty of the pandemic hoopla. That is not the point.

      The point is lack of authority — even from Parliament, Let us not think a legislature can legalize the unlegalizable.

      Could they order the demise of all children with poor eyesight? Could they decree that your freehold title to land is cancelled?

      Richard, if you file, I encourage you to say that you also seek restraint against being shut out of normal life (e.g., food and travel) for those who refuse the shot. That would amount to a “compulsory” shot.

      Hey Everybody, I am no expert. This is a seat-of-the-pants reaction.

    • My solicitor n Adelaide, who was not born yesterday, told me that the correct thing to say to the cop is “Quo warranto?”

      By whose warrant? What is the authority here?

      I think the boys and girls in blue have been taught to recognize that expression. Poor things have perhaps been told, in regard to masks, to to “try it out” on the citizens.

      Or maybe they are setting your Social Score.

      (Not joking when I say “poor things” It is unfair to these cops.)

  3. Amazon Review :

    1 star and thats only because the author had recognized a PANDEMIC. The rest is just words and ideas, thats it! words and ideas. SHAMELESS. This newborn should be taken into protected services and not see the light of day.

    Will now read this audacious display of words and ideas.

    Well done , Kudos , remarkable achievement.

  4. Re some nice citizens who believe in masks. They have not had the good luck of discovering Gumshoe and other good sources. So how would they know?

  5. How to Legally deal with Vaccination.
    Step 1 : Do not refuse a vaccination, otherwise you’ll be considered belligerent. Instead you can politely decline thier services by doing the following.
    Step 2: Ask your doctor if the vaccine has MRC-5 in it ( they all do, these are aborted fetal cells and other DNA). If it does, you have the right to decline.
    Step 3: Also ask if there is a possibility of a ” Latrogenic Reaction” ( an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) from the vaccine ( they all do).
    When the doctor says “Yes it does”, that’s your get out of vaccine jail free card.
    Thank the doctor and walk away, with an exemption.
    Remember, doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath ( which is to do no harm) and they must honour it, with confidentiality.
    So this is how we can legally ( and respectfully) decline thier offered mandated services.
    And there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.
    Go to it folk’s.

  6. Awesome Mary. I’ll certainly be bookmarking BrandNewTube.

    Let’s hope Shaun Attwood is around for many years to come.

    And, if the criminals were to bring about his demise, five or perhaps even TEN others will replace him.

    And should some of those meet an unfortunate end, then a HUNDRED will replace them and the word WILL get out.

    The cabal needs to know that they CANNOT plug all the leaks from their rapidly sinking little dinghy.

    They WILL ultimately be brought down, as surely as night follows day.

  7. The Catholic Faith is true. Some preachers and followers may be corrupted because evol is all power today. The teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ are simple, are child can understand. As adults we scatter in all directions due to ignorance and illusions. Flickering minds never satisfied with new gadgets that are obsolete and replaced quicker than they are manufactured.
    My late father, a believer although not a regular at church (he went usually around Christmass Easter and mid August) always said to me, that when in church he always looked at Jesus suffering on the cross. Silently praying and crying within. Love lives in our hearts.

  8. “…………Conclusion

    There is no SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is no Covid-19 disease. Therefore, you cannot be tested for it, you cannot ‘prevent’ infection by social distancing, wearing a mask, vaccination or being under house arrest. You cannot ‘catch’ a virus that does not exist.

    Meanwhile, the elite coup to deny you your rights as a free, autonomous human being tightens its grip, inflicts enormous psychological and physical violence in a staggering variety of forms on those imprisoned in their homes (if they have one), kills those throughout Africa, Asia and elsewhere unable to survive in the severely disrupted global economy – see ‘WFP chief warns of “hunger pandemic” as Global Food Crises Report launched’ and ‘COVID-19 could kill more people through hunger than the disease itself, warns Oxfam’– and accelerates the rush to extinction on four separate counts.

    You can submit to tyranny or you can resist it.

    And if you cannot do it for yourself, do it for the children. They deserve a better world than the short-lived one that is rapidly unfolding.


    • Interesting article Criss X.

      Jon Rappaport has been saying the same thing in several postings in recent weeks. ie: that there is no definitive proof that SARS Covid-2 even exists.

  9. NewsBreak 81: CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training & Simulation Exercise” under WHO

    Major documentary confirmation of something many of us have come to know for certain in recent times: the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations, as documented in their Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s annual 2019 report and their International Health Regulations treaty of 2005—which 194/or 196 countries signed off on—which pretty much establishes a Global Government (of the WHO & United Nations, & the high-level international GMPB) along with their sponsors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, & other unnamed donors.

    Please share this video widely. People in office have failed their oaths to protect the people, and We the People need to wake up and do something definitive about it. Every government has been complicit in the destruction of their own country’s economy, the vast suffering of their people brought on by these massive shutdowns and house-arrest assaults-on-the-psyche as people lost jobs, livelihood, purpose in life, social life, and were held back from any normalcy in going outdoors, even to sanctuaries in Nature but forced to wear masks in public instead and submit to police tyranny. Meanwhile, small and large businesses have crashed, families have been prevented from seeing their elderly relatives in hospice, many have died alone. Hospitals are cooking up numbers for COVID deaths, MSM plays out strings of new cases and new deaths.

  10. Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
    In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844), Disraeli drew in a picture form the life of the Jews ruling the world from behind the thrones as graphic as anything in the Protocols of Nilus.

    The head of the Jesuits is known as the Black Pope.

    Black symbolises Nimrod, the founder of Babylon which is why you see it so much in religious and ju dicial circles.

  11. Further to that excellent comment on Disraeli by Crisscross (and others), here is one heck of an article by Larry Romanoff on the Unz Review.

    The Anger Campaign Against China – Larry Romanoff


    The first quarter of the [8,800 word] article gives an excellent cursory historical background involving the likes of Bernays and “Propaganda”. You could substitute the word “German” for “Chinese”.

    “The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses.”

    […] the “few” are the wealthy industrial elites, their even wealthier banker friends, and their brethren who control the media, publishing and entertainment industries.

    [Footnote to self – these are the same people behind the latest bombing in Beirut, the destruction of Iraq and Libya … Syria, Ukraine – you know the rest of this long list.]

    It then goes on further down …

    “Fast Forward to 2020

    We are at the same place today, with the same people conducting the same “anger campaign” against China in preparation for World War III.”

    “The main purpose of this essay is to demonstrate not only that ‘history repeats itself’ but that the history being repeated today is a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (but most especially Americans) in preparation for World War III.“

    Let’s hope we can convince our readers, friends and family members not to buy this atrocity propaganda YET AGAIN.

    P.S. – Thank you and congratulations Mary – just getting started on your excellent new book

  12. For everyone who can and does accept that Nothing is relentlessly turning itself into Everything; that Everything is in a “state of becoming what it will be from what it was not” with no origin, mechanism or purpose then there cannot be the slightest reasonable objection to a “New World Order” which is simply the replacement of the “old” with the “new”… which is automatically assumed “better” because it is the “fittest” that overcomes the “old”.

    If that is the case, then the age old mantra of “might is right” is the unassailable justification for anything (for example, the exploitation of anyone (including children) for any kind of gratification because that signifies a dominance that is the evidence of superiority). The only definition of “evil” is the failure to dominate… or, as generations of ‘Masons have prided themselves, the ability to sell bulsht to the “profane”.

  13. The more I read of Larry Romanoff, the more I’m impressed by him.

    Those readers who have a less than favourable impression of China, really have to read this article.

    Has it occurred to any of you that maybe, just MAYBE, your view of China has been tainted by the constant MSM propaganda and subliminal messaging and disinformation put out by the corrupt U.S government and media ?

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