By Dee McLachlan
Weinstein hired the Israeli firm Black Cube on October 24, 2016, to carry out the covert operation. Allegedly, this was internally called “Operation Parachute” by the “operatives” that included ex-Mossad agents.
Many years ago (before Gumshoe News) I met someone who said he was on the payroll of Deloittes — the prestigious accounting firm in Melbourne. After a glass of vino he told me his job: to dig up dirt on people for their clients. He was an investigator. Wow. I had no idea that accounting firms did this.
So I asked, “What kind of dirt?” He said something along the lines that if a corporate executive was wanting a multi-million severance pay-out of sorts, their team would dig up stuff, like… “Maybe this married guy was caught with a gay lover — sort of thing.” This meant that their client could reduce the severance pay from, say, $4 million to $1.5 million. I had thought then that maybe he was caught up in his James Bond world. But maybe not, especially after Harvey-gate.
It seems that for about a year, Mr Weinstein has had agencies “target” and collect “stuff” on possibly dozens of individuals — and this often contained personal sexual details. He also manipulated people around him to participate.
The news was broken by The New Yorker. I Quote:
“In the fall of 2016, Harvey Weinstein… began to hire private security agencies to collect information on the women and the journalists trying to expose the allegations. According to… seven people directly involved in the effort, the firms that Weinstein hired included Kroll… and Black Cube, an enterprise run largely by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies. Black Cube, which has branches in Tel Aviv, London, and Paris, offers its clients the skills of operatives “highly experienced and trained in Israel’s elite military and governmental intelligence units,” according to its literature.
“Two private investigators from Black Cube, using false identities, met with the actress Rose McGowan, who eventually publicly accused Weinstein of rape, to extract information from her. One of the investigators pretended to be a women’s-rights advocate and secretly recorded at least four meetings with McGowan…”
And the Daily Mail reports that the pretty blonde spy that bluffed her way into meetings with McGowan is Stella Penn, using the aliases ‘Diana Filip’ and ‘Anna’.
But Weinstein’s actions have created a formidable warrior. Some people rise to the fight. This was tweeted by Rose McGowan a few hours ago.
A Can of Hollyworms
It seems Hollywood is coming apart at the seams.

Now well-known director Ridley Scott is re-casting and re-shooting Kevin Spacey’s role in the thriller All the Money in the World. With fresh allegations against Spacey, Scott is replacing him with Christopher Plummer, and the delay will probably result in the film missing the deadline for the film’s Oscar eligibility.
There are allegations now against numbers high profile people: Dustin Hoffman, Steven Seagal, Brett Ratner (director of the Rush Hour and X-Men), and Jeremy Piven. You can imagine many actors are worried about what might have happened at some drunken party. And how easy would it be to destroy someone’s career with a made-up story.
Stage Harassment of Australian Actor
And yesterday I read in The Age, “Actress tells of harassment on and off the stage.” It’s a familiar story.
“The actress, who asked not to be named for legal reasons and for fear of it destroying her career, said she was sexually harassed both on stage and off by the actor. Despite repeatedly reporting the matter to the play’s director [a woman], who alerted senior staff at the theatre company, no effective action was taken to stop the harassment, she said. Fearing for her safety, she felt she had no option but to withdraw from the production.”
The problem was complicated as the the actors had to kiss on stage. And no one at the theatre company really knew how to handle the situation — so they decided to “keep an eye on things.” The unnamed actress finally withdrew from the play — but the company did not tell the replacement why her predecessor left.
Maybe while they were waiting in the wings, a quick kick in the nuts, would have sorted it. Easier said than done. But, the actress (who was paid out for the season) is still covering the cost of seeing a psychologist.
So let’s talk about another actress.
George H.W. Bush Apologises
Actress, Heather Lind said the 93-year-old former president “touched me from behind,” then did it again. The story was reported in The Huffington Post on the 26th October, 2017 about something that happened in 2014.
But there is a much bigger story that was crushed decades before.
I wrote about this in 2015. The story (in picture below) was a “scandal” of the 1980’s, but was completely obliterated by the Bush White House.
People Magazine allegedly spent a million dollars (a lot of money back then) investigating America’s orphanages and found the stories were true – identifying Bush (Sr), Dick Cheney and John Sununu as pedophiles. The story was never told by People Magazine. It was never allowed to publish.
It is alleged Children from orphanages in Nebraska were flown around the United States by top Republican officials in order to engage in child sex orgies with America’s ruling elite. Vox News wrote:
“It is a fact that during the 1980’s, child sexual services were provided by top Republican officials… to the President of the United States at the time, George H.W. Bush. …It is a tale of child sex, murder, espionage, blackmail, and huge payoffs.”
Former Republican Senator John Decamp was involved in a documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” that exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. It was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. It’s alleged that, at the last minute, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. It never aired.
Missing the Big Stories
Maybe “the people” will be satisfied if the Hollywood elite take the fall. But really it seems that this is only scratching the surface of much deeper problem. It is the dark secrets of people many times more powerful than Weinstein that the press should be going after.
Has anyone come across or heard from Fiona Barnett lately? (Also, how about Kay Griggs?)
No, I haven’t for awhile (re: Fiona). Maybe she’s trying to live normality. Let’s hope we hear from her soon.
This just in, the Walkley finalists:
The 2017 Walkley Book Award shortlisted finalists announced today in Sydney are (in alphabetical order):
Julia Baird, Victoria: The Queen, HarperCollins Publishers
Steve Cannane, Fair Game: The Incredible Untold Story of Scientology in Australia, ABC Books/HarperCollins Publishers
Louise Milligan, Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell, Melbourne University Press
The judges for the 2017 book awards were:
Paul Bailey, editor, Australian Financial Review
Michael Bodey, media journalist and film editor
Kirstie Clements, journalist & author
Catriona Menzies-Pike, editor, Sydney Review of Books
Colleen Ryan, journalist & author
Susan Skelly, publisher, Excess All Areas
John van Tiggelen, journalist
Chris Warren, journalist
Pam Williams, journalist & author
There really isn’t much Mossad types won’t do for the glory of the Chosen Ones. Isn’t this a kind of private militia? imagine all the feverish media noticing that would be going on if this was a Muslim doing this.
Or even if a Muslim weren’t doing it, quote unquote the Marathon.
Which is not to say that I think anyone is acting on behalf of Chosen Ones unless you define chosen ones as self-chosen alphas of any tribe.
It boils down to Who is most at ease when killing the competition. Think Pullman strike. Think knocking off the indigenous of any conquered nation.
Think human nature.
“Think knocking off the indigenous of any conquered nation.”
So many still think warfare is about guns and bombs.
Genocide with intent.
Jon Altman delivers the talk “Genocide and Intervention in Contemporary Indigenous Australia”
Carry on, Dee
Mary re Deloittes–think you are onto something big here
Deloittes — the prestigious accounting firm in Melbourne. They play a huge role in Central Australian “business”- way beyond the front of Accountants.”Investigating” “giving evidence” influencing outcomes -particularly relating to Indigenous affairs.
“So I asked, “What kind of dirt?” He said something along the lines that if a corporate executive was wanting a multi-million severance pay-out of sorts, their team would dig up stuff, like…–“
Diane, I can only say WOW.
Now that you call it to my mind, I recall advertisements of some big law firms that specialize in “crisis management,” the crisis being, say, a whistleblower.
A family took Russia to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg over the “crisis management” of their son. Held:
European Court condemns Russia in Chechen case
By Gilbert Reilhac. Reuters. Thursday, July 27, 2006
STRASBOURG, France – In a landmark ruling on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights found Russia guilty of violating the “right to life” of a young Chechen who disappeared after a Russian general ordered him shot.
Khadzimurat Yandiyev was last seen in the hands of Russian troops in February 2000. Television footage showed a general ordering the 25-year-old to be taken away and “rubbed out.”
His body has never been found but lawyers for his mother Fatima Bazorkina said the general’s words made his fate clear.
The court ruled Russia had violated a ban on arbitrary detention and failed to properly investigate his disappearance.
Re whereabouts of Fiona –connecting some dots.
There is an article in the Australian Friday November 10 2017 page 14.
Altered Egos: Dissociative identity disorder is a relatively new term that may explain some people’s rapid mood swings. by ruthostrow.com
About ruth from her web site:
Hello I’m Ruth, Keynote speaker, writer, Walkley Award-nominated journalist and media presenter. I’ve just produced a video doco series on Business & Political leading identities and their search for Happiness, which can be watched here. My passion is personal growth, wellbeing, and a quest for meaning. I’m also a corporate journalist and speaker. Please enjoy browsing my articles and social commentaries from The Australian newspaper, and books, and any comments greatly welcomed.
I’m about to Speak alongside His Holiness The Dalai Lama at The Happiness Conference in Sydney in June
An interesting chatty story and description of DID although there is no mention of people who have been programmed using scientific experiments to control the mind as described by Alison Miller, Valerie Sinason and many Survivors such as Carol Rutz and Wendy Hoffman. Not to mention Fiona Barnett’s and Sarah Moore’s testimonies as well as leading psychiatrists in Australia speaking out.
One needs to ask why is the Australian running such a trite article right now written by such an ill-informed person, telling the story of DID.
Also on the same page under the heading Health Matters an article by Sean Parnell. Oversubscription helps superbugs. In the same paper an article Human brain cells implanted into rodents.
To answer the question as to the purpose of this story: I refer to The Weekend Australian Magazine: September 30th-October 1 2017. Is it to Mould and Manipulate and control Minds in preparation for the full r/c report.
The Memory Wars: the missing chapter in the story of influential child abuse activist. by Richard Guilliatt.
Amongst other things Guilliatt speaks of the “growing number of DID cases that have recently surfaced in the media and the courts. In October 2015, a former DID sufferer named Fiona Barnett held a press conference outside the royal commission in Sydney, claiming to have evidence that three former prime ministers were paedophiles. Barnett has previously stated she remembers being raped as a child by an Australian governor-general and prime minister, the Reverend Billy Graham and US president Richard Nixon, among many others.”