by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Part 1 presented an outline of a project to which I give the name, “Operation Piebald.” The name is arbitrary. A mammal or bird is said to be piebald if its normal coloration is broken by an insufficiency of pigmentation, resulting in some white patches on the skin or feathers.
In Part 1, the rule of simplicity was laid out. Anyone who will join me in “doing” Operation Piebald must agree to the rule of simplicity in regard to three things. First, we are only looking at the Maui fire of August 8, 2023 — the one that hit the town of Lahaina — and the specific September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. Sure, it would be fun to include the 9-11 attack on the Pentagon, or discuss the resemblance of the Hawaii fire to the California fires, but simplicity has a special value. It will make an almost impossible job doable.
Second, because this is a search for blame — who dunnit? — it is not also an analysis of why the guilty party did what he or she did. Thus, motive, which is usually a natural part of a crime investigation, is not to be investigated in Operation Piebald. It will be enough, won’t it?, to find that Party X knocked down the Twin Towers and destroyed the town of Lahaina? I toss away the question of WHY. Clearly, it was an outrageous act of aggression. So doesn’t it deserve a prompt identification of the guilty party, no matter what his/her reasons for doing it??
Third, as part of the simplicity rules, it is necessary — for this Operation — to agree that Directed Energy Weapons were the means used on 9-11 and on 8-8. Photographic information that is readily available supports the idea that both events had temperatures much higher than a normal fire. Experts know that fuel fires from hijacked airplanes could not have destroyed the WTC and natural fires in Maui could not have melted car windows. Let’s be sensible and scream “It was DEWs.”
Although those three rules of simplicity may deprive us of some things, you must admit they can speed up the whole matter. The 9-11 event is now 22 years old with no blame having been legally laid on any person as the perpetrator. (The “Muslim hijackers” never got a trial.) As for Maui, the event is only four months old. Much discussion of blame is occurring, but not as to a DEW attack having occurred. Rather, folks are pinning blame on the city for the water having been turned off, and on FEMA for residents of Lahaina not being given a robo-call warning.
(I arrived in Maui from Boston on November 29, 2023, fell into a deep sleep, and was woken by a Maui-wide robo-call to my cell phone saying “There may be heavy rain in the mountains”!)
In sum, Operation Piebald is a brain-clearing exercise. It lets us concentrate on only the main question “Who is to blame?” Who on God’s earth wielded the DEW that toppled the twin towers and who wielded the DEW that razed over a thousand homes to the ground in Lahaina?
The Logic of “Contra Spoliatorem”
The strongest governments of this world are the likely owners of DEWs and this makes them prime suspects. (The US and China openly say they have them.) But also the manufacturers of those weapons — such as Raytheon and Lockheed — no doubt have access to them. And there are international forces — one thinks of NATO — that could probably wield DEWs strong enough to do an 8-8, if not a 9-11. This gives us suspects to concentrate on.
But I hereby say that the US government, more than anyone else, has gone out of its way to promulgate false stories as to the cause of 9-11 and 8-8. They even created a “9/11 Commission” to dish out a lot of nonsense. This itself is fabulous evidence of US guilt.
Now I introduce a unique mechanism for assigning, or at least presuming, guilt. For centuries, in the field of law, we have over a hundred “law maxims” that have been thought up by human beings in a rational way. i should say moral human beings as the maxims usually involve a prejudice for justice.
Here’s a random example of a law maxim: “The Law speaks to all in the same way.” (Lex uno ore omnes alloquitur.) And here’s one that mainly shows common sense about human nature: “Where there are many counsellors there is safety.” (Salus ubi multi consiliarii.) And here’s one that explains a judge’s (or juror’s) mental reaction when she encounters a liar giving testimony: “False in one thing, false in all.” (Falsus in uno, falsus in omnia.)
I hear you ask, “Mary, are these maxims legally binding?” Mary replies, “Don’t take rules too seriously. The persons who wrote the maxims are speaking higher than rules.” I mean it’s OK to use your best intellect.
Note: For years I was involved in the court that tried Jahar Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombing. (He didn’t do it. See my website JaharCompletelyInnocent.com). I went to “Google Scholar” which brings up academic journal articles. I typed in “Tsarnaev trial.” There was only ONE scholarly work listed, and it merely considered whether the suspect had been properly read his Miranda rights in hospital. See? If other writers had wanted to tackle the injustice of the case, they may have felt that they couldn’t because there was no pertinent “rule.” How pathetic.
Luckily, there is a key maxim for Operation Piebald, where the goal is only to find the guilty party. The maxim is: “Against the spoliator of evidence, everything may be presumed.” (Contra spoliatorem, omnia praesumuntur.) It is sometimes expressed the other way around: “You can charge with the crime the person who hides evidence, tampers with witnesses, etc.”
See? This is a higher intellectual approach than merely saying “Joe hid the bottle of poison.” It says “We can reasonably guess that Joe is guilty, as he would otherwise have no reason to hide the poison.” This is not a death knell for Joe — he still gets his Fifth Amendment right to a trial, his Sixth Amendment right to “assistance of counsel,” and all the wordage he can buy. We only make an initial presumption about Joe; he may yet prove innocent. At the very least he would have to show a damned good reason why he despoiled the evidence.
Ideas Are Power
As a happy American, I presume that it is the American government that did 9-11 and 8-8, and I feel backed up in my boldness by the entire US Constitution. Not in any particular, but in the overall spirit of the parchment. I see the Constitution as saying “Watch out, Guys, the minute someone in power finds a chance to deceive or rob you, he will do it. He’ll raid your papers, too, and he’ll take your gun, and he’ll give you cruel and unusual punishment such as the rack.”
If you read the intellectual breakthroughs that were made, such as by Englishman John Locke (1632-1704), and Scotsman David Hume (1711-1776), that led to the Constitution, you will see that insights into power were as important as the inventions of the day such as the steam engine. They gave us a new world. And while the line of inventions has kept going, our line of intellectual breakthroughs seems to have given up the ghost. This is nuts!
I think we fall into a state of awe when we encounter bigness. Thus, where we used to jump up and down to protect our First Amendment right to free speech, we now write essays about the amazing ability of Big Tech to cancel our online productions. Or where we would have killed for our right to privacy, we simply resign ourselves to the “Orwellian facts of life” — there’s a camara on every street corner, not to mention one in the bedroom. Ho hum.
Let me tell you. The way to overcome this habit of awe-for-bigness is to knock down that emotion with intellect. As I said, it’s been done before. It’s a defining feature of modernity, for Pete’s sake. Don’t be shy about it. Perhaps, separately, we may have to dismantle the big things themselves, if they are so able to stupefy us that we lose control over our society’s endeavors.
Get the Miscreants
The US government did 9-11 and 8-8. Clearly, the Secretary of Defense was involved in 9-11, but he, Donald Rumsfeld, is deceased. Many others from 9-11 are not deceased. As for the Maui fire, which happened only four months ago, on August 8, 2023, most likely every guilty party is alive, walkin’ around somewhere — probably not in Hawaii as the DEW may have been shot from a satellite.
These people are all eligible for indictment. Please do not fall for the yarn that government workers have immunity. No one in the US has immunity for any crime unless he got it in a narrow exchange of his liability for information that he coughs up. Note: I personally think many lower echelon criminals do their work under some sort of mind control and therefore deserve to be granted “diminished responsibility.” But that comes later, for sentencing, not for solving Whodunnit.
I think we could arrest any or all of the persons who, logically, must have participated in 9-11. At a minimum this entails persons operating the DEW, persons preventing the US Air Force from tracking the reportedly hijacked planes, persons at the airports at which the alleged hijackers boarded the planes, Secret Servicemen in charge of protecting President Bush, and the media to broadcast the false story. Plus Mayor Rudi Giuliani to remove the debris, and later, prosecutors and judges to beef up the false story and shy away from anyone carrying the truth.
Regarding Lahaina, the miscreants are the operators of the DEW, and the designers of the false story that it was downed power lines that caused Lahaina to burn. I imagine the local meteorologists had to be clued in, so as to give wrong information about a nearby hurricane. Amazingly it seems — from citizen reportage, not from government admission — that cops were told to block the escape of many people in vehicles, and thus they burned to death.
To repeat, Operation Piebald is only about the central DEW crime. It does not seek to round up those who committed collateral crimes. Above I said “Arrest Giuliani for debris removal.” I mean arrest him under the Material Witness Act. To do that you do not require “probable cause” and you needn’t charge him with any crime.
He is to be held until he coughs up the answers to our questions. As soon as he coughs up enough, he can go home — but not with any certificate of immunity against future charges. Note: Umpteen Muslim Americans were imprisoned under the Material Witness Act, in 2001 and never charged with any crime. Isn’t that horrendous!
For the lower players (a mayor is a lower player when skyscrapers get knocked over, killing 3,000, OK?), the main question is: “From whom did you take your instructions?” The same must be asked of the federal district judge, Judge Alvin Hellerstein, who handled every 9-11 related case for the last 22 years. We’ll ask (politely) “Who told you to make sure the official story did not suffer any legal knocks? We know you couldn’t have figured all that out by your lonesomes.”
Similarly for Maui. Several people, including Lahaina’s mayor, Mr Bissen, and Hawaii’s governor Josh Green, MD, have to be arrested under the Material Witness Act. I think it is better to do this than to arrest them as suspects of crime. I am hoping that citizens of all 50 states, seeing this arrangement, would start to view those two officials as persons who are carrying secret knowledge that we are all entitled to hear.
Even better, the two men themselves would have to face the fact that they have been used by others to do terrible things and may start to side with the people. Can Green and Bissen really live with the fact that 97 or more Lahaina residents died when some jerk used a DEW to start a raging fire? Can they really have a feel for the notion of preventing the escape of local people in their vehicles? I don’t think so. I also imagine they see the anger, and are worried today about Vigilante justice.
What I am proposing in Operation Piebald is not of the Vigilante (lynch mob) type. It is absolutely legal, and fair, as I will discuss in Part 3. And I am asking you to join this project with me. I can’t do it by myself.
Thank you.
So what qualifies you to “Allocate Blame”?
And how does such an exercise benefit anyone ?
I have Kupuna longings.
Forget about planes hitting the towers, there was none. Plenty of evidence if you research. Plenty of CGI though!
Yeah, even the engine that penetrated the South tower and landed in the street. Crikey, all those people walking around taking pictures of it didn’t even realize it was just CGI.
Including the serial numbers🤷
And a genuine passport found in the street, having fallen from a camel herder’s pocket as he mistook a WTC tower from an Arabian desert oasis date tree.
Different story in Pennsylvania with an empty hole and no bodies.
Then there is the Pentagon ‘Cessna’ brilliantly flown by another cousin camel herder.
Where are you Keith? From last article comment.
Right, you are now some scribe’s bag wagon!
Yep Ned.
Didn’t they find a passport at Pennsylvania as well.
I love this explaination.
Yep, one of my old time favourites wth the passport included, “ if you can believe that”?
These two girls from Hawaii have brightend my days for the last 3 months, and now they have met! (suggest u start at 17 mins):
People with vision:
Who was charged with the mainland(read 50 US states of union and Canadia).
Stood Down, and now we have continuity of government being cheered from the Cheyenne mountain complex
Stood Down, did nothing before or after and therefore, are scumbags of the same caliber(7.62×51 or a poor mans 308)
sorry contracted or charged with protecting the mainland. It sure seems to me that contracts have been ‘unfulfilled” but who is going to chase that ambulance(clear tort case for a layman)
That’s a tough mission you’ve given us Mary, not that I believe we couldn’t arrive at a logical outcome as to who the perpetrators, were and are.
But, would we be able to prove it in a Court of Law?
What is our evidence?
I do believe that the CIA, and MOSSAD were the actors in 9/11 while higher ups in government and beyond, were the drivers, but how does one arrive at the PROOF that the previously named were all involved?
Where is our evidence?
As for Lahaina: Some fingers now point to the CCP, but not the Xi controlled Chinese government as playing a major role. How does one break into that nest of worms? Sure, those who took active roles from within Hawaii, could be persuaded to turn state’s evidence, but how is a prosecution mounted against the Chinese actors whose ideological outlook against the West, would preclude any of them from turning on each other, as within the CCP and the higher up, non-Chinese, Deep State actors?
And going on that assumption, I note, that Xi has been busily executing numbers of folk from within the higher echelons of the CCP, and the Chinese military. Maybe we can look forward to some disclosure about their role in the recent Lahaina fires?
How does one prepare a Brief of Evidence to a Criminal Court, without mentioning and providing, evidence based motivating factors as to the listed offences, and intent to cause a criminal offence/s, without the assurance that a prosecution and conviction could be obtained from a Court, if arrested and charged?
All we really have is forensic based evidence.
Procedures don’t have to remain the same century after century. There was not always a magna carta and then there was a magna carta. There was not always Italian opera and then there was Italian opera. There was not always a GumshoeNews and then there was a Gumshoenews type thing.
Stay tuned for Parts 3 and 4. Or email me to get a preview of them.
With a satellite passing over the scene twice during the killings.
Yes a bit of a prosecutor’s nightmare.
“That was your satellite, was it not”?
“Yes I admit that”.
“For what purpose was it travelling twice over that time and location”?
“To look down, photograph and ‘document the event’ ”.
“Will you now Tell the court what equipment was the satellite carrying, describe all of that equipment”.
“Yes, of course, it was only equipped with our latest, a Brownie Box camera”.
“Thank you Mr Xi”.
“Wo hen Levi!” (???????)
H H. “The witness is excused and have returned to him the headless rooster and detached head.” “Next witness?”.
“I call call madam Mary Maxwell”.
“Sorry your Honour, I am verily informed that Madam Maxwell cannot presently be located”.
“I have another witness to call who May able to explain”.
“Go ahead”.
“Call, The Right Honourable Minister Rowland.”
“Your Honour, sadly I seek an adjournment for an urgent personal and family matter”.
“And that is?
“I need to get to my bank asap”.
“Yes, I understand, members of the jury, until 9.30 tomorrow, perhaps you might consider whether you also have some urgent personal business at your bank”. “ Court is adjourned”.
“As for Lahaina: Some fingers now point to the CCP,” – Sure, like, who benefits from the Lahaina fire? Who is running the cover-up? Who was blocking the traffic, yadda, yadda – Crikey, why not blame the Russians, anybody but the obvious suspects.
Come on Terry – which country has been buying up land and housing in Canada, United States and Australia?
It ain’t the bloody Russians!
What kind of folk from many Western countries are tied in with the CCP?
Why would Xi – some months after Lahaina – start eradicating higher echelon CCP and Chinese military members?
Maybe Xi found out who caused Lahaina?
You don’t think that Xi and Trump have back channel coms with each other?
Pay attention!
The perfect Xmas present for MM, movie watchers and even the odd Odgers, starts out with Holly-Wood clues and finishes up quite provocatively for Q-members
Looking through spewtube’s “Learn More” I see:
Child safety
A video containing adults participating in dangerous activities that minors could easily imitate
What, like any Holly-Wood “action” scenes
That video said “Age restricted,” Joe. I couldn’t get on.
Try this one:
Like a child I wanted to see how “tight” the tube is. I’m just going to listen to the fat man however, have “heard” he was quite the talent
the tube is safe for your children because they will never think to just hit the embedded “watch on tube lnk”
“Hollywood’s Impossible Predictions, Sir Baron Trump’s Freemason Crest & DJ Trump is NOT your Saviour”
Have never created a tube account, but they do like to fish. Back to my tenor
If you can’t get on in the US it says something about the death of your 1st amendment. Can you get on Youtube Channel GIUREH and find “Hollywood’s impossible predictions”, that’s your Xmas present, there’s not even a lump of coal for backup.
The death of the 1st amendment reminds me of the Two (2) year Australian “Statutory Warranty” where all the products are marked factory guaranteed for one year. The catch is that all the receipts have faded out to blank in a matter of months. I saw a receipt in Asia that was kept in a dark place and faded out in weeks.
And then there was Gumshoe.
Start at 1.20 mins
“Abbott” was a top “Jesuit” operator. He ate the second onion and wore the black eye when he clearly has the body movements to box well(sure his nose got broken early-before). Don’t call me silly but the gold/white Vatican decor is the clincher here.
Fooled me for a long time but in the context of Howard/Hewson(this guys seems a loser but maybe the biggest whale). Turnbull/Abbott was a routine double like scomos baton pass to photo glasses guy in a now uniparty party
For US readers President Jackson fooled me the longest
I can’t wait all nite too be called siily but did you notice the empty picture frame in the tube thumbnail
SEEMS THAT YOUR PART THREE WITH THE BIRD IS A 404 ERROR AT THE MOMENT …. Trying to open with the comment link.
I will have a word with Mrs Clause.
Oh well, whilst waiting for MM to turn up with her bird and part three, we can occupy ourselves with the other Mary at today’s situation update at beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
The opening is a must for a few minutes, (the US is almost lost) later 107 explains how the District of Columbia is going to pay off its 300 trillion or so by handing US federal lands and assets to the globalists, I think they have had it with Federal Reserve IOUs.
But what is poignant is the nurse reporting on happenings in California from about Jan to July 2021 in her hospital….. bloody criminal, not medical negligence, just plain government CRIMINALITY. FROM ABOUT 30 mins to 37 mins.
Lot more for those wanting to update their research if they have more than 7 minutes to invest.
So do not waste time awaiting the call on the relevant minister, as in the Xi court case up above.
Oh well, use the time whilst waiting for MM.
Try episode 3235B at the X22 report.com for more than 7 minutes, even a Q post is cited after half way.
Note the ‘deaths suddenly’ for a few minutes.
Other Interesting matters for those who wish to do some research.
The bird has landed in the next MM article.
Now let us hear it sing.
But I think my crows would be a lot louder.
Mary have just got around to reading Piebald 2. Interesting that you note a tornado, or misinformation of a tornado. Judy Wood infers that the energy that the DEW drew on for destruction of towers was from a tornado travelling up the east coast of US until part of energy used up, at which time tornado turned out to sea.
Could the same situation have been used at Maui? We know that the PTB are able to create tornadoes with HAARP.