Peasants War 1798 and modern weaponry
by Joachim Hagopian
As I will describe below, the US Department of Defense has issued a revised directive explicitly allows our armed forces to use lethal force in domestic operations.
Their bloodthirsty masters all sorely lacking heart and soul, are frantically planning to murder off billions of us to capture absolute control of a severely downsized human-DNA altered cyborg population. Their AI robotics replacement agenda, rendering our human species extinct on this earth. This unholy elitist plot to murder off the human race has been at work now for centuries.
The bloodline descendants of the Synagogue of Satan moneychangers forcing Jesus to throw his only known temper tantrum, are still operating their usury money magic Babylonian system of control, but in recent times theyβve been systematically consolidating their excessive power into fewer hands.
They utilize technology to further enslave humanity while currently collapsing their unsustainable by design, debt-based financial and economic system. They want to ignite World War III on multiple warfronts to help bail them out and bring in their βGreat Reset.β This means unleashing yet more bioweapon pandemics, issue mandatory digital IDs, CBDCs, social credit scores, smart city 24-hour surveillance and control imprisonment.
Plus, throw in acute food and fuel shortages, exorbitant, unaffordable costs of living and runaway inflation, while criminalizing Christianity, destruction of the family unit, national sovereignty and the white goyim population at large.
They will produce historyβs largest ever mass migration crisis to destroy America and entire Western civilization. They also will outlaw cash, all private ownership and after a century further dumb down and mind control the short-attention spanned, pliable, traumatized human population. They’ll use even more poisonous, chemical processed foods and continued degradation of our earthβs biosphere with contaminated soil, air and water.
Just last week it was revealed that in Washington DC, and its neighboring states of Virginia and Maryland, food items found in childrenβs school meals contain heavy metals, including lead and about 50 pesticides, according to a new studyβs published results.
The Iowa accredited independent testing lab Health Research Instituteβs chief scientist and CEO Dr. John Fagan told the press: “To make the invisible, visible. To me itβs counterintuitive that anybody would say letβs put poisons on our food, but thatβs the way our food system is today.”
Plus, over the last half century geoengineered heavy toxic metal nanoparticles aerosol sprayed from government contractor planes and increasingly less hidden weather warfare technologies are spreading mass death.
Mass land grabs are occurring on a regular basis, the Southβs Hurricanes Helene and Milton are the latest prime examples, but last yearβs Maui Island attack in Lahaina was clearly caused by a Direct Energy Weapon. Owners of properties at both locations refused to sell to federal authorities and were subsequently punished by our democidal government.
Another recent foreboding disclosure is the Department of Defenseβs revised DOD Directive 5240.01 that went into effect on September 27th, just weeks ahead of the US presidential election. The controllerβs divide and rule Modus Operandi has our nation ripe for a 2nd Civil War, especially with millions of military-age invaders from around the globe — that the FBI reports are ready to attack Americans and US infrastructure targets when given the greenlight to activate their terrorist sleeper cells spread across our country.
The DODβs revised directive explicitly allows our armed forces to use lethal force in domestic operations. Previously that was prohibited, falling strictly under US law enforcement jurisprudence. But now the US militaryβs expanded role authorizes assisting civil law enforcement with use of lethal force.
The 2016 revision of this DOD directive never mentioned lethal force. But with so much hyped turmoil that could erupt at any time ahead or after November 5th election, clearly this is DOD transparency indicating the US is preparing for major civil unrest.
It will be brought on by its intentionally orchestrated financial, political and outsider warfare directed against citizens through massive domestic violence spreading from cities to suburbs in the very near future…. It is another clear warning sign that our own federal government has a blatant agenda to exercise more mass murder against its own US citizens.
This is from the October 7th Greenmedifo.comarticle:
Paragraph 3.5 introduces a 72-hour provision [where lethal force might be necessary to prevent imminent harm], allowing Component Heads to provide immediate intelligence assistance in time-sensitive circumstances without prior approval from the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD I&S) or the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF).
Brace yourself for martial law, civil war and potential revolution against a murderous, treasonous US government, including another major false flag blaming foreign enemies and/or domestic enemies.
Another egregious agenda carried out especially in recent decades has been the systematic undermining of societyβs morality throughout the West, pushing Sodom and Gomorrah degradation through anything goes hedonistic lifestyles and gluttony. The LGBTQ nonbinary gender dogma, enforced widespread DEI policy (now infiltrated FEMA) and the overall Wokism through massive mind controlled brainwashing, actively creating a cottage industry for massive reproductive mutilation for our children and lifetime hormonal/Big Pharma drug addiction….
This decadence is further reinforced 24/7 by more perverse social conditioning propaganda of a pedo-infested Luciferian controlled mass media entertainment system, P Diddy continuing where Epstein left off.
Intentionally causing todayβs unprecedented tsunami of global crises, all exploding to wreak so much havoc at the exact same time, is causing the deliberate destabilization of virtually all nations and economies. It obliterates social civility, cultural mores and norms while bombarding the planet with endless brutality, upheaval, and violence of nonstop Luciferian manufactured WMDs.
The point is to ensure that the depopulation agenda and human genocide kill off 90-95% of todayβs global population, already fully underway by Darkside bloodline controllers working fiendishly overtime to avert running out of time with the global masses finally catching on to their unthinkable sins and abominations carried out with impunity for so many centuries and millennia against both children and humanity.
The uniparty political system and βinvisibleβ white hats will not be rescuing us as the MAGA hopium pushers have been claiming for years now. Bottom-line, there really is no one to save us but ourselves.
— Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of βDonβt Let the Bastards Getcha Downβ exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder.
What is it that normies do not know and must realise?
They have been divided and ruled for centuries, even today in Queensland they are reported to be flipping from red to blue, the “exit” doors of green and teal provided also lead to the same abattoir, they are too dumb to survive and natural selection must therefore take its course, via injections and other sophistry.
“they are too dumb to survive and natural selection must therefore take its course, via injections and other sophistry.” – Yep, after taking shit from morons (ha, ha, you’re a conspiracy theorist, ha, ha) for more than 36 years, I only wish the culling would have occurred earlier as I wouldn’t have had to take so much shit.
Well make sure you keep your powder dry because they may all be hungry at the same time and you know the stories about the 5g zombification
An old rule of thumb – Don’t live in the cities and at least 3 days away that a hungry person could walk. If they do make it, I have a mate that has pigs to feed.
Sounds like Clif High’s ‘melee’.
A possible scenario for a melee.
Gene decide at BIN.
You go, Hagopian!
The advancement of the 2030 Agenda with the obvious ramping up of global manipulations is less likely to be the ‘waking up” of the masses but more likely consequential to the awareness of TPTB of the coming earth changes which I have been citing.
Controlling an 8.2 billion starving, angry and fearful population will be impossible.
It would seem the Deagel 2025 forecast figures for first world countries in particular, may well in fact transpire.
what a load of rubbish
Princess Ursula’s super-fascist project continues (3 min)
They are holding “member states” to ransom using their funds which they stupidly contributed. Obviously Switzerland did not sign on
What the world so needs now is one more 2-bit fool who can’t so much as figure out that harbouring a deep-seated hatred of Judah and “criminalising Christianity” is one and the same
Tell us about the Noahide laws!
Tough luck, your hero’s been topped:
βThen the LORD said to Abram, βLeave your country, your kindred, and your fatherβs household, and go to the land I will show you
I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great so that you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and all the families of the earth
will be blessed through you.β
GENESIS 12: 1-3
One of the most invaluable aspects of the bible lies not in the text itself but the reaction thereto.
Nothing beats it in terms of spotlighting who belongs to Christ and whoβs under Satanβs thumb
When it triggers fury, mockery, belittlement,rivalry and/or discord you know exactly where you stand
At least our government is friendly to Putinβ¦β¦. Diplomatic brilliance on the part of Albanese to do Putin a favour.
We are sending our Abrams (always redundant!) tanks to Zelensky worth a couple of hundred mill.
Zelensky can put his suicide crews in each and as they do wheelies around the Ukraine paddocks.
Putin gets two birds with a little missile.
Fβn brilliant Wong!
Putin happy, Zelensky happy, sheer brillianceπ€·ββοΈ
I hope we have something left over for Israel and Gazaβ¦.. but at least make them pay, this time.
More AU dollars down the Ukrainian sink hole along with the Bushmasters that barely made it off the ships.
Do not be despondent.
The Russians love the wrecks on display in Moscow. The bushmaster could do with Abrahamβs relative wreck on display along side.
The UK flag adorns the Bushmaster, so Wong should call in the Russian ambassador and DENAND THAT A AUSSIE FLAG ADORN IT AND HAVE A SPARE FOR A Abrahams..
The pair will be a great tourist attraction for Aussies doing their tour of Russia in due course, even if it is not as cheap presently, as Gallipoli and. Vietnam.
I trust that Albanese will ensure that there is a brass plaque somewhere on the Abrahams in recognition of Australiaβs generosity and manufacturing prowess. [we do not have to admit that it was a US redundant bit of second hand crap]
Being third hand might insult the Russians, they have their pride and would not appreciate a trophy from a piss week victory.
Looking forward to the day when I will be able to be a tourist in Russia having had to abort a wonderful trip there in 2020 thanks to the COVID Scamdemic.
3 years stolen we will never get back
Never get back! Count this blessings
You now have been educated, it was a useful lesson for our future.
No university course could have educated us BETTER FOR WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR OUR FUTURE.
How many university courses would have taught anyone that our bankers, politicians and mass media lie to us and are just globalist Nazi puppets and fools.
The whole thing stank from Jan 2020
DOD challenges Posse Comitatus doctrine: issues directive saying the US military can kill Americans on US soil
Meryl Nass
People in distress (hungry) act more erratic and with less reason. All that needs to happen is for some dumb grunt to start something (react to an inner city gang) and I expect there will be a cascading effect within the population (perhaps a melee). Very few people trust the government and the military is definitely the government. – ‘Us and them’ in your own backyard.
Latest over-reach from government wankers, some balls of dried up oil washed up on Sydney beaches so government closes off all the beaches starting yesterday, a few harmless balls of dried up oil pollution and nanny state demands everyone keep well away. There are sharks swimming around every day which represent a real threat compared to a small inert ball. There are health ministers trying to inject people with concoctions of god-knows-what. Even crossing the road is more dangerous. The hydrocarbon balls are taking up time on the crooked ABC-TV news, what is “Ros Childs” covering up now.
In Southern California we used to get those damn balls all the time from the off shore oil rigs. The biggest threat was stepping on one and having it squish up between your toes. They were bugger of things to clean up on your feet.
So much for our “science” contingent who have been busying themselves down at the city beaches, having a break from lying about the weather
It’s almost as if God knew they were gonna lie to us ……….
“While the earth remains ,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night,
Shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22
Handy to collect and deal with a squeaky gate.
Dad used to βpaintβ sump oil on the chookβs roostβ¦.. lice loved itπ€·ββοΈ
Mix it with half a cup of water and bye bye chicken virusππ€ͺ
Good for wooden paling fences too.
If only Rolf Harris only knew!
One of my grandpas used to have a bucket of sand and old sump oil that he stuck the axe head in when he was finished with splitting. It kept the axe head free of rust and the wood tight.
Jack Buffington: China Changing Nature of Dollar-based Globalization & Supply Chain
Jack Buffington discusses how China is trying to change the nature of globalization and the global supply chain which is based on the dollar. Africa is an important battleground and as Mexico develops, Central and South American countries will come to play the role that Mexico used to. He comments on BRICS, blockchain, debt diplomacy, how resilient the economy and supply chain has been thus far, demographics, and more!
Big tech guy admits to shenanigans involving the 2024 election :
Trump sidekick has come out saying this now
Gene decode at BIN
Kevinβs Newsletter
Donald J. Trump: Miracle-Anointed Savior or Zionist Charlatan?
Sep 01, 2024
Gee MK looks different to the 1990’s
He said if you’re standing on the moon the earth goes around the moon
But the moon faces the earth so you would only see the earth going round and round, and it would be bigger than the view of the moon from earth
Plant Based bites the dust, government regulation and other circumstances blamed
Sportsbet now paying $1.67 for a Trump win and $2.25 for a Harris victory.
Bosses sneak out leaving workers to die in flood (US)
never been rejected on content alone
funny thing happened on the way to this comment
so the DOD is one of some, behind the c19vac. And now, I choose to butcher sintax. Didn’t you get the memo before it was law of the land
This is the best expose of the Hollywood scene and the U. S. justice system I’ve come across:
Horrifying, but invaluable to see footage of the sort of coverage that’s totally barred in Aus
funnily enough Berri, I gave appreciation for your contributions in my astray thought to comment ^. Recognizing your original call sign, the single inconsistency, so well done
While left field you have ability to hit a nail on its head