by Mary Maxwell, LLB
In the third week of May, every year, the Member States of the UN meet in Geneva. This year they are planning to add words to the “Sanitary Conventions of 1850” that will result — amazingly — in the WHO having tyrannical powers over every nation including the United States.
For this information I am relying on Dr Silvia Behrendt, whose ideas I came across in the presentations made to the Inquiry conducted by Reiner Fuellmich (who has since been arrested by his German government.)
Please fasten seatbelts when I tell you that not only were the SARS crisis of 2002 and the recent Covid crisis manufactured for this very purpose, but the whole scheme goes back even further. It was always part of a totalitarian takeover. And it’s up to you to stop it.
Dr. Silvia Behrendt is an Austrian lawyer whose PhD is from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, on the topic of the International Health Regulations and the Executive Authority of the World Health Organization during public health emergencies of international concern. How does that sound to you?
Behrendt’s colleague Astrid Stuckelberger points out that “the underlying concept used for COVID-19 does not follow established scientific principles, but rather a different ideology which is framed as ‘global health security’ and means to treat health as a national security issue.”
Starting in the 1990s, Astrid says, “WHO institutionalized this new approach by the rapid setup of an entirely new division called Emerging and Other Communicable Diseases. And, interestingly, they didn’t engage the staff of the Communicable Disease Control Department at that time.” Media coached us to believe that the SARS outbreak had bioterrorist potential. This political bioterrorist framing of the SARS outbreak led to the agreement of the international community that the old sanitary laws needed to be rewritten to include bioterrorism — without naming this goal officially at WHO.
Astrid Stuckelberger (who strikes me as a genius) says that the WHO’s architects arranged this new biosecurity approach “by the rapid setup of an entirely new division called Emerging and Other Communicable Diseases. And, interestingly, they didn’t engage the staff of the Communicable Disease Control Department at that time.” She sees the United States as the main architect of this. Astrid says: “This policy confirmed that the new paradigm shift was from lowering the incidence of regional endemic diseases to the sole focus on preventing the international spread in real time, and most preferably within a 24-hour time frame….” Wow.
Recall how we all fell for that hype? Now listen to Astrid again: “…the outdated sanitary laws called International Health Regulations [previously] had a very narrow scope and applicability only for yellow fever, black fever and cholera. So, particularly in the US, the bioterrorist scenario planning … within the military and at the academic level [held exercises] like Dark Winter. And those events ‘went real’ shortly after that.” OMG.
Furthermore “the legislation in the US was prepared to curtail civil liberties for the fight against bioterrorism from 1990 onwards. This undertaking was started by the CDC and eventually finalized by professors from Georgetown University, like Professor Gostin, together with Johns Hopkins University, and it was called the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act”. Note: a model act is not law. It is a model that states can adopt or modify or ignore.
“The most important milestone in the revision process of the International Health Regulations, which is an international treaty, was the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome, abbreviated as SARS — accompanied by an alerted media attention that was not proportionate to the threat of the disease, which was remarkably low… Then the outdated IHR provisions of disease containment were replaced to include pathogens that pose a threat to national security and require an emergency regime…” OMG, OMG, OMG. Think of all the current effort to criminalize “misinformation.”
Silvia Behrendt adds: “If there is no test, you cannot qualify it as the new virus. That’s the problem. The most important thing everybody should know is that the proclamation of a public health emergency of international concern is connected to vaccine manufacturing…. It’s not the pandemic. There is no legal consequence if WHO proclaims or defines a pandemic. That’s just interesting for the media. But the public health emergency is connected to the regulatory pathway for emergency use authorization.” (See my article The DFA’s Authority Is Pure Bluff.)
Also at Reiner Feullmich’s hearings, Virginie de Araujo Recchia asked: “I would like to confirm with you that Mr. Bill Gates put pressure on the WHO to declare a pandemic and that we know that Charité Berlin, which is linked with Drosten, has developed these tests with the financing of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust. Can you confirm that?
Astrid Stuckelberger: “What we can confirm is that there is really a plan since 1999 that you can see chronologically with events that is mounting up GAVI from the Vaccine Alliance in UNICEF to start joining the United Nations, not only with UNICEF, but with the World Bank and WHO – through financing of this IFFI, the International Financing Facility for Immunization – so, they did a trio, the triad. [“Triad” is the word for it!]
“We have a press release signed by the Swiss government that shows that it was created specifically for Bill Gates, this international organization with total immunity [i.e., immune from lawsuit]. You cannot do anything. You cannot even take him to tribunal. They do their own tribunal if they have any sort of disagreement. [“Nemo judex, anyone?]
“That’s enough proof that there is a plan. And it keeps on. I mean, he [Bill Gates] is in the Strategic Expert Advisory Group. And they prepared even in 2016 an assessment report of this 2012-2020 Global Vaccine Action Plan, GVAP. And in 2016, they were very upset because they did not vaccinate the whole world.”
On that note, let me interject that this is older than you think. I believe the vaccination swindle began in 1798 when “country doctor” Edward Jenner allegedly figured out how to prevent smallpox, and gave the first kid an “inoculation” By 1802, President Thomas Jefferson was aiding the transport of vaccines by allowing free US postal delivery of them.
And by 1806, Spain had sent vaccinators out on “the Balmis Expedition” to cover all of Spain’s territory, including South America. Try to imagine a king reaching out to indigenous peoples for the sake of assisting their health by vaccination. I don’t think so! (This is discussed in my 2013 book “Consider the Lilies.”)
Silvia Behrendt says “Member States gave their consent in 2005. They all said they wanted to have this new kind of rules for international law, and now they are obliged to implement it nationally. Or since 2007, it entered into force, and they are obliged to implement it. And for example, Austria, I’m living in Austria, we have no emergency clause in our Constitution, and [yet] and you still have the same regime.”
Astrid Stuckelberger: “It’s the same with the millennium development goals and sustainable development goals, which seem to match 2000 to 2015, 2015 to 2030, the sustainable development goals. They’re doing a whole mechanism around this, and it becomes more and more obscure. And it is more and more obscure how much us, as citizens, really decide. And we don’t decide anything anymore because it becomes so complex and obscure.” [Bullseye!]
Reiner Fuellmich: “We definitely have to take our sovereignty back.” [As mentioned, he is in jail.]
Silvia Behrendt: “And in the EU they have created this HERA agency, which is the same, but probably much more coercive. And that’s a huge, huge problem. They have no authority in health matters, but they still pretend to have it and create the agencies and instruct on us, without democratic processes.”
Reiner Fuellmich: “HERA stands for Health Emergency Response Agency, right? And isn’t there a rumor that: if our national Member State governments in the EU collapse, then they’re going to take over and under the EU Commission, there will be a kind of a mini world government. Does it sound plausible?”
Silvia Behrendt: “I have no idea, but I’m sure they would love to. [As for] The Rockefeller Foundation, I’ve met them in WHO, they come and sit in meetings, and they are NGO, we don’t know what they are.”
Reiner Fuellmich: “So, the non-state actors are also invited in this new treaty, which would take over literally, through the WHO Constitution – a world constitution – because of “pandemic.” So ultimately what we’re looking at is private associations, private individuals even, taking over our national governments through the World Health Organization, using health as a crowbar to do whatever they want.” Remember that line: “using health as a crowbar”!
Astrid Stuckelberger: “You can see it through the financing because GAVI and private partners have started to invade and interfere the whole United Nations…. I was called to organize, for Switzerland, the whole United Nations Open Days for two days. I learned a lot about an organization that nobody hears about, which is really a private entity, called the UN Global Compact. [That] Global Compact is only private sector. They can, for example, finance – I mean, it’s open to partnerships.” Global compact, anyone?
I claim there has been a plan on the books since at least 1798, to take over the world. (Please see my 2022 book, “Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover.”) It is unbelievably lazy and timid of us to let all the “pandemic” nonsense take place — with even an added genocide conducted via the “mandatory vaccinations.”
I was the first person (as far as I know) to rush to US District Court in 2020 and then to the First Circuit Court of Appeals, to try to get a restraining order against mandatory vax, based on the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment. Even the appeal was dismissed without the other side being asked to reply. Needless to say, courts do not stand up to the Hidden Government. Courts are a cog in the wheel described above by Silvia and Astrid.
Please develop a new action plan. There is no time to lose. You need to think about how to deal with the financial ‘partnerships’ mentioned above. Or how about starting, if you are connected to any university, with the academic acceptance of the ‘biosecurity’ trick. And your local legislature’s swallowing whole the need to stop dissidents from publishing!
You can be sure that the militaries of this world will be the enforcers, and not just in their home country. As I published way back in 2011, in my book “Prosecution for Treason,” we have had since 1990 an unconstitutional entity called The National Guard Bureau, sitting in the Pentagon. It arranges “State Partnerships.” No, not between Vermont and Utah, but between Michigan and Latvia, and between New Hampshire and El Salvador. Almost every state in the US today has foreign troops stationed with the National Guard. Naturally, the narrative that goes with that is that the partnerships help less advanced countries learn the ways of democracy. Oh, please.
I know that I’ve said a mouthful in this article, but don’t go to sleep. Don’t think that electing new politicians will change anything. They are all in on it, and so are academics. I think they are hypnotized. Ordinary selfishness cannot explain what our leaders do (as in “they want their next promotion, for which they must kiss butt”). Their intelligent brain has to tell them that the Takeover managers won’t look out for them. Deals will not be kept. Even an idiot can see that.
I feel I must end this with some optimism. I point to the people of Hawaii. In 2019, they protested the desecration of sacred land. They did not have all the right techniques to succeed, but they had astonishing solidarity as seen in their musical togetherness-event. It is unrelated to the more recent event, the Maui fire of August 2023. Oh, wait a minute, it is probably “related.” The creating of the fire (most likely by Directed Energy Weapons) may well have been a way to beat down the groups that sang this song:
You can sing along, starting at 2.04 minutes:
As I travel from place to place, some familiar and some strange
To hear the ancient chantings of our home,
As I listen to the stories, my eyes have seen the glory
So let us raise our voice in song, to save our land.
All Hawai’i stand together, It is now and forever,
To raise our voices, and hold your banners high,
We shall stand as a nation, To guide the destiny of our generation,
To sing and praise the glory of our land.
Within stone walls and cities of refuge we learn the sacred ways,
Upon Waipio’s valley floor the ancient battles rage,
From the barren slopes of Kaho’olawe to the shores of Kahana Bay,
We shall claim our lands from the Barking Sands to the Valleys of Hanalei.
All Hawai’i stand together, It is now and forever,
To raise our voices, and hold your banners high, We shall stand as a nation,
To guide the destiny of our generation, To sing and praise the glory of our land
From the fiery pit of Tutu Pele, I hear my mother’s call.
Old Tutu Kane and Mauna Kea, send their love to all
To stand as one beneath the sun blessings from Haleakala
For our sweet Ka’ala and Wai’ale’ale, where the greatest waters fall.
— provided by @nes44808. (I think Don Ho wrote these lyrics.)
— Mary Maxwell is currently a candidate in the presidential primary of New Hampshire in 2024. Her website is www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com
“Not surprisingly, Bailey supported the United Nations which, in turn, greatly advance her worldview. She understood the opportunity offered by the UN:
‘The new world religion must be based upon those truths which have stood the test of the ages…they are steadily taking shape in human thinking, and for them the United Nations fights.’
And what will this world religion be based on? Pagan spirituality or occultism:
‘The spiritual Hierarchy [demons] of the planet, the ability of mankind to contact its Members and to work in cooperation with Them, and the existence of the greater Hierarchy of spiritual energies of which our tiny planetary sphere is a part—these are the three truths upon which the coming world religion may be based.’
This worldview found a devoted adherent in Robert Muller who, in 1948, entered and won an essay contest on ‘how to govern the world.’ The prize was an internship at the newly created United Nations. Muller spent more than 40 years at the United Nations and eventually became the assistant secretary-general. He was one of the organization’s most powerful insiders, responsible for setting up 11 different UN agencies. Among Muller’s numerous books were The Birth of Global Civilization, My Testament to the UN, and New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, and he helped create the UN-endorsed global education program known as The World Core Curriculum which America and numerous other countries have incorporated into their educational systems. His education agenda won for Muller the designation ‘Father of Global Education.’ ”
“Bailey” as in the occult aficionado Alice:
No question as to doubt that Q’s cue stems from the very same Lucis Trust:
“The conquests of science, the conquests of nations, and the conquests of territory are all indicative of the Piscean method, with its idealism, its militancy, and its separativeness in all fields—religious, political and economic. But the age of synthesis, of inclusiveness and of understanding is upon us, and the new education of the Aquarian Age must begin very gently to penetrate the human aura.”
“The 10 Point Charter by Alice Bailey is as follows:
(Typo — it’s at 2.44 not 2.04, that the song matches the text.)
I have a bit more to say but it is mainly for Seppos. Namely, I think it was a clever trick to associate sanitation with health, for legal purposes, circa 1850. In the 1800s, cities had a need for sewage drains and garbo’s. Fine. That is a social policy in itself.
To then give an international body the (supposed) chore of maintaining “public health” is crazy. Indeed, I don’t see how internationalization of sewage and garbage pickup is feasible — other than maybe for engineers to offer their expertise to governments.
But in “our” pandemic, you were supposed to be sanitary (eg not touch coins — remember that one? — and wear the mask, etc.) as a way of respecting or enhancing your countrymen’s health.
Right. Fauci lost a lot of sleep worrying about people’s health. Oh, and Tedros did, too. They are just sooo concerned.
I don’t think the Sanitation drive affected Oz so much, as the 1800s did not have crowded city slums or a large underclass (correct me if i am wrong!) Maybe Diane knows something about this pre-20th century control of public health by the govenment.
The Spirit driving the U.N. from 53:13 min:
“I mean it is absurd— approximately half the resolutions of the United Nations have been made about Israel. You couldn’t imagine anything less appropriate or more ridiculous. There must be a reason.
Why is it that every time you open your newspaper or turn on your television there’s something about this little strip of territory that contains about six million people? A drop in the bucket of the world.
What is the reason for the pressure, for the opposition, for the conflict? I’ll try to tell you”
recorded in July 1998;more prescient than ever
A further distinction should be made, in US and in Oz, between the policy of making medical services free of charge, which is a money decision, based on budget, and so-called “public health.”
Vaccines especially have been tne child of the theory that the state needs to make the world safe for babies by jabbing them.
And while I’m on the subject, I suspect the pain and trauma of multi-jabs, often given nowadays, is part of The Plan. I have seen videos of nurses ‘stabbing’ babies in the leg. The Mum or Dad is close by, yet does not intervene. Wouldn’t that send a strange message to the kid?
Well there sure is nothing novel about it:
Mary – I truly believe that after this year is out the word -vaccine- will become one of those words that become forgotten.
There is nothing like a flood of information, that will only be ignored by the extremely unwilling to learn, to turn the thinking of the major proportion of this worlds, population.
Our sentiments succinctly expressed:
Trump’s ramble goes tangental at 1:30 launches into the most incredible “safe and effective” rant you ever heard, taking full ownership of the entire va666ine program
Looking on the positive side, it seems Mein Trumpf is making a “deal” with Moloch to hand over all the stoopids. All the non-stoopids in the USA should get their kids into the gun club for weapons training. Sadly in Australia since Port Arthur we are all stoopids. Still there is always boiling oil and other such defences.
Only someone with an inbuilt bias against Trump, and whose bias prevents him from listening to what Trump actually states in that video, could put up a comment like you have done -Joe.
Thanks Joseph.
That explains what has happened to our own conditioned political WEFers educated by Schwab at the WEF classes from the 1990’s.
And the people have been brain-washed since 1938 that Adolf Hitler was the reincarnate of evil. He had nothing on today’s evil-doers. He was supposedly “the one and only evil monster”. Today we have possibly hundreds of thousands in that class. Namely, scientists, politicians, bankers, medical, pharmaceutical, courts and news media beings.
I don’t know why those that speak up against the authorities about the “vaccine”, don’t point people in the direction to the fact that there was no or very little increase of deaths in 2020 over deaths in 2019. That fact bears out that there were no deaths from Covid-19. In which case there was never a need for the “killer vaccine”.
Apart from age related deaths, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and diabetes normally account for 90% or more of humans. So if there were any Covid-19 deaths, did all these usual causes of death go on holidays for12 months?
There is a supposed copy of Adolph Hitler’s contract with Satan doing the rounds. Going on what the music industry and Hollywood demanded of their, preferred ‘stars’ – there is a strong possibility that Hitler’s contract is legitimate.
Yes, I noted that report some where.
If true who was Adolph’s lawyer?
No doubt, recommended by an investment banker who has survived and carrying on business.
All Hitler did was clean things up and make things run more efficiently
And in so doing taught, not just his Country but the entire world, that when such measures are taken on the basis of human good-works alone the ship always winds up being steered by Satan.
And you’d have to be completely brain-dead to miss the fact that we’re on the cusp of a virtual replay of said scenario
Only someone who can’t scratch more than a fingernail full off the surface of what they should actually learn from, and come to know, would willingly refuse to differentiate between a Devil’s desciple, and an agent of God.
Point being that no agent of God would ever venture to fix anything purely on the basis of his/her “good works”/human understanding/personal effort. That’s the province of Alice Bailey style do-gooders, as spelled out above
That’s the province of the Alice Bailey mob, as exemplified by Robert Muller:
” Robert Muller(11 March 1923 – 20 September 2010) was an international civil servant with the United Nations. Serving with the UN for 40 years and rising to the rank of assistant secretary-general, his ideas about world government, world peace and spirituality led to the increased representation of religions in the UN, especially of the New Age movement. He was known by some as “the philosopher of the United Nations”
What needs to be understood is that, due too our own complexity and the nature of things generally, “differentiating between a Devil’s disciple, and an agent of God” isn’t as straightforward as it might appear to be at face value, as forewarned by Christ Himself:
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
MATTHEW 24: 24
But said prediction would obviously escape the attention of anyone who would dismiss“one jot or title” of “the Law and the Prophets” on which His case was predicated.
In other words it would obviously escape the attention of anyone who thinks said manuscript has been superseded by “the new education of the Aquarian Age”
Just as I have pointed out in my comment above to you, e.b. You choose to remain only fingernail deep in your comprehension of what is actually occurring all around you.
Like it or not, resorting to such personal slurs merely proves the nature of the cult you’re immersed in
It’s a matter of note that you’ve yet to summon anything that could be categorised as a rational defence to my conclusion that said cult is a patent faction of U.N occultism, as spelled out in the above “Lucis Trust” spiel:
“The conquests of science, the conquests of nations, and the conquests of territory are all indicative of the Piscean method, with its idealism, its militancy, and its separativeness in all fields—religious, political and economic. But the age of synthesis, of inclusiveness and of understanding is upon us, and the new education of the Aquarian Age must begin very gently to penetrate the human aura.”
If you’re able to rationally argue otherwise what’s stopping you?
Personal slur? Please provide an example of any personal slur I have directed at you?
And, it is up to you to look where I point, or not to look where I point.
Not to look is a choice that you continually choose to make regardless of what info I provide.
And we have already entered into the Age of Aquarius – according to many – what do you think this year of the Great Awakening is all about?
You choose to look the other way while Trump and Q are leading the way into the new age of doing things.
Time to take those blinkers off and start looking at what is so obvious to so many.
“what do you think this year of the Great Awakening is all about?”
As I’ve already said TWICE on this VERY page, it’s all about fulfilling the aspirations of the Lucis Trust, the anti-christ agenda of the hour:
“The conquests of science, the conquests of nations, and the conquests of territory are all indicative of the Piscean method, with its idealism, its militancy, and its separativeness in all fields—religious, political and economic. But the age of synthesis, of inclusiveness and of understanding is upon us, and the new education of the Aquarian Age must begin very gently to penetrate the human aura.”
The stark truth that underlies such posturing expounded here:
Where are the examples of your alleged personal slurs against you?
Today’s World’s problems always comeback to U.S. and Israel. Or at least the Zionist Jews who claim Israel as their home.
Tony Abbott, anti-WEF, anti-Swab, anti-Reset, anti-WHO, anti-Scamdemic and also, not in office !!!
The latter condition making this commentary possible
Trump and central bank digital currency 54: 40
Then it moves on to …Rejecting the GREAT RESET
(a list — I like “feed bugs to chickens only”)
Please note in the early stages of Mary’s presentation that Australia has now come under U.S. Jurisdiction, as of January, 17, 2024.
If you are still hanging back as a fence sitter, this maybe a last warning for you to get yourself prepared for what is now imminent and unstoppable.
And some people still wonder why the government wanted to disarm Australians.
And the government condoning the massacre at Port Arthur, (NOT by Martin Bryant), just to take the guns. Ask Mr John Howard.
She is fantastic, and fully armed. What she is saying is true but of course its way worse on the “inside”. Buprenorphine is the latest general trick and is used as a carrot and a stick, the date rape class is still in use. They regularly use prisoners, too cause havoc on the outside by allowing actionable threats to be relayed through monitored phone and even a chat app. They wanted her isolated and dumbed down. Its really bad, handle like you would a rabid beast
23 Dec 2023 — ‘You are a valued person’: Christmas cards from kids given to convicted prison pedophiles … The Sunday Herald Sun has obtained a number of cards …
Melbourne is a very progressive criminal reformer
It seems the WHO is not the only part of ehe UN with plans. CiitozenGo sent me this email:
“While you and I were busy celebrating the Christmas holidays, UNESCO, a major UN agency, slyly launched an alarming plan – one that strikes at the very heart of our freedoms.
“The plan, called ‘Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms,’ outlines a ‘set of duties, responsibilities, and roles for States, digital platforms, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, media’, etc., to deal with ‘dis- and misinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories’.”
The fascinating stoopidity of some sports fans
It looks like Djokovic got the Melbourne covi-flu and hasn’t been playing so well but now nearly over it and will hopefully go on to win, meanwhile Nadal is a crippled old man who probably won’t even make the list next year, he is clogged up with their muck and it’s doubtful if he has even been informed about Natto.
I actually wish the ‘vax’ had been more toxic in order to get a faster result. This waiting around for the stoopids to die is irritating.
Here is an interesting site devoted to ‘resistance’. They have many memes for stickers, posters and T-shirts. – I might see if I can get something to wear. Just walking through the crowds of stoopids wearing a meme T-shirt would irritate them, it would be some ‘pay-back’ for the crap they dumped on me. – Perhaps I could have my own meme, something like “Ha, ha, you took the jab!”
Obviously, you don’t have children and grand children that would make you very concerned about their future?
You should have kept that thought to yourself!
Blinded by the lights
Still hurting from the last dressing down, eh, Joe!
How very juvenile, Joe.
This site is better suited for adults, not delinquent children.
Wow. Germany
”The Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism
During a debate at Arizona State University against anti-Israel Israelis of the far left I told the story of Haj Amin al-Husseini, founder of the Palestinian national movement and protégé of Adolf Hitler. Seeing heads shake in disbelief I challenged those who doubted these facts to “google it”. I recommend the same to any reader doubting the absolute veracity of the story I am about to relate, which is so incredible you might think it an exaggeration.
It is actually not surprising that most of the audience at ASU was unfamiliar with Haj Amin al-Husseini. His name is never mentioned, and is perhaps no longer well known, even among the Palestinian Arabs, whose national movement he founded. His alliance with the Nazis and participation in the Holocaust undermine the Palestinian portrayal of themselves as innocent victims of the Jews and so they suppress the history of Husseini and the Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism……………………………………………………………………….
On August 24th 1929 Husseni engineered the end of the 3,200-year-old continuous Jewish habitation of Hebron. Under his direction Palestinian Arab mobs screaming “itbach el-Yahud” (slaughter the Jews), attacked the Jews of Hebron and without provocation murdered or expelled all of them and stole their property. Hebron, second only to Jerusalem in holiness to the Jews, had a Jewish community dating back to the 2nd millennium B.C.E., thousands of years before the arrival of the Arabs in the in the 7th century C.E. Even following the Arab conquest, Jews continued to live in Hebron, although now in the status of second-class citizens (dhimmi), imposed on all non-Muslims. ………………….
Husseini preached that Arab Muslims had exclusive rights to the Land of Israel and schemed genocide against its ancient Jewish community. Finding a kindred spirit, and common cause, with Adolf Hitler, Husseini urged Arab support for the Nazi cause. Following their seizure of power in Germany, Husseini sought to coordinate his genocidal war against the Jews with that of the Nazis. To bring this about, Gestapo chief Reinhard Heydrich sent two emissaries in 1937 to Palestine to meet with Husseni, one of whom was Adolf Eichmann the future chief administrator of the Holocaust. ………………………… ”
NB: I’ve also posted the same history via other sources on a number of other occasions, material which has evidently been categorically shunned
Anything with “Before Christian Era” and “Christian Era” instead of “Anno Domini” is revisionist and not to be trusted, for simplicity’s sake it’s easiest to just believe the opposite or better yet ignore wherever you see BCE.
Hacking of dates is just another way of confusing the masses, with search engines these days if you look up BCE instead of AD you will get all the new propaganda. Better just look at funny videos instead, like this one
“Anything with “Before Christian Era’ and ‘Christian Era’ instead of ‘Anno Domini’ is revisionist and not to be trusted”
In other words there was no Haj Amin al-Husseini -Hitler alliance because one chronicle doesn’t use Roman Catholic terminology.
Talk about superstitious balderdash !
“December 1942, Berlin’s Islamic Central Institute is inaugurated.
The inaugural address is given by Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.In it he rails against the supposed common enemies of Germany and Islam: the Jews, the Americans, and the British.He hails the war as a momentous opportunity for Muslims to free themselves from oppression.An unholy alliance, a marriage of convenience, or a partnership of the likeminded?”
They’re all just trying to carve up the oil before they even got it out of the ground, these days we call that “futures trading”
The Haj Amin al-Husseini -Hitler alliance had nothing to do with any such thing; the discovery of oil on the respective patch of dirt is only recent.
If you’re not prepared to explain why you don’t agree with Spartacus Olsson’s overview of the political dynamic on which it was based why bother to say anything ?
Because you’re race-baiting.
“the discovery of oil … is only recent”, there is oil all over the place, nobody knows how much until they start drilling.
re: “Talk about superstitious balderdash !” That’s your speciality, you have swallowed KJV hook line & sinker.
And now, back to the real, in progress takeover of the world by the UN and its corrupt donors eg Gates and its minions eg Elbow. Who’s your father Elbow ??? Some random purser on an ocean liner you say. Just nobody in particular. No father, no rumours.
In other words you reckon that posting a dispassionate overview of the political dynamic of WW2 as a means of drawing Mary’s attention to the Nazi-Palestinian entende is “race-baiting” – a U.N.-style euphemism for cancelling all that’s deemed politically incorrect.
I have a feeling🙀
Elly is missing sister Sandra.
They are clever.
Elly, Sandra did not answer, but you may know….. who did 911?
Was it Elbow’s father ???
Elbow’s father?
I have a simple credibility test that I apply to assess who is what.
It is simple, who did 911?
You just failed again.
How do you know Elbow’s father didn’t do it
Because the most simple fool would know he did not.
Only an obstructionist would think of it and suggest such a inane question.
You’re apparently also missing the fact that “superstition” literally means “standing on superficiality”
Which is YOUR position re the bible not MINE
And also missing the fact that “race” is a political invention that’s no more scientifically grounded than “global warming”
Dear oh dear Elly you judge and presume my attitude to the ‘bible’
“ judge not lest thy be judged”, ever read that?
Your apparent arrogance and presumptions betray any serious following of the ‘bible’.
I might know a bit more that you could ever possibly conceive…… but I do not harp on it.
Now back to the real credibility test ….. who do you think did 911?.
Very interesting current interview by Stew Peters with Nat covering his ‘religious’ upbringing and commercial reality lessons in controlling the dumb downed Goys.
It is at beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
Nat brings some realties to the NYC Synagogue tunnel. As well.
Be quick🙀🤷
I will take screen shots for the censoring club.
“you judge and presume my attitude to the ‘bible’”
Can you even read?
I was, very obviously. responding to Jo Bo’s derogation thereof
No I cannot read, your message was so stuffed up in the context that my nurse could not even understand your muddled up brail.
In the context of my messages above yours and mixed in, perhaps start off with,
Joseph, Joe, J.B or every Jo Bo.
Oh well, see if Old Bogan Boy takes it up.
Do not forget. WHO DID 911…. You think?
Jo Bo surely can assist you.
JO BO: “Superstitious balderdash is your speciality, you have swallowed KJV hook line & sinker.”
ME: You’re apparently missing the fact that “superstition” literally means “standing on superficiality”
Which is YOUR position re the bible not MINE
e.b. – I believe Husseini was a protege of Hassan al Banna – who is credited with forming the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928.
Are you aware of the Muslim Brotherhood and its projected purpose in undermining the West?
You should be asking yourself why the sudden surge of Islam, after hundreds of years of being dormant, and a focus on the ‘Holy Land’ began around the same time frame (WW1) – and all financed from the same people who gave Lenin his millions for the Bolshevik revolution, then promoted Hitler, and the rise of Islam during the 1920s?
And I would not be using Goggle as a reference source.
I didn’t become aware of Islamic end-times eschatology until I read this book 3 years ago:
Since then I’ve learnt that the best authorities on the subject are the Muslim to Christian converts such as this guy:
Actually they’re the best authorities on the bible generally
Which, come to think of it, goes to the fact that they’re not caught up in familial cultural junk
Here are just two more, who, for obvious reasons, aren’t beleaguered by any such legacy and are therefore “free indeed”:
They’re not caught up in Western-style familial cultural junk – as in the many and various Euro/Yank corruptions of what the bible actually says
Corruptions which parallel the many and various travesties that had consumed most Jews by the time Jesus showed up, hence the fact that more Gentiles wound up acknowledging who he was: very same principle
Indeed. There is nothing like the embracing of Jesus by an apostate Muslim to guide others to the same light of Love and Peace.
This time of the Great Awakening will also wake up many who find themselves still trapped within Islam.
Walid Shoebat is just one of hundreds of thousands throughout the Islamic control system who have awoken.
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