by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB
Most of this article appeared at Gumshoe on 23 October 2014, under the title “Attention Dog Lovers.” I am repeating it here because of the new item by Alan Cantwell, MD, rejuvenating the study of pleomorphism.
In yesterday’s article, Cantwell praised Antoine Béchamp for noticing – with the aid of polarized light – some creatures that were not strictly bacteria but which became bacteria. To discuss such a thing is “forbidden” in medical science today. Can you imagine!
My 2014 article had to do with dog distemper. Not that I am a veterinarian, or even a dog owner. I was interested in the fact that the cure for dog distemper had been found in 1900. But it was suppressed.
I asked: “Why would such suppression of a cure take place? I assume it’s because if the cure for canine distemper were revealed, anyone with a bit of medical training could figure out that the same cure may work for flu and other ‘viruses’ in humans.”
The ‘Debate’ on Pleomorphism
The claim I am about to make, based on a 1936 book by William Crofton, MD, entitled The True Nature of Viruses, is that distemper is caused by bacteria, specifically a bacillus (that is, a rod-shaped bacterium). The Powers That Be insist, rather, that the cause of distemper is a virus. Thus there is no cure for it.
What’s in a name? If you are told that something has a viral cause you will likely accept the prevailing wisdom that it’s incurable. A virus cannot be cultured in the lab, as a bacterium can, to yield an antigen that will make the patient’s immune system fight the infection. (In recent years there are Interferons and high-tech antiviral medicines, but they are treatments rather than cures.)
You may be surprised to hear that the way in which microbes first got categorized as virus, versus bacteria, had to do merely with size. If the critter can pass through a ceramic filter (and is therefore called ‘filterable’), it must be a virus.
Rosenow Cured Polio. Yes He Did.
Some ‘dissident’ researchers found that a virus isn’t always a virus. It seems to be part of a life cycle of certain microbes; at times it morphs into a bacillus (or even, perhaps, a fungus). This theory is called pleo-morphism – ‘many shapes or forms.’
The original expert on pleomorphism was Edward Rosenow, MD, who published about it in umpteen journals prior to 1950. Roughly he said “If you want to cure polio (a virus) get its other form, a bacillus, and culture it.” He did cure polio, by that method, in 1917.
REMEDY FOR INFANTILE PARALYSIS [Polio]; Dr. Edward C. Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic Tried His Serum on Children with Brilliant Results During Epidemic in Davenport. By MARY B. MULLETT November 18, 1917,
The New York Times Magazine, Page SM3. “EVERY father and mother in the country will feel a throb of relief and of hope over what has just happened at Davenport, Iowa. An epidemic of infantile paralysis in that city has ended with a banquet and an ovation.”
Rosenow also cured MS and schizophrenia. Alan Cantwell, MD, routinely finds bacilli in cancer. He published this in journals from 1968 to 1990, but nowadays he can get ink only in the dissident press! Lida Mattman and Gerald Domingue have added the crucial discovery that some microbes are cell-wall-deficient.
If you want to start sleuthing, see Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD’s very entertaining writings on bacilli. He contravenes much of the orthodox position on AIDS, TB, autism, and Ebola ‘virus.’
Distemper Is Caused by a Bacillus
In 1900, Monckton Copeman published that distemper was caused by a bacillus. By 1910, Newell Ferry also isolated it and called it Bacillus bronchisepticus. In 1911, JP McGowan wrote it up in Volume xv of the Journal of Pathology.
Trust me: scientists did proper experiments and shared them with all and sundry. ‘Funny business’ had not yet crept in. (I correct myself; it had crept in on John Beard’s cancer research as early as 1905, but we are talking about dogs at the moment.) Many of these old articles are accessible via Google Scholar.
Hands-on experiments were often carried out by dog breeders who, of course, had the most to lose financially if their puppies died. Crofton quotes from FB Carrell in the April, 1911 edition of The Kennel:
“For the first 5 years of my breeding dogs for exhibition I knew nothing of inoculation, and the mortality from distemper in my kennels was at the rate of two deaths out of three affected animals…. The disease was, in every case, contracted at the bigger two and three day shows…. I decided that the disappointments of dog-breeding far outbalanced its pleasures.
At this juncture a friend told me of Dr. Copeman’s vaccine. He had, two months before, inoculated two Smooth Collie pups and, at the time a few miles away, was a kennel of Griffons all affected with distemper.
To find the worth of Dr. Copeman’s Vaccine, the nostrils of these two inoculated puppies were pushed against those of the diseased Griffons, and some of the mucus from the eyes and noses of the Griffons was inserted into the nostrils of the inoculated Collie pups.
One Collie was not affected at all, temperature normal, appetite good. The temperature of the other Collie rose to 105° F., appetite capricious and puppy rather irritable. This lasted about a week, after which he became perfectly healthy. Both these puppies were afterwards exhibited all over England. My own next litter of puppies was inoculated at the age of four months. Three pups of the four had a good reaction, by that I mean that at the end of three or four days the temperatures rose to 105 ° F. and remained so for about ten days, and the patients were irritable and fed indifferently during that time.
Carrell concludes: “Of the puppies that were inoculated but turned out not quite good enough to exhibit, and were sold as workers or companions, few have ever had distemper, or if they have, it has been so slight as to be unnoticed by their owners. Where the puppies have been kept by myself, and, of course, frequently exhibited, they have, I think, in every case eventually taken the disease, but always so slightly that a week or ten days sees them right again.”
OK, that’s immunization. But can the bacillus also be curative? Crofton states:
“If grown on blood agar the microbe is quite easy to isolate, very much easier, for instance, than the influenza bacillus, which will not grow on ordinary agar. I have never failed to isolate the bacillus in every phase of the disease from all the discharges, nose, throat, [etc]. If isolated early and the dog inoculated subcutaneously with a quarter to one million, followed by a small series if necessary, the disease will be aborted and even the most extreme cases can be recovered in many instances…. I have found the microbe in the throats in cases of canine hysteria and other nervous symptoms and cured the dog with an antigen of it.”
Crofton asks
“With all this overwhelming evidence of pathogenicity, why was it that this distemper bacillus was not firmly established as the cause? [Why was] a £25,000 fund raised to find the cause and ten years or more spent on laborious investigation to rediscover the virus?”
I’ve got the answer to that last question! The stage was being set to train physicians and veterinarians in the fallacy that it is not possible for a microbe that passes through a tiny filter to be the morph of a bacillus. Note how easy it is to indoctrinate members of the species Homo sapiens! You only need to tell them that such-and-such is the rule. Add to that, people’s great unwillingness to believe that anything in the health field might be done to harm a patient deliberately.
How can I say such off-the-wall things so confidently? It’s because the way doctors like Crofton get persecuted is repeated every decade in almost identical form! See my book Consider the Lilies for numerous (sickening) examples. I think the big scientists and bureaucrats are given fixed orders by those above them. ‘Reasoning” never enters into it.
I have to admit, though, that physicians, and of course medical students, are protective of these big guys. They rarely get up the courage to argue. I wonder how many of them realize that there is a policy against using simple available cures for many diseases!
Today’s Wikipedia (which largely depends on CIA publications such as the National Estimates) has an article on distemper. Under the heading ‘Treatment,’ it simply says: “There is no specific treatment for canine distemper. Like for measles the treatment is symptomatic and supportive.”
The 1918 Flu
What Crofton says of distemper he also said of the 1918 influenza pandemic (a ‘pandemic’ is an epidemic covering a large area). The bacillus of flu had been isolated by the German bacteriologist Richard Pfeiffer in 1891. From it, Crofton was able to prepare an inoculation. As regards 61 students at University College dormitory in Dublin in 1918, he had the following success: Of the 35 who were not inoculated, 100% caught the flu. Of the 26 who were inoculated, only 3.8% got the flu. Just think, he may have been able to prevent the millions of deaths that did in fact occur in Europe in 1918. Remember his cure was based on a bacillus.
The following is of major importance: Crofton considers the Pfieffer bacillus to be found also in measles, mumps, and chicken pox. He says:
“If an antigen is rushed through when the first spots appear in chicken-pox … no further spots appear. Likewise in mumps if a culture is made from material at the opening of the parotid duct one obtains a swarming growth (on blood-agar) of bacilli. A one-million dose of this, followed by others at suitable intervals, rapidly aborts the disease. For instance, my younger boy developed the typical swelling — a culture was made; next morning there was sufficient growth to make an antigen. A one-million dose was given. Next morning the swelling had almost disappeared. Next day the other side began to swell. A two-million dose was given. Next day it had subsided. A day or two after, there were no bacilli on culture [!] and he was released among his fellows without infecting them.”
In general the ‘experts’ in virology, most of whom work for the military, hold info about viruses pretty close to the chest.
Note: A British vet website,, carries this statement:
“Effective vaccines exist to protect dogs from canine distemper. As puppies seem particularly susceptible to the disease it is normal to commence immunization early on in the pup’s life though a number of repeated vaccinations will be required before full immunity has been achieved.”
— Mary Maxwell is very chuffed about the new interest in Béchamp’s microzymas. Go, microzymas!
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Reblogged this on tomaz2015 and commented:
Why would such suppression of a cure take place? I assume it’s because if the cure for canine distemper were revealed, anyone with a bit of medical training could figure out that the same cure may work for flu and other ‘viruses’ in humans.”
Tomaz, you could almost say that 20th century medicine was epitomized by suppression of cures. From, say, 1880 to 1920 there were effective sures for many illnesses. Why can’t you touch them today? “Because you will lose your job.”
Look to J,D, Rockefeller’s influence on the drug companies and medical profession around the 1900 period to understand how drugs and the medical ‘profession’ are ripping us all off big time today.
All cures have been suppressed so the millionaires could become billionaires.
Nemesis, it would seem from the way the older Rockefeller ran the oil business that profit and monoply were his drives, but I do not think we are being kept ill in order to make Big Pharma rich. i think we are being kept ill in order to be kept ill.
Same as we are bring kept stupid to be stupid — that mission is run with great enthusiasm sans any financial rewards.
no reason the two objectives cant go together though 🙂
Fair, You sound like Freud.
Ths song starts at 2.40, Fair. Don’t you wish you could play like that?
“Don’t you wish you could play like that?”
yep… but…
“When one does not have what one wants, one must want what one has.” ~ Frued
But to play piano like that, all’s you have to do is sit there. What do you lack — a chair?
i lacks a pianola :p
u r a scream.
This is very interesting. Thanks for posting! I had gotten to the point where I almost believed the whole idea of immunization was bogus.
Mary, you are not looking deep enough. J.D. had more on his plate than oil – he was involved in getting medicine away from homeopathy and into drug reliance which his oil money promoted – he was also into ‘re-forming’ the education system into a more compliant model with his totalitarian ideals, and that just amongst other things.
It was Rothschild who gave him his financial start – so that should ring many alarm bells with those folk who are familiar with how the world operates.
Sorry I meant JD’s father, the oilman.
He went to Church every Sunday, by the way.
OK maybe I am wrong about the who’s who. The one who died last week was born in 1915 for sure.
Mary, you are referring to David Rockefeller, the last grandson to J.D. Rockefeller. David’s own hand in the New World Order is adequately recorded and you will find ample evidence of that on Youtube.
Just type his name in.
David Rockefeller mixed with people like Henry Kissinger and those who attended Bilderberg meetings. Zbigniew Brzenzinksi was one of his biggest fans. Look up the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission for the influence of David Rockefeller.
I love James Corbett’s presentation on the Rockefellers.
Our colonial governments , headed by bankers , are the biggest terrorists in the world these days . It is no coincidence that Lucy is chair of the vaccination program . Everything broadcast here are pre-determined lies by the 1% elite and the 9% connected .
“You get freedom of choice as long as you don’t get to say to much “.
My kitchen rules is the new reality and the majority of people don’t know why our boys are bombing for freedom in Arabian countries .
Advance Australia Fare . The crown is handing the baton to the CCP to implement global communism . Riches for the select and poverty for the mass of humanity .
No I’m not negative , just positively determined in truth and equality for all living beings . Hug your children and tell them that war vaccinations and usury is not the solution .
Just as an adit, In the early stages of HIV research (study of the disease process (following its appearance in the post-test-tube world) it was found that many previously tagged as “auto-immune” skin conditions (dermatoses) were actually fungal in nature.
Paul, please elaborate a bit. What is the AIDS significance here? And also, when you say ‘fungal’ are you hinting at pleomorphism?
Just noting that medicine works a lot on of its magick based around ill-researched but convenient assumptions.
Paul, not to be Our Lady Queen of Whinge or anything, but I would change your phrase “ill-researched” to “well researched but hidden.” Just imagine: no dogs have really needed to have distemper for a hundred years.
I am hoping pet-lovers will get into the act. They are often more willing to spot the problem on behalf of Fido than Mr Smih is on behalf of Mr Smith.
I can tell you that even in the wild Medicine is quite a lazy profession, choosing often to go with the “most likely” diagnosis instead of proving or confirming anything. In General Practice this often ends in disaster, (the slight cold that ends up being pneumonia) but there is always the “it was how it appeared at the time” escape clause which no other Doctor will challenge. When all else fails there is always “blame the patient” for being “that kind of personality” (I wish I was exaggerating).
I do a lot of bush walking and back packing, this requires me to source water from questionable sources. Over the years I’ve tried everything to sterilize and purify such water. Hated with a vengeance the chemical tastes of all the different chemical shite the recreation industry so proudly advertises. Of course it goes without saying, the majority all produced by chemical companies.
Then one day I came across CHOLODIAL SILVER. Apparently this had been used for centuries, (not the stuff I came across, I’m referring to it’s forefathers) to sterilize water and even as a medicine. Thought I’d try it, and it worked a treat, no after taste at all, and easily manufactured at home.
I soon understood, why the chemical companies preferred it be kept quiet.
Like the clothing and ropes made from Hemp and a host of other substances that were popular and cheaply resourced, consigned to the dust bin as not profitable enough, the medical fraternity is no different today.
Colloidal Silver cannot be patented so we are told its useless,or if we are silly enough to use it,we may turn blue,and yet medical dressings and band-aids are often impregnated with it to treat burns and infections. NASA uses Colloidal Silver for water purification.
I know many people who have used it for years to treat family,friends and animals,both internally and externally.
Did you know that our current ‘medical model’ or allopathic approach to health all stems from one mans view?
This person was Louis Pasteur (1885) who created the ‘germ theory,’ the idea that germs are floating around in the air and will attack us if we do not protect ourselves with pharmaceutical substances.
Pasteur, like many of us, wanted to be successful and prove his theories about dangerous germs were the cause of all human disease. Unfortunately he had an intelligent opposition named Antoine Beauchamp who completely rejected Pasteur’s ideas and put forward that the biological terrain of the being is the cause of disease, not the germ itself. Beauchamp believed that germs and parasites will only survive in acidic and unfavourable conditions and therefore mere exposure to germs is not enough to get sick.
Beauchamp believed,
“The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us.”
Antoine Beauchamp, 1883
As is often the case one man had a lot more support than the other at this time and this man was Louis Pasteur. His theory seemed to fit, people didn’t need to take responsibility for their own health any longer and the solution seemed easy enough to rectify, plus it would improve the economics of the country and provide thousands with new careers in the manufacturing, marketing, production and promotion of pharmaceuticals.
Have you ever wondered why only a few people get a cold after coming in contact with someone that already has one?
If Pasteur’s theory was right surely we would all ‘catch’ a cold with no exception?
It’s reported that on his death bed Pasteur said of Beuchamp ‘Beauchamp is right’ ‘the terrain is everything,the germ is nothing’.