Home World Politics Podstava!  Bostonians Need To Fix Their Disgusting Marathon Situation

Podstava!  Bostonians Need To Fix Their Disgusting Marathon Situation



by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

So I walked into the US District Courthouse, known as the Moakley Courthouse, in July 2014, and was greeted at the Security desk by a portly fellow in a well-tailored suit. He said “Are you an attorney?” I said “No.” The next question was “Are you carrying a cell phone?” “No.” I then passed without any trouble into the beautiful, high- ceilinged courtroom and took a seat.

There was no competition for space even though it was the final day of the trial of a college boy who had allegedly assisted Dzhokar Tsarnaev by hiding his computer after the April 15, 2013 Marathon bombing.

The judge gave a lengthy instruction to the jurors that seemed to favor a finding of innocence. I mean His Honor spoke, in very abstract terms, about the perennial difficulty of knowing whether or not the evidence really supports what a juror might think it supports.

In spite of the fact that I consider myself a smarty little dissident,  the proceedings overwhelmed me. The room is huge; we little guys are small. The judge wears his robes and speaks with eloquence; we little guys can only admire his wisdom. The words used to describe the crime are so technical and authoritative; we can only sense that a terrible action must indeed have occurred.

A Reference to Gilbert and Sullivan

The jury found the college boy guilty (regarding his hiding of a computer) and he is now in jail. At the time, I wondered why this trial was held before the trial of the principal was held. What if the accused Marathon bomber, Dzhokar ‘Jahar’ Tsarnaev, then got acquitted? Would it be so important to send the college boy to jail for hiding Jahar’s computer? (I realize that obstructing justice is punishable even if its results are negligible.)

Being jaded by Nine-Eleven and other events that seem to me 100% Inside Jobs, I just assumed that the college-boy episode was a set-up. It was intended to give verisimilitude, as they say in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado, “to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.”

I think such things as the trial of the college boy REALLY DO give verisimilitude. And the setting of that impressively decorated courtroom DOES have a way of intimidating an ordinary person. Undoubtedly our feeling of being small is also enforced when the TV news’ anchor-person states the results of the court decision as true and final.

Houston, What Have We Got?

So, we have a problem! We have to make a special effort to believe in our own common sense.

May I help you with that? I am an old scholar who has been working on this for quite a while. I was lucky, in 2011, to get a publisher for my book Prosecution for Treason. Amazingly, no commercial press or university press wants to touch a book that says that the government commits crimes at the drop of a hat.

But they do, you know. Some would say that this is what a government is all about in the first place! They’re a bunch of private crims who act as hidden rulers above the president and legislature.  (Roughly, they are a mafia.) They count on our presuming that the president and legislature are running the nation “for the people.” Most Americans still hold on to this goody-goody view – regardless of the skepticism provided by the Internet.

Media Coverage

I was surprised to watch a Youtube interview with Maret Tsarnaeva (Jahar’s aunt, who is a lawyer) in which the calling party asks “Can we set up a time to talk about this?” She replies “How can I set up a time? I am taking one call right after another. I can’t even pause to eat.”

I’d like to know, if so many people are calling her, where is the result of those discussions?  Are they journalists? For what media outlet? So far I don’t see any public support other than a Facebook campaign “Free Jahar.” And lately, thank God, the article by the conservative American critic, Paul Craig Roberts.

Roberts provided the full text of an affidavit that Aunt Maret had filed with the US federal court, shortly after her nephew Dzokar Tsarnaev was convicted of the Marathon bombings. That is how I came to know of her startling story. (I thank Roberts and Maret’s pro bono attorney, John Remington Graham.)

The Outrageous Behavior of the Defense Team

Aunt Maret says, in her affidavit to the court, that she was present in Russia when the court-appointed defense team for Dzhokar (Jahar) Tsarnaev came to speak to his parents. She has sworn that these lawyers would not listen and were interested only in getting the lad’s parents to keep quiet.

Think about it – the lawyer who defends you does not want to see material that would show your innocence. How can this be? Well, it’s easy to understand once you get the hang of it. Please see my September 1, 2015 article “How Did They Do the Bombings? A Birdie Told Me” (at GumshoeNews.com). The court personnel are, like the president and legislature, under the sway of hidden rulers. They DO NOT OBEY THE LAW. They obey the rulers. In ‘special’ cases they are instructed to protect the guilty and punish the innocent.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the Tsarnaev case is one in which they are punishing the innocent. Pretty disgusting for Boston, eh? Boston has many law schools. Are all the students too timid to speak up?

Two Murdered  So Far: Tamerlan and Todashev

  1. In order to hide Tsarnaev’s innocence, the government murdered Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Jahar’s older brother), while in custody. The evidence is plainly available – see my video below.
  2. In order to hide Tsarnaev’s innocence, the government murdered Ibraghim Todashev, in his home in Florida. The FBI has admitted to that killing; it is not in doubt.

Note: we know from other cases that the government goes on to kill many more people who get in the way of the official story. Thus many more Marathon-related deaths can be expected. Seems a shame that folks won’t speak up now and prevent this. (My death could be on the list…. so gimme a hand, would you?)

How To Stop Adoring the Wrong Men

In order to start turning the tide against the baddies  (and I think it can be done, though I can’t be sure), it’s necessary to not feel guilty when entertaining negative thoughts about governors, cops, judges, etc. Why would they be any more moral than you? Elected officials start out as ordinary Joe’s; later they find themselves in a position of power. It’s rare for a person rises to elective office because he’s already a model of virtue, right?

As for the cops, security guards, and soldiers of today, much gets said about their bravery, altruism, or even heroism, but their motive for getting a job on the force is most likely the same motive that sends all of us into our careers – a chance to earn a livelihood. And as everybody knows, once on the force there are numerous temptations to do a little bad to make a lot of cash.

What about judges? They are the worst, in my opinion. More than the other two categories (politicians and police) these persons know the law, and recognize the importance of law for making a society a peaceful place. Shame on them for sitting there in their robes and fooling us. Shame on them for switching their brain off when they see a bench colleague send an innocent person to the gallows.

Shame, a million times shame, on Judge George A O’Toole of Boston for not even informing the public that Maret Tsarnaeva has filed, in his federal District Court, an affidavit describing the intolerable actions of the defense lawyers. Much less has he been heard to utter a word about the 100% unconstitutional killing of Ibraghim Todashev in Florida. (See Elana Teyer’s video.) You’d almost get the impression, wouldn’t you, that the killing of a person is OK as long as his religion is Islam.

Change the Narrative and Get Crackin’

Persons of Boston, please be a City on the Hill or at least not a city at the bottom of the dregs of the dregs. Please put an immediate stop to the Marathon nonsense.

Just give up the propaganda story: “Two Muslim brothers from Chechnya wanted to injure some Americans at an outdoor event, for religion’s sake. After they did that, they did a carjacking, a robbery, a murder of an MIT campus cop. Then the younger one, Jahar, escaped (despite a shootout with police in which The Boston Globe says 200 shots were fired!!!) and he later penned his ‘Allah’ philosophy on the wall of a boat.”

Just let that fictional story go into the rubbish heap where it belongs, OK?  Now that you’ve got that under control, proceed with the rest of the story, the real story, and see if you can prevail against evil.

Maybe you can’t, but there are millions of people in Boston and only a handful, relatively, of the bad guys (which includes the bosses at The Globe). So you probably stand a good chance.

Here is the video of me yakking. It includes a clip from someone else’s Youtube vid, from which Dee McLachlan has created a close-up of Tamerlan being frisked by cops.

— Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB, is a Boston native (of Irish descent, obviously) living in Australia, where she has  co-authored with Dee McLachlan, Truth in Journalism. Please visit her website maryWmaxwell.com and buy her new book, Fraud Upon the Court, from Amazon.


  1. “What about judges? They are the worst, in my opinion. More than the other two categories (politicians and police) these persons know the law, and recognize the importance of law for making a society a peaceful place. Shame on them for sitting there in their robes and fooling us. Shame on them for switching their brain off when they see a bench colleague send an innocent person to the gallows.”

    I don’t know what was a worse experience for me, my time in the Army and the Vietnam War, or my time at the NSW Bar.

    At least in the Army I was trained to break things and kill people, there was no hypocrisy, it was the nature of the profession. I also understand the stresses of warfare and how it pushes people over the edge.

    But the legal profession? All the talk of justice, fairness, reason, etc. – and then see their utter contempt for the basis upon which the profession exists – good Gawd. Towards the end of my career in ‘law’ I was choking when I had to had to utter the words ‘Your Honour’.

    • Terry, can you shed any light on this? In my new book, Fraud Upon the Court, I really go to town on the judges and of course I feel bad about doing it.
      I would not feel bad if I thought they were deliberately harming society — i would relish the chance to punch them. But one gets the feeling their mind is blocked.
      You have said before that every judge in Oz is aware of Martin Bryant’s innocence. Yet when they get up in the morning they are not wracked with guilt, right?

      How the hell can this be? Why are they so ABNORMAL?

      • I can’t comment for the knowledge of ‘every’ judge in Oz, but a large number of them do. I’ve discussed it with a few of them – some of them very senior judges.

        As to why do they remain silent? I feel it is cowardice. For example, I was discussing Port Arthur with the Vice President of the Bar Association and his reply – “I wouldn’t want to get involved with that case.” I expect his frank reply was indicative of most of the profession.

          • WESTMORELAND. O that we now had here
            But one ten thousand of those men in England
            That do no work to-day!

            KING. What’s he that wishes so?
            My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin;
            If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
            To do our country loss; and if to live,
            The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

            God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
            By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
            Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
            It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
            Such outward things dwell not in my desires.
            But if it be a sin to covet honour,
            I am the most offending soul alive.

            No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
            God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
            As one man more methinks would share from me
            For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
            Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
            That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
            Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
            And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
            We would not die in that man’s company
            That fears his fellowship to die with us.
            (Henry V)

            Actually that is not how I feel. (MM) i would like the ten thousand. Or even the dozen.
            Half dozen? Ok, Ok.

          • “Why are they so ABNORMAL?”

            Oh Mary, you need to do some research on PSYCHOPATHS.

            Spend some time with the research, then the light will come on.

    • The SAM ruling is already assuming the persons guilt and making a fair trial impossible. Leaked video shows the 2 brothers during a one way shoot out crying: we give up – we didn’t do it:. Later leaked video has tamerlan on a different street cuffed on ground shouting podstava – set up. Supposed confession note on the boat wall has Jahar sure his brother is a dead martyr in heaven yet in hospital he keeps writing question: is my brother is alive? 280 bullets into the boat (plus incendiary flash grenade) tells you they didn’t want any trial in this case. What are the odds Jahars vocal cords got silenced in the chaos of the boat via shrapnel? Astronomical. Unlike Oswald, Jahar could never cry out he was a patsy. Little in this story ever made much sense except as a false flag and then you have their suspicious uncle. A nation run by thugs can’t be called a democracy. Stop doing conspiracies and we’ll stop theorizing about them.

  2. A very interesting video under discussion in this article.
    Can we have a link to the original item?
    I would not go as far as to state it is proof but it is evidence that should be able to be answered.
    Who are the subject(s) in these videos?
    Can we cross examine them when they are identified?
    If not, why not?
    The official narrative includes the reality these subject(s) are available to be interviewed and identified.
    Secrecy everywhere!

  3. Terry, I’m kind of reeling from your comment about psychopathy. My experience in studying MK-Ultra certainly permits me to say that Martin Orne, Sidney Gottlieb, and Allen Dulles had to have been psychopaths. As for judges, I’ll have to think about it. As for US prexies I guess it’s reasonable.
    This doesn’t help me understand the “ordinary neighbors” who shut down all talk about, say, Port Arthur; they are definitey not psychopaths. I know many of them to have a conscience.

    Admittedly, though, I may overestimate the extent of the shut-down. I haven’t got the statistics. Niels Harrit says that in a recent New York poll, 48% of people in that city express some doubt about 9-11. That’s excellent news.

    Anyway thank you for the tip-off. Yes I think it could account for a lot. Bill Windsor’s “Lawless America” interviews on Youtube give amazing statements about judges using the power of the court to harass litigants and wreck families. I mean diabolically.

    So here at Gumshoe I’ve got Christopher yanking one of my arms, and Terry t’other. This is great. Sort of like being on the rack. I appreciate the ‘growth’ experience.

      • Terry, I totally and utterly thank you for waking me up, at this late stage of my career. The light came on last night. It was only a 75-watt bulb but maybe i will get a hundred-watt when i read the Ponerology book, which I have just ordered at your recommendation this morning. It’s fairly pricey, so if anyone wants to pop over to Adelaide to share my copy, so be it.

        • Psychopaths know they are different from ‘normies’ and have to mimic the emotional actions of normies to fit in – they are pretty good at it. They also have the equivalent of a ‘gaydar’, like gays do to recognise each other in a room of people. Sometimes the recognition is really pronounced, like they have recognised an old friend. – Then they start to network with each other to exclude the normies (except where they can be used). It is that networking that gives rise to the Pathocracy.

          They are an inter-species predator.

    • “This doesn’t help me understand the “ordinary neighbors” who shut down all talk about, say, Port Arthur; they are definitey not psychopaths.”

      I think people like stories with endings, and they like the security of knowing things are being “taken Care of” by those who apparently know better. The trouble with having one’s eyes opened is not just in what you see, but what it forces you to feel, and what it makes you question. Recognizing lies in the present then begs the question of lies past that you probably swallowed whole, and makes you question your whole sense of yourself and how you really fit into the world around you. I guess its a bit like the day you realize you’ve been successfully conned, and you don’t like that feeling of knowing you’ve been so stupid, let alone having someone else bring it to your attention. It’s easier for some to just live in the dream.

      • Dear Paul, a while ago I read something from an American who served in Vietnam, perhaps in the Phoenix program. He said the boss handed him a bayonet and told him to stab to death a straw-man. (Literally, a fake enemy symbol, stretched out on a bed.) He did it with no prick of conscience, of course. Days later he was shown a real man, and told of the horrible deeds that enemy had committed and was instructed to stab him to death. OK. He did so.
        Later he did it to others. He said he thinks a motive for doing it to others, where the case was not so airtight, was that if he resisted he would have looked back on the first real killing with guilt. In order to avoid the guilt of his previous sin he got more gung-ho about these killings!
        This makes sense to me. So maybe we should find a way to tell people that it’s understandable that they committed a lot of sins and now would they please call it a day.

      • These feelings that you’re having are ones that every person who wants to awaken to the truth must go through. No need to feel too bad. Most of us have been there too. If we had known better at the time, we would have done better, but we didn’t know. All we can do now is move forward by forgiving ourselves and others the best that we can so that we don’t have to carry that baggage around.

  4. Thank you. Thank you. A thousand thank yous for your excellent grammar and spelling applied to this topic and the quest for truth and justice. There’s so much unsettling nonsense out there that I found this article mentally healing.

    I will share it. Please keep up the good work.


  5. Mary, Thank you for speaking up for truth. This article and video of you has just been made known to me via Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is Innocent/Not Guilty FB page. So many of us awake and aware ones are in full knowledge that the most heinous atrocity has taken place against this young death-sentenced fellow and the murder of his brother and the friend, and that absolutely no justice has been served. It must be. After reading Dr. Robert’s article today, I have also written to him, as I am now with you, requesting assistance, support, direction so that we citizens around the world who have witnessed this, can collectively gather together and take legal, peaceful action/ steps ie petition the Intl Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands to investigate the US Corp. or Govt (whichever is real and true) in their roles and involvement in the Boston Marathon Bombing ‘event’ from beginning to present. What has been committed here, after all, is a crime against humanity. With no legal knowledge or connections, I ask for communication with you via email to discuss what can be organized and implemented to right this darkest of wrongs. Thank you…

    • Dear Jana, I would just as soon say my bit here than in an email. I urge you not to waste a millisecond on the ICC. It is a joke. And anyway the US did not join the ICC so they are ‘protected.’

      Go for something more down-to-earth. How about you sit near the front of the bus (any MBTA bus) and your pal sits across the aisle, 4 seats behind you, and you turn around to him and say “Holy Christmas I’ve just found out that the Marathon bombing thing was falsely handled by his lawyers — deliberately. What do you think we should do?”
      Maybe even leave it at that, hoping some of your listeners will absorb the idea that it’s appropriate for citizens to do something.

      In all my life in Boston I never knew anyone to do anything political on a bus. But one time in London I had a startling experience. The fare-collector (who strolls up and down the aisle) was being very cross with a rather down-at-heel lady who couldn’t find her ticket. After a while a British type, towards the back, called out “Stop browbeating that passenger.” Suddenly it was like everyone on the bus saw the fare-collector as the baddy and the passenger as a goody, even though moments before we had seen it the other way around.

      Anyway, you get the gist: I think small personal efforts are needed, not sending the case either to an ICC or any official body. People need to “feel” who the baddies are.

      But as regards the murder of Todashev, there is no question that the FBI man committed a crime (as happened to Kenneth Trentadue, whose widow won a lawsuit). It is completely incorrect to say that the FBI man has immunity from prosecution. Maybe some Brit needs to get on the bus and yell that out!

      Please go to my website and get a free download of my book “Prosecution for Treason” which has a section “How To Arrest the FBI.” Better yet, purchase the book, as it has handy references such as the dear old Constitution.

      I am at your service to chat more. It’s extremely relieving to know somebody cares. Perhaps another way to find out who cares is to write to a few priests and academics just asking “Do you have any suggestions on how the people can deal with this Jahar scandal?” Even if they don’t write back to you, that is a “statement” from them, right? But I would hope it would flush out some of them who do think the way you think about the scandal.

      Bon chance!

    • Dear Jana, I have only just noticed that you said “around the world.” Pray tell, are you based in the US? It makes a difference as to what legal tack you should use.

      I also just noticed that you referred to the issue of the nation being a “corporation.” I think the people pushing that line are disinfo artists.

    • Jana,I am coming from Switzerland and I wanted to say you speak from the bottom of my heart on this issue.Is there any possibility to intervene on behalf of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.There are several petitions out there ,two from change.org and one from care2petitions and one from chang.org in german.The petitions are on Facebook and on twitter.I do think petitions can be a very strong tool to let those responsible know that many people from around the world are well aware of the unfairness and the lies that had unfolded surrounding this tragic event.To whom can we as concerned world citizens write to.We are rightly concerned over this because it can be anyone of us.

  6. […] Please do not pretend you don’t know about the death. Granted, the public was told by CNN, The Boston Globe, and every other media outlet that Tamerlan himself fired a gun at police and was killed in self-defense by the police. Or – the alternative story – that his brother accidentally dragged him via the wheels of an SUV. It is not true at all. It is a pack of lies. The proof is in, thanks to the ‘podstava’ video. […]

  7. Thank you so much Mary! I love your courage and your way of just saying what needs to be said.

    Unfortunately, this prosecution of innocent people without evidence, or at least without real evidence, is happening fairly regularly here in the U.S. now. It’s one thing after another. People are accused, false evidence is concocted, and the person is prosecuted — sometimes other young guys and sometimes not-so-young guys. But it’s one phony “crime” after another. Actually, I don’t know whether people have actually been injured or killed or whether it’s all crisis actors who pretend to have sustained injuries from the incident. And I don’t know whether the people who are stated to have been murdered actually existed or were also actors who have moved on to something else, maybe with a changed appearance.

    Usually the accused gets life in prison, maybe because everyone assumes they’re crazy and won’t pay any attention to them. They really wanted Dzhokhar not to be able to speak to people, which is why, I can only assume, he was prosecuted under federal charges. Of course, I can’t say exactly who “they” are because I don’t know, but I assume they are the same group behind all of these similar incidents or false flags.

    I’m going to purchase your book(s) and read them cover to cover. Thanks again for your efforts in this case!

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