by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
We at GumshoeNews could not help being very cheered by the amazing news that Dr Russell Pridgeon was “shown to the door” — permanently — by a Brisbane District Court judge on 8 February, 2024. The magic words from the prosecutor were “We discontinue.”
I’m pretty sure that is equivalent to “The CDPP [Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions] hereby drops the charges against three defendants in regard to conspiracy-to-defeat-the-course-of-justice.” Or, in show-off jargon, “Nolle prosequi.” (“We ain’t gonna fight no mo, no mo.”)
Ranked in more or less order of importance, the following are what I see as cause for rejoicing:
- The “We discontinue” means that the CDPP (and Australia’s judiciary in general) is not a 100% blockhead. There’s room for rationality, for reading the law honestly, and, who knows, maybe even for justice.
- The “We discontinue” puts an immediate end to the daily grind of worry for two of the defendants, Dr Russell Pridgeon and the grandmother. (Patrick O’Dea is still facing other charges, which is sad indeed.)
- The joy from Numbers 1 and 2 above gives everyone a breather, a chance to look for better days a-comin’ instead of assuming it will be deja vu all over again in each new ‘custody’ case.
- Number 3 means we can rewrite the Family Law Act as needed, and get very inspectorific about the role of children’s courts (these did not come into Pridgeon’s case, but see Dee McLachlan’s book The Child Protection Racket).
- It also means, but maybe this is just me being me, that every cop in the country needs to take a look in the mirror and find out what he/she sees there. At the very least, the head of the AFP needs to reckon that Operation Noetic was never — NEVER — intended to curtail child-trafficking but rather to support it and disguise it. How utterly shameful.
It’s important to make hay while the sun shines. Australia can declare Feb 8 a public holiday, so the joy can be spread. The holiday can be a metaphor for the bringing of lightness into the law, and the fact that truth does, after all, win out. Thank God.
Not So Rejoice-worthy
Still, there are some reasons to hold back on all-out celebration. Russell Pridgeon’s 2023 book Everybody Knows recounts how he slogged and slogged through all the legal formalities, in order to stay clear of prison. He dealt with a Medical Council about getting his license reinstated, he dealt with a tribunal about false charges, he dealt with a defamation case, etc. But at every stage he was unable to get anyone to “notice” what he was reporting as to the ongoing danger that the children were in. It was a total non-issue to all government people including parliamentarians.
When he wrote to the relevant minister, Di Farmer, about it, she blocked his emails. I doubt that Ms Farmer underwent a sudden change of heart on 8 February. I doubt that anyone in Canberra gives a damn. Until we re-look at the entire method of selecting and electing politicians, there is no cause to relax here.
That calls to mind Senator Bill Heffernan and his request to the Attorney General (George Brandis, OMG) that he allow a broadening of the “terms of reference” for the 2014 Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Heffernan wanted the list of “institutions” which included Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, and the Navy, to also include “the legal profession.”
His request was not needed — the Letters Patent, signed by Her Maj, already said “Go where e’re you want. Look under every bed” (albeit not in so many words). The RC itself imposed the restrictions. The RC also decided to handle only “historic cases.” So, if you were a desperate parent of a stolen child, waltzing into the office of the Royal Commission, you would be told you weren’t historic enough.
This surely wasn’t an oversight. It was planned to thwart any inspection of the contemporary problem. I wish Judge McLellan, who did do a bonzer job on the historic part, would step forward now and say “Hey, Guys, I think we need to take this further….” He would not have to find the right place to say it officially (Where would that place be?). He can say it at the beach.
Along the theme of “Don’t rejoice yet,” it must be noted that the Feb 8 good news (and I’m not knocking it, it IS good news) does nothing to reverse the trend toward pedophilia — though Pridgeon’s case may yet open the way for such a reversal. (His case was not won by a jury verdict, as it never got to the merits. It was discontinued on a fine technical point.)
This article is not the place for an exegesis on Pedophilia. Most likely a few adults have some natural, spontaneous sex-drive toward children but today pedophilia has other forces behind it. Let me name three:
- The money aspect of pornography and prostitution. Whether it is a child or a woman, there is a market for this activity and so naturally it has become a business racket. They say it brings in billions of $ — so if a citizen (e.g., Pridgeon) tries to get in the way, he needs a good clobbering. Note: the public has now become aware of child trafficking. The movie Sound of Freedom, whose Box Office has surpassed that of The Godfather, describes it mainly as a commercial racket.
- The SRA phenomenon. Last year in London, Jeannette Archer produced a first-ever conference for victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse. It does not seem to be something dependent on a pedophilic sex urge. The “believers” who attend the ritual killings seem to really believe in some secret, magic-like, or religion-like view of the world that does not accord with normal humanity. They start raping kids in infancy. Wendy Hoffman’s book Enslaved Queen makes this clear. I don’t foresee any rolling back of this, other than by well-announced arrests of the perps.
- The game of blackmailing politicians to get them to do the boss’s bidding. In the olden days when homosexuality was criminal, you could blackmail a gay politician by threatening to have him exposed and arrested. Even straights were blackmailable “We’ll tell your wife about your dalliance with so-and-so.” Nowadays, as Jeffrey Epstein demonstrated, the whole thing can be made efficient. Invite a governor, or whatever, to a lovely holiday, supply him with treats, videotape it, and he’s yours for life.
See? None of these is really about a growing need by adults to have sex with children. Commercial racketeering, SRA people’s beliefs, and the need to control politicians are causes unto themselves.
I can name a fourth reason why the Powerful may want thousands of kids stolen and thousands of Mums bashed with grief. Oh, what’s that, Mary? It’s that hurting people is part of the toolkit for keeping us depressed. Has your bank account been scammed lately? It wasn’t done by a scammer. The banks are all doing it (for Mr Big) as part of that toolkit. Recall that Orwell said in 1984 (and was he ever wrong?) “Persecution is for persecution’s sake.”
If there is to be a reversal of the above, inspired by Dr Pridgeon, it will come from the public taking a stand against the harming of children — as such. As the Royal Commission proved, kids raped by the pedophile priests faced a miserable future. It did them in. By the way, I think even that episode, of the pedo priests, was run from the top. How else explain the readiness of all bishops to let the practice flourish?
The Breath-taking Imbalance of Power
On February 7, 2024, Russell Pridgeon’s barrister, Mt Robert Size, had a brainstorm as to the illegality of the Prosecution’s charge, (viz., “conspiracy to defeat the course of justice” — also brought up by the legal helpers). Up until he announced it in court on Feb 8, and got results, we all assumed that the norm would be for Pridgeon to get kicked around, endlessly. (Even Dee McLachlan and myself take is as given that we will get kicked around for publishing this stuff.) “Hey that’s reality!”
I’ve been reading a lot of reports, on 21st century doings, that use the word Enslavement. I think it is not too much of an exaggeration. There are a few groups at the top that apparently can command us all to stay in line. They are the masters.
Two things have put them in control. First is their fabulous accumulation of wealth that lets them buy the will of weak individuals. They get their way, and you don’t have the resources to oppose it. Even as we speak, they are plotting our “depopulation” by starvation, by heart attacks from poison vax, by civil war, or whatever. And no action against this is occurring.
Why? Because of their second way to control us — by mind-control. Without doubt, they mind control the public via the mainstream media. The MSM still says Lee Harvey What’s-his-name killed JFK, and Covid vaccines are good for you. And they fill you with fear, even fear of the weather.
They may also be using more aggressive mind control, such as via hypnosis. How else could the academic profession, for whom thinking and reasoning are the bread and butter of it all, go bad? But they have gone bad. Or gone crazy, whichever. Show me the academic person who will stand up and say, “No way did 19 plane-hijackers cause the WTC to fall on 9/11.” Rather, every professor stands there and says, smilingly, “Oh my, the Emperor is wearing such beautiful clothes today.”
I have something to say about the brainwashing of the legal profession, also, but will save it for another day. I have said some of it in my book Fraud Upon the Court and in Reunion: Judging the Family Court.
Since law is my profession, you may think it disloyal of me to say, “Let them have it in the kisser.” I don’t think it’s disloyal. I would think it disloyal to ignore the horrible performance of law makers, law enforcers, and the legal profession in the matters being discussed here. As for judges, they would be wise to deport themselves before it’s too late.
My conclusion for today is: Yes, it’s good to jump for joy over February 8, but not good to rest on our laurels.
QUEENSLAND is going thru a crime wave… and there is talk about getting some of the worst young gang members on ankle bracelets. On the news I heard only 5 were in use…
In reflection it is so shocking that they “ANKLED” the good doctor, Patrick and the granma.
Some history
some contemporary
Immigration detainees drop High Court challenges after ankle monitoring bracelets removed
By political reporter Matthew Doran
Posted Thu 1 Feb 2024 at 4:01pm
“This nobbled their chances in court, effectively taking away their legal standing to argue they were being subjected to extreme measures.
The ABC has been told plaintiffs in another two High Court challenges have also been told their ankle bracelets are to be removed by the government, raising questions as to whether that too is a bid to scuttle their cases.”
BTW- Julian Assange was born in Townsville in Queensland.
I slightly misquoted Orwell. He said “The purpose of persecution is persecution.”
He also said: “If you want a picture of the human future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”
In my opinion, the work of the Russells and the Patricks are helping to make that prediction not come true.
And may I remind everyone, the court scheduled 6 weeks for this trial to be carried out — six weeks of Star Chamber boot stamping. What on earth were they going to provide to fill up the time? Were witnesses going to “testify” that Grandma gave the kid too many teddy bears?
I recall from Dr Bill McBride’s book, “Killing the Messenger,” that he had to sit in the defendant’s dock on 44 days. This was for a professional complaint brought by Norman Swan of ABC radio, of “too many women having Caesarians.” But not one of those women complained. (May the case have been filed because McBride gave expert witness against a drug company?)
Thanks to all who will put the brakes on this. Thanks to Dee for risking her life.
Diane, I’d never heard about it before. I want to know who did it.
[from guardian article above] “It was a common and systematic, though largely informal, practice for horse-mounted police to capture and detain Aboriginal people, including women and children, and remove them from pastoral stations. Their presence threatened the expansion of the cattle industry. At peak periods, from the 1880s to the 1940s, hundreds of Aboriginal people were chained for alleged cattle theft, and marched out of their country, some for up to 400km. Each neck piece weighed 2.4kg. At times they were chained to a ring in the floor.”
“Most of it probably from our early land barons and their hirelings.”
From Adelaide
A journey into Downer’s dark past
June 1, 2005
I reference “Tony Roberts, a former Canberra public servant and ministerial adviser, writes about Watson in his extraordinary book, Frontier Justice: A History of the Gulf Country to 1900, published by Queensland University Press.”
A journey into Downer’s dark past
June 1, 2005
“And what is it we learn of this distinguished family history in Roberts’s book on this country’s ruthless savagery by 19th-century pastoralists towards indigenous people? On pages 133 and 134 Roberts recounts how the notorious Constable Willshire, at his Port Augusta acquittal on multiple murder charges in 1891, was defended by the Foreign Minister’s grandfather, “Sir John Downer, QC, former attorney-general and premier, with funds contributed by more than 60 supporters from Central Australia”.
A journey into Downer’s dark past
June 1, 2005 — 10.00am
Then today
Mick and Ben Hewitt lead organic meat enterprise with funding from Canadian pension board
Landline / By Kristy O’Brien
Posted Sat 10 Feb 2024 at 6:30amSaturday 10 Feb 2024 at 6:30am, updated Sat 10 Feb 2024 at 1:06pm
“The Hewitt empire stretches from the Red Centre to Julia Creek, and to the western districts of Victoria.
It includes the largest organically-certified land parcel in the world — four properties named Narwietooma, Glen Helen, Derwent, and Napperby, which are all in the Northern Territory.
Parents Colin and Linda handed the Hewitt company to their sons in 2014, at which point the ambitious brothers really began to spread their wings.
Self-confessed wild bush kids, the Hewitt boys grew up in central Queensland with big dreams which they have worked together to turn into reality.
They now oversee 2.2 million hectares of land across the nation, from sheep and cattle stations to piggeries, running 200,000 head of livestock across more than 20 major aggregations.
Self-confessed wild bush kids, the Hewitt boys grew up in central Queensland with big dreams which they have worked together to turn into reality.
They now oversee 2.2 million hectares of land across the nation, from sheep and cattle stations to piggeries, running 200,000 head of livestock across more than 20 major aggregations.”
Check out the map—hectares managed by the Hewitts
I get that feeling I’m being played-that cat and mouse game–patronised
The February Eighth Song
You are requested to turn the vol down and sing along.
There’s a bright golden haze in the courtroom,
Ending nine years of uncertainty and stri-ife.
Thanks to the Almighty, I’m now a free man.
With that blessing, just watch me, I’ll start a new life…
Oh what a beautiful country,
Australia’s where I want to be.
Where else would such friends dig their heeeels in,
As Pastor Paul, Graeme, and Dee?
With friends, we can do almost anything,
Let’s sit back and plot what to do-oo.
The “corn” may be high, as an elephant’s eyyyyye,
But folks know the difference between false and true.
Oh, what a beautiful morning,
My uncle, Wilfred Seymour, would say:
“Brisbane Court re-discovered the lawww books,
That’s why everything’s going our way!”
As youth, we assumed that our future,
Would strictly be happy and bri-ight,
Too bad then, as adults, we wrecked the whole worrrrld
So today, it must be our job, to set it a-right.
Oh, for the beautiful coppers,
Who know certain kids they must save.
Many cops have got their own babieeeees,
So, they’ll take a deep breath and be brave.
And the law will now help them be brave.
[Note: This ditty was written by MM. It may “project” a bit, but must not be blamed on RP in any way. And it should not be construed as medical advice, or be interpreted as contravening any law that is in force today or that may be legislated in future. The owner of this website is not responsible for … etc.]
‘Heffernan wanted the list of “institutions” which included Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, and the Navy, to also include “the legal profession.””
Whereas the Child Abduction profession should be the 1st port of call as evidenced by what emerged in Norway:
At 6:12 Veteran Campaigner for the Rights of Families:
“he (a C.E.O. of child abduction) admitted downloading pornographic pictures of young boys 10 – 14 but there were also very small babies, there was young boys having oral sex on each other and on all grown up men there was rape, there was disabled children,every bad fantasy you can think of
At 20:27 “Independent Expert witness” in defence of the same C. E. O:
“only a little part of those who are down loading pictures of children are really offending children”
No acknowledgment that such downloading IS an offence !
“Most likely a few adults have some natural, spontaneous sex-drive toward children”
Yeah, like a few adults have some natural, spontaneous fit of rage when confronted by some mechanical breakdown or other:
Unfortunately everyone’s born with a range of destructive proclivities; too bad the need for self-control is no longer deemed to be personally beneficial
Too bad Darwinian & Freudian lies have railroaded any acknowledgment of our basic sin condition. That’s the only cause in the upsurge of pedophilia; the 3 “external forces” listed are the end not the means
Couldn’t possibly be due to our DNA having been tampered with, by some very evil beings, thousands of years ago, just to further their control over us?
Asking for a friend.
Couldn’t possibly be due to to the fact that we’re all God’s image
bearers and as such we all have the ability to create or destroy
And that failing to take authority accordingly is a one-way ticket into everlasting darkness as spelled out in MATTHEW 25:14 – 28:
As show-cased by the above claim that, quote:
“only a little part of those who are down loading pictures of children are really offending children”
Passivity is the most ubiquitous foul ever
Keeping on topic and relevant to 2024
Legal aid ‘back on track’
note comment
Don Fuller 10 February 2024 At 3:54 pm
I am far more inclined to believe and be persuaded by the recent article in The Australian of Feb 9, by John Lawrence, titled “Indigenous justice at the mercy of a collapsing system”.
It is clear that the existing board and management could not identify a crisis if it landed on their big toe!
As Lawrence points out in a sad but eloquent manner: “The NAAJA is now no longer a functioning legal practice. It appears to be effectively finished.
“Its recent failed attempts with several replacement chief executives merely reveal that the ship is sinking … The priorities of management and the NAAJA board were evidenced in a lamentable way by the recent Federal Court case heard here in Darwin in October.
“This case gave the entire Australian community a window into the character and calibre of those board members and the organisation’s management … The whole case involved allegations and counter allegations of fraud, forgery, credit card deceptions, car leases (including Range Rovers) and more.”
The board and senior management need to be replaced and rapidly. Why should tax payers and Indigenous people have to tolerate such behaviours?
To Rejoice Or Not To Rejoice?
“Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.
Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things.
But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who, by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself, will transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body.
Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you must stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.
I urge Euodia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord.
Yes, and I ask you, my true yokefellow,a to help these women who have labored with me for the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.
Let your gentleness be apparent to all. The Lord is near.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. “
Thank you Elspeth! Such a wonderful greeting this morning – amongst all the mire.
Philippians 4: 4-9 I love the KJV. “and the God of peace shall be with you.” The power of the little word ‘Shall’ … it’s a Decree from on High. A promise with teeth in it. A promise worth claiming.