Home Awakening Reflecting on Rational and Critical Thought

Reflecting on Rational and Critical Thought


By G5

The first broad realisations of the problems of contemporary western governments began to appear in valid observations about 1970. Albeit those who are rational make immediate observations. They even rationally predict outcomes. A chase for those demonized, and criminalized, at the times will often reveal the truths it takes others a lifetime to find. Albeit prior to their times on this earth.

Which intruduces the concept of Rational and Critical Thought. We don’t need to have lived at particular times to know the realities of the events of those times. We need the correct mindset. When I was studying or ‘reading’  Economics, I was confronted by two worlds.

I had to deliver by regurgitation that Keynes and Samuelson were correct in their interpretations of Smith, Malthus, and Ricardo. While at the same time realizing that The Cross Curve was total bullshit and would lead to great economic damage in The West.

Being Conservative and thinking has been confused with being insular and stupid.

As a quick grab you should read Gary Allen’s 1971, ‘None Dare Call it Conspiracy’. It’s a pivotal work as many are. At the back of Allen’s work — from memory — there is a list of 10 or so agendas. It was interesting to read them some thirty years on, and note what had been accomplished by The Enemy Within.

Carroll Quigley had terrible credentials, but actually delivered some valid observations in ‘Tragedy and Hope’. As did Grace Hopper, in another context.

Incidentally: a hidden and denied ‘treaty’ between Australia (and other states at that time) and America — which I read in the late 70’s — has ALL Australian government communications copied to America. It still operates, and today is by computer back-dooring.

New Zealand is also trapped in this madness through The Five Eyes Agreements.

The insane logic is: if Australia is destroyed, America will help it reconstruct its institutions, democracy, and society. Where would you like to start on that one?

We were all aware of The Jekyl Island and other such events. I am always amused to read how Dr. X and Prof. Y make sudden realizations and write on these issues as reference works. Which reminds me: I need to re-examine my nausea medication.

9/11 brought them out of the woodwork. Late blooming Expertism. It’s like an eight month pregnant one, discovering that the bump is not by over-eating.

An Industry was born — as it would. 9/11 was fairly blatant, as well as complex and a convenient confluence of many. I have written about the central characters and the agendas at issue. As I have written of The Kennedy Affairs, and many others. People either understand what I write or they don’t. I really don’t care. I am not in a celebrity or fashion race.

I am always amused, restraining billiousness as being impolite, when I receive tomes written and tagged by the credentialed. Or at least those who sport what we, in the non pseudo world, dismiss as fashion wear.

I was an eye witness to certain major world events. I used to work for the enemy. I write on that basis of fact and reality on those matters. But because I do not use footnotes and hundreds of references, from the disengaged and uninformed, as they are; my writing is not as rigorous as the junk proffered by those sporting what we regard as passe and, silly at best.

If confronted, I tell them: I don’t remember seeing you there at the time. You are quoting from some fool who was also not there, but you are telling me that You Know. Good Luck to you and those who sail with you.

I was given a paper, on which to comment, written by a most learned character from a university in Florida — well known in his field. He should have stayed in his field and not ventured outside the sheltered workshop. I wrote back to the Australian university characters who sent me the paper, and explained in detail why the good professor and his cohorts, had no idea of what they were purporting as Facts. Can’t happen — think again.

They were using The Daisy Chain Game, and advancing further stupidities from there. So they were correct and reality was wrong. Astonishingly, when I searched back through their reference chains, I found newspaper stories tagging two of their nine assertions of fact.

I responded to the locals who were going to use that previous paper as a reference, themselves. They took my advice.

At this stage, I don’t waste my time correcting. I wrote forty lengthy counters to one particular book I received. The publisher responded that they had raised the matter with the author, and they agreed to rectify the inaccuracies and wild statements purporting ‘facts’. The second edition appeared and nothing was corrected. The initial build up was such a load of bullshit, that neither the publisher nor the author were prepared to step back to reality. One more work of grand fiction floats the reference game. And of course, it in turn is used as a source in further and following works.

The first essential is to disregard titles attributed to an author. From there, disregard footnotes and references. The back jacket attributes by ‘names’ are also a nonsense. Sick Willy appeared on the outside back jacket promoting the last edition of ‘Tragedy and Hope’ when he was the occupant of The White House.
He was paid and I was advised, he never read the book.

Read a work on the substance alone. And always be rationally critical. That does not mean filtering through inculcation. But if you are reading this, you would have presumably passed that stage. Unless you are working for the enemy. In which case you should have switched off, bored.

Who needs Rational and Critical Thought, when Government Propaganda keeps Belief Systems fully informed.

This tagging fault has given credence to junk that has infiltrated AltMedia, and is a major issue why it has become as unbelievable as it is.

Junk references even further disengaged junk, and the game rolls on. It’s as government actors caught out in an insanity and responding by: But that’s the way we’ve always done it.

[Gary] Allen was denounced at the time; and will always be such. Larry Abraham wrote his own renditions of the same events. [Authors of “Conspiracy“.] They were both on the talk circuit and suffered the predictable.

They thought that telling people the truth would enlighten them and prevent them from being deceived by their government. That has never been possible.

We can’t teach. We can only point and walk away. Which is what we do by writing or speaking to small groups.

Basically, the old equation has never changed. NO political actors can be trusted. And NO governments can be trusted. They not only deceive on everything, but everything they appear to do that resembles a morality, a justice, or the practice of responsibility, is coded almost as a diametric opposition.

For correct comprehension, dismiss all that does not correctly compute. The filter is: legitimate Rational and Critical Thought. That keeps us ahead of the game and legitimately Fully Informed. The unalterable test is: True History.



  1. G5, it seems that you are saying, if a being is born with a normal brain, use it. Do not just follow the popular teachings, which are quite often incorrect, sometimes deliberately so.

    Think objectively. Read both sides of an argument before making judgement or becoming adamant in your views.

  2. Using rational and critical thought.
    When was the last time any of our federal representatives (and msm journos) used ratonal and critical thought?
    Simple test: why do they not expose the bull shit, fairy tale, unscientific amd tin foil hat, official government 911 conspiracy theory?
    We have a national problem threatening our sovereign democratic values, our freedoms and safety.

  3. Reconstruction, institutions check, democracy check, society to be announced.
    Thanks I found this humorous, point and move away .

  4. The news today of Australia becoming in the top ten military suppliers to friendly nations is peculiar insofar as to who are the friendly nations? in this time whereby we are seeking a peaceful world, I am relieved this program is for sales defence only, as increasing numbers of the innocent now being killed in war, must be relieved this being assurance for defence only.
    If we Australians were to go more American, and become armed, think of the market sales as weapons sold only to the good guys for defence, would not only be useful for employment but also crimes such as the smash and grab by criminals having stolen many guns from a Australian gun retail shop, would result in a decrease for the resale of illicit weapons on the criminal market.

  5. I came out of the conspiracy closet with 911. The reason was details. The magnitude of the event was actually used to conceal the details of the event, which once hidden from view were allowed to drop from the narrative, and yet as Andrew MacGregor has just shown, the exposure of the crime lies in the details…the things that get missed, the changing timelines, the media specific focus at any stage, the personnel interviewed vs the personnel ignored. So many details, so little attention span.

  6. “They thought that telling people the truth would enlighten them and prevent them from being deceived by their government. That has never been possible.

    We can’t teach. We can only point and walk away. Which is what we do by writing or speaking to small groups.”

    It’s a slow process, very slow. However, I’ve been doing it for 30 years and I have seen a lot of progress. The doubters and aggression I used to run into is declining. Perhaps we are beginning to see the ‘100th monkey phenomena’.

    However, I still cannot stand dealing with the insanity. Looking into the eyes of people that can’t process the information, seeing the ‘fight or flight’ syndrome activated and then taking abuse from morons that are incapable of understanding how stupid they sound.

    Don’t waste a rational argument on an irrational person – good advice.

    Point and walk away…

    • Paul, “so many details, so little attention span”. (I love it).
      May I hark back a few weeks to Flinders St, when news was flashed around the western world that a car, driven by a patsy/Australian of Afghan decent, with mental issues and drug history, rammed a crowd, hospitalizing 19, 4 of them critically, one of which we have been told has died.
      The news film clip; 7NewsCCTVMelbourneAustraliaWhiteSUVSuzukiCarAttack ,exposes the event as FAKE.
      Anyone with the inclination, patience and attention span will see that the ‘crisis actors’ get up and leave the set/scene. ( the first and most obvious, dressed in orange )
      The footage appears to have been spliced, CGI or whatever because victims reappear on the ground.
      Other anomalies are to be found for those who search, eg. Panning, zooming ‘CCTV cameras, time stamps out by 2 hours. SWAT type Police responded in 15 seconds.
      Little evidence of 19 victims, etc. etc.
      I look forward to hearing the views of any Gumshoer who thinks this, the second staged event at Flinders St. is worth close scrutiny.

      • I have been looking back at the Sydney Seige , Andrew said nobody died, and now I think he is right. Although the actors with a history like Katrina must be hard to hide. Not sure if Mary has already been here but Dr Jonathan Philips could have been onsite that day.He does medilegal work and was involved with bomb round the girls neck hostage situation in Mossman. Asis could have planned it , I think they can plan in Australia if its outside infitrator , but styled on mi6 . They can gag anything now and jail journalists .
        Julie Bishop is their boss. These attacks have lone wolfs self attaching with other groups and narcissistic personalities, so the good doctors say. Timebombs. Jimmy played the part perfectly , hanging out of the car (blue short was directing him). C Nixon story classic. Flinders I sore briefly and looks a set up. So random terrorist (home terrorist, even more scary) like Dr Day and others drilled into us.
        So more laws to save us . Medical records must lose their privacy so we can see who is freaking out when asio are following them , then , pill for freedom. The government will ramp up their privacy of course, and do those awful things you hear about.

        • In a psyop is it not easier to have collateral damage — and get some people killed — rather than worry about a future of managing a crisis actors. I think people died. Why pretend killing a crisis actor?

          • Thanks Dee, the Marisa character is totally in control of the narrative, is right there to the end. If this is a Asis operation they can gag any publication and jail the voice. So there is more ability to hide actors for national security d section proberly still exists as used against F Bartlett. Katrina is a barrister and they have protection above us. She might be mk , her mother art seems a little freaky to. The brother has the channel 7 stokes work and they pursue kangaroo court because of his stance . Kerry Packer and Malcolm Turnbull had the same relationship. Tori has that new guy thing we see in false flags, and could of left but did not. They both had foundations in honour very quickly . Just the way it played out at the end , I think she was even pregnant , so has that angle . Marisa bags the operation, from beginning to end, and after . They need more training, they need to do preemptive strikes, they need to profile lone wolfs . Sniper sees the execution, but still does not fire. No cctv . Who lured him there , must have been one of the barristers . Perplexing if none one two or all three died . The bomb neck case, the perpetrator claims he blacked out and could not remember doing it, rejected by Dr in court. The victim refuses to go to court . Strange times indeed .

      • The questions that stick in my mind are:
        * Why isn’t ALL the CCTV footage of every “incident” made available for public viewing ?
        * Who gets to decide what should be withheld ?
        * What, exactly, is the criteria ?
        * Why isn’t every detail of the prosecution process open to public scrutiny ?

        • As long as such questions remain unanswered no-one should be believing anything. Theories as to why they haven’t been answered are, of course another matter; blurring the line between the two is also a big mistake

          • Berry I just saw this. I agree , its part of the psyop, and I should not be dragged in . The lack of film is like destroying evidence, so we have to start there to unwind this , and the many others

  7. Logical and critical thinking is the life blood of any trained competent lawyer.
    Why does such a disciplne evaporate when a ex lawyers enter parliament?

  8. Reflecting on rational and critical thought:Generals who lost the plot and fought the wrong wars.

    This is an interesting (important) article by a US military officer on the ideas used by (leading) the key US generals in (and since) the Vietnam war, and why they failed there, and continue to fail in the ongoing “war on terror.”

    Towards the end of the article he wrote, “It’s not that our generals don’t read. They do. They just doggedly continue to read [and write] the wrong books.”

    But the most fundamental error of the top US military (and political) leadership since (perhaps even BEFORE) the Vietnam war, is their failure to recognise, appreciate, and accept that “we were fighting on the wrong side.”

    This failure is of such immense dimensions that it is, even now, leading to the tragic demise of the USA itself (a momentous event that will only be recognised and appreciated in hindsight to be greater than the fall and breakup of the USSR).

    Highly recommended reading on war-making, and war-losing, for those who want to know and understand what happened, what is happening, and what will happen. CHB

  9. Without doubt the victims did die at Dunblane and Port Arthur. There is a new rush to say that even those are “fake.” All part of a game to make us think we have no way to distinguish reality.

    I am willing to be a skeptic about every terrorist incident but I don’t have time to study them. So I don’t offer any comment on them.

    Still, I believe the children (and a teacher) died at Sandy Hook. Yes, there was a drill, but that does not mean no deaths. London tube had a drill and many deaths.
    I don’t see anything to persuade me that the children “never existed” or that they survived.

    I think the tending-to-the-victims scenes on Bourke St or Swanston St look like a tableau from a play, but Dee does not agree and she has the eye for how movies are made.

    As for Boston, I have never studied it. I mean I have never checked on the deaths. (Two young women and an 8-yr-old child.) It is enough for me to see in the details of the court case that the story was controlled by the media. Maybe 3 people died, maybe not. How do we know?

    I am only commenting here because Simon mentioned my name. Re the siege in Sydney I take it as true that Katrina died.

    I like Berry’s questions: * Why isn’t ALL the CCTV footage of every “incident” made available for public viewing ?
    * Who gets to decide what should be withheld ?
    * What, exactly, is the criteria ?
    * Why isn’t every detail of the prosecution process open to public scrutiny ?

    One more thing, which I’ve said many times at Gumshoe: If Elias Davidsson says a case was fake I believe him, as he is a most cautious investigator. His website is juscogens.org.

    Re Andrew MacGregor’s article on Sunday, I think Andrew is the bees’ knees regarding Port Arthur, but the ideas he floated re Yacone are only speculation (as he himself admits), and as for the alleged 2012 trip by Tamerlan to the Jamestown Foundation, I think it did not happen.

    I also am guessing that there was enough reason to kill Todashev simply because he could have shed light on the real behavior of the Tsarnaev brothers “and we can’t have that.”

  10. And here is the first paragraph from the Defense paper mentioned by Berry:

    Australian industry will play a major role in delivering the plans in the 2016 Defence White Paper. The Defence Industry Policy Statement provides the foundation to take the partnerships between Defence and industry to new levels of cooperation, with a focus on stronger, more strategic partnerships and closer alignment between industry investment and Defence capability needs. Initiatives in the Defence Industry Policy Statement will see the development of a technologically advanced, innovation‐driven and sustainable Australian defence industrial base, which is well placed to assist Defence in protecting Australia’s national interests.

    • I should go to the end before I reply. The blur between police and military is rapidly expanding, the navy a few years ago said the needed to reconfigure for rescue , and the police even wear body armour to issue tickets. How to make this a sustainable industry, thats the scary bit, by using the products from ever more demand. As we don’t naturally want to kill our neighbors, the white paper is suggesting that our national interests need to be under constant , evolving threats. Funny we want to protect some else mines

  11. Dee, with all due respect, Your question, “Why pretend to kill crisis actors ?” the obvious answer has to be, is because the whole event is fake.
    Anyone seriously interested enough to focus back on to the recent Flinders St., event footage: google 7newsCCTVMelbourneAustraliaWhiteSUVSuzukiCarAttack which shows victims getting up uninjured, is ‘irrefutable’. have you actually looked at this video ?, What other possible explanation is there ?
    And Mary, your comment re. ‘you believe children died at Sandy Hook’ can be addressed in seconds, if you are short of time, by searching for ‘Robbie Parker Sandy Hook Actor’, caught laughing on camera within hours of his young daughter supposedly being shot.

  12. I think there’s elements of both crisis actors when some events (like Boston) need media misdirection in place, but I also think that the threshold for killing innocent victims is lower now than its ever been.

    Anyone else noted that since 911 media reportage has disproportionately focused on the courage and tragedies of victims/survivors over really examining and critiquing the narrative being offered up? Its brilliant and it ties into the modern, emotion-driven thinking style of upcoming generations.

  13. Berry asks, “Why isn’t ALL the CCTV footage of every incident made public?”
    Could the answer be they released what they wanted us to see, on the day, ( sped up footage of car driving up Swanston St.) convincing Joe public of carnage in Bourke St. via MSM ? Remember, there is zero CCTV or public, clear evidence of any death or injury in Bourke St. I strongly argue that if they released CCTV footage, it would show nothing, that sounds like a good reason why it cant be made public.

  14. Rational and critical thought requires definition. Both rational and critical presuppose some activity of reason.

    Reason, of itself, does not contain its own first or final cause… i.e. where it came from and where it’s going. Reason, by itself, is an unguided missile. It can be taken by anyone to any arbitrary starting point (premise) and directed by any specious but plausible series of deductions or inductions to arrive at any desired “conclusion” or target.

    Enter the horrible field of science or philo-sophy … the desire for knowledge and understanding of reality. It must all be based on irrefutable premises… self evident facts. A self-evident fact is a proposition where the only alternative is the contrary and which contrary is self-contradictory and thus absurd… was called “common sense” by real people in real life. A simple example is: “I exist”. Every most basic premise of common sense is intuitively known by all sane, rational beings.

    “Rational/critical thought” is undefinable… which makes it a useful tool for con-men. Rationalism is a ridiculous con-job trying to justify the fanciful illusions of an “organised bunch of idiots trying to pretend that they’re smarter than God”.

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