J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
The Gaza Holocaust isn’t a war, it’s clearly an extermination. North Gaza is prime beachfront real estate just like Beirut was and north Gaza has offshore gas, the price of which has soared – spectacularly – in recent times. Last century there were only four bulk gas terminals in the world, now there are hundreds. Gas is great for urban electricity grid demand peaks. Melbourne has had a major inner-city peak-hour gas turbine at Newport since 1981, when it replaced the coal-fired power stations there. A rail line running past was used originally to bring coal in from NSW. Energy gets trafficked internationally much as anything else and with more finely tuned bookkeeping than most enterprises.
The Australian government already sold as much gas as it could to China many years ago leading to shortages and higher prices in Australia. Our governments pretend they never did this and constantly pretend they are concerned about high domestic energy prices instead of talking about any coherent economic policies or following through with anything except minor handouts. Their position is that the winners can get solar panels and batteries while the losers can pay more.
The citizens of Gaza, despite being unable to access their gas resources, have been reproducing at the fastest rate they can, which usually means about four to six kids per family, squashed into an apartment.
Meanwhile, the Israeli government has been importing new citizens ready-made and full-size for decades now. Fresh off the plane from Eastern Europe or some other place, armed with Bible and Torah they claim land from the local people, land with which they have no ancestral connection whatsoever. It’s well known. The would-be refugees of this 2023 Holocaust are not wanted anywhere, most notably Jordan which used to be the eastern half of British Palestine after it was won from the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
The royalty of Jordan may be understood to have earned their way into the Illuminati. In November 2021 Prince Charles and his entourage visited Jordan, obviously, the weather was much better than the weather in England at that time.
Prince Charles and entourage continued on to Egypt to fight Climate Change.
The first king of Jordan claimed direct descendancy from Mohammad. Born in Mecca (Ottoman Empire), Abdullah was the second of four sons of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca (sharif in Arabic means noble and ruler of some type of religious dominion). “From 1909 to 1914, Abdullah sat in the Ottoman legislature, as deputy for Mecca, but allied with Britain during World War I. During the war, he played a key role in secret negotiations with the United Kingdom that led to the Great Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule that was led by his father Sharif Hussein. Abdullah personally led guerrilla raids on garrisons. He became emir of Transjordan in April 1921 and upheld his alliance with the British during World War II, becoming king after Transjordan gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1946. In 1949, Jordan annexed the West Bank, which angered Arab countries including Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, which all defended the creation of a Palestinian state. He was assassinated in Jerusalem while attending Friday prayers at the entrance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by a nationalist Palestinian in 1951. He was succeeded by his eldest son Talal. His father, Hussein bin Ali, was a pivotal figure in the struggles of modern Arabia”.
From these Jordanians we see how a mighty lineage was built at the expense of every other interest group around, which were swindled and sold out to the British.
It’s doubtful that this set a precedent in history but it must be one of the 20th century’s biggest cases of self-advancement.
Prince Charles never showed much interest in becoming king and this disinterest was no doubt fuelled by the advanced knowledge that his future kingdom and empire were to be traded off to the Globalists for a minor shareholding. It seems it simply was not worth the bother of trying to compete, with his native England having been so undermined, weakened and dissipated by Globalist policies. Easier to surrender to the collective and try to leave the limelight behind. As England grows weaker, so Israel becomes stronger. The old conspiracy theorist’s favourite map showing Israel at the centre of three continents appears to be coming closer to fulfilment.

Cut diamonds are a major if not the largest export product of Israel and they make their way north from Africa as rough diamonds, with some unknown amount hidden in toothpaste tubes, from unknown sources, and going to unknown destinations. One known origin is the Kingdom of Lesotho, a tiny enclave of South Africa, which incidentally controls a lot of water. It has some treaty arrangements with Britain.
“Today, Letseng is the world’s highest diamond mine at 3,100 metres above sea level, and is famous for producing huge diamonds, which gives it the highest dollar value-per-carat of any diamond mine. It is owned by Gem Diamonds (founded 2005, London) and the government of Lesotho”. Vast numbers of smaller diamonds are used in industry and also have their value. Frankfurt produces a 500 Euro note to assist with transactions (AUD 826).
It’s all too much for Charles, as he lets us know he would rather be talking to a plant than a journalist.
We’ll never know if Charles’ dear mother is lunching with Evelyn Rothschild, Epstein and the well-mannered President Bush Sr. on Malta, Capri, the British Virgin Islands or St Helena. According to former Australian Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey, we could soon expect to live to 150, an idea he picked up somewhere.
Other non-celebrity deaths are not so open to speculation. The UN-style relief agencies are all swinging into action now, asking for donations to try to save the Holocausted Gazans. Here in Australia, we bear the guilt of the British Empire, or at least some of us do. The British Empire paradoxically gave out the best deals, compared with Dutch and Belgian or Japanese Empires for example. The Japanese used slavery and “banana money” which was counterfeit ten dollar notes. They ran Korea and Taiwan until World War II ended those operations. Belgian King Leopold is famous for cutting hands off Congolese and was a top-tier massacre professional. Usually, there are warning signs then the quick get out and leave behind the soon-to-be-dead. A lot of Chinese and Indians used the British Empire to escape their unsatisfactory domestic conditions, including local wars, by relocating to Singapore and the Malay states. The British and American Empires mostly did it better than others, selling a dream with free chewing gum and cigarettes, no doubt copied from the French, who in many cases, could not be bothered with empire, especially without buttered baguettes.
The Chinese in Malaya had strongholds near Penang and roughly along the old train line. They had escaped civil wars in south China for the far more desirable British Colony of Malaya. They too were culled when they threatened to out-populate the Malays. These incidents aren’t recorded as they were mainly rural and done by the army. Other massacres in Malaya or later Malaysia that are recorded are attributed to Japanese, Communists or legitimate actions against terrorists or suchlike.
Australia too has its forgotten massacres, with Major Mitchell “opening up the inland” with troops and wagon loads of ammunition being carted all over Victoria.
Massacres do not fare so well where video journalism is allowed.
In many ways, perhaps most ways, Malaysia is the Asian country most similar to Australia. A confederation of states, essentially a co-regency kingdom, former British colony, multicultural, free enterprise-oriented, moderately wealthy, etc.
The traditional kings of the Malaysian states have created an oil-based stability that seems almost as if it was forever thus. But the Covid period saw a fanatical state kowtowing to the medical agenda, as bad as any other place excluding China.
Malaysia produces oil and sells cheap petrol to its citizens, while cars themselves attract a hefty duty, excluding the local brand Proton, which is just an ordinary petrol powered car similar to any Hyundai, Kia or Chinese built Holden. Malaysians have no reason to buy electric cars, the same goes for the other Muslim oil-producing countries.

Understanding the Chinese weakness for reckless gambling, the Malaysian Kings built Genting, a casino and shopping mall paradise on top of a hill just north of Kuala Lumpur, and on the road to the Chinese Malaysian heartlands. They have the Chinese well figured out, and the Chinese should know it. The Chinese say they do all the work in Malaysia but they are drawn to the casino like moths to a flame. The Malaysian Kings have a sort of rotating presidency over the Prime Minister of the day. There are many of them so they obviously need funding and here is the latest very familiar-sounding scheme (from government documentation):
“Malaysia is on the Road to E-invoicing: To support growth of the digital economy, the government intends to implement e-Invoicing in stages in an effort to enhance the efficiency of the country’s tax administration management. The implementation of e-Invoicing will improve the quality of services and reduce compliance costs to taxpayers, while increasing the efficiency of business operations, as was announced by the Ministry of Finance.
“The mandatory exchange of electronic invoices will cover B2G, B2B and B2C transactions, both domestic and cross-border. The gradual implementation of the obligation will start in June 2024 and end in 2027, and the model planned by the Malaysian government will be based on the CTC combined with a PEPPOL network.
“Issuers of invoices will be required to deliver them to government entities for verification and approval before sending them to recipients. Each invoice at this stage will be provided with a certificate with its serial number, which will be proof for both the issuer and the recipient that it has been issued correctly. An additional invoice verification method will require a QR code. Invoices will be exchanged mainly through the PEPPOL channel. The myTax portal will also be made available, which will enable manual issuing and receiving of e-invoices…”
Globalist schemes of different types are tried out in different places before they are implemented globally, and the Malaysian population, at least outwardly, is one of the most willingly compliant. They know their country has money, it’s just that they have trouble getting their hands on much. The historical centre of Kuala Lumpur has as many people living in cardboard box arrangements as anywhere else.
We’ve heard “All wars are bankers’ wars” for a long time but it appears these bankers are now doing more than just funding and influencing. These bankers now seem to be actually involved in directing the third-party operations for the larger Globalist agendas, as they close in on Useless Eaters everywhere, and work to throttle them out of existence.
In the Gaza conflict, as with 9-11 and others, it looks like well-infiltrated third-party mercenary operations were the instigators. As with ISIS in Iraq and eastern Syria before that. Not Jews, not Arabs, not even some faction of Hamas or Israel, but well-funded and co-ordinated mercenaries from outside, a new style of warfare.
If two sides have ancestral intolerance and past grudges combined with recent atrocities they are sitting ducks for a false flag attack, which may be delivered by a malicious third party which despises both sides and may wish them all dead.
Think back to the intensive Covid injections program in Israel, which was fulsomely rejected by Gazans. This is bigger than Zion, and in the fog of war, these mercenaries want both sides dead.
Another hint has already been provided by none less than Ursula Vonder Leyen who in a sort of Freudian slip said “Nobody should try to take advantage of this situation”, trying to infer that Iran will soon be attacking Israel directly. The entire operations lack a plausible premise, as if Gaza was any sort of threat to Israel, and everyone knows it. The operations have devolved into simple territory theft and extermination.
The Israelis and Palestinians are so embittered by now that any attacks by a third party will cheerfully be blamed on the other. Therefore we see recently a hospital was warned by Israeli communications multiple times to vacate, subsequently destroyed, then elements on the Israel side denied destroying it. These claims could potentially all be true if a third party did the damage. It’s far simpler though for both sides to blame the other and so the “warring parties” continue their millennia-old battles with no hope of compromise.

A lot of vested interests are too big for Trump. Nobody should expect too much from one person. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and put the Treasury and Federal Reserve under BlackRock’s Larry Fink, who is Bilderberg, Council of Foreign Relations and WEF. Trump’s actions during his presidency speak clearly enough.
When Bush Sr. talked about “1000 points of light”, Trump squealed on him, saying, “What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out?” But whether their business is chocolate or child trafficking, the super-rich like to mingle in the same places. Here’s the dirt from European princes down to the mafioso:
“Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and his family visited Donald Trump and at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Donald Trump was Jesuit educated at Fordham and Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump were Jesuit educated at Georgetown. Bill Clinton was Jesuit educated at Georgetown. The paedophile and former Vice President Joe Biden has two honorary degrees from Jesuit colleges and he is an agent of the Italian Bourbons. Many military leaders are Jesuit educated and through Jesuit infiltration the Bourbon-Two Sicilies oversee GITMO in Cuba which they use for torturing people to extract adrenochrome and filled blood. A psychotic and arrogant military gang stalker named Adam Ross Hoyt worked at GITMO torturing prisoners and he is an agent of the Italian Bourbons. “
War is an engineering project and a financial project, the participants seem only dimly aware that they just don’t matter, that they are economic units like anything else, with virtually no value.
Fascinating discussion on Israel as the corporation
(SG Anon)
More information on the subject from Ben Fulford Q & A video report of 27/10/ 2023
Benjamin Fulford.net
💁🤪 have heard this before the wailing WALL is actually a old Roman fort and the new synagogue to be built in another site.
💁🤪 Palestinians are judeans. Ref to old Roman terminology.
More tit bits of gossip like earthquakes in Australia to clear out own tunnels…..> Pine Gap.
Sorry old ‘Armagedonites’, last answer may disappoint, you will have to study and work harder.
As usual a lot to take in but interesting.
Yes, mad psycho nutters have been destroying societies since the beginning of time and arguing about it and justifying to this day.
For the unimpressed observers see another present day side, leaving out the huge number of historic false flags, like operation Suzannah, like the Liberty, the Neocons > 911 and the invasions into Afghanistan and Iraq killing millions just for oil and poppies.
Have a listen to Max Igan at http//www.whatreallyhappened.com -new , video logged at 6.44 on Nov 3 2023.
Note the early scenes in the video with bound blinded folded citizens being kicked into a long trench of tyres and shot. Yes, scenes as from history.
I have a favourite Jew that I try to follow as he preached a few simple precepts. I dare not mention his name for I may be called a anti-Semite.
Anyway Prime Minister Albanese, you are the PM of Australia, so stay out of centuries of hatred and argument from the kharzarian mob to the Muslims and their psycho biff ups. Want to go down in history with John Winston Howard and company?
Not our bloody business, we have been suckered for too long, yes, every time for particular thieving globalist interests.
Anyone who does not understand, look up the short booklet from the 1930’s by General Smedly Butler …. WAR IS A RACKET. There are many short videos where his speech is narrated admitting that he was just a thug for corporate interests OVER MANY CONTINENTS.
Also INVEST 40 minutes with your teenage children and educate them with a lesson on ‘ALL WARS ARE BANKER’S WARS”. At http:www.whatreallyhappened.com – new, narrated by Michael Rivero at WRH.
Parents, heed the lesson, you might educate your child to learn something, not taught in our controlled corporate society and save his or her life, besides not willing to go out and kill ‘thy neighbour’ for BS reasoning.
Our media, politicians and educators hide the reality from our children…. Hey ABC, that especially includes you fakes.
HOW DO THEY GET THEIR WARS? Simple pit one psycho to stir up a hateful mob against another mob and dictate what side everyone should be on.
Sorry, fix up the links …… I have the S….Ts with psycho thieves, liars, bigots and killers.
Be angry, get the whip out, flog a few, upturn their tables and drive them and their riff raff out of our lives.
All quiet here now.🙈
Oh well, there is some fun to stir up some normies, the ABC, SBS and globalist fake media.
Watch the latest situation update from Mary at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news?
Great 1812 opening and enjoy some dreaming from 45 mins.
As for a BF report on the kharzarian desire to move to Ukraine…. Heard about that years ago, (mossie, not so secret report!) the 2014 coup in Ukraine and the liquidation of an annoying part of the populace.
Pity the judeans are stuffing up a pipeline road and have a gas field off shore.
Oh well, just do your own research and enjoy the macabre (sp) dream theatre.
As for psychos mentioned previously, I was in England years ago and in an open town public courtyard was a historic ‘memorial’. Seems that uncle Oliver had put to the sword 2-3 thousand enemy prisoners.
All fellow citizens who chose the wrong side.
Yep, we have our history – spotted with our own psychos!. Too many to mention here.
BTW do our NSW school students follow the history of our early days and the Rev Samuel Marsden as a magistrate in Parramatta for example.
Have they ever heard of the ‘cat o’ nine tails’.?
“Today I was looking at death in the eyes directly.
Not that all these weeks I have been safe and I wasn’t aware that any moment may be my last…
Today they bombed the house I was staying in. I was in one room, and if my mom didn’t have called me and made me go to the other room…I wouldn’t be alive anymore.” Fares Abdulebda. https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/2023/11/blog-post_1.html
Ok let me lump in Maria Zeee for some historic reality.
At beforeitsnews.com people powered news
Some Jews are waking up to who has been sacrificing them – not for their own interests. Gaza attack was a FALSE FLAG.
‘UN, Rothschilds,Antichrist & Israel: Maria Zeee & David Sorensen ……. What Christian’s need to know’.
All bloody obvious but wake up in the first 25 minutes…. Do you need more EB?
Canberra: you going to be suckered again and sacrifice our soldiers and budget?
Stay out of it.
Today I had to spend another day fixing up after some tenants which is taking twice as long as original optimistic projections and then my radiator blew up and when I got home the hot water tap blew up too so I am resonating with those Gazans who also have problems with explosions and water shortage and money issues.
London civil war
It’s amazing to see the English above, actually fighting the communo-fascist infiltrators even if it is a long way to the top. Nobody else is doing much about it, least of all Israeli citizens. The general awareness of corruption in government, NWO agendas etc is getting very high but still the infiltrators maintain their positions, as if they were honestly elected and honestly performing their duties. Klaus Swab tells us who his infiltrators are and there are clearly other infiltrators from elsewhere, the “party machine” the obvious first place to investigate.
A perfect selection
Everyone is an actor, the program for the expanded state of Zion has gone on since Disraeli’s Suez Canal, next we’ll hear the Ayatollahs are Globalist too. One can’t discount entirely the vested interests in these projects, but the military is used as if a football match, both sides coached and brought out at the appropriate time to clash against each other for the entertainment of their owners, and also for whomever is betting on the outcome.
Thus we have the Australian Institute of Sport:
“The 2022-23 Federal Budget includes more than $117 million to Sport Australia and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) to extend the Sporting Schools program, fund projects to promote and create leadership opportunities for women and girls and expand community participation programs …”
The public is deliberately indoctrinated from a young age into red team – blue team thinking, to pick a side and throw themselves into the mass conflict.
It’s reinforced every weekend and at every other opportunity, with “sporting heroes”, absolute conformity, financial rewards, BigSport is right in there.
Here’s one from Botski, anyone remember Botski:
The Rotschilds as front-men agents of the Globalists, most of whom would rather be not so well known.
As was said elsewhere, many US senators and congresspersons have dual Israel citizenship, at least so they can escape justice systems anywhere in the world by checking into Israel. One can easily imagine the future plans for Greater Zion, with beachside resorts, historical stuff everywhere, a crossroads of continents bla bla etc. A nice place to be in the event of Global Cooling. All this 500-year plan is way bigger than Bibi, who is undoubtedly just another well rewarded actor.
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
There is a difference between pretending to be of the tribe of Judah which the term “Jew” infers and being a Judean. In the Edomite Herods time Judea was in 3 parts – Judea, Samaria and Galilee. Jesus of Nazareth was a Galilean.
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
The Canaanite/Edomite Jews of today, if not in the flesh but in spirit are anti-Shemites and as Christ is a descendant of Shem in the flesh then then they are also anti-Christs.
Problem being that Jesus Himself warned that redemption won’t be based on worldly categorisations or appearances, quote:
“At that time two men will be in the field; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left.”
MATTHEW 24:40 – 41
Not to overlook the import of context:
“ ‘Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its young shoots become tender and it puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near;
so you, too, when you see all these things [taking place], know for certain that He is near, right at the door.
I assure you and most solemnly say to you, this generation [the people living when these signs and events begin] will not pass away until all these things take place.
Heaven and earth [as now known] will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
“But of that [exact] day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son [in His humanity], but the Father alone.
For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah.
For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah entered the ark,
and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be [unexpected judgment].
At that time two men will be in the field; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left.’ “
MATTHEW 24: 32 – 41
The big question is: why are wars fought in theatres. With all the words the English language has at its disposal our media chooses the word ‘theatre’ as a place where wars are staged.
Then to add to that we have the saying, ‘battlefield of the mind’ which is often used in a religious context, for god’s sake. Or for, shh, propaganda purposes.
It is very confusing. How can we get our minds around anything when our language, being flexible in definition as it is, also uses the same words in a variety of different contexts.
Maybe Siggy Freud’s nephew Eddy Bernays can help us with this conundrum. He did write a few books which should be included in the school cirriculum but aren’t, for some reason.
Don’t worry, mass consciousness became enslaved by Freudism/Darwinism the day that education was kidnapped by the State.
Said phantasm deserves an in-depth study of it’s own
As does media/sports lingo re warfare and weaponry
In April ‘07 I confronted the editor of a small town Murdoch-owned rag re the relationship between the latter and it’s anti -civilian gun-ownership rhetoric as follows
“Pop culture cheers kickers, batters, hitters and swingers “battling”, “warring”, “fighting”, “gunning”, ‘hunting” and “shooting”. The truth is that most sport is a catharsis for violence. But when it comes to the most consciously owned, disciplined, and least accident prone passion, shame is the name of the game.
So who calls the shots re popular culture? Media, media, media and media.”
Actually the prompt was via my (then) 17 year-old son; I’d never before paid due attention to the essence/implications of footy commentary
As I recall the coverage of the Gulf war was a milestone; that’s when the “Days-Of-Our-Lives”-style reportage really kicked in
Which beggars the question as to the footage ?
of the civilian shelters built by Hamas ?
And the question as to the whereabouts of the Hamas parallel to this:
Could it possibly be that such sobriety would be anathema to the reigning victimology ?
What I‘ve yet to see acknowledged by anyone on these pages is that victim ideology is THE political tool of the Age.
If an individual or group can be convinced that they’re hard done by they become infinitely malleable. You don’t have to look very far to see that the “therapy” industry that took off within Western civilisation in the 60s has done the very reverse of it’s purported intention
We do not have to acknowledge, most know it…… you should be aware of a classic historical example.
Search former Israeli government Minister Shulamit Aloni confesses that “it’s a trick” for Israel to use false anti-Semitism…”
You really must learn not to keep leading with your chin. It is not serving your purpose.
How are you enjoying the Noah cruise?
What Iv’e yet to see acknowledged on these pages is the significance of certain anomalies associated with the “therapy” industry that took off within Western civilisation in the 60s such as:
Said money-hungry scam was unmistakably spearheaded by “humanistic” (hopelessly lost) Jews namely Wilhelm Reich and Arthur Janov:
The various coteries attached to the gurus who embraced it were also unmistakably dominated by Jews – hence the impressive achievements that took place on a certain Oregon property:
As Art Katz so accurately pointed out, the one and only outstanding shortcoming of said clan has been, quote, “their failure to desire to be chosen, and to be for God what He has always intended.”
If people do not bother to watch and listen carefully to the latest situation update by Mary at
beforeit’snews.com – people powered news, consider, learn and prepare then ultimately you will ……. ..?
Well, matter for you! No one else can help you.
For the thinkers listen to the interview by Greg Hunter with Martin Armstrong a USA Watchdog linked at beforeitsnews.com:
“G H and M A : terrorists blowing up stuff gives excuse for martial law”
Joe B you should love it.
Poor normies … “ papers please!”
Well, we have to suffer in the future what sucked in idiots now tolerate and ignore. ( like 911)
Idiots and dumb fools ……. Of course Canberra and the msm must be in on it…. Well those in the know, the other dumbos are chasing the climate…. sucked in fools.
The money talks and the criminals take all.
For those who dismiss Armstrong and his Socrates computer program as ridiculous.
May I advise that at least ten years ago I was told (by a ‘informed’, not G5) that the CIA, whoever, had a program that traced all, ALL, financial dealings ….. presumably being one’s that formed a pattern and predicted a must event.
Need I explain to poor Elspeth?
If Noah knew a flood was coming, then , these days the financial weather forecast foretells the next big event.
Anyone awake yet?
Right, not many; the teals, greenies and token party hacks are probably merely doing what they are employed to do…… just fill benches follow their orders for distracting the faithful normies with Bulltits so their boss’s rake in the profits from human misery and imprison the populace,
There should be a compulsory IQ and psychological test conducted on anyone thinking of being a servant of the people……as distinct from just a self promoting lackey distracted politician lounging in the Qantas wanker’s lounge.
More stuff about Jordan
“At that time (judgment day) two men will be in the field; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken [for judgment] and one will be left.’ “
MATTHEW 24: 32 – 41
In other words “bloodlines” are of no consequence to salvation
[…] https://gumshoenews.com/shooting-fish-in-a-barrel/ […]