The Australian President
The Australian Cabinet (The Bilderberg Group)
The Australian Parliament (Location changes annually)
The Australian Postal And Disbursement Centre
The Australian Messenger – a.k.a The Postman
The deceit on the public of Australia is that we are a democracy.
The “Postman” had better hope for the passing of at least some of his Budget measures real soon…………..he’ll need that and more, to help pay for our ‘reckless’ Iraq commitments!!
Dalia, regarding the line under the photo of the postman, you say “The deceit ON the public. I would say “The deceit BY the public of Australia is that we are a democracy.” I hark back to Ned’s comment re Santa Claus, in the previous article. People can choose Santa over reality, but then they are responsible for consequences, no?
Or would you argue diminshed responsibilty, thanks to brainwashing?
Wait! I take it all back. I take everything back. Brissie has got the situation under control: See this flashmob of Ravels’ Bolero:
Good news, Dalia! We are freer than we realized! I found this on the website of Scientology. They ask and answer the qq:
“No. In fact, what we do is exactly the opposite. Scientology frees people and enables them to think for themselves.
Millions of Church members from all walks of life have attested to the positive benefits received from Scientology. A common theme through personal success stories is that Scientologists feel more in control of their lives than ever.”
“Factually, Mr. Hubbard was one of the first to discover and expose actual mind control and brainwashing experimentation as conducted by United States military…
Years after Mr. Hubbard wrote about these government-sponsored psychiatric mind-control experiments, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act detailed the extent to which these techniques had been used. Over the years, the Church of Scientology has exposed numerous instances of brainwashing or mind-control practices, such as those involved in so-called “deprogramming.” Such practices are diametrically opposed to Scientology, which is intended to free Man and restore his ability to control his own life.”
Well, there you go. Isn’t that great?
Yep you have to believe them…… Scientology caught in its own mind control trap. I used to drive past head office in Los Angeles all the time. Spooky place.