At Wm Barr’s Senate Confirmation in 1991 as AG for Pres George Bush, L to R: Sen Strom Thurmond, Sen Joe Biden, Wm Barr, Sen Patrick Leahy, Photo: lyndonlarouche.pub[/caption]
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
What is America? Is it a country? Is it a bank? Is it a ranch? Is it the haven of civil rights? Is it Arlington National Cemetery? Is it a boardroom? Is it the movies? After living overseas for about 38 years, I have spent the last two years back home in the US, looking around to see what’s what.
I am a book person. An amazing book that recently passed through my hands is Compromised, by Terry Reed and John Cummings (1994). It’s about the Iran/Contra ‘scandal’ of the 1980s. Boring? Did I hear you say “boring”? Nope.
At Melbourne’s GumshoeNews.com, where I am composing this series of “Desperados” articles, there is constant attention to the media’s role in covering up the truth. Hence, this article – Part 4 — is not just about Terry Reed’s important book but is about the ease with which the Washington Post managed to slip it down the Memory Hole.
During Ronald Reagan’s presidency (1981-1989), there was the Iran/Contra affair. It ended up with some US officials being indicted – but at Christmas 1992, when the senior President Bush was about to leave office, he pardoned all of them, including the Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger. Here is my crude take on “Iran/Contra”:
In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini held a Revolution in Iran that ousted the shah. Most likely the Ayatollah was obeying orders from the US and UK, to fix the shah’s wagon for not obeying. (See Robert Dreyfuss’ Hostage to Khomeini). Fifty-two American diplomatic staffers in Teheran, presumably CIA men, were ostensibly captured by the Ayatollah’s Revolutionary Guards.
In the 1980s, after those 52 hostages were released, the US secretly sent weapons to Iran. I suspect this was to promote the continuation of the war between Iraq and Iran – we outrageously supported both sides with weapons. I recall the newspapers of the day criticizing Reagan’s use of “arms for hostages.” I lack sufficient knowledge to analyze that angle.
However, it was also reported that a group of people in the White House basement, including General Al Haig and Col Oliver North, were performing some sort of exchange – get money from Iran and pass it to the Contras in Nicaragua to help them fight the new, left-wing government of Daniel Ortega. Hence the cute handle “Iran/Contra.”
In 1984, Congress, feeling its balance-of-power Cheerios for the first time since the 1950s, passed a law (“the Boland amendment”) to forbid participation in the affairs of Nicaragua. The White House Basement crowd got around that law by secretly training and arming some of the Contras.
Enter Terry Reed, a US military veteran who trained some Contras to be pilots. Reed says, in his book Compromised (1994) that there was a major operation going on, to run guns into Mexico and Central America. And to run cocaine into… wait for it … Los Angeles.
“Opium” by Any Other Name
Anyone who understands how Britain used opium to keep China weak, can see how the US used “opium” to keep the US weak. Please read that sentence again.
Actually, this incredible scandal had already come out in Gary Webb’s book Dark Alliance. I recall watching a congressional hearing about it, in which Rep Maxine Waters, of all people, took the part of her city, Los Angeles, and its crack-afflicted people.
Gary Webb sat there with her at that hearing, but they were thwarted by the head of the relevant committee, Rep Porter Goss, himself a high-level CIA man. I will pass over the fact that the cocaine from South of the Rio Grande was transported to the Gringos’cities on the motorbikes of the Cripps and the Bloods.
Now don’t touch that dial, if this is all too detailed for you. I have not yet dropped my bomb. Here is my bomb: The operation to send guns to Mexico and to drug the folks of California was an effort involving Ollie North, bossed by the brilliant coordinator Robert Johnson. Terry Reed worked for them. He knew that “Robert Johnson” was a code name, but he never heard the guy’s real name.
Later, he learned that Robert Johnson is – Bombs away! – William P Barr.
Yes, the guy who, in 1991, got confirmed as Bush’s Attorney General, and again in 2017 as Trump’s Attorney General. The utterly traitorous Bill Barr.
You Can Thank the Media for Your Ignorance
In Part 3 of this series on the Desperados, I showed how the Washington Post, in 2015, helped bury the fact that Jeff Bradstreet was killed for helping to find an autism cure. They did it by implying that Bradstreet was a fugitive from justice – which he certainly wasn’t.
My article today, “Desperados, Part 4” is not so much about the drugs, but about the media. Terry Reed, and co-author John Cummings risked their lives to produce their exposé back in 1994. They gave us the amazing goods.
So how did the public not twig? When the media moguls hear that there is an underground distribution of a book, they may studiously ignore it — or they may seize the chance to mis-educate us about its content. The Washington Post chose the latter approach: mis-educate.
As soon as I recovered from the shock of learning about the real Bill Barr (from Reed’s book), I typed into Google: “Terry Reed, Wm Barr,” wondering if some dissident, somewhere, in a lonely blog, had sprung the story. Wow, I found that WaPo had sprung it!
It’s in a 1994 article by Harold Schneider, entitled “Clandestination Arkansas.” That being a not very appealing title, most people would skip over it. I hope you agree that a better headline, preferably on the Front Page, would be “Holy God, Shock City, the Attorney General Ran the Contra Drug Importation to America!”
The WaPo article by Harold Schneider bends over backwards to downplay the facts. This can be called “media burial.” I’ll now quote it for you, trimming it down to half its published length. I will underline any of the content that I construe to be deliberate distraction. And I will italicize anything that’s identifiable as Your Basic Chicanery.
You might pity the writer — he was tasked with announcing that drugs came in through an airport associated with the then-sitting president Bill Clinton, namely Mena. And that the previous AG was ‘Robert Johnson.’ But don’t worry, in WaPo’s capable hands no harm ever came to Bill Clinton or Bill Barr – and today, 27 years later, they walk free.
by Howard Schneider July 21, 1994
Mention the CIA around Mena, Ark., and the response is likely to be an exasperated sigh and a pep talk about the local economy.
It’s not that the 5,475 residents of this mountain village have anything against spying per se. But after a decade of being placed at the center of a purported CIA-backed gun, drug and money-laundering conspiracy, they’d like to forget the 1980s and get back to the important things. Like last month’s Lum ‘n’ Abner festival honoring two hometown radio stars.
Conspiracies, says Mayor Jerry Montgomery, are bad for business, and the residents of Mena are weary of hearing their home talked about like the root of all evil. They’ve seen their town featured on Pat Robertson’s “700 Club.” And now at the center of a new book. If all the stories are true, it’s as if the town were founded by the CIA, funded by BCCI and maintained for the amusement of investigators and journalists.
“It’s absurd,” Montgomery said of the publicity Mena has received over the last 10 years as an alleged center of covert operations. “It’s all going on strictly because of politics… I don’t know whether it’s Democrats versus Republicans or Republicans versus Democrats. … It is utterly absurd.”
Most recently, alleged dark deeds at Mena have helped foster the cult of conspiracy that has taken root among some of Clinton’s more virulent opponents. From ugly speculation about the “real story” behind White House aide Vincent Foster’s death … the result has been a steady undercurrent of gossip in talk show, televangelist and other circles about supposed Faustian deals Clinton cut on his way to the top.
Is the president a murderer? … Were his campaigns enriched by money funneled through some secret BCCI pipeline to Arkansas? … The goings-on at the Mena airport figure at least peripherally into the equation.
[It’s] a potent blend of fact and hypothesis, with enough of one to keep some people credulous, and enough of the other to render the big picture mostly unverifiable. Key people die. Others disappear. What is left in the end are fragments that mean everything to the believers and little to anyone else.
… According to investigative records compiled by the Arkansas State Police and other agencies, the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport served as a second home for Barry Seal, a drug-smuggler-turned-undercover-agent. …The effort left several of those involved frustrated and convinced that someone higher in the government was running interference.
Seal helped the DEA penetrate the Colombian cocaine network and testified in high-level cases in Nevada and Miami — until he was assassinated in 1986, a crime for which three Colombian nationals were convicted. [at Poppy’s orders.]
End of story? Not according to Terry Reed. In “Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA,” Reed writes that he was an intimate of Seal’s, and says they were both at the center of an extensive, Arkansas-based CIA effort to train pilots for the Nicaraguan contra forces, manufacture and ship thousands of illegal weapons and parts to the contras, and help launder money.
It’s a tale in which duffel bags of cash are dumped into the Arkansas night and funneled into the local bond market, businessmen conspire to make thousands of M-16 automatic-weapons parts, and Oliver North and other Washington officials lurk in the background.
Then-Gov. Bill Clinton even has a cameo role or two, as do many of the people in his circle, including the Rose firm and former associate attorney general Webster Hubbell. In one memorable scene in the book, the future president pops into a meeting in an abandoned Army ammunition bunker to complain to North and future U.S. attorney general William P. Barr that he had taken great risks to accommodate the CIA’s covert trade and didn’t want it to end.
From Barr and North to Reed’s social and business contacts in Little Rock, the people mentioned in the book have labeled it a work primarily of Reed’s fancy.
“It’s Oliver North meets Oliver Stone,” said White House spokesman John Podesta [!!]. “It’s 8:30 on a Friday night and I’m sitting in the White House and you’re asking me if he [Clinton] was in a bunker with Oliver North. It’s a bad joke.”
Calling the various stated conspiracies “a cumulative distraction,” Podesta added, “You can only state over and over again the outrage that it is.” [I’ll say!]
Several others mentioned in the book have contacted lawyers about possible libel suits. [that old chestnut!]
Reed, a pilot, says the truth will come out in court.
According to others around Arkansas, it is possible Reed may have been up to something during his days in Little Rock. The owner of one Arkansas machine tool company, for example, remembers Reed asking questions about how to manufacture an M-16 part. But at this point it is hardly clear what he was actually doing.
The book “is totally false, and crackpot,” said Barr, who was described in it as using the code name “Robert Johnson” to conduct CIA business while in private practice. “I never have been in Arkansas. I have never met Clinton. I have never even met [former CIA director William] Casey, much less had a relationship” to represent him in meetings, as the book describes.
“The only thing that’s wrong is it should be labeled fiction,” said Lasater, a once-prominent bond broker who [has] pleaded guilty to conspiracy to possess cocaine for distribution.
“The guy [Reed] has got a real problem with the truth,” said Wally Hall, sports editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, and a social acquaintance of Reed’s. According to the book, he and his wife were dining with Hall and his wife at a Mexican restaurant in Little Rock one night when a Clinton aide summoned Reed to a van outside. There, according to the book, Clinton sat in a swivel chair smoking a marijuana cigarette and discussing CIA business. Hall said he never dined with Reed at that restaurant, or anywhere else where Clinton was present.
The 550-pager hit the bestseller list briefly in California, and has been one of the biggest hits, with 50,000 copies in print, for publisher SPI Inc. Reed says he has done more than 100 hours of local radio interviews and is negotiating for a book tour of the Wal-Mart chain.
One of the reasons for the interest, perhaps, is that the book combines enough verifiable facts with Reed’s theorizing to keep the story rolling. Reed did work for several years in Little Rock, part of the time in a business with Hubbell’s father-in-law. Some of the key relationships described in the book did exist in some form, though the individuals involved say the book’s interpretation of them is wildly inaccurate.
Barr, for example, once worked for the CIA as a lobbyist, but says he did no work for the agency after a stint on Capitol Hill in the 1970s.
The Iver Johnson arms company near Little Rock, which the book portrays as being at the center of the gun-manufacturing effort, did ship a load of weapons to Nicaragua through a Mexican distributor… . But the rifles were M-1s, not M-16s, and that the incident led the company to at least temporarily lose its export privileges….
Reed “is a perfect example of someone who is a legend in their own mind,” said the younger Ward, attributing the stir over Reed’s book to “Clinton hype.”
Finally, there is the enduring mystery of Seal, which lies at the core of the tale and makes almost anything seem possible. Seal was a garrulous smuggler who, facing a prison sentence in Florida in the mid-1980s, instead went undercover for the DEA, according to Robert Joura, the assistant special agent in charge of the agency’s Houston office and the agent who coordinated Seal’s undercover work.
In yet another conspiracy-stoking morsel, the C-123 used by Seal was the same one later piloted by Eugene Hasenfus when he was shot down over Nicaragua… Hasenfus, in a phone interview from his home in Wisconsin, said his use of Seal’s old plane was sheer coincidence.
Seal was also, first and foremost, an entrepreneur. His wife, Deborah, said she was not privy to all of his activities, but assumed they ran the gamut. She believes she overheard him once discussing a shipment of guns to South America on the telephone, but also saw “shopping lists” around the house for such items as bluejeans and rubber rafts.
Former IRS investigator William Duncan, for example, says he documented about $250,000 that was laundered through local banks in Mena by associates of Seal’s, cash Seal apparently used to pay for modifications to his planes.
“I can assure you there was a coverup. … Everything I did tells me there was,” said Duncan.
But was it the CIA’s money, as Reed’s book contends? Barry Seal’s? Or someone else’s? The money was either spent, Joura and others speculate, on Seal’s endless array of vehicles, boats and electronic gadgets or hidden somewhere only he knew about. Seal always acted as if money was no concern to him, Joura said. He handled his own substantial plane repair bills while working for the DEA, Joura said, and spoke of the apparent theft of $1 million in Krugerrands as if it was unfortunate but not devastating.
Meanwhile, Mena Mayor Jerry Montgomery said he suspects the town’s reputation is a drag on its economy. Otherwise why, after seven years of begging, is the federal government still unwilling to help Mena expand its notorious airstrip?
“People here are very peaceful and quiet,” said Montgomery. “We feel we have a very clean environment.”
Of course, shortly thereafter, McLarty was demoted.
— end of Schneider’s 1994 article in the Washington Post (bolding, italics and underlining added).
Money Trail
Personally, for me (Mary Maxwell), Reed’s “new” revelation is very helpful. Just listen to this one quote from Compromised. It’s on page 286 where John Cathey (Oliver North) and Robert Johnson (Bill Barr) are discussing drug man Barry Seal (who was strictly government). “Where does this trail lead?” Johnson asked. Cathey replied “Oh, right to Meese’s personal bank account.”

Also see Al Martin’s book, The Conspirators, for more on the drug importation. Martin is still alive but is constantly harassed for having blown the whistle. He claims to know of the deaths of 400 people that got in the way of the US government.
Or, should I say, the US “government.”
Sorry, the underlining seems to have disappeared. Well, never mind. You get he idea that much of the text is distraction.
Mary, I guess that answers your original question; What is America? Gangstaland.
I have recommended;
911 commission revised December 2008 by E P Heiden together with the two collateral reports ‘collateral’ and ‘collateral 1’ at scrb, here at gs so many times, I wonder if anyone gives a dung beetle’s abode about anything.
I read all in 2009 and recall uncle Ollie being a 911 operative.
Trump tested Barr and located another piranha in the swamp. So bye to the Barr.
Correction: Heidner.
No comment from the wheelbarrow boys!
Cannot cut and post without some time to work on all this I suppose?
“Britain used opium to keep China weak: the US uses opium to keep the US weak”
Good summation of the World-wide shift there’s been in consolidating and maintaining power.
This affidavit is quoted on page 172 of my book Prosecution for Treason:
I, Dois Gene Tatum, declare: I was a helicopter pilot for the United States Army … I witnessed activities [including] rampant drug smuggling into the US involving people in control of the CIA, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the armed forces of the US. I have documented some of these activities on military flight plans…
I was present while there were discussions as to where drug money was being siphoned on the Panama to Arkansas run. Present at this meeting were Manuel Noriega; William Barr [Ding!]; Joe Fernandez; Mike Harari; General Gustavo Alvarez. Participating in this meeting via satellite telephone was VP George Bush [Ding!], Oliver North, and William Jefferson Clinton [Ding!], then governor of Arkansas.
After I refused to perform a mission that I felt was beyond my willingness to execute, I notified my handlers that I wanted out of the operation, which at that time was known as Operation Pegasus. Their response was to warn me that no one leaves the operation.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the above facts are true…
~ quoted in Rodney Stich, Defrauding America (1998) p. 459
Note: Although signed and sworn, this affidavit has so far not found a ‘home.’
In Aus that’s called a Statutory Declaration
The ‘Chip’ Tatum information was one of my first sources of ‘conspiracy theory’. The information has been around for years, I find it hard that Trump wouldn’t have had a clue about the background of Barr. – drain the swamp, what a joke.
Here ya go, Terry:
“I find it hard that Trump wouldn’t have had a clue about the background of Barr. – drain the swamp, what a joke.”
Not that I’m a Trump fan club member but I’d go to the Tares & Wheat parable.
I mean, when you find rhizomatous weeds have snuck in under an unripe vegie crop do you pull the whole lot and wind up with nothing to eat.
Or do you wait until the time is right
There’s not much we can change in demoncracies, here and overseas. The pigs always manage to rise above the chaos. Deception the game entrenched in this crown zionist colony now handed to the ultimate swines the communists. Our current movie stars, Scott Josh and Dutton, betraying Aussies from all creeds and colours. All the bases are loaded, Annastacia’s old man about to make a killing. As we watch the show unfold for the final solution, the CCP taking their time with planes landing every 10 minutes. When the tipping point arrives, ours will be at their mercy or not.
We know who the traitors are, they gloat and boast on the screens all day everyday, compromised corrupted and protected. Meanwhile, the innocent victims are never mentioned. So it continues in this slavemason slavetrade state, freedom we never had.
Have faith 56, the vaccine will be like bleach to the gene pool.
Deepfake Queen: The Making of our 2020 Christmas Message
The elders referred to it as shape shifting.
“The ability to physically transform through an inherently superhuman ability, divine intervention, demonic manipulation, sorcery, spells or having inherited the ability.”
“this crown zionist colony now handed to the ultimate swines the communists”
Better not loose sight of the fact that
“The seals are released by Jesus” (10:42):
What little I see, it is the usual suspects that are enforcing lockdowns and crown vaxxx virus. Refuse the jabs, if you can.
Indeed it is a must, especially from minute 50 to the end.
If anyone thinks remote viewing cannot be done you know sfa.
I have done it and I reported my experience to Dee years ago…….. on one occasion I was able to see EXACTLY where my wallet was and there it was, lodged.
Now one may appreciate my curiosity with the q posts from October 2017…….. he is too good and there is more to q and the q team then less experienced may appreciate.
For those interested for the latest x22 report/s just go to
The world has to be awakened to the globalist control freaks and how T and co is stuffing them up, simply by letting the control freaks dig their own graves……. by awakening the people to what is planned.
The control freaks will fail if you pull your fingers out from your……. EARS! And bin the masks.
As for vaccinations, go for it, you will not be missed.
Trump on Syrian oil – segment from 6:54 to 8:39
• Viral Xinjiang Video & American Alternate Reality Journalism
Wake up Ned. T and co are stuffing nobody up and coming to no ones’ aid, and those graves that the control freaks are digging are for us. You are pushing a broken wheelbarrow. I hope you will be ready to publish a [sic] apology.
I am always ready to retract fully if required, no ego, no issue but here you are an absolute numnut, Trump is not talking about “Syria”, he is talking about “Islamic State” !!! You have totally lost the context. Hillary and Obama extended to Aleppo and Damascus later. The Turks meanwhile were “laundering” the oil. This is the oil Trump is talking about. Remember he said “I liked Saddam because he was good at killing terrorists”. Trump is quite blunt, not PC, I applaud his style.
You are so lost, I’m sorry to say. I wish you the best for making your case, the Zionists etc, etc etc, etc etc etc, I honestly do but you fail on your own scarcity of merit. Cartoons and out of context stuff doesn’t cut it. Please, try harder and good luck, best wishes.
BBC’s report “Uyghur labor” Exposed | How msm brainwashes | China poverty alleviation called “evil”
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” – George Orwell
Here is another example demonstrating the obscenity of the BBC (like the ABC) atrocity propaganda apparatus.
“Fabrication in BBC Panorama Saving Syria’s Children” presentation by Robert Stuart
Mary will appreciate the comment at 10:54 when the ‘Charity Commission” was confronted with pictures showing a supposed charity worker photographed on multiple occasions with a variety of weaponry.
Their response: “the issues raised within your emails do not raise sufficient regulatory concern”.
Readers might recall those far less threatening pictures of David Hicks.
How many times do you hear the phrase
• We have plenty of evidence of […] but you have no proof that it is NOT true.
Usually the evidence is confidential or suppressed, non-existent or redacted for reasons of ‘security’ and in all cases you are now required to prove a negative.
For example
• There is plenty of evidence that COVID exists but you have no proof that it doesn’t.
• There is plenty of evidence that 911 was committed by 19 Arabs but you have no proof that this is not the case.
• There is plenty of evidence that the holocaust occurred the way we say it did [multiple versions] but you have no proof that it didn’t …
In other words, there is no such thing as “rule of law” – there is only “rule of narrative”.
“I will kill my son”: Radicalized extremist in Xinjiang
As the official investigation discovered, a large number of perpetrators behind Xinjiang’s terrorist attacks were heavily influenced by radical thoughts of extremism. Abdul Tursuntohti is one of them. Hoping to reach Paradise, he said he’s willing to kill his son if Allah orders him to do so. When asked what it’d be like in Paradise, he said he’d have 72 wives waiting for him over there. He’s serving nine years for inciting terrorism and other crimes.
The War in the Shadows: Challenges of Fighting Terrorism in Xinjiang
Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS, America does
An excellent summary from Putin, and showing how vigorously Hillary and Obama pursued wars in the region. Don’t forget that Putin needs to keep Turkey in the pincers. When they got too close to Damascus, Russia sent a battleship down from St Petersburg. Why not from the Black Sea ??? The battleship went past Holland and through the English channel, making sure everyone could see it and our lying MSM could not ignore it. They parked it off the coast near Damascus. Putin had drawn a line and said NO. Hillary and Obama backed off. When Trump came in he sent a few past use-by missiles onto a nearly empty airfield to show he would do whatever he liked. He then went and dropped the “MOAB” on Afghanistan to underline the principle. That was the end of it for Trump, after that he was about shutting down the conflicts. But at all times, including “Operation Warp Speed”, things are done with an eye to politics. IN politics you have to form strange temporary alliances and take a step back to go forward. That’s how it is.
Berry, the wheat and tares is a good analogy.
When you watch Barr take the oath with a straight face, what do you think?
Maybe he is being sincere. Maybe he has had a lifetime of acquaintance with evil. Maybe he has had no love. Did Jeffrey Epstein ever have love? They both seem to be slaves
Nobody can ever really know the heart and mind of anyone else – we’re not even fit to judge those we’re close to let alone complete strangers.
Moreover, doing so actually binds those concerned to the offending condition in question thereby making us party to the crime
Evil can only be thwarted by changing relationship dynamics; everyone has the power to do that
The Tares & Wheat parable obviously goes to the fact that certain weeds are bound to take root in the same patch of dirt as a life-sustaining crop and they can’t be uprooted without destroying it. I guess Jesus had never heard of Round-up Ready
If the weeds look the same then it is only by their fruits that you shall know them.
Oh brother. Many people died at Maguful’s funeral
Now that you mention Epstein… well well well.
“As more and more news outlets reported on Epstein’s suicide, there were numerous questions as to how this could’ve happened in the first place. The 66-year-old was already under suicide watch following a previous attempt to take his own life last month, so after discovering on Saturday that Epstein had somehow been removed from suicide watch, U.S. Attorney General William Barr decided to launch an investigation into the alleged suicide.
“Barr put out the following official statement on Saturday, “I was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody. Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein’s death.”
“In 2009, Barr joined the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, the same law firm that represented Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 which ended in a no-prosecution.”
“Donald Barr, father of William Barr, Attorney General, was headmaster at Dalton’s, an elite high school for teenage girls. In the 70’s, he hired now accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein as a math teacher. Epstein had no college degree. “The joke has been [that] this is the Epstein-Barr problem at Dalton, said Harry Segal, a 1974 graduate who is now a senior lecturer at Cornell University and Weill Cornell Medical College, in an interview with the Huffington Post. ”
Epstein-Barr is a type of herpes virus best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis.”
To Schulze, I hope you’re wrong about draining the swamp.
Barr comes across as a complete deadshit, the logic of appointing him could be taken as giving an appearance of “normality”, while at the same time using Barr to lead the authorities to vast numbers of other contacts. Trump got away with so much more than Kennedy, he was front and centre with “Drain the Swamp” and “Lock her up” from the start, you only have to check out “Clinton Body Count” anywhere on the web to guess how risky this would be. At all times Trump has been upbeat and totally relaxed and never had his head blown off even at all those rallies. The wife is always relaxed and happy, just compare with Jackie Kennedy who was so terrified she ran away to a fortified Greek Island and never came back. Consider the day after the election Trump appointed a new army boss and fences went up around the white house, which are still there. We have video of all sorts of weirdness from Biden, crying about never returning to Delaware (tax haven), his freakish son hiding in plain sight, not being saluted by the marines, wearing the ankle bracelet, mumbling incoherently, finally the stress getting to him and falling over 3 times, normally once is the death knell for these careers so the clock is ticking. I don’t think Trump would have bothered with the whole exercise if he was just going to give up. He wants a legacy. I don’t doubt the sincerity of Sidney Powell and General Flynn. The stories of HW & McCain and Gitmo expansions are more than interesting. Given that operations of state such as this are always screened by a huge fog, I would not be expecting too much more than what we have already seen. Just look what the MSM has been delivering in the meantime. One year of Russiagate, one year of Brexit, one year of impeachment, one year of virus lockdowns, now one year of quaxxinations, I think I can wait another year !!! Probably Julian Assange can too.
Dr Heiko Schoning “Dark Winter”
On board with all the agenda 21 stuff
https://www.bitc hute.com/video/HtRPVpEkXNaK/
“All socialists advocated the destruction of the existing institutions of society, especially capitalism, the family and religion, all of which form a barrier between the individual and the controlling dictates of the state. Only then can society be ‘reset’ to create a socialist utopia.
Socialism is the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilisation have created. It doesn’t build;
it destroys. For destructionism is the essence of it… each step leading towards socialism must exhaust itself in the destruction of what already exists.”
Ludwig von Mises
Here is a real treat:
• Pepe Escobar joins Jeff J. Brown for a great conversation about US, EU, China, Russia, Iran and DPRK
Though I strongly disagree with their China is Marxist bullshit.
China newsbrief and sitrep
Socialism with Chinese characteristics
Why are so many Chinese companies owned by the Chinese government?
Because it is ‘the PEOPLE’s (renmin: people together) Republic of China’. The Chinese people own a great portion of the wealth.
The government manages those campanies professionally through State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration(SASAC) and quite a portion of the profits generated would be collected to the national treasury and very often invested in matters that serves the people’s interest, such as poverty-elimination efforts, infrastructure, and investments in remote areas such as Tibet.
Another main function of this setup is to keep capitalists in check.
Versus Jewish cabal parasites
So, who owns and controls the money system in the West and who takes all of the profits, leaving us with a few crumbs?
“…………This author has made the claim again and again that Soviet Marxism has nothing to do with labour, ethics, production or philosophy. It was merely a means to transfer the wealth of labour to the overwhelmingly Jewish members of the Communist Party. Since the party planned all economic production from Moscow, it implies that the party therefore owned all productive capital. What resulted was the most exploitative economic system ever devised, and it was largely accomplished with investment capital from the west……………”
“Some call it Marxism (Communism), I call it Judaism.” – Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise – The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. (Judaism is nothing but disguised, camouflaged Communism, therefore, Zionism is nothing but Communism) !!
You are absolutely correct to make that observation Crisscross. I do leave as many comments as I can on his work to try and point a few things out – see below. (It’s a love-hate relationship.)
Marx was a Satanist at the very least [see second footnote] who saw the opportunity to promote and create perpetual chaos and conflict amongst classes, religions and races – anything that could be used to keep the masses divided while the control, especially of money, was maintained by his most elitist capitalist bourgeoisie/oligarchical clan headed by his relative through marriage, the Rothschild of the day [third footnote].
Jeff J Brown unfortunately is a text book ‘Marxist’/communist, just like any religious or denominational fanatic (especially of the Abrahamic group) who can only see things through rose coloured glasses, even while advocating killing those of other denominations and sects. Jeff Brown actually attributed the building of the Great Wall of China to the spirit of ‘communism’ FFS!
Unfortunately, even Xi Jinping often mentions ‘Marxist thought’ which still bothers me, as ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’ (state [people’s]-owned enterprises and infrastructure) is the very antithesis of Marxism and parasitic Judaism/Zionism.
Footnote: My comment on the above video for those who didn’t open it …
“What a treat to listen to you both, Jeff and Pepe. Shared widely.
Just one point of order, Jeff. It is not ‘White’ people who control the ‘western’ narrative through all major media outlets including Hollywood, who determine [particularly US] foreign policy, especially in the ongoing genocide throughout the Middle East and towards Russia and China, and it is not ‘White’ people bent on exterminating its very own existence via the [Coudenhove-]Kalergi Plan (see the recipients of the Charlemagne Prize]. Furthermore, the Jewish Sassoon dynasty, known as “Rothschilds of the East”, and central to the opium wars and the start of China’s century of humiliation, is anything but ‘White’.”
Footnote on Marx’s ‘spirituality’:
“Marx & Satan” by Richard Wurmbrand (audio reading playlist)
Footnote on Karl Marx’s ancestry and elite connections
• Karl Marx’s Elite Connections (Genealogical Study)
• Karl Marx’s Ancestry and Elite Connections: What is being hidden from us?
Great find – it can’t be made any clearer than in those five minutes.
Typical Yank bullcrap –
How Communist China Is Exploiting Perceived U.S. Weakness and Becoming More Aggressive—KT McFarland
Funniest part of Escobar / Brown interview for me was when they said everyone in Europe was taking bribes, for example the Greens all work for the US NGOs, (that would be Rockerfellas and all the other Foundations). They ramble on about military power like everyone does, ignoring the fact that there are so many bombs around now, probably about a dozen different states any one of which could wipe out a big part of the urban world and maybe start a nuclear winter, we already seem to have much cooler weather since the lockdowns started, without starting an ice-age. People can carry on about Marx and Jesus and all the other theoreticians but the main players only care about power and money and will do anything to get it and keep it. The theoreticians are raised aloft if there is some advantage in that and thrown under the bus when that suits, to get more money and power, or keep it.
All these digressions should not distract from the main story which says something like William Barr (Trump Attorney general sacked immediately post election when new key appointments were made) was a key man in the Iran / Contras drugs and arms scandal which the media years ago tried to make something of but the sheeple couldn’t understand it then and still can’t understand it now, possibly something to do with venerating the office of president, just as they venerate the medical profession which is screwing everyone these days. The point about Trump is that I recognise that he wants a legacy in the same way I understand about myself that I don’t want any legacy at all. If Trump doesn’t deliver then it’s all over, nobody else will. Forget it !!!
My guess (with really nothing to back it up) is that Barr was not sacked, rather jumped ship, did not want to be seen to be responsible for the forthcoming brouhaha’s (stolen election, Capitol siege, etc).
Off topic: Soon after Epstein died, both Barr and Giuliani gave deceptive, relaxed interviews on MSM as to how easy it was to commit suicide by hanging.
I can’t believe that I feel sorry for Barr, but I do. Imagine having to live like that!
For me, sacked / resigned is two halves of the same thing, so I call it sacked in this sort of context, it’s not like he was underpaid or made to clean the toilets, I guess I could rationalise it by saying “he sacked himself”
[…] William Barr refused to appoint a special prosecutor for the case. (Let us not forget that John Cummings, in his book Compromised, says that Barr was the head of all drug importing by the CIA, during Iran […]